Perl 5 version 22.4 documentation


  • hex EXPR

  • hex

    Interprets EXPR as a hex string and returns the corresponding numeric value. If EXPR is omitted, uses $_ .

    1. print hex '0xAf'; # prints '175'
    2. print hex 'aF'; # same
    3. $valid_input =~ /\A(?:0?[xX])?(?:_?[0-9a-fA-F])*\z/

    A hex string consists of hex digits and an optional 0x or x prefix. Each hex digit may be preceded by a single underscore, which will be ignored. Any other character triggers a warning and causes the rest of the string to be ignored (even leading whitespace, unlike oct). Only integers can be represented, and integer overflow triggers a warning.

    To convert strings that might start with any of , 0x , or 0b, see oct. To present something as hex, look into printf, sprintf, and unpack.