Index — Python 2.7.18 documentation This document is for an old version of Python that is no longer supported. You should upgrade and read the Python documentation for the current stable release. Navigation index modules | Python » en 2.7.18 Documentation » Index – N N_TOKENS (in module token) name, [1], [2] binding, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] binding, global class function mangling, [1] rebinding unbinding name (cookielib.Cookie attribute) (doctest.DocTest attribute) (file attribute) (in module os) NAME (in module token) name (io.FileIO attribute) (multiprocessing.Process attribute) (ossaudiodev.oss_audio_device attribute) (pyclbr.Class attribute) (pyclbr.Function attribute) (tarfile.TarInfo attribute) (threading.Thread attribute) (xml.dom.Attr attribute) (xml.dom.DocumentType attribute) name() (in module unicodedata) name2codepoint (in module htmlentitydefs) named tuple NamedTemporaryFile() (in module tempfile) namedtuple() (in module collections) NameError exception NameError (built-in exception) namelist() (zipfile.ZipFile method) nameprep() (in module encodings.idna) names private namespace, [1] global module Namespace (class in argparse) (class in multiprocessing.managers) namespace() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) Namespace() (multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager method) NAMESPACE_DNS (in module uuid) NAMESPACE_OID (in module uuid) NAMESPACE_URL (in module uuid) NAMESPACE_X500 (in module uuid) NamespaceErr namespaceURI (xml.dom.Node attribute) NaN, [1] NannyNag napms() (in module curses) nargs (optparse.Option attribute) Nav (module) Navigation Services ndiff() (in module difflib) ndim (memoryview attribute) ne (2to3 fixer) ne() (in module operator) neg() (in module operator) negation nested scope nested() (in module contextlib) netrc (class in netrc) (module) NetrcParseError netscape (cookielib.CookiePolicy attribute) Network News Transfer Protocol new (module) new() (in module hmac) (in module md5) (in module sha) new-style class new_alignment() (formatter.writer method) new_compiler() (in module distutils.ccompiler) new_font() (formatter.writer method) new_margin() (formatter.writer method) new_module() (in module imp) new_panel() (in module curses.panel) new_spacing() (formatter.writer method) new_styles() (formatter.writer method) newconfig() (in module al) newer() (in module distutils.dep_util) newer_group() (in module distutils.dep_util) newer_pairwise() (in module distutils.dep_util) newgroups() (nntplib.NNTP method) newline suppression NEWLINE (in module token) NEWLINE token, [1] newlines (file attribute) (io.TextIOBase attribute) newnews() (nntplib.NNTP method) newpad() (in module curses) newwin() (in module curses) next (2to3 fixer) next() (bsddb.bsddbobject method) (built-in function) (csv.csvreader method) (dbhash.dbhash method) (file method) (generator method) (iterator method) (mailbox.oldmailbox method) (multifile.MultiFile method) (nntplib.NNTP method) (tarfile.TarFile method) (ttk.Treeview method) next_minus() (decimal.Context method) (decimal.Decimal method) next_plus() (decimal.Context method) (decimal.Decimal method) next_toward() (decimal.Context method) (decimal.Decimal method) nextfile() (in module fileinput) nextkey() (in module gdbm) nextpart() (MimeWriter.MimeWriter method) nextSibling (xml.dom.Node attribute) ngettext() (gettext.GNUTranslations method) (gettext.NullTranslations method) (in module gettext) nice() (in module os) nis (module) NIST NL (in module tokenize) nl() (in module curses) nl_langinfo() (in module locale) nlargest() (in module heapq) nlst() (ftplib.FTP method) NNTP protocol NNTP (class in nntplib) NNTPDataError NNTPError nntplib (module) NNTPPermanentError NNTPProtocolError NNTPReplyError NNTPTemporaryError no_proxy, [1] nocbreak() (in module curses) NoDataAllowedErr Node (class in compiler.ast) node() (in module platform) nodelay() (curses.window method) nodeName (xml.dom.Node attribute) NodeTransformer (class in ast) nodeType (xml.dom.Node attribute) nodeValue (xml.dom.Node attribute) NodeVisitor (class in ast) NODISC (in module cd) noecho() (in module curses) NOEXPR (in module locale) nofill (htmllib.HTMLParser attribute) nok_builtin_names (rexec.RExec attribute) noload() (pickle.Unpickler method) NoModificationAllowedErr nonblock() (ossaudiodev.oss_audio_device method) None object, [1], [2] None (Built-in object) (built-in variable) NoneType (in module types) nonl() (in module curses) nonzero (2to3 fixer) noop() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) (poplib.POP3 method) NoOptionError NOP (opcode) noqiflush() (in module curses) noraw() (in module curses) normalize() (decimal.Context method) (decimal.Decimal method) (in module locale) (in module unicodedata) (xml.dom.Node method) NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (in module doctest) normalvariate() (in module random) normcase() (in module os.path) normpath() (in module os.path) NoSectionError NoSuchMailboxError not operator, [1] not in operator, [1], [2] not_() (in module operator) NotANumber notation notationDecl() (xml.sax.handler.DTDHandler method) NotationDeclHandler() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method) notations (xml.dom.DocumentType attribute) NotConnected NoteBook (class in Tix) Notebook (class in ttk) NotEmptyError NOTEQUAL (in module token) NotFoundErr notify() (threading.Condition method) notify_all() (threading.Condition method) notifyAll() (threading.Condition method) notimeout() (curses.window method) NotImplemented object NotImplemented (built-in variable) NotImplementedError NotImplementedType (in module types) NotStandaloneHandler() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method) NotSupportedErr noutrefresh() (curses.window method) now() (datetime.datetime class method) NProperty (class in aetypes) NSIG (in module signal) nsmallest() (in module heapq) NT_OFFSET (in module token) NTEventLogHandler (class in logging.handlers) ntohl() (in module socket) ntohs() (in module socket) ntransfercmd() (ftplib.FTP method) null operation NullFormatter (class in formatter) NullHandler (class in logging) NullImporter (class in imp) NullTranslations (class in gettext) NullWriter (class in formatter) number complex floating point Number (class in numbers) NUMBER (in module token) number_class() (decimal.Context method) (decimal.Decimal method) numbers (module) numerator (numbers.Rational attribute) numeric conversions literals object, [1], [2], [3], [4] types, operations on numeric literal numeric() (in module unicodedata) Numerical Python numliterals (2to3 fixer) nurbscurve() (in module gl) nurbssurface() (in module gl) nvarray() (in module gl) Quick search Navigation index modules | Python » en 2.7.18 Documentation »