sfn - ActiveState ActiveGo 1.8

Package sfn

import "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sfn"

Overview ▾

Package sfn provides the client and types for making API requests to AWS Step Functions.

AWS Step Functions is a web service that enables you to coordinate the components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows. You build applications from individual components that each perform a discrete function, or task, allowing you to scale and change applications quickly. Step Functions provides a graphical console to visualize the components of your application as a series of steps. It automatically triggers and tracks each step, and retries when there are errors, so your application executes in order and as expected, every time. Step Functions logs the state of each step, so when things do go wrong, you can diagnose and debug problems quickly.

Step Functions manages the operations and underlying infrastructure for you to ensure your application is available at any scale. You can run tasks on the AWS cloud, on your own servers, or an any system that has access to AWS. Step Functions can be accessed and used with the Step Functions console, the AWS SDKs (included with your Beta release invitation email), or an HTTP API (the subject of this document).

See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23 for more information on this service.

See sfn package documentation for more information. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/sfn/

Using the Client

To use the client for AWS Step Functions you will first need to create a new instance of it.

When creating a client for an AWS service you'll first need to have a Session already created. The Session provides configuration that can be shared between multiple service clients. Additional configuration can be applied to the Session and service's client when they are constructed. The aws package's Config type contains several fields such as Region for the AWS Region the client should make API requests too. The optional Config value can be provided as the variadic argument for Sessions and client creation.

Once the service's client is created you can use it to make API requests the AWS service. These clients are safe to use concurrently.

// Create a session to share configuration, and load external configuration.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())

// Create the service's client with the session.
svc := sfn.New(sess)

See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use service clients. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/

See aws package's Config type for more information on configuration options. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/#Config

See the AWS Step Functions client SFN for more information on creating the service's client. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/sfn/#New

Once the client is created you can make an API request to the service. Each API method takes a input parameter, and returns the service response and an error.

The API method will document which error codes the service can be returned by the operation if the service models the API operation's errors. These errors will also be available as const strings prefixed with "ErrCode".

result, err := svc.CreateActivity(params)
if err != nil {
    // Cast err to awserr.Error to handle specific error codes.
    aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
    if ok && aerr.Code() == <error code to check for> {
        // Specific error code handling
    return err

fmt.Println("CreateActivity result:")

Using the Client with Context

The service's client also provides methods to make API requests with a Context value. This allows you to control the timeout, and cancellation of pending requests. These methods also take request Option as variadic parameter to apply additional configuration to the API request.

ctx := context.Background()

result, err := svc.CreateActivityWithContext(ctx, params)

See the request package documentation for more information on using Context pattern with the SDK. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/request/

