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Package dynamodbstreams

import "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/dynamodbstreams"

Overview ▾

Package dynamodbstreams provides the client and types for making API requests to Amazon DynamoDB Streams.

Amazon DynamoDB Streams provides API actions for accessing streams and processing stream records. To learn more about application development with Streams, see Capturing Table Activity with DynamoDB Streams (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Streams.html) in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10 for more information on this service.

See dynamodbstreams package documentation for more information. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/dynamodbstreams/

Using the Client

To use the client for Amazon DynamoDB Streams you will first need to create a new instance of it.

When creating a client for an AWS service you'll first need to have a Session already created. The Session provides configuration that can be shared between multiple service clients. Additional configuration can be applied to the Session and service's client when they are constructed. The aws package's Config type contains several fields such as Region for the AWS Region the client should make API requests too. The optional Config value can be provided as the variadic argument for Sessions and client creation.

Once the service's client is created you can use it to make API requests the AWS service. These clients are safe to use concurrently.

// Create a session to share configuration, and load external configuration.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())

// Create the service's client with the session.
svc := dynamodbstreams.New(sess)

See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use service clients. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/

See aws package's Config type for more information on configuration options. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/#Config

See the Amazon DynamoDB Streams client DynamoDBStreams for more information on creating the service's client. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/dynamodbstreams/#New

Once the client is created you can make an API request to the service. Each API method takes a input parameter, and returns the service response and an error.

The API method will document which error codes the service can be returned by the operation if the service models the API operation's errors. These errors will also be available as const strings prefixed with "ErrCode".

result, err := svc.DescribeStream(params)
if err != nil {
    // Cast err to awserr.Error to handle specific error codes.
    aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
    if ok && aerr.Code() == <error code to check for> {
        // Specific error code handling
    return err

fmt.Println("DescribeStream result:")

Using the Client with Context

The service's client also provides methods to make API requests with a Context value. This allows you to control the timeout, and cancellation of pending requests. These methods also take request Option as variadic parameter to apply additional configuration to the API request.

ctx := context.Background()

result, err := svc.DescribeStreamWithContext(ctx, params)

See the request package documentation for more information on using Context pattern with the SDK. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/request/

Index ▾

type DescribeStreamInput
    func (s DescribeStreamInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeStreamInput) SetExclusiveStartShardId(v string) *DescribeStreamInput
    func (s *DescribeStreamInput) SetLimit(v int64) *DescribeStreamInput
    func (s *DescribeStreamInput) SetStreamArn(v string) *DescribeStreamInput
    func (s DescribeStreamInput) String() string
    func (s *DescribeStreamInput) Validate() error
type DescribeStreamOutput
    func (s DescribeStreamOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeStreamOutput) SetStreamDescription(v *StreamDescription) *DescribeStreamOutput
    func (s DescribeStreamOutput) String() string
type DynamoDBStreams
    func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *DynamoDBStreams
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) DescribeStream(input *DescribeStreamInput) (*DescribeStreamOutput, error)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) DescribeStreamRequest(input *DescribeStreamInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeStreamOutput)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) DescribeStreamWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeStreamInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeStreamOutput, error)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetRecords(input *GetRecordsInput) (*GetRecordsOutput, error)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetRecordsRequest(input *GetRecordsInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetRecordsOutput)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetRecordsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetRecordsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetRecordsOutput, error)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetShardIterator(input *GetShardIteratorInput) (*GetShardIteratorOutput, error)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetShardIteratorRequest(input *GetShardIteratorInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetShardIteratorOutput)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetShardIteratorWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetShardIteratorInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetShardIteratorOutput, error)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) ListStreams(input *ListStreamsInput) (*ListStreamsOutput, error)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) ListStreamsRequest(input *ListStreamsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListStreamsOutput)
    func (c *DynamoDBStreams) ListStreamsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListStreamsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListStreamsOutput, error)
type GetRecordsInput
    func (s GetRecordsInput) GoString() string
    func (s *GetRecordsInput) SetLimit(v int64) *GetRecordsInput
    func (s *GetRecordsInput) SetShardIterator(v string) *GetRecordsInput
    func (s GetRecordsInput) String() string
    func (s *GetRecordsInput) Validate() error
type GetRecordsOutput
    func (s GetRecordsOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *GetRecordsOutput) SetNextShardIterator(v string) *GetRecordsOutput
    func (s *GetRecordsOutput) SetRecords(v []*Record) *GetRecordsOutput
    func (s GetRecordsOutput) String() string
type GetShardIteratorInput
    func (s GetShardIteratorInput) GoString() string
    func (s *GetShardIteratorInput) SetSequenceNumber(v string) *GetShardIteratorInput
    func (s *GetShardIteratorInput) SetShardId(v string) *GetShardIteratorInput
    func (s *GetShardIteratorInput) SetShardIteratorType(v string) *GetShardIteratorInput
    func (s *GetShardIteratorInput) SetStreamArn(v string) *GetShardIteratorInput
    func (s GetShardIteratorInput) String() string
    func (s *GetShardIteratorInput) Validate() error
type GetShardIteratorOutput
    func (s GetShardIteratorOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *GetShardIteratorOutput) SetShardIterator(v string) *GetShardIteratorOutput
    func (s GetShardIteratorOutput) String() string
type Identity
    func (s Identity) GoString() string
    func (s *Identity) SetPrincipalId(v string) *Identity
    func (s *Identity) SetType(v string) *Identity
    func (s Identity) String() string
type ListStreamsInput
    func (s ListStreamsInput) GoString() string
    func (s *ListStreamsInput) SetExclusiveStartStreamArn(v string) *ListStreamsInput
    func (s *ListStreamsInput) SetLimit(v int64) *ListStreamsInput
    func (s *ListStreamsInput) SetTableName(v string) *ListStreamsInput
    func (s ListStreamsInput) String() string
    func (s *ListStreamsInput) Validate() error
type ListStreamsOutput
    func (s ListStreamsOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *ListStreamsOutput) SetLastEvaluatedStreamArn(v string) *ListStreamsOutput
    func (s *ListStreamsOutput) SetStreams(v []*Stream) *ListStreamsOutput
    func (s ListStreamsOutput) String() string
type Record
    func (s Record) GoString() string
    func (s *Record) SetAwsRegion(v string) *Record
    func (s *Record) SetDynamodb(v *StreamRecord) *Record
    func (s *Record) SetEventID(v string) *Record
    func (s *Record) SetEventName(v string) *Record
    func (s *Record) SetEventSource(v string) *Record
    func (s *Record) SetEventVersion(v string) *Record
    func (s *Record) SetUserIdentity(v *Identity) *Record
    func (s Record) String() string
type SequenceNumberRange
    func (s SequenceNumberRange) GoString() string
    func (s *SequenceNumberRange) SetEndingSequenceNumber(v string) *SequenceNumberRange
    func (s *SequenceNumberRange) SetStartingSequenceNumber(v string) *SequenceNumberRange
    func (s SequenceNumberRange) String() string
type Shard
    func (s Shard) GoString() string
    func (s *Shard) SetParentShardId(v string) *Shard
    func (s *Shard) SetSequenceNumberRange(v *SequenceNumberRange) *Shard
    func (s *Shard) SetShardId(v string) *Shard
    func (s Shard) String() string
type Stream
    func (s Stream) GoString() string
    func (s *Stream) SetStreamArn(v string) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) SetStreamLabel(v string) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) SetTableName(v string) *Stream
    func (s Stream) String() string
type StreamDescription
    func (s StreamDescription) GoString() string
    func (s *StreamDescription) SetCreationRequestDateTime(v time.Time) *StreamDescription
    func (s *StreamDescription) SetKeySchema(v []*dynamodb.KeySchemaElement) *StreamDescription
    func (s *StreamDescription) SetLastEvaluatedShardId(v string) *StreamDescription
    func (s *StreamDescription) SetShards(v []*Shard) *StreamDescription
    func (s *StreamDescription) SetStreamArn(v string) *StreamDescription
    func (s *StreamDescription) SetStreamLabel(v string) *StreamDescription
    func (s *StreamDescription) SetStreamStatus(v string) *StreamDescription
    func (s *StreamDescription) SetStreamViewType(v string) *StreamDescription
    func (s *StreamDescription) SetTableName(v string) *StreamDescription
    func (s StreamDescription) String() string
type StreamRecord
    func (s StreamRecord) GoString() string
    func (s *StreamRecord) SetApproximateCreationDateTime(v time.Time) *StreamRecord
    func (s *StreamRecord) SetKeys(v map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue) *StreamRecord
    func (s *StreamRecord) SetNewImage(v map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue) *StreamRecord
    func (s *StreamRecord) SetOldImage(v map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue) *StreamRecord
    func (s *StreamRecord) SetSequenceNumber(v string) *StreamRecord
    func (s *StreamRecord) SetSizeBytes(v int64) *StreamRecord
    func (s *StreamRecord) SetStreamViewType(v string) *StreamRecord
    func (s StreamRecord) String() string

