Directory /src/google.golang.org
Name | Synopsis |
.. | |
api | |
acceleratedmobilepageurl | |
v1 | Package acceleratedmobilepageurl provides access to the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) URL API. |
adexchangebuyer | |
v1.2 | Package adexchangebuyer provides access to the Ad Exchange Buyer API. |
v1.3 | Package adexchangebuyer provides access to the Ad Exchange Buyer API. |
v1.4 | Package adexchangebuyer provides access to the Ad Exchange Buyer API. |
adexchangebuyer2 | |
v2beta1 | Package adexchangebuyer2 provides access to the Ad Exchange Buyer API II. |
adexchangeseller | |
v1 | Package adexchangeseller provides access to the Ad Exchange Seller API. |
v1.1 | Package adexchangeseller provides access to the Ad Exchange Seller API. |
v2.0 | Package adexchangeseller provides access to the Ad Exchange Seller API. |
adexperiencereport | |
v1 | Package adexperiencereport provides access to the Google Ad Experience Report API. |
admin | |
datatransfer | |
v1 | Package admin provides access to the Admin Data Transfer API. |
directory | |
v1 | Package admin provides access to the Admin Directory API. |
reports | |
v1 | Package admin provides access to the Admin Reports API. |
adsense | |
v1.3 | Package adsense provides access to the AdSense Management API. |
v1.4 | Package adsense provides access to the AdSense Management API. |
adsensehost | |
v4.1 | Package adsensehost provides access to the AdSense Host API. |
analytics | |
v2.4 | Package analytics provides access to the Google Analytics API. |
v3 | Package analytics provides access to the Google Analytics API. |
analyticsreporting | |
v4 | Package analyticsreporting provides access to the Google Analytics Reporting API. |
androidenterprise | |
v1 | Package androidenterprise provides access to the Google Play EMM API. |
androidpublisher | |
v1 | Package androidpublisher provides access to the Google Play Developer API. |
v1.1 | Package androidpublisher provides access to the Google Play Developer API. |
v2 | Package androidpublisher provides access to the Google Play Developer API. |
appengine | |
v1 | Package appengine provides access to the Google App Engine Admin API. |
v1alpha | Package appengine provides access to the Google App Engine Admin API. |
v1beta | Package appengine provides access to the Google App Engine Admin API. |
v1beta4 | Package appengine provides access to the Google App Engine Admin API. |
v1beta5 | Package appengine provides access to the Google App Engine Admin API. |
appsactivity | |
v1 | Package appsactivity provides access to the G Suite Activity API. |
appstate | |
v1 | Package appstate provides access to the Google App State API. |
bigquery | |
v2 | Package bigquery provides access to the BigQuery API. |
bigquerydatatransfer | |
v1 | Package bigquerydatatransfer provides access to the BigQuery Data Transfer Service API. |
blogger | |
v2 | Package blogger provides access to the Blogger API. |
v3 | Package blogger provides access to the Blogger API. |
books | |
v1 | Package books provides access to the Books API. |
calendar | |
v3 | Package calendar provides access to the Calendar API. |
civicinfo | |
v2 | Package civicinfo provides access to the Google Civic Information API. |
classroom | |
v1 | Package classroom provides access to the Google Classroom API. |
cloudbilling | |
v1 | Package cloudbilling provides access to the Google Cloud Billing API. |
cloudbuild | |
v1 | Package cloudbuild provides access to the Google Cloud Container Builder API. |
clouddebugger | |
v2 | Package clouddebugger provides access to the Stackdriver Debugger API. |
clouderrorreporting | |
v1beta1 | Package clouderrorreporting provides access to the Stackdriver Error Reporting API. |
cloudfunctions | |
v1 | Package cloudfunctions provides access to the Google Cloud Functions API. |
v1beta2 | Package cloudfunctions provides access to the Google Cloud Functions API. |
cloudkms | |
v1 | Package cloudkms provides access to the Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API. |
cloudmonitoring | |
v2beta2 | Package cloudmonitoring provides access to the Cloud Monitoring API. |
cloudresourcemanager | |
v1 | Package cloudresourcemanager provides access to the Google Cloud Resource Manager API. |
v1beta1 | Package cloudresourcemanager provides access to the Google Cloud Resource Manager API. |
cloudtrace | |
v1 | Package cloudtrace provides access to the Stackdriver Trace API. |
clouduseraccounts | |
v0.alpha | Package clouduseraccounts provides access to the Cloud User Accounts API. |
v0.beta | Package clouduseraccounts provides access to the Cloud User Accounts API. |
vm_alpha | Package clouduseraccounts provides access to the Cloud User Accounts API. |