Index ▾

type ActivityFailedEventDetails
    func (s ActivityFailedEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ActivityFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ActivityFailedEventDetails
    func (s *ActivityFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ActivityFailedEventDetails
    func (s ActivityFailedEventDetails) String() string
type ActivityListItem
    func (s ActivityListItem) GoString() string
    func (s *ActivityListItem) SetActivityArn(v string) *ActivityListItem
    func (s *ActivityListItem) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *ActivityListItem
    func (s *ActivityListItem) SetName(v string) *ActivityListItem
    func (s ActivityListItem) String() string
type ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails
    func (s ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails
    func (s *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails
    func (s ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) String() string
type ActivityScheduledEventDetails
    func (s ActivityScheduledEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetHeartbeatInSeconds(v int64) *ActivityScheduledEventDetails
    func (s *ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetInput(v string) *ActivityScheduledEventDetails
    func (s *ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetResource(v string) *ActivityScheduledEventDetails
    func (s *ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetTimeoutInSeconds(v int64) *ActivityScheduledEventDetails
    func (s ActivityScheduledEventDetails) String() string
type ActivityStartedEventDetails
    func (s ActivityStartedEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ActivityStartedEventDetails) SetWorkerName(v string) *ActivityStartedEventDetails
    func (s ActivityStartedEventDetails) String() string
type ActivitySucceededEventDetails
    func (s ActivitySucceededEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ActivitySucceededEventDetails) SetOutput(v string) *ActivitySucceededEventDetails
    func (s ActivitySucceededEventDetails) String() string
type ActivityTimedOutEventDetails
    func (s ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails
    func (s *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails
    func (s ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) String() string
type CreateActivityInput
    func (s CreateActivityInput) GoString() string
    func (s *CreateActivityInput) SetName(v string) *CreateActivityInput
    func (s CreateActivityInput) String() string
    func (s *CreateActivityInput) Validate() error
type CreateActivityOutput
    func (s CreateActivityOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *CreateActivityOutput) SetActivityArn(v string) *CreateActivityOutput
    func (s *CreateActivityOutput) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *CreateActivityOutput
    func (s CreateActivityOutput) String() string
type CreateStateMachineInput
    func (s CreateStateMachineInput) GoString() string
    func (s *CreateStateMachineInput) SetDefinition(v string) *CreateStateMachineInput
    func (s *CreateStateMachineInput) SetName(v string) *CreateStateMachineInput
    func (s *CreateStateMachineInput) SetRoleArn(v string) *CreateStateMachineInput
    func (s CreateStateMachineInput) String() string
    func (s *CreateStateMachineInput) Validate() error
type CreateStateMachineOutput
    func (s CreateStateMachineOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *CreateStateMachineOutput) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *CreateStateMachineOutput
    func (s *CreateStateMachineOutput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *CreateStateMachineOutput
    func (s CreateStateMachineOutput) String() string
type DeleteActivityInput
    func (s DeleteActivityInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DeleteActivityInput) SetActivityArn(v string) *DeleteActivityInput
    func (s DeleteActivityInput) String() string
    func (s *DeleteActivityInput) Validate() error
type DeleteActivityOutput
    func (s DeleteActivityOutput) GoString() string
    func (s DeleteActivityOutput) String() string
type DeleteStateMachineInput
    func (s DeleteStateMachineInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DeleteStateMachineInput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *DeleteStateMachineInput
    func (s DeleteStateMachineInput) String() string
    func (s *DeleteStateMachineInput) Validate() error
type DeleteStateMachineOutput
    func (s DeleteStateMachineOutput) GoString() string
    func (s DeleteStateMachineOutput) String() string
type DescribeActivityInput
    func (s DescribeActivityInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeActivityInput) SetActivityArn(v string) *DescribeActivityInput
    func (s DescribeActivityInput) String() string
    func (s *DescribeActivityInput) Validate() error
type DescribeActivityOutput
    func (s DescribeActivityOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeActivityOutput) SetActivityArn(v string) *DescribeActivityOutput
    func (s *DescribeActivityOutput) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *DescribeActivityOutput
    func (s *DescribeActivityOutput) SetName(v string) *DescribeActivityOutput
    func (s DescribeActivityOutput) String() string
type DescribeExecutionInput
    func (s DescribeExecutionInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeExecutionInput) SetExecutionArn(v string) *DescribeExecutionInput
    func (s DescribeExecutionInput) String() string
    func (s *DescribeExecutionInput) Validate() error
type DescribeExecutionOutput
    func (s DescribeExecutionOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetExecutionArn(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput
    func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetInput(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput
    func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetName(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput
    func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetOutput(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput
    func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStartDate(v time.Time) *DescribeExecutionOutput
    func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput
    func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStatus(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput
    func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStopDate(v time.Time) *DescribeExecutionOutput
    func (s DescribeExecutionOutput) String() string
type DescribeStateMachineInput
    func (s DescribeStateMachineInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeStateMachineInput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *DescribeStateMachineInput
    func (s DescribeStateMachineInput) String() string
    func (s *DescribeStateMachineInput) Validate() error
type DescribeStateMachineOutput
    func (s DescribeStateMachineOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *DescribeStateMachineOutput
    func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetDefinition(v string) *DescribeStateMachineOutput
    func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetName(v string) *DescribeStateMachineOutput
    func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetRoleArn(v string) *DescribeStateMachineOutput
    func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *DescribeStateMachineOutput
    func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetStatus(v string) *DescribeStateMachineOutput
    func (s DescribeStateMachineOutput) String() string
type ExecutionAbortedEventDetails
    func (s ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails
    func (s *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails
    func (s ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) String() string
type ExecutionFailedEventDetails
    func (s ExecutionFailedEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ExecutionFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ExecutionFailedEventDetails
    func (s *ExecutionFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ExecutionFailedEventDetails
    func (s ExecutionFailedEventDetails) String() string
type ExecutionListItem
    func (s ExecutionListItem) GoString() string
    func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetExecutionArn(v string) *ExecutionListItem
    func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetName(v string) *ExecutionListItem
    func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetStartDate(v time.Time) *ExecutionListItem
    func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *ExecutionListItem
    func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetStatus(v string) *ExecutionListItem
    func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetStopDate(v time.Time) *ExecutionListItem
    func (s ExecutionListItem) String() string
type ExecutionStartedEventDetails
    func (s ExecutionStartedEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ExecutionStartedEventDetails) SetInput(v string) *ExecutionStartedEventDetails
    func (s *ExecutionStartedEventDetails) SetRoleArn(v string) *ExecutionStartedEventDetails
    func (s ExecutionStartedEventDetails) String() string
type ExecutionSucceededEventDetails
    func (s ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) SetOutput(v string) *ExecutionSucceededEventDetails
    func (s ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) String() string
type ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails
    func (s ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails
    func (s *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails
    func (s ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) String() string
type GetActivityTaskInput
    func (s GetActivityTaskInput) GoString() string
    func (s *GetActivityTaskInput) SetActivityArn(v string) *GetActivityTaskInput
    func (s *GetActivityTaskInput) SetWorkerName(v string) *GetActivityTaskInput
    func (s GetActivityTaskInput) String() string
    func (s *GetActivityTaskInput) Validate() error
type GetActivityTaskOutput
    func (s GetActivityTaskOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *GetActivityTaskOutput) SetInput(v string) *GetActivityTaskOutput
    func (s *GetActivityTaskOutput) SetTaskToken(v string) *GetActivityTaskOutput
    func (s GetActivityTaskOutput) String() string
type GetExecutionHistoryInput
    func (s GetExecutionHistoryInput) GoString() string
    func (s *GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetExecutionArn(v string) *GetExecutionHistoryInput
    func (s *GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *GetExecutionHistoryInput
    func (s *GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetNextToken(v string) *GetExecutionHistoryInput
    func (s *GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetReverseOrder(v bool) *GetExecutionHistoryInput
    func (s GetExecutionHistoryInput) String() string
    func (s *GetExecutionHistoryInput) Validate() error
type GetExecutionHistoryOutput
    func (s GetExecutionHistoryOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *GetExecutionHistoryOutput) SetEvents(v []*HistoryEvent) *GetExecutionHistoryOutput
    func (s *GetExecutionHistoryOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *GetExecutionHistoryOutput
    func (s GetExecutionHistoryOutput) String() string
type HistoryEvent
    func (s HistoryEvent) GoString() string
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivityFailedEventDetails(v *ActivityFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails(v *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivityScheduledEventDetails(v *ActivityScheduledEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivityStartedEventDetails(v *ActivityStartedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivitySucceededEventDetails(v *ActivitySucceededEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivityTimedOutEventDetails(v *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetExecutionAbortedEventDetails(v *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetExecutionFailedEventDetails(v *ExecutionFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetExecutionStartedEventDetails(v *ExecutionStartedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetExecutionSucceededEventDetails(v *ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetExecutionTimedOutEventDetails(v *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetId(v int64) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetPreviousEventId(v int64) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetStateEnteredEventDetails(v *StateEnteredEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetStateExitedEventDetails(v *StateExitedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetTimestamp(v time.Time) *HistoryEvent
    func (s *HistoryEvent) SetType(v string) *HistoryEvent
    func (s HistoryEvent) String() string
type LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails
    func (s *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) String() string
type LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails
    func (s *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) String() string
type LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) SetInput(v string) *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails
    func (s *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) SetResource(v string) *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails
    func (s *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) SetTimeoutInSeconds(v int64) *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) String() string
type LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails
    func (s *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) String() string
type LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) SetOutput(v string) *LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) String() string
type LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails
    func (s *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) SetError(v string) *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails
    func (s LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) String() string
type ListActivitiesInput
    func (s ListActivitiesInput) GoString() string
    func (s *ListActivitiesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *ListActivitiesInput
    func (s *ListActivitiesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListActivitiesInput
    func (s ListActivitiesInput) String() string
    func (s *ListActivitiesInput) Validate() error
type ListActivitiesOutput
    func (s ListActivitiesOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *ListActivitiesOutput) SetActivities(v []*ActivityListItem) *ListActivitiesOutput
    func (s *ListActivitiesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListActivitiesOutput
    func (s ListActivitiesOutput) String() string
type ListExecutionsInput
    func (s ListExecutionsInput) GoString() string
    func (s *ListExecutionsInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *ListExecutionsInput
    func (s *ListExecutionsInput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListExecutionsInput
    func (s *ListExecutionsInput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *ListExecutionsInput
    func (s *ListExecutionsInput) SetStatusFilter(v string) *ListExecutionsInput
    func (s ListExecutionsInput) String() string
    func (s *ListExecutionsInput) Validate() error
type ListExecutionsOutput
    func (s ListExecutionsOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *ListExecutionsOutput) SetExecutions(v []*ExecutionListItem) *ListExecutionsOutput
    func (s *ListExecutionsOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListExecutionsOutput
    func (s ListExecutionsOutput) String() string
type ListStateMachinesInput
    func (s ListStateMachinesInput) GoString() string
    func (s *ListStateMachinesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *ListStateMachinesInput
    func (s *ListStateMachinesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListStateMachinesInput
    func (s ListStateMachinesInput) String() string
    func (s *ListStateMachinesInput) Validate() error
type ListStateMachinesOutput
    func (s ListStateMachinesOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *ListStateMachinesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListStateMachinesOutput
    func (s *ListStateMachinesOutput) SetStateMachines(v []*StateMachineListItem) *ListStateMachinesOutput
    func (s ListStateMachinesOutput) String() string
type SFN
    func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *SFN
    func (c *SFN) CreateActivity(input *CreateActivityInput) (*CreateActivityOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) CreateActivityRequest(input *CreateActivityInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateActivityOutput)
    func (c *SFN) CreateActivityWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateActivityInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateActivityOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) CreateStateMachine(input *CreateStateMachineInput) (*CreateStateMachineOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) CreateStateMachineRequest(input *CreateStateMachineInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateStateMachineOutput)
    func (c *SFN) CreateStateMachineWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateStateMachineInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateStateMachineOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) DeleteActivity(input *DeleteActivityInput) (*DeleteActivityOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) DeleteActivityRequest(input *DeleteActivityInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteActivityOutput)
    func (c *SFN) DeleteActivityWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteActivityInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteActivityOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) DeleteStateMachine(input *DeleteStateMachineInput) (*DeleteStateMachineOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) DeleteStateMachineRequest(input *DeleteStateMachineInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteStateMachineOutput)
    func (c *SFN) DeleteStateMachineWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteStateMachineInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteStateMachineOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) DescribeActivity(input *DescribeActivityInput) (*DescribeActivityOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) DescribeActivityRequest(input *DescribeActivityInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeActivityOutput)
    func (c *SFN) DescribeActivityWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeActivityInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeActivityOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) DescribeExecution(input *DescribeExecutionInput) (*DescribeExecutionOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) DescribeExecutionRequest(input *DescribeExecutionInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeExecutionOutput)
    func (c *SFN) DescribeExecutionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeExecutionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeExecutionOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) DescribeStateMachine(input *DescribeStateMachineInput) (*DescribeStateMachineOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) DescribeStateMachineRequest(input *DescribeStateMachineInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeStateMachineOutput)
    func (c *SFN) DescribeStateMachineWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeStateMachineInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeStateMachineOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) GetActivityTask(input *GetActivityTaskInput) (*GetActivityTaskOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) GetActivityTaskRequest(input *GetActivityTaskInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetActivityTaskOutput)
    func (c *SFN) GetActivityTaskWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetActivityTaskInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetActivityTaskOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) GetExecutionHistory(input *GetExecutionHistoryInput) (*GetExecutionHistoryOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) GetExecutionHistoryPages(input *GetExecutionHistoryInput, fn func(*GetExecutionHistoryOutput, bool) bool) error
    func (c *SFN) GetExecutionHistoryPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetExecutionHistoryInput, fn func(*GetExecutionHistoryOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
    func (c *SFN) GetExecutionHistoryRequest(input *GetExecutionHistoryInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetExecutionHistoryOutput)
    func (c *SFN) GetExecutionHistoryWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetExecutionHistoryInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetExecutionHistoryOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) ListActivities(input *ListActivitiesInput) (*ListActivitiesOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) ListActivitiesPages(input *ListActivitiesInput, fn func(*ListActivitiesOutput, bool) bool) error
    func (c *SFN) ListActivitiesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListActivitiesInput, fn func(*ListActivitiesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
    func (c *SFN) ListActivitiesRequest(input *ListActivitiesInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListActivitiesOutput)
    func (c *SFN) ListActivitiesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListActivitiesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListActivitiesOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) ListExecutions(input *ListExecutionsInput) (*ListExecutionsOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) ListExecutionsPages(input *ListExecutionsInput, fn func(*ListExecutionsOutput, bool) bool) error
    func (c *SFN) ListExecutionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListExecutionsInput, fn func(*ListExecutionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
    func (c *SFN) ListExecutionsRequest(input *ListExecutionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListExecutionsOutput)
    func (c *SFN) ListExecutionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListExecutionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListExecutionsOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) ListStateMachines(input *ListStateMachinesInput) (*ListStateMachinesOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) ListStateMachinesPages(input *ListStateMachinesInput, fn func(*ListStateMachinesOutput, bool) bool) error
    func (c *SFN) ListStateMachinesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListStateMachinesInput, fn func(*ListStateMachinesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
    func (c *SFN) ListStateMachinesRequest(input *ListStateMachinesInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListStateMachinesOutput)
    func (c *SFN) ListStateMachinesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListStateMachinesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListStateMachinesOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) SendTaskFailure(input *SendTaskFailureInput) (*SendTaskFailureOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) SendTaskFailureRequest(input *SendTaskFailureInput) (req *request.Request, output *SendTaskFailureOutput)
    func (c *SFN) SendTaskFailureWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SendTaskFailureInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SendTaskFailureOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) SendTaskHeartbeat(input *SendTaskHeartbeatInput) (*SendTaskHeartbeatOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) SendTaskHeartbeatRequest(input *SendTaskHeartbeatInput) (req *request.Request, output *SendTaskHeartbeatOutput)
    func (c *SFN) SendTaskHeartbeatWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SendTaskHeartbeatInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SendTaskHeartbeatOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) SendTaskSuccess(input *SendTaskSuccessInput) (*SendTaskSuccessOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) SendTaskSuccessRequest(input *SendTaskSuccessInput) (req *request.Request, output *SendTaskSuccessOutput)
    func (c *SFN) SendTaskSuccessWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SendTaskSuccessInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SendTaskSuccessOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) StartExecution(input *StartExecutionInput) (*StartExecutionOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) StartExecutionRequest(input *StartExecutionInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartExecutionOutput)
    func (c *SFN) StartExecutionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartExecutionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartExecutionOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) StopExecution(input *StopExecutionInput) (*StopExecutionOutput, error)
    func (c *SFN) StopExecutionRequest(input *StopExecutionInput) (req *request.Request, output *StopExecutionOutput)
    func (c *SFN) StopExecutionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StopExecutionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StopExecutionOutput, error)
type SendTaskFailureInput
    func (s SendTaskFailureInput) GoString() string
    func (s *SendTaskFailureInput) SetCause(v string) *SendTaskFailureInput
    func (s *SendTaskFailureInput) SetError(v string) *SendTaskFailureInput
    func (s *SendTaskFailureInput) SetTaskToken(v string) *SendTaskFailureInput
    func (s SendTaskFailureInput) String() string
    func (s *SendTaskFailureInput) Validate() error
type SendTaskFailureOutput
    func (s SendTaskFailureOutput) GoString() string
    func (s SendTaskFailureOutput) String() string
type SendTaskHeartbeatInput
    func (s SendTaskHeartbeatInput) GoString() string
    func (s *SendTaskHeartbeatInput) SetTaskToken(v string) *SendTaskHeartbeatInput
    func (s SendTaskHeartbeatInput) String() string
    func (s *SendTaskHeartbeatInput) Validate() error
type SendTaskHeartbeatOutput
    func (s SendTaskHeartbeatOutput) GoString() string
    func (s SendTaskHeartbeatOutput) String() string
type SendTaskSuccessInput
    func (s SendTaskSuccessInput) GoString() string
    func (s *SendTaskSuccessInput) SetOutput(v string) *SendTaskSuccessInput
    func (s *SendTaskSuccessInput) SetTaskToken(v string) *SendTaskSuccessInput
    func (s SendTaskSuccessInput) String() string
    func (s *SendTaskSuccessInput) Validate() error
type SendTaskSuccessOutput
    func (s SendTaskSuccessOutput) GoString() string
    func (s SendTaskSuccessOutput) String() string
type StartExecutionInput
    func (s StartExecutionInput) GoString() string
    func (s *StartExecutionInput) SetInput(v string) *StartExecutionInput
    func (s *StartExecutionInput) SetName(v string) *StartExecutionInput
    func (s *StartExecutionInput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *StartExecutionInput
    func (s StartExecutionInput) String() string
    func (s *StartExecutionInput) Validate() error
type StartExecutionOutput
    func (s StartExecutionOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *StartExecutionOutput) SetExecutionArn(v string) *StartExecutionOutput
    func (s *StartExecutionOutput) SetStartDate(v time.Time) *StartExecutionOutput
    func (s StartExecutionOutput) String() string
type StateEnteredEventDetails
    func (s StateEnteredEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *StateEnteredEventDetails) SetInput(v string) *StateEnteredEventDetails
    func (s *StateEnteredEventDetails) SetName(v string) *StateEnteredEventDetails
    func (s StateEnteredEventDetails) String() string
type StateExitedEventDetails
    func (s StateExitedEventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *StateExitedEventDetails) SetName(v string) *StateExitedEventDetails
    func (s *StateExitedEventDetails) SetOutput(v string) *StateExitedEventDetails
    func (s StateExitedEventDetails) String() string
type StateMachineListItem
    func (s StateMachineListItem) GoString() string
    func (s *StateMachineListItem) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *StateMachineListItem
    func (s *StateMachineListItem) SetName(v string) *StateMachineListItem
    func (s *StateMachineListItem) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *StateMachineListItem
    func (s StateMachineListItem) String() string
type StopExecutionInput
    func (s StopExecutionInput) GoString() string
    func (s *StopExecutionInput) SetCause(v string) *StopExecutionInput
    func (s *StopExecutionInput) SetError(v string) *StopExecutionInput
    func (s *StopExecutionInput) SetExecutionArn(v string) *StopExecutionInput
    func (s StopExecutionInput) String() string
    func (s *StopExecutionInput) Validate() error
type StopExecutionOutput
    func (s StopExecutionOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *StopExecutionOutput) SetStopDate(v time.Time) *StopExecutionOutput
    func (s StopExecutionOutput) String() string

Package files

api.go doc.go errors.go service.go


const (
    // ExecutionStatusRunning is a ExecutionStatus enum value
    ExecutionStatusRunning = "RUNNING"

    // ExecutionStatusSucceeded is a ExecutionStatus enum value
    ExecutionStatusSucceeded = "SUCCEEDED"

    // ExecutionStatusFailed is a ExecutionStatus enum value
    ExecutionStatusFailed = "FAILED"

    // ExecutionStatusTimedOut is a ExecutionStatus enum value
    ExecutionStatusTimedOut = "TIMED_OUT"

    // ExecutionStatusAborted is a ExecutionStatus enum value
    ExecutionStatusAborted = "ABORTED"
const (
    // HistoryEventTypeActivityFailed is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeActivityFailed = "ActivityFailed"

    // HistoryEventTypeActivityScheduleFailed is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeActivityScheduleFailed = "ActivityScheduleFailed"