Package files

api.go doc.go errors.go service.go


const (
    // KeyTypeHash is a KeyType enum value
    KeyTypeHash = "HASH"

    // KeyTypeRange is a KeyType enum value
    KeyTypeRange = "RANGE"
const (
    // OperationTypeInsert is a OperationType enum value
    OperationTypeInsert = "INSERT"

    // OperationTypeModify is a OperationType enum value
    OperationTypeModify = "MODIFY"

    // OperationTypeRemove is a OperationType enum value
    OperationTypeRemove = "REMOVE"
const (
    // ShardIteratorTypeTrimHorizon is a ShardIteratorType enum value
    ShardIteratorTypeTrimHorizon = "TRIM_HORIZON"

    // ShardIteratorTypeLatest is a ShardIteratorType enum value
    ShardIteratorTypeLatest = "LATEST"

    // ShardIteratorTypeAtSequenceNumber is a ShardIteratorType enum value
    ShardIteratorTypeAtSequenceNumber = "AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER"

    // ShardIteratorTypeAfterSequenceNumber is a ShardIteratorType enum value
    ShardIteratorTypeAfterSequenceNumber = "AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER"
const (
    // StreamStatusEnabling is a StreamStatus enum value
    StreamStatusEnabling = "ENABLING"

    // StreamStatusEnabled is a StreamStatus enum value
    StreamStatusEnabled = "ENABLED"

    // StreamStatusDisabling is a StreamStatus enum value
    StreamStatusDisabling = "DISABLING"

    // StreamStatusDisabled is a StreamStatus enum value
    StreamStatusDisabled = "DISABLED"
const (
    // StreamViewTypeNewImage is a StreamViewType enum value
    StreamViewTypeNewImage = "NEW_IMAGE"

    // StreamViewTypeOldImage is a StreamViewType enum value
    StreamViewTypeOldImage = "OLD_IMAGE"

    // StreamViewTypeNewAndOldImages is a StreamViewType enum value
    StreamViewTypeNewAndOldImages = "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"

    // StreamViewTypeKeysOnly is a StreamViewType enum value
    StreamViewTypeKeysOnly = "KEYS_ONLY"
const (

    // ErrCodeExpiredIteratorException for service response error code
    // "ExpiredIteratorException".
    // The shard iterator has expired and can no longer be used to retrieve stream
    // records. A shard iterator expires 15 minutes after it is retrieved using
    // the GetShardIterator action.
    ErrCodeExpiredIteratorException = "ExpiredIteratorException"

