serial - ActiveState ActiveGo 1.8

Package serial

import ""

Overview ▾

Package serial defines the guru's schema for -json output.

The output of a guru query is a stream of one or more JSON objects. This table shows the types of objects in the result stream for each query type.

Query      Result stream
-----      -------------
callees    Callees
callers    Caller ...
callstack  CallStack
definition Definition
describe   Describe
freevars   FreeVar ...
implements Implements
peers      Peers
pointsto   PointsTo ...
referrers  ReferrersInitial ReferrersPackage ...
what       What
whicherrs  WhichErrs

All 'pos' strings in the output are of the form "file:line:col", where line is the 1-based line number and col is the 1-based byte index.

type CallStack

A CallStack is the result of a 'callstack' query. It indicates an arbitrary path from the root of the callgraph to the query function.

If the Callers slice is empty, the function was unreachable in this analysis scope.

type CallStack struct {
    Pos     string   `json:"pos"`     // location of the selected function
    Target  string   `json:"target"`  // the selected function
    Callers []Caller `json:"callers"` // enclosing calls, innermost first.

type Callee

A Callees is the result of a 'callees' query.

Callees is nonempty unless the call was a dynamic call on a provably nil func or interface value.

type Callee struct {
    Name string `json:"name"` // full name of called function
    Pos  string `json:"pos"`  // location of called function

type Callees

A Callees is the result of a 'callees' query.

Callees is nonempty unless the call was a dynamic call on a provably nil func or interface value.

type Callees struct {
    Pos     string    `json:"pos"`  // location of selected call site
    Desc    string    `json:"desc"` // description of call site
    Callees []*Callee `json:"callees"`

type Caller

A Caller is one element of the slice returned by a 'callers' query. (Callstack also contains a similar slice.)

The root of the callgraph has an unspecified "Caller" string.

type Caller struct {
    Pos    string `json:"pos,omitempty"` // location of the calling function
    Desc   string `json:"desc"`          // description of call site
    Caller string `json:"caller"`        // full name of calling function

type Definition

A Definition is the result of a 'definition' query.

type Definition struct {
    ObjPos string `json:"objpos,omitempty"` // location of the definition
    Desc   string `json:"desc"`             // description of the denoted object

type Describe

A Describe is the result of a 'describe' query. It may contain an element describing the selected semantic entity in detail.

type Describe struct {
    Desc   string `json:"desc"`             // description of the selected syntax node
    Pos    string `json:"pos"`              // location of the selected syntax node
    Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` // one of {package, type, value}, or "".

    // At most one of the following fields is populated:
    // the one specified by 'detail'.
    Package *DescribePackage `json:"package,omitempty"`
    Type    *DescribeType    `json:"type,omitempty"`
    Value   *DescribeValue   `json:"value,omitempty"`

type DescribeMember

type DescribeMember struct {
    Name    string           `json:"name"`              // name of member
    Type    string           `json:"type,omitempty"`    // type of member (underlying, if 'type')
    Value   string           `json:"value,omitempty"`   // value of member (if 'const')
    Pos     string           `json:"pos"`               // location of definition of member
    Kind    string           `json:"kind"`              // one of {var,const,func,type}
    Methods []DescribeMethod `json:"methods,omitempty"` // methods (if member is a type)

type DescribeMethod

type DescribeMethod struct {
    Name string `json:"name"` // method name, as defined by types.Selection.String()
    Pos  string `json:"pos"`  // location of the method's definition

type DescribePackage

A DescribePackage is the additional result of a 'describe' if the selection indicates a package.

type DescribePackage struct {
    Path    string            `json:"path"`              // import path of the package
    Members []*DescribeMember `json:"members,omitempty"` // accessible members of the package

type DescribeType

A DescribeType is the additional result of a 'describe' query if the selection indicates a type.

type DescribeType struct {
    Type    string           `json:"type"`              // the string form of the type
    NamePos string           `json:"namepos,omitempty"` // location of definition of type, if named
    NameDef string           `json:"namedef,omitempty"` // underlying definition of type, if named
    Methods []DescribeMethod `json:"methods,omitempty"` // methods of the type

type DescribeValue

A DescribeValue is the additional result of a 'describe' query if the selection indicates a value or expression.

type DescribeValue struct {
    Type   string `json:"type"`             // type of the expression
    Value  string `json:"value,omitempty"`  // value of the expression, if constant
    ObjPos string `json:"objpos,omitempty"` // location of the definition, if an Ident

type FreeVar

A FreeVar is one element of the slice returned by a 'freevars' query. Each one identifies an expression referencing a local identifier defined outside the selected region.