    // HistoryEventTypeActivityScheduled is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeActivityScheduled = "ActivityScheduled"

    // HistoryEventTypeActivityStarted is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeActivityStarted = "ActivityStarted"

    // HistoryEventTypeActivitySucceeded is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeActivitySucceeded = "ActivitySucceeded"

    // HistoryEventTypeActivityTimedOut is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeActivityTimedOut = "ActivityTimedOut"

    // HistoryEventTypeChoiceStateEntered is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeChoiceStateEntered = "ChoiceStateEntered"

    // HistoryEventTypeChoiceStateExited is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeChoiceStateExited = "ChoiceStateExited"

    // HistoryEventTypeExecutionFailed is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeExecutionFailed = "ExecutionFailed"

    // HistoryEventTypeExecutionStarted is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeExecutionStarted = "ExecutionStarted"

    // HistoryEventTypeExecutionSucceeded is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeExecutionSucceeded = "ExecutionSucceeded"

    // HistoryEventTypeExecutionAborted is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeExecutionAborted = "ExecutionAborted"

    // HistoryEventTypeExecutionTimedOut is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeExecutionTimedOut = "ExecutionTimedOut"

    // HistoryEventTypeFailStateEntered is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeFailStateEntered = "FailStateEntered"

    // HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionFailed is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionFailed = "LambdaFunctionFailed"

    // HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionScheduleFailed is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionScheduleFailed = "LambdaFunctionScheduleFailed"

    // HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionScheduled is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionScheduled = "LambdaFunctionScheduled"

    // HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionStartFailed is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionStartFailed = "LambdaFunctionStartFailed"

    // HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionStarted is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionStarted = "LambdaFunctionStarted"

    // HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionSucceeded is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionSucceeded = "LambdaFunctionSucceeded"

    // HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionTimedOut is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeLambdaFunctionTimedOut = "LambdaFunctionTimedOut"

    // HistoryEventTypeSucceedStateEntered is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeSucceedStateEntered = "SucceedStateEntered"

    // HistoryEventTypeSucceedStateExited is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeSucceedStateExited = "SucceedStateExited"

    // HistoryEventTypeTaskStateEntered is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeTaskStateEntered = "TaskStateEntered"

    // HistoryEventTypeTaskStateExited is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeTaskStateExited = "TaskStateExited"

    // HistoryEventTypePassStateEntered is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypePassStateEntered = "PassStateEntered"

    // HistoryEventTypePassStateExited is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypePassStateExited = "PassStateExited"

    // HistoryEventTypeParallelStateEntered is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeParallelStateEntered = "ParallelStateEntered"

    // HistoryEventTypeParallelStateExited is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeParallelStateExited = "ParallelStateExited"

    // HistoryEventTypeWaitStateEntered is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeWaitStateEntered = "WaitStateEntered"

    // HistoryEventTypeWaitStateExited is a HistoryEventType enum value
    HistoryEventTypeWaitStateExited = "WaitStateExited"
const (
    // StateMachineStatusActive is a StateMachineStatus enum value
    StateMachineStatusActive = "ACTIVE"

    // StateMachineStatusDeleting is a StateMachineStatus enum value
    StateMachineStatusDeleting = "DELETING"
const (

    // ErrCodeActivityDoesNotExist for service response error code
    // "ActivityDoesNotExist".
    // The specified activity does not exist.
    ErrCodeActivityDoesNotExist = "ActivityDoesNotExist"

    // ErrCodeActivityLimitExceeded for service response error code
    // "ActivityLimitExceeded".
    // The maximum number of activities has been reached. Existing activities must
    // be deleted before a new activity can be created.
    ErrCodeActivityLimitExceeded = "ActivityLimitExceeded"

    // ErrCodeActivityWorkerLimitExceeded for service response error code
    // "ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded".
    // The maximum number of workers concurrently polling for activity tasks has
    // been reached.
    ErrCodeActivityWorkerLimitExceeded = "ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded"

    // ErrCodeExecutionAlreadyExists for service response error code
    // "ExecutionAlreadyExists".
    // An execution with the same name already exists.
    ErrCodeExecutionAlreadyExists = "ExecutionAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeExecutionDoesNotExist for service response error code
    // "ExecutionDoesNotExist".
    // The specified execution does not exist.
    ErrCodeExecutionDoesNotExist = "ExecutionDoesNotExist"

    // ErrCodeExecutionLimitExceeded for service response error code
    // "ExecutionLimitExceeded".
    // The maximum number of running executions has been reached. Running executions
    // must end or be stopped before a new execution can be started.
    ErrCodeExecutionLimitExceeded = "ExecutionLimitExceeded"

    // ErrCodeInvalidArn for service response error code
    // "InvalidArn".
    // The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.
    ErrCodeInvalidArn = "InvalidArn"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDefinition for service response error code
    // "InvalidDefinition".
    // The provided Amazon States Language definition is invalid.
    ErrCodeInvalidDefinition = "InvalidDefinition"

    // ErrCodeInvalidExecutionInput for service response error code
    // "InvalidExecutionInput".
    // The provided JSON input data is invalid.
    ErrCodeInvalidExecutionInput = "InvalidExecutionInput"

    // ErrCodeInvalidName for service response error code
    // "InvalidName".
    // The provided name is invalid.
    ErrCodeInvalidName = "InvalidName"

    // ErrCodeInvalidOutput for service response error code
    // "InvalidOutput".
    // The provided JSON output data is invalid.
    ErrCodeInvalidOutput = "InvalidOutput"

    // ErrCodeInvalidToken for service response error code
    // "InvalidToken".
    // The provided token is invalid.
    ErrCodeInvalidToken = "InvalidToken"

    // ErrCodeStateMachineAlreadyExists for service response error code
    // "StateMachineAlreadyExists".
    // A state machine with the same name but a different definition or role ARN
    // already exists.
    ErrCodeStateMachineAlreadyExists = "StateMachineAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeStateMachineDeleting for service response error code
    // "StateMachineDeleting".
    // The specified state machine is being deleted.
    ErrCodeStateMachineDeleting = "StateMachineDeleting"

    // ErrCodeStateMachineDoesNotExist for service response error code
    // "StateMachineDoesNotExist".
    // The specified state machine does not exist.
    ErrCodeStateMachineDoesNotExist = "StateMachineDoesNotExist"

    // ErrCodeStateMachineLimitExceeded for service response error code
    // "StateMachineLimitExceeded".
    // The maximum number of state machines has been reached. Existing state machines
    // must be deleted before a new state machine can be created.
    ErrCodeStateMachineLimitExceeded = "StateMachineLimitExceeded"

    // ErrCodeTaskDoesNotExist for service response error code
    // "TaskDoesNotExist".
    ErrCodeTaskDoesNotExist = "TaskDoesNotExist"

    // ErrCodeTaskTimedOut for service response error code
    // "TaskTimedOut".
    ErrCodeTaskTimedOut = "TaskTimedOut"

Service information constants

const (
    ServiceName = "states"    // Service endpoint prefix API calls made to.
    EndpointsID = ServiceName // Service ID for Regions and Endpoints metadata.

type ActivityFailedEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ActivityFailedEventDetails

type ActivityFailedEventDetails struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the failure.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // The error code of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ActivityFailedEventDetails) GoString

func (s ActivityFailedEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ActivityFailedEventDetails) SetCause

func (s *ActivityFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ActivityFailedEventDetails

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*ActivityFailedEventDetails) SetError

func (s *ActivityFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ActivityFailedEventDetails

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (ActivityFailedEventDetails) String

func (s ActivityFailedEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ActivityListItem

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ActivityListItem

type ActivityListItem struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the activity.
    // ActivityArn is a required field
    ActivityArn *string `locationName:"activityArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The date the activity was created.
    // CreationDate is a required field
    CreationDate *time.Time `locationName:"creationDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`

    // The name of the activity.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ActivityListItem) GoString

func (s ActivityListItem) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ActivityListItem) SetActivityArn

func (s *ActivityListItem) SetActivityArn(v string) *ActivityListItem

SetActivityArn sets the ActivityArn field's value.

func (*ActivityListItem) SetCreationDate

func (s *ActivityListItem) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *ActivityListItem

SetCreationDate sets the CreationDate field's value.

func (*ActivityListItem) SetName

func (s *ActivityListItem) SetName(v string) *ActivityListItem

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (ActivityListItem) String

func (s ActivityListItem) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails

type ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the failure.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // The error code of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) GoString

func (s ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetCause

func (s *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetError

func (s *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) String

func (s ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ActivityScheduledEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ActivityScheduledEventDetails

type ActivityScheduledEventDetails struct {

    // The maximum allowed duration between two heartbeats for the activity task.
    HeartbeatInSeconds *int64 `locationName:"heartbeatInSeconds" type:"long"`

    // The JSON data input to the activity task.
    Input *string `locationName:"input" type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the scheduled activity.
    // Resource is a required field
    Resource *string `locationName:"resource" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The maximum allowed duration of the activity task.
    TimeoutInSeconds *int64 `locationName:"timeoutInSeconds" type:"long"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ActivityScheduledEventDetails) GoString

func (s ActivityScheduledEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetHeartbeatInSeconds

func (s *ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetHeartbeatInSeconds(v int64) *ActivityScheduledEventDetails

SetHeartbeatInSeconds sets the HeartbeatInSeconds field's value.

func (*ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetInput

func (s *ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetInput(v string) *ActivityScheduledEventDetails

SetInput sets the Input field's value.

func (*ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetResource

func (s *ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetResource(v string) *ActivityScheduledEventDetails

SetResource sets the Resource field's value.

func (*ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetTimeoutInSeconds

func (s *ActivityScheduledEventDetails) SetTimeoutInSeconds(v int64) *ActivityScheduledEventDetails

SetTimeoutInSeconds sets the TimeoutInSeconds field's value.

func (ActivityScheduledEventDetails) String

func (s ActivityScheduledEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ActivityStartedEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ActivityStartedEventDetails

type ActivityStartedEventDetails struct {

    // The name of the worker that the task was assigned to. These names are provided
    // by the workers when calling GetActivityTask.
    WorkerName *string `locationName:"workerName" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ActivityStartedEventDetails) GoString

func (s ActivityStartedEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ActivityStartedEventDetails) SetWorkerName

func (s *ActivityStartedEventDetails) SetWorkerName(v string) *ActivityStartedEventDetails

SetWorkerName sets the WorkerName field's value.

func (ActivityStartedEventDetails) String

func (s ActivityStartedEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ActivitySucceededEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ActivitySucceededEventDetails

type ActivitySucceededEventDetails struct {

    // The JSON data output by the activity task.
    Output *string `locationName:"output" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ActivitySucceededEventDetails) GoString

func (s ActivitySucceededEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ActivitySucceededEventDetails) SetOutput

func (s *ActivitySucceededEventDetails) SetOutput(v string) *ActivitySucceededEventDetails

SetOutput sets the Output field's value.

func (ActivitySucceededEventDetails) String

func (s ActivitySucceededEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ActivityTimedOutEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ActivityTimedOutEventDetails

type ActivityTimedOutEventDetails struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the timeout.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // The error code of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) GoString

func (s ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) SetCause

func (s *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) SetError

func (s *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) String

func (s ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type CreateActivityInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/CreateActivityInput

type CreateActivityInput struct {

    // The name of the activity to create. This name must be unique for your AWS
    // account and region.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateActivityInput) GoString

func (s CreateActivityInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*CreateActivityInput) SetName

func (s *CreateActivityInput) SetName(v string) *CreateActivityInput

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (CreateActivityInput) String

func (s CreateActivityInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*CreateActivityInput) Validate

func (s *CreateActivityInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateActivityOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/CreateActivityOutput

type CreateActivityOutput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the created activity.
    // ActivityArn is a required field
    ActivityArn *string `locationName:"activityArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The date the activity was created.
    // CreationDate is a required field
    CreationDate *time.Time `locationName:"creationDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateActivityOutput) GoString

func (s CreateActivityOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*CreateActivityOutput) SetActivityArn

func (s *CreateActivityOutput) SetActivityArn(v string) *CreateActivityOutput

SetActivityArn sets the ActivityArn field's value.

