- grammar.en.rdoc
- test.ja.rdoc
- contributing.rdoc
- contributors.rdoc
- dtrace_probes.rdoc
- extension.ja.rdoc
- extension.rdoc
- globals.rdoc
- keywords.rdoc
- maintainers.rdoc
- marshal.rdoc
- regexp.rdoc
- security.rdoc
- standard_library.rdoc
- syntax.rdoc
- assignment.rdoc
- calling_methods.rdoc
- control_expressions.rdoc
- exceptions.rdoc
- literals.rdoc
- methods.rdoc
- miscellaneous.rdoc
- modules_and_classes.rdoc
- precedence.rdoc
- refinements.rdoc
- README.ja.rdoc
- README.rdoc
Class Index
![show/hide quicksearch [+]](../../images/find.png)
- ArgumentError
- Array
- BasicObject
- Bignum
- Binding
- Class
- ClosedQueueError
- Comparable
- Complex
- Complex::compatible
- ConditionVariable
- Continuation
- Data
- Dir
- EOFError
- Encoding
- Encoding::CompatibilityError
- Encoding::Converter
- Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError
- Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError
- Encoding::UndefinedConversionError
- EncodingError
- Enumerable
- Enumerator
- Enumerator::Generator
- Enumerator::Lazy
- Enumerator::Yielder
- Errno
- Exception
- FalseClass
- Fiber
- FiberError
- File
- File::Constants
- File::Stat
- FileTest
- Fixnum
- Float
- FloatDomainError
- GC
- GC::Profiler
- Hash
- IO
- IO::EAGAINWaitReadable
- IO::EAGAINWaitWritable
- IO::WaitReadable
- IO::WaitWritable
- IOError
- IndexError
- Integer
- Interrupt
- Kernel
- KeyError
- LoadError
- LocalJumpError
- Marshal
- MatchData
- Math
- Math::DomainError
- Method
- Module
- NameError
- NilClass
- NoMemoryError
- NoMethodError
- NotImplementedError
- Numeric
- Object
- ObjectSpace
- ObjectSpace::WeakMap
- Proc
- Process
- Process::GID
- Process::Status
- Process::Sys
- Process::UID
- Process::Waiter
- Queue
- Random
- Random::Formatter
- Range
- RangeError
- Rational
- Rational::compatible
- Regexp
- RegexpError
- RubyVM
- RubyVM::Env
- RubyVM::InstructionSequence
- RuntimeError
- ScriptError
- SecurityError
- Signal
- SignalException
- SizedQueue
- StandardError
- StopIteration
- String
- Struct
- Symbol
- SyntaxError
- SystemCallError
- SystemExit
- SystemStackError
- Thread
- Thread::Backtrace::Location
- Thread::Mutex
- ThreadError
- ThreadGroup
- Time
- TracePoint
- TrueClass
- TypeError
- UnboundMethod
- UncaughtThrowError
- ZeroDivisionError
- fatal
- unknown
Precedence¶ ↑
From highest to lowest, this is the precedence table for ruby. High precedence operations happen before low precedence operations.
!, ~, unary + ** unary - *, /, % +, - <<, >> & |, ^ >, >=, <, <= <=>, ==, ===, !=, =~, !~ && || .., ... ?, : modifier-rescue =, +=, -=, etc. defined? not or, and modifier-if, modifier-unless, modifier-while, modifier-until { } blocks
Unary +
and unary -
are for +1
or -(a + b)
Modifier-if, modifier-unless, etc. are for the modifier versions of those keywords. For example, this is a modifier-unless expression:
a += 1 unless
{ ... }
blocks have priority below all listed operations, but
do ... end
blocks have lower priority.
All other words in the precedence table above are keywords.