    // ErrCodeInternalServerError for service response error code
    // "InternalServerError".
    // An error occurred on the server side.
    ErrCodeInternalServerError = "InternalServerError"

    // ErrCodeLimitExceededException for service response error code
    // "LimitExceededException".
    // Your request rate is too high. The AWS SDKs for DynamoDB automatically retry
    // requests that receive this exception. Your request is eventually successful,
    // unless your retry queue is too large to finish. Reduce the frequency of requests
    // and use exponential backoff. For more information, go to Error Retries and
    // Exponential Backoff (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/ErrorHandling.html#APIRetries)
    // in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
    ErrCodeLimitExceededException = "LimitExceededException"

    // ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException for service response error code
    // "ResourceNotFoundException".
    // The operation tried to access a nonexistent stream.
    ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException = "ResourceNotFoundException"

    // ErrCodeTrimmedDataAccessException for service response error code
    // "TrimmedDataAccessException".
    // The operation attempted to read past the oldest stream record in a shard.
    // In DynamoDB Streams, there is a 24 hour limit on data retention. Stream records
    // whose age exceeds this limit are subject to removal (trimming) from the stream.
    // You might receive a TrimmedDataAccessException if:
    //    * You request a shard iterator with a sequence number older than the trim
    //    point (24 hours).
    //    * You obtain a shard iterator, but before you use the iterator in a GetRecords
    //    request, a stream record in the shard exceeds the 24 hour period and is
    //    trimmed. This causes the iterator to access a record that no longer exists.
    ErrCodeTrimmedDataAccessException = "TrimmedDataAccessException"

Service information constants

const (
    ServiceName = "streams.dynamodb" // Service endpoint prefix API calls made to.
    EndpointsID = ServiceName        // Service ID for Regions and Endpoints metadata.

type DescribeStreamInput

Represents the input of a DescribeStream operation. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/DescribeStreamInput

type DescribeStreamInput struct {

    // The shard ID of the first item that this operation will evaluate. Use the
    // value that was returned for LastEvaluatedShardId in the previous operation.
    ExclusiveStartShardId *string `min:"28" type:"string"`

    // The maximum number of shard objects to return. The upper limit is 100.
    Limit *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the stream.
    // StreamArn is a required field
    StreamArn *string `min:"37" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeStreamInput) GoString

func (s DescribeStreamInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeStreamInput) SetExclusiveStartShardId

func (s *DescribeStreamInput) SetExclusiveStartShardId(v string) *DescribeStreamInput

SetExclusiveStartShardId sets the ExclusiveStartShardId field's value.

func (*DescribeStreamInput) SetLimit

func (s *DescribeStreamInput) SetLimit(v int64) *DescribeStreamInput

SetLimit sets the Limit field's value.

func (*DescribeStreamInput) SetStreamArn

func (s *DescribeStreamInput) SetStreamArn(v string) *DescribeStreamInput

SetStreamArn sets the StreamArn field's value.

func (DescribeStreamInput) String

func (s DescribeStreamInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DescribeStreamInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeStreamInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeStreamOutput

Represents the output of a DescribeStream operation. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/DescribeStreamOutput

type DescribeStreamOutput struct {

    // A complete description of the stream, including its creation date and time,
    // the DynamoDB table associated with the stream, the shard IDs within the stream,
    // and the beginning and ending sequence numbers of stream records within the
    // shards.
    StreamDescription *StreamDescription `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeStreamOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeStreamOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeStreamOutput) SetStreamDescription

func (s *DescribeStreamOutput) SetStreamDescription(v *StreamDescription) *DescribeStreamOutput

SetStreamDescription sets the StreamDescription field's value.

func (DescribeStreamOutput) String

func (s DescribeStreamOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DynamoDBStreams

DynamoDBStreams provides the API operation methods for making requests to Amazon DynamoDB Streams. See this package's package overview docs for details on the service.

DynamoDBStreams methods are safe to use concurrently. It is not safe to modify mutate any of the struct's properties though.

type DynamoDBStreams struct {

func New

func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *DynamoDBStreams

New creates a new instance of the DynamoDBStreams client with a session. If additional configuration is needed for the client instance use the optional aws.Config parameter to add your extra config.


// Create a DynamoDBStreams client from just a session.
svc := dynamodbstreams.New(mySession)

// Create a DynamoDBStreams client with additional configuration
svc := dynamodbstreams.New(mySession, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion("us-west-2"))

func (*DynamoDBStreams) DescribeStream

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) DescribeStream(input *DescribeStreamInput) (*DescribeStreamOutput, error)

DescribeStream API operation for Amazon DynamoDB Streams.

Returns information about a stream, including the current status of the stream, its Amazon Resource Name (ARN), the composition of its shards, and its corresponding DynamoDB table.

You can call DescribeStream at a maximum rate of 10 times per second.

Each shard in the stream has a SequenceNumberRange associated with it. If the SequenceNumberRange has a StartingSequenceNumber but no EndingSequenceNumber, then the shard is still open (able to receive more stream records). If both StartingSequenceNumber and EndingSequenceNumber are present, then that shard is closed and can no longer receive more data.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon DynamoDB Streams's API operation DescribeStream for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException "ResourceNotFoundException"
The operation tried to access a nonexistent stream.