func (*CreateActivityOutput) SetCreationDate

func (s *CreateActivityOutput) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *CreateActivityOutput

SetCreationDate sets the CreationDate field's value.

func (CreateActivityOutput) String

func (s CreateActivityOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type CreateStateMachineInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/CreateStateMachineInput

type CreateStateMachineInput struct {

    // The Amazon States Language definition of the state machine.
    // Definition is a required field
    Definition *string `locationName:"definition" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the state machine. This name must be unique for your AWS account
    // and region.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to use for this state machine.
    // RoleArn is a required field
    RoleArn *string `locationName:"roleArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateStateMachineInput) GoString

func (s CreateStateMachineInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*CreateStateMachineInput) SetDefinition

func (s *CreateStateMachineInput) SetDefinition(v string) *CreateStateMachineInput

SetDefinition sets the Definition field's value.

func (*CreateStateMachineInput) SetName

func (s *CreateStateMachineInput) SetName(v string) *CreateStateMachineInput

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*CreateStateMachineInput) SetRoleArn

func (s *CreateStateMachineInput) SetRoleArn(v string) *CreateStateMachineInput

SetRoleArn sets the RoleArn field's value.

func (CreateStateMachineInput) String

func (s CreateStateMachineInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*CreateStateMachineInput) Validate

func (s *CreateStateMachineInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateStateMachineOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/CreateStateMachineOutput

type CreateStateMachineOutput struct {

    // The date the state machine was created.
    // CreationDate is a required field
    CreationDate *time.Time `locationName:"creationDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the created state machine.
    // StateMachineArn is a required field
    StateMachineArn *string `locationName:"stateMachineArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateStateMachineOutput) GoString

func (s CreateStateMachineOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*CreateStateMachineOutput) SetCreationDate

func (s *CreateStateMachineOutput) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *CreateStateMachineOutput

SetCreationDate sets the CreationDate field's value.

func (*CreateStateMachineOutput) SetStateMachineArn

func (s *CreateStateMachineOutput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *CreateStateMachineOutput

SetStateMachineArn sets the StateMachineArn field's value.

func (CreateStateMachineOutput) String

func (s CreateStateMachineOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DeleteActivityInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DeleteActivityInput

type DeleteActivityInput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the activity to delete.
    // ActivityArn is a required field
    ActivityArn *string `locationName:"activityArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteActivityInput) GoString

func (s DeleteActivityInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DeleteActivityInput) SetActivityArn

func (s *DeleteActivityInput) SetActivityArn(v string) *DeleteActivityInput

SetActivityArn sets the ActivityArn field's value.

func (DeleteActivityInput) String

func (s DeleteActivityInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DeleteActivityInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteActivityInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteActivityOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DeleteActivityOutput

type DeleteActivityOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteActivityOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteActivityOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (DeleteActivityOutput) String

func (s DeleteActivityOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DeleteStateMachineInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DeleteStateMachineInput

type DeleteStateMachineInput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine to delete.
    // StateMachineArn is a required field
    StateMachineArn *string `locationName:"stateMachineArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteStateMachineInput) GoString

func (s DeleteStateMachineInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DeleteStateMachineInput) SetStateMachineArn

func (s *DeleteStateMachineInput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *DeleteStateMachineInput

SetStateMachineArn sets the StateMachineArn field's value.

func (DeleteStateMachineInput) String

func (s DeleteStateMachineInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DeleteStateMachineInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteStateMachineInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteStateMachineOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DeleteStateMachineOutput

type DeleteStateMachineOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteStateMachineOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteStateMachineOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (DeleteStateMachineOutput) String

func (s DeleteStateMachineOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DescribeActivityInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeActivityInput

type DescribeActivityInput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the activity to describe.
    // ActivityArn is a required field
    ActivityArn *string `locationName:"activityArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeActivityInput) GoString

func (s DescribeActivityInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeActivityInput) SetActivityArn

func (s *DescribeActivityInput) SetActivityArn(v string) *DescribeActivityInput

SetActivityArn sets the ActivityArn field's value.

func (DescribeActivityInput) String

func (s DescribeActivityInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DescribeActivityInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeActivityInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeActivityOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeActivityOutput

type DescribeActivityOutput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the activity.
    // ActivityArn is a required field
    ActivityArn *string `locationName:"activityArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The date the activity was created.
    // CreationDate is a required field
    CreationDate *time.Time `locationName:"creationDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`

    // The name of the activity.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeActivityOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeActivityOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeActivityOutput) SetActivityArn

func (s *DescribeActivityOutput) SetActivityArn(v string) *DescribeActivityOutput

SetActivityArn sets the ActivityArn field's value.

func (*DescribeActivityOutput) SetCreationDate

func (s *DescribeActivityOutput) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *DescribeActivityOutput

SetCreationDate sets the CreationDate field's value.

func (*DescribeActivityOutput) SetName

func (s *DescribeActivityOutput) SetName(v string) *DescribeActivityOutput

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (DescribeActivityOutput) String

func (s DescribeActivityOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DescribeExecutionInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeExecutionInput

type DescribeExecutionInput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the execution to describe.
    // ExecutionArn is a required field
    ExecutionArn *string `locationName:"executionArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeExecutionInput) GoString

func (s DescribeExecutionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeExecutionInput) SetExecutionArn

func (s *DescribeExecutionInput) SetExecutionArn(v string) *DescribeExecutionInput

SetExecutionArn sets the ExecutionArn field's value.

func (DescribeExecutionInput) String

func (s DescribeExecutionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DescribeExecutionInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeExecutionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeExecutionOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeExecutionOutput

type DescribeExecutionOutput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the execution.
    // ExecutionArn is a required field
    ExecutionArn *string `locationName:"executionArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The JSON input data of the execution.
    // Input is a required field
    Input *string `locationName:"input" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the execution.
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The JSON output data of the execution.
    Output *string `locationName:"output" type:"string"`

    // The date the execution was started.
    // StartDate is a required field
    StartDate *time.Time `locationName:"startDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the executed stated machine.
    // StateMachineArn is a required field
    StateMachineArn *string `locationName:"stateMachineArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The current status of the execution.
    // Status is a required field
    Status *string `locationName:"status" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"ExecutionStatus"`

    // If the execution has already ended, the date the execution stopped.
    StopDate *time.Time `locationName:"stopDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeExecutionOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeExecutionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeExecutionOutput) SetExecutionArn

func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetExecutionArn(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput

SetExecutionArn sets the ExecutionArn field's value.

func (*DescribeExecutionOutput) SetInput

func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetInput(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput

SetInput sets the Input field's value.

func (*DescribeExecutionOutput) SetName

func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetName(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*DescribeExecutionOutput) SetOutput

func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetOutput(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput

SetOutput sets the Output field's value.

func (*DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStartDate

func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStartDate(v time.Time) *DescribeExecutionOutput

SetStartDate sets the StartDate field's value.

func (*DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStateMachineArn

func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput

SetStateMachineArn sets the StateMachineArn field's value.

func (*DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStatus

func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStatus(v string) *DescribeExecutionOutput

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (*DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStopDate

func (s *DescribeExecutionOutput) SetStopDate(v time.Time) *DescribeExecutionOutput

SetStopDate sets the StopDate field's value.

func (DescribeExecutionOutput) String

func (s DescribeExecutionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DescribeStateMachineInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeStateMachineInput

type DescribeStateMachineInput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine to describe.
    // StateMachineArn is a required field
    StateMachineArn *string `locationName:"stateMachineArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeStateMachineInput) GoString

func (s DescribeStateMachineInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeStateMachineInput) SetStateMachineArn

func (s *DescribeStateMachineInput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *DescribeStateMachineInput

SetStateMachineArn sets the StateMachineArn field's value.

func (DescribeStateMachineInput) String

func (s DescribeStateMachineInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DescribeStateMachineInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeStateMachineInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeStateMachineOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeStateMachineOutput

type DescribeStateMachineOutput struct {

    // The date the state machine was created.
    // CreationDate is a required field
    CreationDate *time.Time `locationName:"creationDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon States Language definition of the state machine.
    // Definition is a required field
    Definition *string `locationName:"definition" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the state machine.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used for executing this state
    // machine.
    // RoleArn is a required field
    RoleArn *string `locationName:"roleArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the state machine.
    // StateMachineArn is a required field
    StateMachineArn *string `locationName:"stateMachineArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The current status of the state machine.
    Status *string `locationName:"status" type:"string" enum:"StateMachineStatus"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeStateMachineOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeStateMachineOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetCreationDate

func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *DescribeStateMachineOutput

SetCreationDate sets the CreationDate field's value.

func (*DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetDefinition

func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetDefinition(v string) *DescribeStateMachineOutput

SetDefinition sets the Definition field's value.

func (*DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetName

func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetName(v string) *DescribeStateMachineOutput

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetRoleArn

func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetRoleArn(v string) *DescribeStateMachineOutput

SetRoleArn sets the RoleArn field's value.

func (*DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetStateMachineArn

func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *DescribeStateMachineOutput

SetStateMachineArn sets the StateMachineArn field's value.

func (*DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetStatus

func (s *DescribeStateMachineOutput) SetStatus(v string) *DescribeStateMachineOutput

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (DescribeStateMachineOutput) String

func (s DescribeStateMachineOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ExecutionAbortedEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ExecutionAbortedEventDetails

type ExecutionAbortedEventDetails struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the failure.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // The error code of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) GoString

func (s ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) SetCause

func (s *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) SetError

func (s *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) String

func (s ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ExecutionFailedEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ExecutionFailedEventDetails

type ExecutionFailedEventDetails struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the failure.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // The error code of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ExecutionFailedEventDetails) GoString

func (s ExecutionFailedEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ExecutionFailedEventDetails) SetCause

func (s *ExecutionFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ExecutionFailedEventDetails

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*ExecutionFailedEventDetails) SetError

func (s *ExecutionFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ExecutionFailedEventDetails

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (ExecutionFailedEventDetails) String

func (s ExecutionFailedEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ExecutionListItem

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ExecutionListItem

type ExecutionListItem struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the execution.
    // ExecutionArn is a required field
    ExecutionArn *string `locationName:"executionArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the execution.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The date the execution started.
    // StartDate is a required field
    StartDate *time.Time `locationName:"startDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the executed state machine.
    // StateMachineArn is a required field
    StateMachineArn *string `locationName:"stateMachineArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The current status of the execution.
    // Status is a required field
    Status *string `locationName:"status" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"ExecutionStatus"`

    // If the execution already ended, the date the execution stopped.
    StopDate *time.Time `locationName:"stopDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ExecutionListItem) GoString

func (s ExecutionListItem) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ExecutionListItem) SetExecutionArn

func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetExecutionArn(v string) *ExecutionListItem

SetExecutionArn sets the ExecutionArn field's value.

func (*ExecutionListItem) SetName

func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetName(v string) *ExecutionListItem

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*ExecutionListItem) SetStartDate

func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetStartDate(v time.Time) *ExecutionListItem

SetStartDate sets the StartDate field's value.

func (*ExecutionListItem) SetStateMachineArn

func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *ExecutionListItem

SetStateMachineArn sets the StateMachineArn field's value.

func (*ExecutionListItem) SetStatus

func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetStatus(v string) *ExecutionListItem

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (*ExecutionListItem) SetStopDate

func (s *ExecutionListItem) SetStopDate(v time.Time) *ExecutionListItem

SetStopDate sets the StopDate field's value.

func (ExecutionListItem) String

func (s ExecutionListItem) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ExecutionStartedEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ExecutionStartedEventDetails

type ExecutionStartedEventDetails struct {

    // The JSON data input to the execution.
    Input *string `locationName:"input" type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used for executing AWS Lambda
    // tasks.
    RoleArn *string `locationName:"roleArn" min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ExecutionStartedEventDetails) GoString

func (s ExecutionStartedEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ExecutionStartedEventDetails) SetInput

func (s *ExecutionStartedEventDetails) SetInput(v string) *ExecutionStartedEventDetails