vm_beta | Package clouduseraccounts provides access to the Cloud User Accounts API. |
compute | |
v0.alpha | Package compute provides access to the Compute Engine API. |
v0.beta | Package compute provides access to the Compute Engine API. |
v1 | Package compute provides access to the Compute Engine API. |
consumersurveys | |
v2 | Package consumersurveys provides access to the Consumer Surveys API. |
container | |
v1 | Package container provides access to the Google Container Engine API. |
content | |
v2 | Package content provides access to the Content API for Shopping. |
v2sandbox | Package content provides access to the Content API for Shopping. |
customsearch | |
v1 | Package customsearch provides access to the CustomSearch API. |
dataflow | |
v1b3 | Package dataflow provides access to the Google Dataflow API. |
dataproc | |
v1 | Package dataproc provides access to the Google Cloud Dataproc API. |
v1alpha1 | Package dataproc provides access to the Google Cloud Dataproc API. |
v1beta1 | Package dataproc provides access to the Google Cloud Dataproc API. |
datastore | |
v1 | Package datastore provides access to the Google Cloud Datastore API. |
v1beta3 | Package datastore provides access to the Google Cloud Datastore API. |
deploymentmanager | |
v0.alpha | Package deploymentmanager provides access to the Google Cloud Deployment Manager Alpha API. |
v2 | Package deploymentmanager provides access to the Google Cloud Deployment Manager API. |
v2beta | Package deploymentmanager provides access to the Google Cloud Deployment Manager API V2Beta Methods. |
dfareporting | |
v2.7 | Package dfareporting provides access to the DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API. |
v2.8 | Package dfareporting provides access to the DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API. |
discovery | |
v1 | Package discovery provides access to the APIs Discovery Service. |
dlp | |
v2beta1 | Package dlp provides access to the DLP API. |
dns | |
v1 | Package dns provides access to the Google Cloud DNS API. |
v2beta1 | Package dns provides access to the Google Cloud DNS API. |
doubleclickbidmanager | |
v1 | Package doubleclickbidmanager provides access to the DoubleClick Bid Manager API. |
doubleclicksearch | |
v2 | Package doubleclicksearch provides access to the DoubleClick Search API. |
drive | |
v2 | Package drive provides access to the Drive API. |
v3 | Package drive provides access to the Drive API. |
examples | |
firebasedynamiclinks | |
v1 | Package firebasedynamiclinks provides access to the Firebase Dynamic Links API. |
firebaserules | |
v1 | Package firebaserules provides access to the Firebase Rules API. |
fitness | |
v1 | Package fitness provides access to the Fitness. |
fusiontables | |
v1 | Package fusiontables provides access to the Fusion Tables API. |
v2 | Package fusiontables provides access to the Fusion Tables API. |
games | |
v1 | Package games provides access to the Google Play Game Services API. |
gamesconfiguration | |
v1configuration | Package gamesconfiguration provides access to the Google Play Game Services Publishing API. |
gamesmanagement | |
v1management | Package gamesmanagement provides access to the Google Play Game Services Management API. |
genomics | |
v1 | Package genomics provides access to the Genomics API. |
v1alpha2 | Package genomics provides access to the Genomics API. |
gensupport | Package gensupport is an internal implementation detail used by code generated by the google-api-go-generator tool. |
gmail | |
v1 | Package gmail provides access to the Gmail API. |
google-api-go-generator | |
googleapi | Package googleapi contains the common code shared by all Google API libraries. |
transport | Package transport contains HTTP transports used to make authenticated API requests. |
groupsmigration | |
v1 | Package groupsmigration provides access to the Groups Migration API. |
groupssettings | |
v1 | Package groupssettings provides access to the Groups Settings API. |
iam | |
v1 | Package iam provides access to the Google Identity and Access Management (IAM) API. |
identitytoolkit | |
v3 | Package identitytoolkit provides access to the Google Identity Toolkit API. |
iterator | Package iterator provides support for standard Google API iterators. |
testing | Package testing provides support functions for testing iterators conforming to the standard pattern. |
kgsearch | |
v1 | Package kgsearch provides access to the Knowledge Graph Search API. |
language | |
v1 | Package language provides access to the Google Cloud Natural Language API. |
v1beta1 | Package language provides access to the Google Cloud Natural Language API. |