* ErrCodeInternalServerError "InternalServerError"
An error occurred on the server side.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/DescribeStream

Example (Shared00)

To describe a stream with a given stream ARN The following example describes a stream with a given stream ARN.


svc := dynamodbstreams.New(session.New())
input := &dynamodbstreams.DescribeStreamInput{
    StreamArn: aws.String("arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:111122223333:table/Forum/stream/2015-05-20T20:51:10.252"),

result, err := svc.DescribeStream(input)
if err != nil {
    if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
        switch aerr.Code() {
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeInternalServerError:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeInternalServerError, aerr.Error())
    } else {
        // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and
        // Message from an error.


func (*DynamoDBStreams) DescribeStreamRequest

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) DescribeStreamRequest(input *DescribeStreamInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeStreamOutput)

DescribeStreamRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeStream operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DescribeStream for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DescribeStream method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeStreamRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeStreamRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/DescribeStream

func (*DynamoDBStreams) DescribeStreamWithContext

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) DescribeStreamWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeStreamInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeStreamOutput, error)

DescribeStreamWithContext is the same as DescribeStream with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeStream for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DynamoDBStreams) GetRecords

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetRecords(input *GetRecordsInput) (*GetRecordsOutput, error)

GetRecords API operation for Amazon DynamoDB Streams.

Retrieves the stream records from a given shard.

Specify a shard iterator using the ShardIterator parameter. The shard iterator specifies the position in the shard from which you want to start reading stream records sequentially. If there are no stream records available in the portion of the shard that the iterator points to, GetRecords returns an empty list. Note that it might take multiple calls to get to a portion of the shard that contains stream records.

GetRecords can retrieve a maximum of 1 MB of data or 1000 stream records, whichever comes first.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon DynamoDB Streams's API operation GetRecords for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException "ResourceNotFoundException"
The operation tried to access a nonexistent stream.

* ErrCodeLimitExceededException "LimitExceededException"
Your request rate is too high. The AWS SDKs for DynamoDB automatically retry
requests that receive this exception. Your request is eventually successful,
unless your retry queue is too large to finish. Reduce the frequency of requests
and use exponential backoff. For more information, go to Error Retries and
Exponential Backoff (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/ErrorHandling.html#APIRetries)
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

* ErrCodeInternalServerError "InternalServerError"
An error occurred on the server side.

* ErrCodeExpiredIteratorException "ExpiredIteratorException"
The shard iterator has expired and can no longer be used to retrieve stream
records. A shard iterator expires 15 minutes after it is retrieved using
the GetShardIterator action.

* ErrCodeTrimmedDataAccessException "TrimmedDataAccessException"
The operation attempted to read past the oldest stream record in a shard.

In DynamoDB Streams, there is a 24 hour limit on data retention. Stream records
whose age exceeds this limit are subject to removal (trimming) from the stream.
You might receive a TrimmedDataAccessException if:

   * You request a shard iterator with a sequence number older than the trim
   point (24 hours).

   * You obtain a shard iterator, but before you use the iterator in a GetRecords
   request, a stream record in the shard exceeds the 24 hour period and is
   trimmed. This causes the iterator to access a record that no longer exists.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/GetRecords

Example (Shared00)

To retrieve all the stream records from a shard The following example retrieves all the stream records from a shard.


svc := dynamodbstreams.New(session.New())
input := &dynamodbstreams.GetRecordsInput{
    ShardIterator: aws.String("arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:111122223333:table/Forum/stream/2015-05-20T20:51:10.252|1|AAAAAAAAAAEvJp6D+zaQ...  <remaining characters omitted> ..."),

result, err := svc.GetRecords(input)
if err != nil {
    if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
        switch aerr.Code() {
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeLimitExceededException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeLimitExceededException, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeInternalServerError:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeInternalServerError, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeExpiredIteratorException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeExpiredIteratorException, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeTrimmedDataAccessException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeTrimmedDataAccessException, aerr.Error())
    } else {
        // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and
        // Message from an error.


func (*DynamoDBStreams) GetRecordsRequest

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetRecordsRequest(input *GetRecordsInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetRecordsOutput)

GetRecordsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the GetRecords operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See GetRecords for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the GetRecords method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the GetRecordsRequest method.
req, resp := client.GetRecordsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/GetRecords

func (*DynamoDBStreams) GetRecordsWithContext

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetRecordsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetRecordsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetRecordsOutput, error)

GetRecordsWithContext is the same as GetRecords with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See GetRecords for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DynamoDBStreams) GetShardIterator

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetShardIterator(input *GetShardIteratorInput) (*GetShardIteratorOutput, error)

GetShardIterator API operation for Amazon DynamoDB Streams.

Returns a shard iterator. A shard iterator provides information about how to retrieve the stream records from within a shard. Use the shard iterator in a subsequent GetRecords request to read the stream records from the shard.

A shard iterator expires 15 minutes after it is returned to the requester.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon DynamoDB Streams's API operation GetShardIterator for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException "ResourceNotFoundException"
The operation tried to access a nonexistent stream.

* ErrCodeInternalServerError "InternalServerError"
An error occurred on the server side.

* ErrCodeTrimmedDataAccessException "TrimmedDataAccessException"
The operation attempted to read past the oldest stream record in a shard.

In DynamoDB Streams, there is a 24 hour limit on data retention. Stream records
whose age exceeds this limit are subject to removal (trimming) from the stream.
You might receive a TrimmedDataAccessException if:

   * You request a shard iterator with a sequence number older than the trim
   point (24 hours).