SetInput sets the Input field's value.

func (*ExecutionStartedEventDetails) SetRoleArn

func (s *ExecutionStartedEventDetails) SetRoleArn(v string) *ExecutionStartedEventDetails

SetRoleArn sets the RoleArn field's value.

func (ExecutionStartedEventDetails) String

func (s ExecutionStartedEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ExecutionSucceededEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ExecutionSucceededEventDetails

type ExecutionSucceededEventDetails struct {

    // The JSON data output by the execution.
    Output *string `locationName:"output" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) GoString

func (s ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) SetOutput

func (s *ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) SetOutput(v string) *ExecutionSucceededEventDetails

SetOutput sets the Output field's value.

func (ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) String

func (s ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails

type ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the timeout.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // The error code of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) GoString

func (s ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) SetCause

func (s *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) SetError

func (s *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) SetError(v string) *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) String

func (s ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type GetActivityTaskInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/GetActivityTaskInput

type GetActivityTaskInput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the activity to retrieve tasks from.
    // ActivityArn is a required field
    ActivityArn *string `locationName:"activityArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // An arbitrary name may be provided in order to identify the worker that the
    // task is assigned to. This name will be used when it is logged in the execution
    // history.
    WorkerName *string `locationName:"workerName" min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GetActivityTaskInput) GoString

func (s GetActivityTaskInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*GetActivityTaskInput) SetActivityArn

func (s *GetActivityTaskInput) SetActivityArn(v string) *GetActivityTaskInput

SetActivityArn sets the ActivityArn field's value.

func (*GetActivityTaskInput) SetWorkerName

func (s *GetActivityTaskInput) SetWorkerName(v string) *GetActivityTaskInput

SetWorkerName sets the WorkerName field's value.

func (GetActivityTaskInput) String

func (s GetActivityTaskInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*GetActivityTaskInput) Validate

func (s *GetActivityTaskInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type GetActivityTaskOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/GetActivityTaskOutput

type GetActivityTaskOutput struct {

    // The JSON input data for the task.
    Input *string `locationName:"input" type:"string"`

    // A token that identifies the scheduled task. This token must be copied and
    // included in subsequent calls to SendTaskHeartbeat, SendTaskSuccess or SendTaskFailure
    // in order to report the progress or completion of the task.
    TaskToken *string `locationName:"taskToken" min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GetActivityTaskOutput) GoString

func (s GetActivityTaskOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*GetActivityTaskOutput) SetInput

func (s *GetActivityTaskOutput) SetInput(v string) *GetActivityTaskOutput

SetInput sets the Input field's value.

func (*GetActivityTaskOutput) SetTaskToken

func (s *GetActivityTaskOutput) SetTaskToken(v string) *GetActivityTaskOutput

SetTaskToken sets the TaskToken field's value.

func (GetActivityTaskOutput) String

func (s GetActivityTaskOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type GetExecutionHistoryInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/GetExecutionHistoryInput

type GetExecutionHistoryInput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the execution.
    // ExecutionArn is a required field
    ExecutionArn *string `locationName:"executionArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The maximum number of results that will be returned per call. nextToken can
    // be used to obtain further pages of results. The default is 100 and the maximum
    // allowed page size is 1000.
    // This is an upper limit only; the actual number of results returned per call
    // may be fewer than the specified maximum.
    MaxResults *int64 `locationName:"maxResults" type:"integer"`

    // If a nextToken was returned by a previous call, there are more results available.
    // To retrieve the next page of results, make the call again using the returned
    // token in nextToken. Keep all other arguments unchanged.
    // The configured maxResults determines how many results can be returned in
    // a single call.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" min:"1" type:"string"`

    // Lists events in descending order of their timeStamp.
    ReverseOrder *bool `locationName:"reverseOrder" type:"boolean"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GetExecutionHistoryInput) GoString

func (s GetExecutionHistoryInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetExecutionArn

func (s *GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetExecutionArn(v string) *GetExecutionHistoryInput

SetExecutionArn sets the ExecutionArn field's value.

func (*GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetMaxResults

func (s *GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *GetExecutionHistoryInput

SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value.

func (*GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetNextToken

func (s *GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetNextToken(v string) *GetExecutionHistoryInput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (*GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetReverseOrder

func (s *GetExecutionHistoryInput) SetReverseOrder(v bool) *GetExecutionHistoryInput

SetReverseOrder sets the ReverseOrder field's value.

func (GetExecutionHistoryInput) String

func (s GetExecutionHistoryInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*GetExecutionHistoryInput) Validate

func (s *GetExecutionHistoryInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type GetExecutionHistoryOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/GetExecutionHistoryOutput

type GetExecutionHistoryOutput struct {

    // The list of events that occurred in the execution.
    // Events is a required field
    Events []*HistoryEvent `locationName:"events" type:"list" required:"true"`

    // If a nextToken is returned, there are more results available. To retrieve
    // the next page of results, make the call again using the returned token in
    // nextToken. Keep all other arguments unchanged.
    // The configured maxResults determines how many results can be returned in
    // a single call.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GetExecutionHistoryOutput) GoString

func (s GetExecutionHistoryOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*GetExecutionHistoryOutput) SetEvents

func (s *GetExecutionHistoryOutput) SetEvents(v []*HistoryEvent) *GetExecutionHistoryOutput

SetEvents sets the Events field's value.

func (*GetExecutionHistoryOutput) SetNextToken

func (s *GetExecutionHistoryOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *GetExecutionHistoryOutput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (GetExecutionHistoryOutput) String

func (s GetExecutionHistoryOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type HistoryEvent

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/HistoryEvent

type HistoryEvent struct {
    ActivityFailedEventDetails *ActivityFailedEventDetails `locationName:"activityFailedEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails `locationName:"activityScheduleFailedEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    ActivityScheduledEventDetails *ActivityScheduledEventDetails `locationName:"activityScheduledEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    ActivityStartedEventDetails *ActivityStartedEventDetails `locationName:"activityStartedEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    ActivitySucceededEventDetails *ActivitySucceededEventDetails `locationName:"activitySucceededEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    ActivityTimedOutEventDetails *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails `locationName:"activityTimedOutEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    ExecutionAbortedEventDetails *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails `locationName:"executionAbortedEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    ExecutionFailedEventDetails *ExecutionFailedEventDetails `locationName:"executionFailedEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    ExecutionStartedEventDetails *ExecutionStartedEventDetails `locationName:"executionStartedEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    ExecutionSucceededEventDetails *ExecutionSucceededEventDetails `locationName:"executionSucceededEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails `locationName:"executionTimedOutEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    // The id of the event. Events are numbered sequentially, starting at one.
    // Id is a required field
    Id *int64 `locationName:"id" type:"long" required:"true"`

    LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails `locationName:"lambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails `locationName:"lambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails `locationName:"lambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails `locationName:"lambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails *LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails `locationName:"lambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails `locationName:"lambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    // The id of the previous event.
    PreviousEventId *int64 `locationName:"previousEventId" type:"long"`

    StateEnteredEventDetails *StateEnteredEventDetails `locationName:"stateEnteredEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    StateExitedEventDetails *StateExitedEventDetails `locationName:"stateExitedEventDetails" type:"structure"`

    // The date the event occured.
    // Timestamp is a required field
    Timestamp *time.Time `locationName:"timestamp" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`

    // The type of the event.
    // Type is a required field
    Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"HistoryEventType"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (HistoryEvent) GoString

func (s HistoryEvent) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*HistoryEvent) SetActivityFailedEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivityFailedEventDetails(v *ActivityFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetActivityFailedEventDetails sets the ActivityFailedEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails(v *ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails sets the ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetActivityScheduledEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivityScheduledEventDetails(v *ActivityScheduledEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetActivityScheduledEventDetails sets the ActivityScheduledEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetActivityStartedEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivityStartedEventDetails(v *ActivityStartedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetActivityStartedEventDetails sets the ActivityStartedEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetActivitySucceededEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivitySucceededEventDetails(v *ActivitySucceededEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetActivitySucceededEventDetails sets the ActivitySucceededEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetActivityTimedOutEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetActivityTimedOutEventDetails(v *ActivityTimedOutEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetActivityTimedOutEventDetails sets the ActivityTimedOutEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetExecutionAbortedEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetExecutionAbortedEventDetails(v *ExecutionAbortedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetExecutionAbortedEventDetails sets the ExecutionAbortedEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetExecutionFailedEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetExecutionFailedEventDetails(v *ExecutionFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetExecutionFailedEventDetails sets the ExecutionFailedEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetExecutionStartedEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetExecutionStartedEventDetails(v *ExecutionStartedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetExecutionStartedEventDetails sets the ExecutionStartedEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetExecutionSucceededEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetExecutionSucceededEventDetails(v *ExecutionSucceededEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetExecutionSucceededEventDetails sets the ExecutionSucceededEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetExecutionTimedOutEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetExecutionTimedOutEventDetails(v *ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetExecutionTimedOutEventDetails sets the ExecutionTimedOutEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetId

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetId(v int64) *HistoryEvent

SetId sets the Id field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetLambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails sets the LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetLambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails sets the LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetLambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails sets the LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetLambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails sets the LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetLambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails sets the LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetLambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails(v *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetLambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails sets the LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetPreviousEventId

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetPreviousEventId(v int64) *HistoryEvent

SetPreviousEventId sets the PreviousEventId field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetStateEnteredEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetStateEnteredEventDetails(v *StateEnteredEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetStateEnteredEventDetails sets the StateEnteredEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetStateExitedEventDetails

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetStateExitedEventDetails(v *StateExitedEventDetails) *HistoryEvent

SetStateExitedEventDetails sets the StateExitedEventDetails field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetTimestamp

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetTimestamp(v time.Time) *HistoryEvent

SetTimestamp sets the Timestamp field's value.

func (*HistoryEvent) SetType

func (s *HistoryEvent) SetType(v string) *HistoryEvent

SetType sets the Type field's value.

func (HistoryEvent) String

func (s HistoryEvent) String() string

String returns the string representation

type LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails

type LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the failure.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // The error code of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) GoString

func (s LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) SetCause

func (s *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) SetError

func (s *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) String

func (s LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails

type LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the failure.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // The error code of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) GoString

func (s LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetCause

func (s *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetError

func (s *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) String

func (s LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails

type LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails struct {

    // The JSON data input to the lambda function.
    Input *string `locationName:"input" type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the scheduled lambda function.
    // Resource is a required field
    Resource *string `locationName:"resource" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The maximum allowed duration of the lambda function.
    TimeoutInSeconds *int64 `locationName:"timeoutInSeconds" type:"long"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) GoString

func (s LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) SetInput

func (s *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) SetInput(v string) *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails

SetInput sets the Input field's value.

func (*LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) SetResource

func (s *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) SetResource(v string) *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails

SetResource sets the Resource field's value.

func (*LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) SetTimeoutInSeconds

func (s *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) SetTimeoutInSeconds(v int64) *LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails

SetTimeoutInSeconds sets the TimeoutInSeconds field's value.

func (LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) String

func (s LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails

type LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the failure.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // The error code of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) GoString

func (s LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) SetCause

func (s *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) SetError

func (s *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) SetError(v string) *LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) String

func (s LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails

type LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails struct {

    // The JSON data output by the lambda function.
    Output *string `locationName:"output" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) GoString

func (s LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) SetOutput

func (s *LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) SetOutput(v string) *LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails

SetOutput sets the Output field's value.

func (LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) String

func (s LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails

type LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the timeout.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // The error code of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) GoString

func (s LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) SetCause

func (s *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) SetCause(v string) *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) SetError

func (s *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) SetError(v string) *LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) String

func (s LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ListActivitiesInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListActivitiesInput

type ListActivitiesInput struct {

    // The maximum number of results that will be returned per call. nextToken can
    // be used to obtain further pages of results. The default is 100 and the maximum
    // allowed page size is 1000.
    // This is an upper limit only; the actual number of results returned per call
    // may be fewer than the specified maximum.
    MaxResults *int64 `locationName:"maxResults" type:"integer"`