v1beta2 | Package language provides access to the Google Cloud Natural Language API. |
licensing | |
v1 | Package licensing provides access to the Enterprise License Manager API. |
logging | |
v2 | Package logging provides access to the Stackdriver Logging API. |
v2beta1 | Package logging provides access to the Stackdriver Logging API. |
manufacturers | |
v1 | Package manufacturers provides access to the Manufacturer Center API. |
mirror | |
v1 | Package mirror provides access to the Google Mirror API. |
ml | |
v1 | Package ml provides access to the Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine. |
v1beta1 | Package ml provides access to the Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine. |
monitoring | |
v3 | Package monitoring provides access to the Stackdriver Monitoring API. |
oauth2 | |
v1 | Package oauth2 provides access to the Google OAuth2 API. |
v2 | Package oauth2 provides access to the Google OAuth2 API. |
option | Package option contains options for Google API clients. |
pagespeedonline | |
v1 | Package pagespeedonline provides access to the PageSpeed Insights API. |
v2 | Package pagespeedonline provides access to the PageSpeed Insights API. |
partners | |
v2 | Package partners provides access to the Google Partners API. |
people | |
v1 | Package people provides access to the Google People API. |
playmoviespartner | |
v1 | Package playmoviespartner provides access to the Google Play Movies Partner API. |
plus | |
v1 | Package plus provides access to the Google+ API. |
plusdomains | |
v1 | Package plusdomains provides access to the Google+ Domains API. |
prediction | |
v1.2 | Package prediction provides access to the Prediction API. |
v1.3 | Package prediction provides access to the Prediction API. |
v1.4 | Package prediction provides access to the Prediction API. |
v1.5 | Package prediction provides access to the Prediction API. |
v1.6 | Package prediction provides access to the Prediction API. |
proximitybeacon | |
v1beta1 | Package proximitybeacon provides access to the Google Proximity Beacon API. |
pubsub | |
v1 | Package pubsub provides access to the Google Cloud Pub/Sub API. |
v1beta1a | Package pubsub provides access to the Google Cloud Pub/Sub API. |
v1beta2 | Package pubsub provides access to the Google Cloud Pub/Sub API. |
qpxexpress | |
v1 | Package qpxexpress provides access to the QPX Express API. |
replicapool | |
v1beta1 | Package replicapool provides access to the Replica Pool API. |
v1beta2 | Package replicapool provides access to the Google Compute Engine Instance Group Manager API. |
replicapoolupdater | |
v1beta1 | Package replicapoolupdater provides access to the Google Compute Engine Instance Group Updater API. |
reseller | |
v1 | Package reseller provides access to the Enterprise Apps Reseller API. |
resourceviews | |
v1beta1 | Package resourceviews provides access to the Resource Views API. |
v1beta2 | Package resourceviews provides access to the Google Compute Engine Instance Groups API. |
runtimeconfig | |
v1 | Package runtimeconfig provides access to the Google Cloud Runtime Configuration API. |
v1beta1 | Package runtimeconfig provides access to the Google Cloud Runtime Configuration API. |
safebrowsing | |
v4 | Package safebrowsing provides access to the Google Safe Browsing API. |
script | |
v1 | Package script provides access to the Google Apps Script Execution API. |
searchconsole | |
v1 | Package searchconsole provides access to the Google Search Console URL Testing Tools API. |
servicecontrol | |
v1 | Package servicecontrol provides access to the Google Service Control API. |
servicemanagement | |
v1 | Package servicemanagement provides access to the Google Service Management API. |
serviceuser | |
v1 | Package serviceuser provides access to the Google Service User API. |
sheets | |
v4 | Package sheets provides access to the Google Sheets API. |
siteverification | |
v1 | Package siteverification provides access to the Google Site Verification API. |
slides | |
v1 | Package slides provides access to the Google Slides API. |
sourcerepo | |
v1 | Package sourcerepo provides access to the Cloud Source Repositories API. |
spanner | |
v1 | Package spanner provides access to the Cloud Spanner API. |
spectrum | |
v1explorer | Package spectrum provides access to the Google Spectrum Database API. |
speech | |
v1 | Package speech provides access to the Google Cloud Speech API. |
v1beta1 | Package speech provides access to the Google Cloud Speech API. |
sqladmin | |
v1beta3 | Package sqladmin provides access to the Cloud SQL Administration API. |
v1beta4 | Package sqladmin provides access to the Cloud SQL Administration API. |
storage | |