   * You obtain a shard iterator, but before you use the iterator in a GetRecords
   request, a stream record in the shard exceeds the 24 hour period and is
   trimmed. This causes the iterator to access a record that no longer exists.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/GetShardIterator

Example (Shared00)

To obtain a shard iterator for the provided stream ARN and shard ID The following example returns a shard iterator for the provided stream ARN and shard ID.


svc := dynamodbstreams.New(session.New())
input := &dynamodbstreams.GetShardIteratorInput{
    ShardId:           aws.String("00000001414576573621-f55eea83"),
    ShardIteratorType: aws.String("TRIM_HORIZON"),
    StreamArn:         aws.String("arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:111122223333:table/Forum/stream/2015-05-20T20:51:10.252"),

result, err := svc.GetShardIterator(input)
if err != nil {
    if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
        switch aerr.Code() {
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeInternalServerError:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeInternalServerError, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeTrimmedDataAccessException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeTrimmedDataAccessException, aerr.Error())
    } else {
        // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and
        // Message from an error.


func (*DynamoDBStreams) GetShardIteratorRequest

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetShardIteratorRequest(input *GetShardIteratorInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetShardIteratorOutput)

GetShardIteratorRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the GetShardIterator operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See GetShardIterator for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the GetShardIterator method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the GetShardIteratorRequest method.
req, resp := client.GetShardIteratorRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/GetShardIterator

func (*DynamoDBStreams) GetShardIteratorWithContext

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) GetShardIteratorWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetShardIteratorInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetShardIteratorOutput, error)

GetShardIteratorWithContext is the same as GetShardIterator with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See GetShardIterator for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DynamoDBStreams) ListStreams

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) ListStreams(input *ListStreamsInput) (*ListStreamsOutput, error)

ListStreams API operation for Amazon DynamoDB Streams.

Returns an array of stream ARNs associated with the current account and endpoint. If the TableName parameter is present, then ListStreams will return only the streams ARNs for that table.

You can call ListStreams at a maximum rate of 5 times per second.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon DynamoDB Streams's API operation ListStreams for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException "ResourceNotFoundException"
The operation tried to access a nonexistent stream.

* ErrCodeInternalServerError "InternalServerError"
An error occurred on the server side.

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/ListStreams

Example (Shared00)

To list all of the stream ARNs The following example lists all of the stream ARNs.


svc := dynamodbstreams.New(session.New())
input := &dynamodbstreams.ListStreamsInput{}

result, err := svc.ListStreams(input)
if err != nil {
    if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
        switch aerr.Code() {
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeInternalServerError:
            fmt.Println(dynamodbstreams.ErrCodeInternalServerError, aerr.Error())
    } else {
        // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and
        // Message from an error.


func (*DynamoDBStreams) ListStreamsRequest

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) ListStreamsRequest(input *ListStreamsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListStreamsOutput)

ListStreamsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ListStreams operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See ListStreams for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the ListStreams method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the ListStreamsRequest method.
req, resp := client.ListStreamsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/ListStreams

func (*DynamoDBStreams) ListStreamsWithContext

func (c *DynamoDBStreams) ListStreamsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListStreamsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListStreamsOutput, error)

ListStreamsWithContext is the same as ListStreams with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ListStreams for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

type GetRecordsInput

Represents the input of a GetRecords operation. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/GetRecordsInput

type GetRecordsInput struct {

    // The maximum number of records to return from the shard. The upper limit is
    // 1000.
    Limit *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"`

    // A shard iterator that was retrieved from a previous GetShardIterator operation.
    // This iterator can be used to access the stream records in this shard.
    // ShardIterator is a required field
    ShardIterator *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GetRecordsInput) GoString

func (s GetRecordsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*GetRecordsInput) SetLimit

func (s *GetRecordsInput) SetLimit(v int64) *GetRecordsInput

SetLimit sets the Limit field's value.

func (*GetRecordsInput) SetShardIterator

func (s *GetRecordsInput) SetShardIterator(v string) *GetRecordsInput

SetShardIterator sets the ShardIterator field's value.

func (GetRecordsInput) String

func (s GetRecordsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*GetRecordsInput) Validate

func (s *GetRecordsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type GetRecordsOutput

Represents the output of a GetRecords operation. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/GetRecordsOutput

type GetRecordsOutput struct {

    // The next position in the shard from which to start sequentially reading stream
    // records. If set to null, the shard has been closed and the requested iterator
    // will not return any more data.
    NextShardIterator *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The stream records from the shard, which were retrieved using the shard iterator.
    Records []*Record `type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GetRecordsOutput) GoString

func (s GetRecordsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*GetRecordsOutput) SetNextShardIterator

func (s *GetRecordsOutput) SetNextShardIterator(v string) *GetRecordsOutput

SetNextShardIterator sets the NextShardIterator field's value.

func (*GetRecordsOutput) SetRecords

func (s *GetRecordsOutput) SetRecords(v []*Record) *GetRecordsOutput

SetRecords sets the Records field's value.

func (GetRecordsOutput) String

func (s GetRecordsOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type GetShardIteratorInput

Represents the input of a GetShardIterator operation. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/GetShardIteratorInput

type GetShardIteratorInput struct {

    // The sequence number of a stream record in the shard from which to start reading.
    SequenceNumber *string `min:"21" type:"string"`

    // The identifier of the shard. The iterator will be returned for this shard
    // ID.
    // ShardId is a required field
    ShardId *string `min:"28" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Determines how the shard iterator is used to start reading stream records
    // from the shard:
    //    * AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Start reading exactly from the position denoted
    //    by a specific sequence number.
    //    * AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Start reading right after the position denoted
    //    by a specific sequence number.
    //    * TRIM_HORIZON - Start reading at the last (untrimmed) stream record,
    //    which is the oldest record in the shard. In DynamoDB Streams, there is
    //    a 24 hour limit on data retention. Stream records whose age exceeds this
    //    limit are subject to removal (trimming) from the stream.
    //    * LATEST - Start reading just after the most recent stream record in the
    //    shard, so that you always read the most recent data in the shard.
    // ShardIteratorType is a required field
    ShardIteratorType *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"ShardIteratorType"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the stream.
    // StreamArn is a required field
    StreamArn *string `min:"37" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GetShardIteratorInput) GoString

func (s GetShardIteratorInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*GetShardIteratorInput) SetSequenceNumber

func (s *GetShardIteratorInput) SetSequenceNumber(v string) *GetShardIteratorInput