    // If a nextToken was returned by a previous call, there are more results available.
    // To retrieve the next page of results, make the call again using the returned
    // token in nextToken. Keep all other arguments unchanged.
    // The configured maxResults determines how many results can be returned in
    // a single call.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListActivitiesInput) GoString

func (s ListActivitiesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ListActivitiesInput) SetMaxResults

func (s *ListActivitiesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *ListActivitiesInput

SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value.

func (*ListActivitiesInput) SetNextToken

func (s *ListActivitiesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListActivitiesInput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (ListActivitiesInput) String

func (s ListActivitiesInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*ListActivitiesInput) Validate

func (s *ListActivitiesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ListActivitiesOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListActivitiesOutput

type ListActivitiesOutput struct {

    // The list of activities.
    // Activities is a required field
    Activities []*ActivityListItem `locationName:"activities" type:"list" required:"true"`

    // If a nextToken is returned, there are more results available. To retrieve
    // the next page of results, make the call again using the returned token in
    // nextToken. Keep all other arguments unchanged.
    // The configured maxResults determines how many results can be returned in
    // a single call.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListActivitiesOutput) GoString

func (s ListActivitiesOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ListActivitiesOutput) SetActivities

func (s *ListActivitiesOutput) SetActivities(v []*ActivityListItem) *ListActivitiesOutput

SetActivities sets the Activities field's value.

func (*ListActivitiesOutput) SetNextToken

func (s *ListActivitiesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListActivitiesOutput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (ListActivitiesOutput) String

func (s ListActivitiesOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ListExecutionsInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListExecutionsInput

type ListExecutionsInput struct {

    // The maximum number of results that will be returned per call. nextToken can
    // be used to obtain further pages of results. The default is 100 and the maximum
    // allowed page size is 1000.
    // This is an upper limit only; the actual number of results returned per call
    // may be fewer than the specified maximum.
    MaxResults *int64 `locationName:"maxResults" type:"integer"`

    // If a nextToken was returned by a previous call, there are more results available.
    // To retrieve the next page of results, make the call again using the returned
    // token in nextToken. Keep all other arguments unchanged.
    // The configured maxResults determines how many results can be returned in
    // a single call.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine whose executions will
    // be listed.
    // StateMachineArn is a required field
    StateMachineArn *string `locationName:"stateMachineArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // If specified, only list the executions whose current execution status matches
    // the given filter.
    StatusFilter *string `locationName:"statusFilter" type:"string" enum:"ExecutionStatus"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListExecutionsInput) GoString

func (s ListExecutionsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ListExecutionsInput) SetMaxResults

func (s *ListExecutionsInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *ListExecutionsInput

SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value.

func (*ListExecutionsInput) SetNextToken

func (s *ListExecutionsInput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListExecutionsInput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (*ListExecutionsInput) SetStateMachineArn

func (s *ListExecutionsInput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *ListExecutionsInput

SetStateMachineArn sets the StateMachineArn field's value.

func (*ListExecutionsInput) SetStatusFilter

func (s *ListExecutionsInput) SetStatusFilter(v string) *ListExecutionsInput

SetStatusFilter sets the StatusFilter field's value.

func (ListExecutionsInput) String

func (s ListExecutionsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*ListExecutionsInput) Validate

func (s *ListExecutionsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ListExecutionsOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListExecutionsOutput

type ListExecutionsOutput struct {

    // The list of matching executions.
    // Executions is a required field
    Executions []*ExecutionListItem `locationName:"executions" type:"list" required:"true"`

    // If a nextToken is returned, there are more results available. To retrieve
    // the next page of results, make the call again using the returned token in
    // nextToken. Keep all other arguments unchanged.
    // The configured maxResults determines how many results can be returned in
    // a single call.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListExecutionsOutput) GoString

func (s ListExecutionsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ListExecutionsOutput) SetExecutions

func (s *ListExecutionsOutput) SetExecutions(v []*ExecutionListItem) *ListExecutionsOutput

SetExecutions sets the Executions field's value.

func (*ListExecutionsOutput) SetNextToken

func (s *ListExecutionsOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListExecutionsOutput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (ListExecutionsOutput) String

func (s ListExecutionsOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ListStateMachinesInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListStateMachinesInput

type ListStateMachinesInput struct {

    // The maximum number of results that will be returned per call. nextToken can
    // be used to obtain further pages of results. The default is 100 and the maximum
    // allowed page size is 1000.
    // This is an upper limit only; the actual number of results returned per call
    // may be fewer than the specified maximum.
    MaxResults *int64 `locationName:"maxResults" type:"integer"`

    // If a nextToken was returned by a previous call, there are more results available.
    // To retrieve the next page of results, make the call again using the returned
    // token in nextToken. Keep all other arguments unchanged.
    // The configured maxResults determines how many results can be returned in
    // a single call.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListStateMachinesInput) GoString

func (s ListStateMachinesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ListStateMachinesInput) SetMaxResults

func (s *ListStateMachinesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *ListStateMachinesInput

SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value.

func (*ListStateMachinesInput) SetNextToken

func (s *ListStateMachinesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListStateMachinesInput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (ListStateMachinesInput) String

func (s ListStateMachinesInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*ListStateMachinesInput) Validate

func (s *ListStateMachinesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ListStateMachinesOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListStateMachinesOutput

type ListStateMachinesOutput struct {

    // If a nextToken is returned, there are more results available. To retrieve
    // the next page of results, make the call again using the returned token in
    // nextToken. Keep all other arguments unchanged.
    // The configured maxResults determines how many results can be returned in
    // a single call.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" min:"1" type:"string"`

    // StateMachines is a required field
    StateMachines []*StateMachineListItem `locationName:"stateMachines" type:"list" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListStateMachinesOutput) GoString

func (s ListStateMachinesOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ListStateMachinesOutput) SetNextToken

func (s *ListStateMachinesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *ListStateMachinesOutput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (*ListStateMachinesOutput) SetStateMachines

func (s *ListStateMachinesOutput) SetStateMachines(v []*StateMachineListItem) *ListStateMachinesOutput

SetStateMachines sets the StateMachines field's value.

func (ListStateMachinesOutput) String

func (s ListStateMachinesOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type SFN

SFN provides the API operation methods for making requests to AWS Step Functions. See this package's package overview docs for details on the service.

SFN methods are safe to use concurrently. It is not safe to modify mutate any of the struct's properties though.

type SFN struct {

func New

func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *SFN

New creates a new instance of the SFN client with a session. If additional configuration is needed for the client instance use the optional aws.Config parameter to add your extra config.


// Create a SFN client from just a session.
svc := sfn.New(mySession)

// Create a SFN client with additional configuration
svc := sfn.New(mySession, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion("us-west-2"))

func (*SFN) CreateActivity

func (c *SFN) CreateActivity(input *CreateActivityInput) (*CreateActivityOutput, error)

CreateActivity API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Creates an activity.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation CreateActivity for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeActivityLimitExceeded "ActivityLimitExceeded"
The maximum number of activities has been reached. Existing activities must
be deleted before a new activity can be created.

* ErrCodeInvalidName "InvalidName"
The provided name is invalid.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/CreateActivity

func (*SFN) CreateActivityRequest

func (c *SFN) CreateActivityRequest(input *CreateActivityInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateActivityOutput)

CreateActivityRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateActivity operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See CreateActivity for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the CreateActivity method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the CreateActivityRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateActivityRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/CreateActivity

func (*SFN) CreateActivityWithContext

func (c *SFN) CreateActivityWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateActivityInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateActivityOutput, error)

CreateActivityWithContext is the same as CreateActivity with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateActivity for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) CreateStateMachine

func (c *SFN) CreateStateMachine(input *CreateStateMachineInput) (*CreateStateMachineOutput, error)

CreateStateMachine API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Creates a state machine.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation CreateStateMachine for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

* ErrCodeInvalidDefinition "InvalidDefinition"
The provided Amazon States Language definition is invalid.

* ErrCodeInvalidName "InvalidName"
The provided name is invalid.

* ErrCodeStateMachineAlreadyExists "StateMachineAlreadyExists"
A state machine with the same name but a different definition or role ARN
already exists.

* ErrCodeStateMachineDeleting "StateMachineDeleting"
The specified state machine is being deleted.

* ErrCodeStateMachineLimitExceeded "StateMachineLimitExceeded"
The maximum number of state machines has been reached. Existing state machines
must be deleted before a new state machine can be created.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/CreateStateMachine

func (*SFN) CreateStateMachineRequest

func (c *SFN) CreateStateMachineRequest(input *CreateStateMachineInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateStateMachineOutput)

CreateStateMachineRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateStateMachine operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See CreateStateMachine for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the CreateStateMachine method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the CreateStateMachineRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateStateMachineRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/CreateStateMachine

func (*SFN) CreateStateMachineWithContext

func (c *SFN) CreateStateMachineWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateStateMachineInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateStateMachineOutput, error)

CreateStateMachineWithContext is the same as CreateStateMachine with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateStateMachine for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) DeleteActivity

func (c *SFN) DeleteActivity(input *DeleteActivityInput) (*DeleteActivityOutput, error)

DeleteActivity API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Deletes an activity.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation DeleteActivity for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DeleteActivity

func (*SFN) DeleteActivityRequest

func (c *SFN) DeleteActivityRequest(input *DeleteActivityInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteActivityOutput)

DeleteActivityRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteActivity operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DeleteActivity for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DeleteActivity method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteActivityRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteActivityRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DeleteActivity

func (*SFN) DeleteActivityWithContext

func (c *SFN) DeleteActivityWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteActivityInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteActivityOutput, error)

DeleteActivityWithContext is the same as DeleteActivity with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteActivity for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) DeleteStateMachine

func (c *SFN) DeleteStateMachine(input *DeleteStateMachineInput) (*DeleteStateMachineOutput, error)

DeleteStateMachine API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Deletes a state machine. This is an asynchronous operation-- it sets the state machine's status to "DELETING" and begins the delete process.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation DeleteStateMachine for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DeleteStateMachine

func (*SFN) DeleteStateMachineRequest

func (c *SFN) DeleteStateMachineRequest(input *DeleteStateMachineInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteStateMachineOutput)

DeleteStateMachineRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteStateMachine operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DeleteStateMachine for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DeleteStateMachine method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteStateMachineRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteStateMachineRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DeleteStateMachine

func (*SFN) DeleteStateMachineWithContext

func (c *SFN) DeleteStateMachineWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteStateMachineInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteStateMachineOutput, error)

DeleteStateMachineWithContext is the same as DeleteStateMachine with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteStateMachine for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) DescribeActivity

func (c *SFN) DescribeActivity(input *DescribeActivityInput) (*DescribeActivityOutput, error)

DescribeActivity API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Describes an activity.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation DescribeActivity for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeActivityDoesNotExist "ActivityDoesNotExist"
The specified activity does not exist.

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeActivity

func (*SFN) DescribeActivityRequest

func (c *SFN) DescribeActivityRequest(input *DescribeActivityInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeActivityOutput)

DescribeActivityRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeActivity operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DescribeActivity for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DescribeActivity method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeActivityRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeActivityRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeActivity

func (*SFN) DescribeActivityWithContext

func (c *SFN) DescribeActivityWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeActivityInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeActivityOutput, error)

DescribeActivityWithContext is the same as DescribeActivity with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeActivity for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) DescribeExecution

func (c *SFN) DescribeExecution(input *DescribeExecutionInput) (*DescribeExecutionOutput, error)

DescribeExecution API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Describes an execution.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation DescribeExecution for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeExecutionDoesNotExist "ExecutionDoesNotExist"
The specified execution does not exist.