v1 | Package storage provides access to the Cloud Storage JSON API. |
v1beta1 | Package storage provides access to the Cloud Storage JSON API. |
v1beta2 | Package storage provides access to the Cloud Storage JSON API. |
storagetransfer | |
v1 | Package storagetransfer provides access to the Google Storage Transfer API. |
support | |
bundler | Package bundler supports bundling (batching) of items. |
surveys | |
v2 | Package surveys provides access to the Surveys API. |
tagmanager | |
v1 | Package tagmanager provides access to the Tag Manager API. |
v2 | Package tagmanager provides access to the Tag Manager API. |
taskqueue | |
v1beta1 | Package taskqueue provides access to the TaskQueue API. |
v1beta2 | Package taskqueue provides access to the TaskQueue API. |
tasks | |
v1 | Package tasks provides access to the Tasks API. |
toolresults | |
v1beta3 | Package toolresults provides access to the Cloud Tool Results API. |
v1beta3firstparty | Package toolresults provides access to the Cloud Tool Results firstparty API. |
tracing | |
v2 | Package tracing provides access to the Google Tracing API. |
translate | |
v2 | Package translate provides access to the Google Cloud Translation API. |
transport | Package transport supports network connections to HTTP and GRPC servers. |
bytestream | Package bytestream provides a client for any service that exposes a ByteStream API. |
urlshortener | |
v1 | Package urlshortener provides access to the URL Shortener API. |
videointelligence | |
v1beta1 | Package videointelligence provides access to the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API. |
vision | |
v1 | Package vision provides access to the Google Cloud Vision API. |
webfonts | |
v1 | Package webfonts provides access to the Google Fonts Developer API. |
webmasters | |
v3 | Package webmasters provides access to the Search Console API. |
youtube | |
v3 | Package youtube provides access to the YouTube Data API. |
youtubeanalytics | |
v1 | Package youtubeanalytics provides access to the YouTube Analytics API. |
v1beta1 | Package youtubeanalytics provides access to the YouTube Analytics API. |
youtubereporting | |
v1 | Package youtubereporting provides access to the YouTube Reporting API. |
appengine | Package appengine provides basic functionality for Google App Engine. |
aetest | Package aetest provides an API for running dev_appserver for use in tests. |
blobstore | Package blobstore provides a client for App Engine's persistent blob storage service. |
capability | Package capability exposes information about outages and scheduled downtime for specific API capabilities. |
channel | Package channel implements the server side of App Engine's Channel API. |
cloudsql | Package cloudsql exposes access to Google Cloud SQL databases. |
cmd | |
aebundler | Program aebundler turns a Go app into a fully self-contained tar file. |
aedeploy | Program aedeploy assists with deploying App Engine "flexible environment" Go apps to production. |
aefix | |
datastore | Package datastore provides a client for App Engine's datastore service. |
delay | Package delay provides a way to execute code outside the scope of a user request by using the taskqueue API. |
file | Package file provides helper functions for using Google Cloud Storage. |
image | Package image provides image services. |
log | Package log provides the means of querying an application's logs from within an App Engine application. |
Package mail provides the means of sending email from an App Engine application. | |
memcache | Package memcache provides a client for App Engine's distributed in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data. |
module | Package module provides functions for interacting with modules. |
remote_api | Package remote_api implements the /_ah/remote_api endpoint. |
runtime | Package runtime exposes information about the resource usage of the application. |
search | Package search provides a client for App Engine's search service. |
socket | Package socket provides outbound network sockets. |
taskqueue | Package taskqueue provides a client for App Engine's taskqueue service. |
urlfetch | Package urlfetch provides an http.RoundTripper implementation for fetching URLs via App Engine's urlfetch service. |
user | Package user provides a client for App Engine's user authentication service. |
xmpp | Package xmpp provides the means to send and receive instant messages to and from users of XMPP-compatible services. |
genproto | Regen.go regenerates the genproto repository. |
googleapis | |
api | Package api is a generated protocol buffer package. |
annotations | Package annotations is a generated protocol buffer package. |