SetSequenceNumber sets the SequenceNumber field's value.

func (*GetShardIteratorInput) SetShardId

func (s *GetShardIteratorInput) SetShardId(v string) *GetShardIteratorInput

SetShardId sets the ShardId field's value.

func (*GetShardIteratorInput) SetShardIteratorType

func (s *GetShardIteratorInput) SetShardIteratorType(v string) *GetShardIteratorInput

SetShardIteratorType sets the ShardIteratorType field's value.

func (*GetShardIteratorInput) SetStreamArn

func (s *GetShardIteratorInput) SetStreamArn(v string) *GetShardIteratorInput

SetStreamArn sets the StreamArn field's value.

func (GetShardIteratorInput) String

func (s GetShardIteratorInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*GetShardIteratorInput) Validate

func (s *GetShardIteratorInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type GetShardIteratorOutput

Represents the output of a GetShardIterator operation. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/GetShardIteratorOutput

type GetShardIteratorOutput struct {

    // The position in the shard from which to start reading stream records sequentially.
    // A shard iterator specifies this position using the sequence number of a stream
    // record in a shard.
    ShardIterator *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GetShardIteratorOutput) GoString

func (s GetShardIteratorOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*GetShardIteratorOutput) SetShardIterator

func (s *GetShardIteratorOutput) SetShardIterator(v string) *GetShardIteratorOutput

SetShardIterator sets the ShardIterator field's value.

func (GetShardIteratorOutput) String

func (s GetShardIteratorOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type Identity

Contains details about the type of identity that made the request. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/Identity

type Identity struct {

    // A unique identifier for the entity that made the call. For Time To Live,
    // the principalId is "dynamodb.amazonaws.com".
    PrincipalId *string `type:"string"`

    // The type of the identity. For Time To Live, the type is "Service".
    Type *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Identity) GoString

func (s Identity) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*Identity) SetPrincipalId

func (s *Identity) SetPrincipalId(v string) *Identity

SetPrincipalId sets the PrincipalId field's value.

func (*Identity) SetType

func (s *Identity) SetType(v string) *Identity

SetType sets the Type field's value.

func (Identity) String

func (s Identity) String() string

String returns the string representation

type ListStreamsInput

Represents the input of a ListStreams operation. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/ListStreamsInput

type ListStreamsInput struct {

    // The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the first item that this operation will
    // evaluate. Use the value that was returned for LastEvaluatedStreamArn in the
    // previous operation.
    ExclusiveStartStreamArn *string `min:"37" type:"string"`

    // The maximum number of streams to return. The upper limit is 100.
    Limit *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"`

    // If this parameter is provided, then only the streams associated with this
    // table name are returned.
    TableName *string `min:"3" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListStreamsInput) GoString

func (s ListStreamsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ListStreamsInput) SetExclusiveStartStreamArn

func (s *ListStreamsInput) SetExclusiveStartStreamArn(v string) *ListStreamsInput

SetExclusiveStartStreamArn sets the ExclusiveStartStreamArn field's value.

func (*ListStreamsInput) SetLimit

func (s *ListStreamsInput) SetLimit(v int64) *ListStreamsInput

SetLimit sets the Limit field's value.

func (*ListStreamsInput) SetTableName

func (s *ListStreamsInput) SetTableName(v string) *ListStreamsInput

SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.

func (ListStreamsInput) String

func (s ListStreamsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*ListStreamsInput) Validate

func (s *ListStreamsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ListStreamsOutput

Represents the output of a ListStreams operation. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/ListStreamsOutput

type ListStreamsOutput struct {

    // The stream ARN of the item where the operation stopped, inclusive of the
    // previous result set. Use this value to start a new operation, excluding this
    // value in the new request.
    // If LastEvaluatedStreamArn is empty, then the "last page" of results has been
    // processed and there is no more data to be retrieved.
    // If LastEvaluatedStreamArn is not empty, it does not necessarily mean that
    // there is more data in the result set. The only way to know when you have
    // reached the end of the result set is when LastEvaluatedStreamArn is empty.
    LastEvaluatedStreamArn *string `min:"37" type:"string"`

    // A list of stream descriptors associated with the current account and endpoint.
    Streams []*Stream `type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListStreamsOutput) GoString

func (s ListStreamsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*ListStreamsOutput) SetLastEvaluatedStreamArn

func (s *ListStreamsOutput) SetLastEvaluatedStreamArn(v string) *ListStreamsOutput

SetLastEvaluatedStreamArn sets the LastEvaluatedStreamArn field's value.

func (*ListStreamsOutput) SetStreams

func (s *ListStreamsOutput) SetStreams(v []*Stream) *ListStreamsOutput

SetStreams sets the Streams field's value.

func (ListStreamsOutput) String

func (s ListStreamsOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type Record

A description of a unique event within a stream. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/Record

type Record struct {

    // The region in which the GetRecords request was received.
    AwsRegion *string `locationName:"awsRegion" type:"string"`

    // The main body of the stream record, containing all of the DynamoDB-specific
    // fields.
    Dynamodb *StreamRecord `locationName:"dynamodb" type:"structure"`

    // A globally unique identifier for the event that was recorded in this stream
    // record.
    EventID *string `locationName:"eventID" type:"string"`

    // The type of data modification that was performed on the DynamoDB table:
    //    * INSERT - a new item was added to the table.
    //    * MODIFY - one or more of an existing item's attributes were modified.
    //    * REMOVE - the item was deleted from the table
    EventName *string `locationName:"eventName" type:"string" enum:"OperationType"`

    // The AWS service from which the stream record originated. For DynamoDB Streams,
    // this is aws:dynamodb.
    EventSource *string `locationName:"eventSource" type:"string"`