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeExecution

func (*SFN) DescribeExecutionRequest

func (c *SFN) DescribeExecutionRequest(input *DescribeExecutionInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeExecutionOutput)

DescribeExecutionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeExecution operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DescribeExecution for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DescribeExecution method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeExecutionRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeExecutionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeExecution

func (*SFN) DescribeExecutionWithContext

func (c *SFN) DescribeExecutionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeExecutionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeExecutionOutput, error)

DescribeExecutionWithContext is the same as DescribeExecution with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeExecution for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) DescribeStateMachine

func (c *SFN) DescribeStateMachine(input *DescribeStateMachineInput) (*DescribeStateMachineOutput, error)

DescribeStateMachine API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Describes a state machine.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation DescribeStateMachine for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

* ErrCodeStateMachineDoesNotExist "StateMachineDoesNotExist"
The specified state machine does not exist.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeStateMachine

func (*SFN) DescribeStateMachineRequest

func (c *SFN) DescribeStateMachineRequest(input *DescribeStateMachineInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeStateMachineOutput)

DescribeStateMachineRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeStateMachine operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DescribeStateMachine for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DescribeStateMachine method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeStateMachineRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeStateMachineRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/DescribeStateMachine

func (*SFN) DescribeStateMachineWithContext

func (c *SFN) DescribeStateMachineWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeStateMachineInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeStateMachineOutput, error)

DescribeStateMachineWithContext is the same as DescribeStateMachine with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeStateMachine for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) GetActivityTask

func (c *SFN) GetActivityTask(input *GetActivityTaskInput) (*GetActivityTaskOutput, error)

GetActivityTask API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Used by workers to retrieve a task (with the specified activity ARN) scheduled for execution by a running state machine. This initiates a long poll, where the service holds the HTTP connection open and responds as soon as a task becomes available (i.e. an execution of a task of this type is needed.) The maximum time the service holds on to the request before responding is 60 seconds. If no task is available within 60 seconds, the poll will return an empty result, that is, the taskToken returned is an empty string.

Workers should set their client side socket timeout to at least 65 seconds (5 seconds higher than the maximum time the service may hold the poll request).

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation GetActivityTask for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeActivityDoesNotExist "ActivityDoesNotExist"
The specified activity does not exist.

* ErrCodeActivityWorkerLimitExceeded "ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded"
The maximum number of workers concurrently polling for activity tasks has
been reached.

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/GetActivityTask

func (*SFN) GetActivityTaskRequest

func (c *SFN) GetActivityTaskRequest(input *GetActivityTaskInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetActivityTaskOutput)

GetActivityTaskRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the GetActivityTask operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See GetActivityTask for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the GetActivityTask method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the GetActivityTaskRequest method.
req, resp := client.GetActivityTaskRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/GetActivityTask

func (*SFN) GetActivityTaskWithContext

func (c *SFN) GetActivityTaskWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetActivityTaskInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetActivityTaskOutput, error)

GetActivityTaskWithContext is the same as GetActivityTask with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See GetActivityTask for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) GetExecutionHistory

func (c *SFN) GetExecutionHistory(input *GetExecutionHistoryInput) (*GetExecutionHistoryOutput, error)

GetExecutionHistory API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Returns the history of the specified execution as a list of events. By default, the results are returned in ascending order of the timeStamp of the events. Use the reverseOrder parameter to get the latest events first. The results may be split into multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextToken returned by the previous call.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation GetExecutionHistory for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeExecutionDoesNotExist "ExecutionDoesNotExist"
The specified execution does not exist.

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

* ErrCodeInvalidToken "InvalidToken"
The provided token is invalid.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/GetExecutionHistory

func (*SFN) GetExecutionHistoryPages

func (c *SFN) GetExecutionHistoryPages(input *GetExecutionHistoryInput, fn func(*GetExecutionHistoryOutput, bool) bool) error

GetExecutionHistoryPages iterates over the pages of a GetExecutionHistory operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See GetExecutionHistory method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a GetExecutionHistory operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.GetExecutionHistoryPages(params,
    func(page *GetExecutionHistoryOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*SFN) GetExecutionHistoryPagesWithContext

func (c *SFN) GetExecutionHistoryPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetExecutionHistoryInput, fn func(*GetExecutionHistoryOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

GetExecutionHistoryPagesWithContext same as GetExecutionHistoryPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) GetExecutionHistoryRequest

func (c *SFN) GetExecutionHistoryRequest(input *GetExecutionHistoryInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetExecutionHistoryOutput)

GetExecutionHistoryRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the GetExecutionHistory operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See GetExecutionHistory for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the GetExecutionHistory method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the GetExecutionHistoryRequest method.
req, resp := client.GetExecutionHistoryRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/GetExecutionHistory

func (*SFN) GetExecutionHistoryWithContext

func (c *SFN) GetExecutionHistoryWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetExecutionHistoryInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetExecutionHistoryOutput, error)

GetExecutionHistoryWithContext is the same as GetExecutionHistory with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See GetExecutionHistory for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) ListActivities

func (c *SFN) ListActivities(input *ListActivitiesInput) (*ListActivitiesOutput, error)

ListActivities API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Lists the existing activities. The results may be split into multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextToken returned by the previous call.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation ListActivities for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidToken "InvalidToken"
The provided token is invalid.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListActivities

func (*SFN) ListActivitiesPages

func (c *SFN) ListActivitiesPages(input *ListActivitiesInput, fn func(*ListActivitiesOutput, bool) bool) error

ListActivitiesPages iterates over the pages of a ListActivities operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See ListActivities method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a ListActivities operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.ListActivitiesPages(params,
    func(page *ListActivitiesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*SFN) ListActivitiesPagesWithContext

func (c *SFN) ListActivitiesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListActivitiesInput, fn func(*ListActivitiesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

ListActivitiesPagesWithContext same as ListActivitiesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) ListActivitiesRequest

func (c *SFN) ListActivitiesRequest(input *ListActivitiesInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListActivitiesOutput)

ListActivitiesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ListActivities operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See ListActivities for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the ListActivities method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the ListActivitiesRequest method.
req, resp := client.ListActivitiesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListActivities

func (*SFN) ListActivitiesWithContext

func (c *SFN) ListActivitiesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListActivitiesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListActivitiesOutput, error)

ListActivitiesWithContext is the same as ListActivities with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ListActivities for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) ListExecutions

func (c *SFN) ListExecutions(input *ListExecutionsInput) (*ListExecutionsOutput, error)

ListExecutions API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Lists the executions of a state machine that meet the filtering criteria. The results may be split into multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextToken returned by the previous call.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation ListExecutions for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

* ErrCodeInvalidToken "InvalidToken"
The provided token is invalid.

* ErrCodeStateMachineDoesNotExist "StateMachineDoesNotExist"
The specified state machine does not exist.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListExecutions

func (*SFN) ListExecutionsPages

func (c *SFN) ListExecutionsPages(input *ListExecutionsInput, fn func(*ListExecutionsOutput, bool) bool) error

ListExecutionsPages iterates over the pages of a ListExecutions operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See ListExecutions method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a ListExecutions operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.ListExecutionsPages(params,
    func(page *ListExecutionsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*SFN) ListExecutionsPagesWithContext

func (c *SFN) ListExecutionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListExecutionsInput, fn func(*ListExecutionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

ListExecutionsPagesWithContext same as ListExecutionsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) ListExecutionsRequest

func (c *SFN) ListExecutionsRequest(input *ListExecutionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListExecutionsOutput)

ListExecutionsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ListExecutions operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See ListExecutions for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the ListExecutions method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the ListExecutionsRequest method.
req, resp := client.ListExecutionsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListExecutions

func (*SFN) ListExecutionsWithContext

func (c *SFN) ListExecutionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListExecutionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListExecutionsOutput, error)

ListExecutionsWithContext is the same as ListExecutions with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ListExecutions for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) ListStateMachines

func (c *SFN) ListStateMachines(input *ListStateMachinesInput) (*ListStateMachinesOutput, error)

ListStateMachines API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Lists the existing state machines. The results may be split into multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextToken returned by the previous call.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation ListStateMachines for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidToken "InvalidToken"
The provided token is invalid.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListStateMachines

func (*SFN) ListStateMachinesPages

func (c *SFN) ListStateMachinesPages(input *ListStateMachinesInput, fn func(*ListStateMachinesOutput, bool) bool) error

ListStateMachinesPages iterates over the pages of a ListStateMachines operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See ListStateMachines method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a ListStateMachines operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.ListStateMachinesPages(params,
    func(page *ListStateMachinesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*SFN) ListStateMachinesPagesWithContext

func (c *SFN) ListStateMachinesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListStateMachinesInput, fn func(*ListStateMachinesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

ListStateMachinesPagesWithContext same as ListStateMachinesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) ListStateMachinesRequest

func (c *SFN) ListStateMachinesRequest(input *ListStateMachinesInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListStateMachinesOutput)

ListStateMachinesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ListStateMachines operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See ListStateMachines for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the ListStateMachines method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the ListStateMachinesRequest method.
req, resp := client.ListStateMachinesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/ListStateMachines

func (*SFN) ListStateMachinesWithContext

func (c *SFN) ListStateMachinesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListStateMachinesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListStateMachinesOutput, error)

ListStateMachinesWithContext is the same as ListStateMachines with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ListStateMachines for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) SendTaskFailure

func (c *SFN) SendTaskFailure(input *SendTaskFailureInput) (*SendTaskFailureOutput, error)

SendTaskFailure API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Used by workers to report that the task identified by the taskToken failed.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation SendTaskFailure for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeTaskDoesNotExist "TaskDoesNotExist"

* ErrCodeInvalidToken "InvalidToken"
The provided token is invalid.

* ErrCodeTaskTimedOut "TaskTimedOut"

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskFailure

func (*SFN) SendTaskFailureRequest

func (c *SFN) SendTaskFailureRequest(input *SendTaskFailureInput) (req *request.Request, output *SendTaskFailureOutput)

SendTaskFailureRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the SendTaskFailure operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See SendTaskFailure for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the SendTaskFailure method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the SendTaskFailureRequest method.
req, resp := client.SendTaskFailureRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskFailure

func (*SFN) SendTaskFailureWithContext

func (c *SFN) SendTaskFailureWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SendTaskFailureInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SendTaskFailureOutput, error)

SendTaskFailureWithContext is the same as SendTaskFailure with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See SendTaskFailure for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) SendTaskHeartbeat

func (c *SFN) SendTaskHeartbeat(input *SendTaskHeartbeatInput) (*SendTaskHeartbeatOutput, error)

SendTaskHeartbeat API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Used by workers to report to the service that the task represented by the specified taskToken is still making progress. This action resets the Heartbeat clock. The Heartbeat threshold is specified in the state machine's Amazon States Language definition. This action does not in itself create an event in the execution history. However, if the task times out, the execution history will contain an ActivityTimedOut event.

The Timeout of a task, defined in the state machine's Amazon States Language definition, is its maximum allowed duration, regardless of the number of SendTaskHeartbeat requests received.

This operation is only useful for long-lived tasks to report the liveliness of the task.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation SendTaskHeartbeat for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeTaskDoesNotExist "TaskDoesNotExist"

* ErrCodeInvalidToken "InvalidToken"
The provided token is invalid.

* ErrCodeTaskTimedOut "TaskTimedOut"

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskHeartbeat

func (*SFN) SendTaskHeartbeatRequest

func (c *SFN) SendTaskHeartbeatRequest(input *SendTaskHeartbeatInput) (req *request.Request, output *SendTaskHeartbeatOutput)

SendTaskHeartbeatRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the SendTaskHeartbeat operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See SendTaskHeartbeat for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the SendTaskHeartbeat method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the SendTaskHeartbeatRequest method.
req, resp := client.SendTaskHeartbeatRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskHeartbeat

func (*SFN) SendTaskHeartbeatWithContext

func (c *SFN) SendTaskHeartbeatWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SendTaskHeartbeatInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SendTaskHeartbeatOutput, error)

SendTaskHeartbeatWithContext is the same as SendTaskHeartbeat with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See SendTaskHeartbeat for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) SendTaskSuccess

func (c *SFN) SendTaskSuccess(input *SendTaskSuccessInput) (*SendTaskSuccessOutput, error)

SendTaskSuccess API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Used by workers to report that the task identified by the taskToken completed successfully.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation SendTaskSuccess for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeTaskDoesNotExist "TaskDoesNotExist"

* ErrCodeInvalidOutput "InvalidOutput"
The provided JSON output data is invalid.

* ErrCodeInvalidToken "InvalidToken"
The provided token is invalid.