configchange | Package configchange is a generated protocol buffer package. |
distribution | Package distribution is a generated protocol buffer package. |
httpbody | Package httpbody is a generated protocol buffer package. |
label | Package label is a generated protocol buffer package. |
metric | Package metric is a generated protocol buffer package. |
monitoredres | Package monitoredres is a generated protocol buffer package. |
serviceconfig | Package serviceconfig is a generated protocol buffer package. |
servicecontrol | |
v1 | Package servicecontrol is a generated protocol buffer package. |
servicemanagement | |
v1 | Package servicemanagement is a generated protocol buffer package. |
appengine | |
legacy | Package legacy is a generated protocol buffer package. |
logging | |
v1 | Package logging is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1 | Package appengine is a generated protocol buffer package. |
assistant | |
embedded | |
v1alpha1 | Package embedded is a generated protocol buffer package. |
bigtable | |
admin | |
table | |
v1 | Package table is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v2 | Package admin is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1 | Package bigtable is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v2 | Package bigtable is a generated protocol buffer package. |
bytestream | Package bytestream is a generated protocol buffer package. |
cloud | |
audit | Package audit is a generated protocol buffer package. |
billing | |
v1 | Package billing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
dataproc | |
v1 | Package dataproc is a generated protocol buffer package. |
functions | |
v1beta2 | Package functions is a generated protocol buffer package. |
language | |
v1 | Package language is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1beta1 | Package language is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1beta2 | Package language is a generated protocol buffer package. |
ml | |
v1 | Package ml is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1beta1 | Package ml is a generated protocol buffer package. |
runtimeconfig | |
v1beta1 | Package runtimeconfig is a generated protocol buffer package. |
speech | |
v1 | Package speech is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1beta1 | Package speech is a generated protocol buffer package. |
support | |
common | Package common is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1alpha1 | Package support is a generated protocol buffer package. |
videointelligence | |
v1beta1 | Package videointelligence is a generated protocol buffer package. |
vision | |
v1 | Package vision is a generated protocol buffer package. |
container | |
v1 | Package container is a generated protocol buffer package. |
datastore | |
v1 | Package datastore is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1beta3 | Package datastore is a generated protocol buffer package. |
devtools | |
build | |
v1 | Package build is a generated protocol buffer package. |
cloudbuild | |
v1 | Package cloudbuild is a generated protocol buffer package. |
clouddebugger | |
v2 | Package clouddebugger is a generated protocol buffer package. |
clouderrorreporting | |
v1beta1 | Package clouderrorreporting is a generated protocol buffer package. |
cloudprofiler | |
v2 | Package cloudprofiler is a generated protocol buffer package. |
cloudtrace | |
v1 | Package cloudtrace is a generated protocol buffer package. |
source | |
v1 | Package source is a generated protocol buffer package. |
sourcerepo | |
v1 | Package sourcerepo is a generated protocol buffer package. |
example | |
library | |
v1 | Package library is a generated protocol buffer package. |
genomics | |
v1 | Package genomics is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1alpha2 | Package genomics is a generated protocol buffer package. |
iam | |
admin | |
v1 | Package admin is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1 | Package iam is a generated protocol buffer package. |
logging | |
type | Package ltype is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v2 | Package logging is a generated protocol buffer package. |
longrunning | Package longrunning is a generated protocol buffer package. |
monitoring | |
v3 | Package monitoring is a generated protocol buffer package. |
privacy | |
dlp | |
v2beta1 | Package dlp is a generated protocol buffer package. |
pubsub | |
v1 | Package pubsub is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1beta2 | Package pubsub is a generated protocol buffer package. |
rpc | |
code | Package code is a generated protocol buffer package. |
errdetails | Package errdetails is a generated protocol buffer package. |