    // The version number of the stream record format. This number is updated whenever
    // the structure of Record is modified.
    // Client applications must not assume that eventVersion will remain at a particular
    // value, as this number is subject to change at any time. In general, eventVersion
    // will only increase as the low-level DynamoDB Streams API evolves.
    EventVersion *string `locationName:"eventVersion" type:"string"`

    // Items that are deleted by the Time to Live process after expiration have
    // the following fields:
    //    * Records[].userIdentity.type
    // "Service"
    //    * Records[].userIdentity.principalId
    // "dynamodb.amazonaws.com"
    UserIdentity *Identity `locationName:"userIdentity" type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Record) GoString

func (s Record) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*Record) SetAwsRegion

func (s *Record) SetAwsRegion(v string) *Record

SetAwsRegion sets the AwsRegion field's value.

func (*Record) SetDynamodb

func (s *Record) SetDynamodb(v *StreamRecord) *Record

SetDynamodb sets the Dynamodb field's value.

func (*Record) SetEventID

func (s *Record) SetEventID(v string) *Record

SetEventID sets the EventID field's value.

func (*Record) SetEventName

func (s *Record) SetEventName(v string) *Record

SetEventName sets the EventName field's value.

func (*Record) SetEventSource

func (s *Record) SetEventSource(v string) *Record

SetEventSource sets the EventSource field's value.

func (*Record) SetEventVersion

func (s *Record) SetEventVersion(v string) *Record

SetEventVersion sets the EventVersion field's value.

func (*Record) SetUserIdentity

func (s *Record) SetUserIdentity(v *Identity) *Record

SetUserIdentity sets the UserIdentity field's value.

func (Record) String

func (s Record) String() string

String returns the string representation

type SequenceNumberRange

The beginning and ending sequence numbers for the stream records contained within a shard. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/SequenceNumberRange

type SequenceNumberRange struct {

    // The last sequence number.
    EndingSequenceNumber *string `min:"21" type:"string"`

    // The first sequence number.
    StartingSequenceNumber *string `min:"21" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SequenceNumberRange) GoString

func (s SequenceNumberRange) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*SequenceNumberRange) SetEndingSequenceNumber

func (s *SequenceNumberRange) SetEndingSequenceNumber(v string) *SequenceNumberRange

SetEndingSequenceNumber sets the EndingSequenceNumber field's value.

func (*SequenceNumberRange) SetStartingSequenceNumber

func (s *SequenceNumberRange) SetStartingSequenceNumber(v string) *SequenceNumberRange

SetStartingSequenceNumber sets the StartingSequenceNumber field's value.

func (SequenceNumberRange) String

func (s SequenceNumberRange) String() string

String returns the string representation

type Shard

A uniquely identified group of stream records within a stream. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/Shard

type Shard struct {

    // The shard ID of the current shard's parent.
    ParentShardId *string `min:"28" type:"string"`

    // The range of possible sequence numbers for the shard.
    SequenceNumberRange *SequenceNumberRange `type:"structure"`

    // The system-generated identifier for this shard.
    ShardId *string `min:"28" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Shard) GoString

func (s Shard) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*Shard) SetParentShardId

func (s *Shard) SetParentShardId(v string) *Shard

SetParentShardId sets the ParentShardId field's value.

func (*Shard) SetSequenceNumberRange

func (s *Shard) SetSequenceNumberRange(v *SequenceNumberRange) *Shard

SetSequenceNumberRange sets the SequenceNumberRange field's value.

func (*Shard) SetShardId

func (s *Shard) SetShardId(v string) *Shard

SetShardId sets the ShardId field's value.

func (Shard) String

func (s Shard) String() string

String returns the string representation

type Stream

Represents all of the data describing a particular stream. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/Stream

type Stream struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the stream.
    StreamArn *string `min:"37" type:"string"`

    // A timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, for this stream.
    // Note that LatestStreamLabel is not a unique identifier for the stream, because
    // it is possible that a stream from another table might have the same timestamp.
    // However, the combination of the following three elements is guaranteed to
    // be unique:
    //    * the AWS customer ID.
    //    * the table name
    //    * the StreamLabel
    StreamLabel *string `type:"string"`

    // The DynamoDB table with which the stream is associated.
    TableName *string `min:"3" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Stream) GoString

func (s Stream) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*Stream) SetStreamArn

func (s *Stream) SetStreamArn(v string) *Stream

SetStreamArn sets the StreamArn field's value.

func (*Stream) SetStreamLabel

func (s *Stream) SetStreamLabel(v string) *Stream

SetStreamLabel sets the StreamLabel field's value.

func (*Stream) SetTableName

func (s *Stream) SetTableName(v string) *Stream

SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.

func (Stream) String

func (s Stream) String() string

String returns the string representation

type StreamDescription

Represents all of the data describing a particular stream. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/StreamDescription

type StreamDescription struct {

    // The date and time when the request to create this stream was issued.
    CreationRequestDateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"`

    // The key attribute(s) of the stream's DynamoDB table.
    KeySchema []*dynamodb.KeySchemaElement `min:"1" type:"list"`

    // The shard ID of the item where the operation stopped, inclusive of the previous
    // result set. Use this value to start a new operation, excluding this value
    // in the new request.
    // If LastEvaluatedShardId is empty, then the "last page" of results has been
    // processed and there is currently no more data to be retrieved.
    // If LastEvaluatedShardId is not empty, it does not necessarily mean that there
    // is more data in the result set. The only way to know when you have reached
    // the end of the result set is when LastEvaluatedShardId is empty.
    LastEvaluatedShardId *string `min:"28" type:"string"`

    // The shards that comprise the stream.
    Shards []*Shard `type:"list"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the stream.
    StreamArn *string `min:"37" type:"string"`