* ErrCodeTaskTimedOut "TaskTimedOut"

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskSuccess

func (*SFN) SendTaskSuccessRequest

func (c *SFN) SendTaskSuccessRequest(input *SendTaskSuccessInput) (req *request.Request, output *SendTaskSuccessOutput)

SendTaskSuccessRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the SendTaskSuccess operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See SendTaskSuccess for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the SendTaskSuccess method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the SendTaskSuccessRequest method.
req, resp := client.SendTaskSuccessRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskSuccess

func (*SFN) SendTaskSuccessWithContext

func (c *SFN) SendTaskSuccessWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SendTaskSuccessInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SendTaskSuccessOutput, error)

SendTaskSuccessWithContext is the same as SendTaskSuccess with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See SendTaskSuccess for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) StartExecution

func (c *SFN) StartExecution(input *StartExecutionInput) (*StartExecutionOutput, error)

StartExecution API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Starts a state machine execution.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation StartExecution for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeExecutionLimitExceeded "ExecutionLimitExceeded"
The maximum number of running executions has been reached. Running executions
must end or be stopped before a new execution can be started.

* ErrCodeExecutionAlreadyExists "ExecutionAlreadyExists"
An execution with the same name already exists.

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

* ErrCodeInvalidExecutionInput "InvalidExecutionInput"
The provided JSON input data is invalid.

* ErrCodeInvalidName "InvalidName"
The provided name is invalid.

* ErrCodeStateMachineDoesNotExist "StateMachineDoesNotExist"
The specified state machine does not exist.

* ErrCodeStateMachineDeleting "StateMachineDeleting"
The specified state machine is being deleted.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StartExecution

func (*SFN) StartExecutionRequest

func (c *SFN) StartExecutionRequest(input *StartExecutionInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartExecutionOutput)

StartExecutionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartExecution operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See StartExecution for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the StartExecution method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the StartExecutionRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartExecutionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StartExecution

func (*SFN) StartExecutionWithContext

func (c *SFN) StartExecutionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartExecutionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartExecutionOutput, error)

StartExecutionWithContext is the same as StartExecution with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartExecution for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*SFN) StopExecution

func (c *SFN) StopExecution(input *StopExecutionInput) (*StopExecutionOutput, error)

StopExecution API operation for AWS Step Functions.

Stops an execution.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Step Functions's API operation StopExecution for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeExecutionDoesNotExist "ExecutionDoesNotExist"
The specified execution does not exist.

* ErrCodeInvalidArn "InvalidArn"
The provided Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is invalid.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StopExecution

func (*SFN) StopExecutionRequest

func (c *SFN) StopExecutionRequest(input *StopExecutionInput) (req *request.Request, output *StopExecutionOutput)

StopExecutionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StopExecution operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See StopExecution for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the StopExecution method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the StopExecutionRequest method.
req, resp := client.StopExecutionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StopExecution

func (*SFN) StopExecutionWithContext

func (c *SFN) StopExecutionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StopExecutionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StopExecutionOutput, error)

StopExecutionWithContext is the same as StopExecution with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StopExecution for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

type SendTaskFailureInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskFailureInput

type SendTaskFailureInput struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the failure.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // An arbitrary error code that identifies the cause of the failure.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`

    // The token that represents this task. Task tokens are generated by the service
    // when the tasks are assigned to a worker (see GetActivityTask::taskToken).
    // TaskToken is a required field
    TaskToken *string `locationName:"taskToken" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SendTaskFailureInput) GoString

func (s SendTaskFailureInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*SendTaskFailureInput) SetCause

func (s *SendTaskFailureInput) SetCause(v string) *SendTaskFailureInput

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*SendTaskFailureInput) SetError

func (s *SendTaskFailureInput) SetError(v string) *SendTaskFailureInput

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (*SendTaskFailureInput) SetTaskToken

func (s *SendTaskFailureInput) SetTaskToken(v string) *SendTaskFailureInput

SetTaskToken sets the TaskToken field's value.

func (SendTaskFailureInput) String

func (s SendTaskFailureInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*SendTaskFailureInput) Validate

func (s *SendTaskFailureInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type SendTaskFailureOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskFailureOutput

type SendTaskFailureOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SendTaskFailureOutput) GoString

func (s SendTaskFailureOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (SendTaskFailureOutput) String

func (s SendTaskFailureOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type SendTaskHeartbeatInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskHeartbeatInput

type SendTaskHeartbeatInput struct {

    // The token that represents this task. Task tokens are generated by the service
    // when the tasks are assigned to a worker (see GetActivityTask::taskToken).
    // TaskToken is a required field
    TaskToken *string `locationName:"taskToken" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SendTaskHeartbeatInput) GoString

func (s SendTaskHeartbeatInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*SendTaskHeartbeatInput) SetTaskToken

func (s *SendTaskHeartbeatInput) SetTaskToken(v string) *SendTaskHeartbeatInput

SetTaskToken sets the TaskToken field's value.

func (SendTaskHeartbeatInput) String

func (s SendTaskHeartbeatInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*SendTaskHeartbeatInput) Validate

func (s *SendTaskHeartbeatInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type SendTaskHeartbeatOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskHeartbeatOutput

type SendTaskHeartbeatOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SendTaskHeartbeatOutput) GoString

func (s SendTaskHeartbeatOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (SendTaskHeartbeatOutput) String

func (s SendTaskHeartbeatOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type SendTaskSuccessInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskSuccessInput

type SendTaskSuccessInput struct {

    // The JSON output of the task.
    // Output is a required field
    Output *string `locationName:"output" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The token that represents this task. Task tokens are generated by the service
    // when the tasks are assigned to a worker (see GetActivityTask::taskToken).
    // TaskToken is a required field
    TaskToken *string `locationName:"taskToken" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SendTaskSuccessInput) GoString

func (s SendTaskSuccessInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*SendTaskSuccessInput) SetOutput

func (s *SendTaskSuccessInput) SetOutput(v string) *SendTaskSuccessInput

SetOutput sets the Output field's value.

func (*SendTaskSuccessInput) SetTaskToken

func (s *SendTaskSuccessInput) SetTaskToken(v string) *SendTaskSuccessInput

SetTaskToken sets the TaskToken field's value.

func (SendTaskSuccessInput) String

func (s SendTaskSuccessInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*SendTaskSuccessInput) Validate

func (s *SendTaskSuccessInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type SendTaskSuccessOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/SendTaskSuccessOutput

type SendTaskSuccessOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SendTaskSuccessOutput) GoString

func (s SendTaskSuccessOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (SendTaskSuccessOutput) String

func (s SendTaskSuccessOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type StartExecutionInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StartExecutionInput

type StartExecutionInput struct {

    // The JSON input data for the execution.
    Input *string `locationName:"input" type:"string"`

    // The name of the execution. This name must be unique for your AWS account
    // and region.
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine to execute.
    // StateMachineArn is a required field
    StateMachineArn *string `locationName:"stateMachineArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartExecutionInput) GoString

func (s StartExecutionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*StartExecutionInput) SetInput

func (s *StartExecutionInput) SetInput(v string) *StartExecutionInput

SetInput sets the Input field's value.

func (*StartExecutionInput) SetName

func (s *StartExecutionInput) SetName(v string) *StartExecutionInput

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*StartExecutionInput) SetStateMachineArn

func (s *StartExecutionInput) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *StartExecutionInput

SetStateMachineArn sets the StateMachineArn field's value.

func (StartExecutionInput) String

func (s StartExecutionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*StartExecutionInput) Validate

func (s *StartExecutionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartExecutionOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StartExecutionOutput

type StartExecutionOutput struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the execution.
    // ExecutionArn is a required field
    ExecutionArn *string `locationName:"executionArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The date the execution was started.
    // StartDate is a required field
    StartDate *time.Time `locationName:"startDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartExecutionOutput) GoString

func (s StartExecutionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*StartExecutionOutput) SetExecutionArn

func (s *StartExecutionOutput) SetExecutionArn(v string) *StartExecutionOutput

SetExecutionArn sets the ExecutionArn field's value.

func (*StartExecutionOutput) SetStartDate

func (s *StartExecutionOutput) SetStartDate(v time.Time) *StartExecutionOutput

SetStartDate sets the StartDate field's value.

func (StartExecutionOutput) String

func (s StartExecutionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type StateEnteredEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StateEnteredEventDetails

type StateEnteredEventDetails struct {

    // The JSON input data to the state.
    Input *string `locationName:"input" type:"string"`

    // The name of the state.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StateEnteredEventDetails) GoString

func (s StateEnteredEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*StateEnteredEventDetails) SetInput

func (s *StateEnteredEventDetails) SetInput(v string) *StateEnteredEventDetails

SetInput sets the Input field's value.

func (*StateEnteredEventDetails) SetName

func (s *StateEnteredEventDetails) SetName(v string) *StateEnteredEventDetails

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (StateEnteredEventDetails) String

func (s StateEnteredEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type StateExitedEventDetails

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StateExitedEventDetails

type StateExitedEventDetails struct {

    // The name of the state.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The JSON output data of the state.
    Output *string `locationName:"output" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StateExitedEventDetails) GoString

func (s StateExitedEventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*StateExitedEventDetails) SetName

func (s *StateExitedEventDetails) SetName(v string) *StateExitedEventDetails

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*StateExitedEventDetails) SetOutput

func (s *StateExitedEventDetails) SetOutput(v string) *StateExitedEventDetails

SetOutput sets the Output field's value.

func (StateExitedEventDetails) String

func (s StateExitedEventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type StateMachineListItem

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StateMachineListItem

type StateMachineListItem struct {

    // The date the state machine was created.
    // CreationDate is a required field
    CreationDate *time.Time `locationName:"creationDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`

    // The name of the state machine.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `locationName:"name" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the state machine.
    // StateMachineArn is a required field
    StateMachineArn *string `locationName:"stateMachineArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StateMachineListItem) GoString

func (s StateMachineListItem) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*StateMachineListItem) SetCreationDate

func (s *StateMachineListItem) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *StateMachineListItem

SetCreationDate sets the CreationDate field's value.

func (*StateMachineListItem) SetName

func (s *StateMachineListItem) SetName(v string) *StateMachineListItem

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*StateMachineListItem) SetStateMachineArn

func (s *StateMachineListItem) SetStateMachineArn(v string) *StateMachineListItem

SetStateMachineArn sets the StateMachineArn field's value.

func (StateMachineListItem) String

func (s StateMachineListItem) String() string

String returns the string representation

type StopExecutionInput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StopExecutionInput

type StopExecutionInput struct {

    // A more detailed explanation of the cause of the termination.
    Cause *string `locationName:"cause" type:"string"`

    // An arbitrary error code that identifies the cause of the termination.
    Error *string `locationName:"error" type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the execution to stop.
    // ExecutionArn is a required field
    ExecutionArn *string `locationName:"executionArn" min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StopExecutionInput) GoString

func (s StopExecutionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*StopExecutionInput) SetCause

func (s *StopExecutionInput) SetCause(v string) *StopExecutionInput

SetCause sets the Cause field's value.

func (*StopExecutionInput) SetError

func (s *StopExecutionInput) SetError(v string) *StopExecutionInput

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (*StopExecutionInput) SetExecutionArn

func (s *StopExecutionInput) SetExecutionArn(v string) *StopExecutionInput

SetExecutionArn sets the ExecutionArn field's value.

func (StopExecutionInput) String

func (s StopExecutionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*StopExecutionInput) Validate

func (s *StopExecutionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StopExecutionOutput

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/states-2016-11-23/StopExecutionOutput

type StopExecutionOutput struct {

    // The date the execution was stopped.
    // StopDate is a required field
    StopDate *time.Time `locationName:"stopDate" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StopExecutionOutput) GoString

func (s StopExecutionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*StopExecutionOutput) SetStopDate

func (s *StopExecutionOutput) SetStopDate(v time.Time) *StopExecutionOutput

SetStopDate sets the StopDate field's value.

func (StopExecutionOutput) String

func (s StopExecutionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation


Name Synopsis
sfniface Package sfniface provides an interface to enable mocking the AWS Step Functions service client for testing your code.