status | Package status is a generated protocol buffer package. |
spanner | |
admin | |
database | |
v1 | Package database is a generated protocol buffer package. |
instance | |
v1 | Package instance is a generated protocol buffer package. |
v1 | Package spanner is a generated protocol buffer package. |
storagetransfer | |
v1 | Package storagetransfer is a generated protocol buffer package. |
tracing | |
v1 | Package tracing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
type | |
color | Package color is a generated protocol buffer package. |
date | Package date is a generated protocol buffer package. |
dayofweek | Package dayofweek is a generated protocol buffer package. |
latlng | Package latlng is a generated protocol buffer package. |
money | Package money is a generated protocol buffer package. |
postaladdress | Package postaladdress is a generated protocol buffer package. |
timeofday | Package timeofday is a generated protocol buffer package. |
watcher | |
v1 | Package watcher is a generated protocol buffer package. |
protobuf | |
api | Package api is a generated protocol buffer package. |
field_mask | Package field_mask is a generated protocol buffer package. |
ptype | Package ptype is a generated protocol buffer package. |
source_context | Package source_context is a generated protocol buffer package. |
grpc | Package grpc implements an RPC system called gRPC. |
benchmark | Package benchmark implements the building blocks to setup end-to-end gRPC benchmarks. |
client | |
grpc_testing | Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
server | |
stats | |
worker | |
codes | Package codes defines the canonical error codes used by gRPC. |
credentials | Package credentials implements various credentials supported by gRPC library, which encapsulate all the state needed by a client to authenticate with a server and make various assertions, e.g., about the client's identity, role, or whether it is authorized to make a particular call. |
oauth | Package oauth implements gRPC credentials using OAuth. |
examples | |
helloworld | |
greeter_client | |
greeter_server | |
helloworld | Package helloworld is a generated protocol buffer package. |
mock_helloworld | |
route_guide | |
client | Package main implements a simple gRPC client that demonstrates how to use gRPC-Go libraries to perform unary, client streaming, server streaming and full duplex RPCs. |
mock_routeguide | |
routeguide | Package routeguide is a generated protocol buffer package. |
server | Package main implements a simple gRPC server that demonstrates how to use gRPC-Go libraries to perform unary, client streaming, server streaming and full duplex RPCs. |
grpclb | |
grpc_lb_v1 | Package grpc_lb_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package. |
grpclog | Package grpclog defines logging for grpc. |
glogger | Package glogger defines glog-based logging for grpc. |
health | Package health provides some utility functions to health-check a server. |
grpc_health_v1 | Package grpc_health_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package. |
interop | |
client | |
grpc_testing | Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
http2 | |
server | |
keepalive | Package keepalive defines configurable parameters for point-to-point healthcheck. |
metadata | Package metadata define the structure of the metadata supported by gRPC library. |
naming | Package naming defines the naming API and related data structures for gRPC. |
peer | Package peer defines various peer information associated with RPCs and corresponding utils. |
reflection | Package reflection implements server reflection service. |
grpc_reflection_v1alpha | Package grpc_reflection_v1alpha is a generated protocol buffer package. |
grpc_testing | Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
stats | Package stats is for collecting and reporting various network and RPC stats. |
grpc_testing | Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
status | Package status implements errors returned by gRPC. |
stress | |
client | client starts an interop client to do stress test and a metrics server to report qps. |
grpc_testing | Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
metrics_client | |
tap | Package tap defines the function handles which are executed on the transport layer of gRPC-Go and related information. |
test | |
codec_perf | Package codec_perf is a generated protocol buffer package. |
grpc_testing | Package grpc_testing is a generated protocol buffer package. |
transport | Package transport defines and implements message oriented communication channel to complete various transactions (e.g., an RPC). |