    // A timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, for this stream.
    // Note that LatestStreamLabel is not a unique identifier for the stream, because
    // it is possible that a stream from another table might have the same timestamp.
    // However, the combination of the following three elements is guaranteed to
    // be unique:
    //    * the AWS customer ID.
    //    * the table name
    //    * the StreamLabel
    StreamLabel *string `type:"string"`

    // Indicates the current status of the stream:
    //    * ENABLING - Streams is currently being enabled on the DynamoDB table.
    //    * ENABLED - the stream is enabled.
    //    * DISABLING - Streams is currently being disabled on the DynamoDB table.
    //    * DISABLED - the stream is disabled.
    StreamStatus *string `type:"string" enum:"StreamStatus"`

    // Indicates the format of the records within this stream:
    //    * KEYS_ONLY - only the key attributes of items that were modified in the
    //    DynamoDB table.
    //    * NEW_IMAGE - entire items from the table, as they appeared after they
    //    were modified.
    //    * OLD_IMAGE - entire items from the table, as they appeared before they
    //    were modified.
    //    * NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES - both the new and the old images of the items from
    //    the table.
    StreamViewType *string `type:"string" enum:"StreamViewType"`

    // The DynamoDB table with which the stream is associated.
    TableName *string `min:"3" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StreamDescription) GoString

func (s StreamDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*StreamDescription) SetCreationRequestDateTime

func (s *StreamDescription) SetCreationRequestDateTime(v time.Time) *StreamDescription

SetCreationRequestDateTime sets the CreationRequestDateTime field's value.

func (*StreamDescription) SetKeySchema

func (s *StreamDescription) SetKeySchema(v []*dynamodb.KeySchemaElement) *StreamDescription

SetKeySchema sets the KeySchema field's value.

func (*StreamDescription) SetLastEvaluatedShardId

func (s *StreamDescription) SetLastEvaluatedShardId(v string) *StreamDescription

SetLastEvaluatedShardId sets the LastEvaluatedShardId field's value.

func (*StreamDescription) SetShards

func (s *StreamDescription) SetShards(v []*Shard) *StreamDescription

SetShards sets the Shards field's value.

func (*StreamDescription) SetStreamArn

func (s *StreamDescription) SetStreamArn(v string) *StreamDescription

SetStreamArn sets the StreamArn field's value.

func (*StreamDescription) SetStreamLabel

func (s *StreamDescription) SetStreamLabel(v string) *StreamDescription

SetStreamLabel sets the StreamLabel field's value.

func (*StreamDescription) SetStreamStatus

func (s *StreamDescription) SetStreamStatus(v string) *StreamDescription

SetStreamStatus sets the StreamStatus field's value.

func (*StreamDescription) SetStreamViewType

func (s *StreamDescription) SetStreamViewType(v string) *StreamDescription

SetStreamViewType sets the StreamViewType field's value.

func (*StreamDescription) SetTableName

func (s *StreamDescription) SetTableName(v string) *StreamDescription

SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.

func (StreamDescription) String

func (s StreamDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation

type StreamRecord

A description of a single data modification that was performed on an item in a DynamoDB table. Please also see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/streams-dynamodb-2012-08-10/StreamRecord

type StreamRecord struct {

    // The approximate date and time when the stream record was created, in UNIX
    // epoch time (http://www.epochconverter.com/) format.
    ApproximateCreationDateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"`

    // The primary key attribute(s) for the DynamoDB item that was modified.
    Keys map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue `type:"map"`

    // The item in the DynamoDB table as it appeared after it was modified.
    NewImage map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue `type:"map"`

    // The item in the DynamoDB table as it appeared before it was modified.
    OldImage map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue `type:"map"`

    // The sequence number of the stream record.
    SequenceNumber *string `min:"21" type:"string"`

    // The size of the stream record, in bytes.
    SizeBytes *int64 `min:"1" type:"long"`

    // The type of data from the modified DynamoDB item that was captured in this
    // stream record:
    //    * KEYS_ONLY - only the key attributes of the modified item.
    //    * NEW_IMAGE - the entire item, as it appeared after it was modified.
    //    * OLD_IMAGE - the entire item, as it appeared before it was modified.
    //    * NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES - both the new and the old item images of the item.
    StreamViewType *string `type:"string" enum:"StreamViewType"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StreamRecord) GoString

func (s StreamRecord) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*StreamRecord) SetApproximateCreationDateTime

func (s *StreamRecord) SetApproximateCreationDateTime(v time.Time) *StreamRecord

SetApproximateCreationDateTime sets the ApproximateCreationDateTime field's value.

func (*StreamRecord) SetKeys

func (s *StreamRecord) SetKeys(v map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue) *StreamRecord

SetKeys sets the Keys field's value.

func (*StreamRecord) SetNewImage

func (s *StreamRecord) SetNewImage(v map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue) *StreamRecord

SetNewImage sets the NewImage field's value.

func (*StreamRecord) SetOldImage

func (s *StreamRecord) SetOldImage(v map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue) *StreamRecord

SetOldImage sets the OldImage field's value.

func (*StreamRecord) SetSequenceNumber

func (s *StreamRecord) SetSequenceNumber(v string) *StreamRecord

SetSequenceNumber sets the SequenceNumber field's value.

func (*StreamRecord) SetSizeBytes

func (s *StreamRecord) SetSizeBytes(v int64) *StreamRecord

SetSizeBytes sets the SizeBytes field's value.

func (*StreamRecord) SetStreamViewType

func (s *StreamRecord) SetStreamViewType(v string) *StreamRecord

SetStreamViewType sets the StreamViewType field's value.

func (StreamRecord) String

func (s StreamRecord) String() string

String returns the string representation


Name Synopsis
dynamodbstreamsiface Package dynamodbstreamsiface provides an interface to enable mocking the Amazon DynamoDB Streams service client for testing your code.