type FreeVar struct {
    Pos  string `json:"pos"`  // location of the identifier's definition
    Kind string `json:"kind"` // one of {var,func,type,const,label}
    Ref  string `json:"ref"`  // referring expression (e.g. "x" or "x.y.z")
    Type string `json:"type"` // type of the expression

type Implements

An Implements contains the result of an 'implements' query. It describes the queried type, the set of named non-empty interface types to which it is assignable, and the set of named/*named types (concrete or non-empty interface) which may be assigned to it.

type Implements struct {
    T                 ImplementsType   `json:"type,omitempty"`    // the queried type
    AssignableTo      []ImplementsType `json:"to,omitempty"`      // types assignable to T
    AssignableFrom    []ImplementsType `json:"from,omitempty"`    // interface types assignable from T
    AssignableFromPtr []ImplementsType `json:"fromptr,omitempty"` // interface types assignable only from *T

    // The following fields are set only if the query was a method.
    // Assignable{To,From,FromPtr}Method[i] is the corresponding
    // method of type Assignable{To,From,FromPtr}[i], or blank
    // {"",""} if that type lacks the method.
    Method                  *DescribeMethod  `json:"method,omitempty"` //  the queried method
    AssignableToMethod      []DescribeMethod `json:"to_method,omitempty"`
    AssignableFromMethod    []DescribeMethod `json:"from_method,omitempty"`
    AssignableFromPtrMethod []DescribeMethod `json:"fromptr_method,omitempty"`

type ImplementsType

An ImplementsType describes a single type as part of an 'implements' query.

type ImplementsType struct {
    Name string `json:"name"` // full name of the type
    Pos  string `json:"pos"`  // location of its definition
    Kind string `json:"kind"` // "basic", "array", etc

type Peers

A Peers is the result of a 'peers' query. If Allocs is empty, the selected channel can't point to anything.

type Peers struct {
    Pos      string   `json:"pos"`                // location of the selected channel op (<-)
    Type     string   `json:"type"`               // type of the selected channel
    Allocs   []string `json:"allocs,omitempty"`   // locations of aliased make(chan) ops
    Sends    []string `json:"sends,omitempty"`    // locations of aliased ch<-x ops
    Receives []string `json:"receives,omitempty"` // locations of aliased <-ch ops
    Closes   []string `json:"closes,omitempty"`   // locations of aliased close(ch) ops

type PointsTo

A PointsTo is one element of the result of a 'pointsto' query on an expression. It describes a single pointer: its type and the set of "labels" it points to.

If the pointer is of interface type, it will have one PTS entry describing each concrete type that it may contain. For each concrete type that is a pointer, the PTS entry describes the labels it may point to. The same is true for reflect.Values, except the dynamic types needn't be concrete.

type PointsTo struct {
    Type    string          `json:"type"`              // (concrete) type of the pointer
    NamePos string          `json:"namepos,omitempty"` // location of type defn, if Named
    Labels  []PointsToLabel `json:"labels,omitempty"`  // pointed-to objects

type PointsToLabel

A PointsToLabel describes a pointer analysis label.

A "label" is an object that may be pointed to by a pointer, map, channel, 'func', slice or interface. Labels include:

- functions
- globals
- arrays created by literals (e.g. []byte("foo")) and conversions ([]byte(s))
- stack- and heap-allocated variables (including composite literals)
- arrays allocated by append()
- channels, maps and arrays created by make()
- and their subelements, e.g. "alloc.y[*].z"
type PointsToLabel struct {
    Pos  string `json:"pos"`  // location of syntax that allocated the object
    Desc string `json:"desc"` // description of the label

type Ref

A "referrers" query emits a ReferrersInitial object followed by zero or more ReferrersPackage objects, one per package that contains a reference.

type Ref struct {
    Pos  string `json:"pos"`  // location of all references
    Text string `json:"text"` // text of the referring line

type ReferrersInitial

A "referrers" query emits a ReferrersInitial object followed by zero or more ReferrersPackage objects, one per package that contains a reference.

type ReferrersInitial struct {
    ObjPos string `json:"objpos,omitempty"` // location of the definition
    Desc   string `json:"desc"`             // description of the denoted object

type ReferrersPackage

A "referrers" query emits a ReferrersInitial object followed by zero or more ReferrersPackage objects, one per package that contains a reference.

type ReferrersPackage struct {
    Package string `json:"package"`
    Refs    []Ref  `json:"refs"` // non-empty list of references within this package

type SyntaxNode

A SyntaxNode is one element of a stack of enclosing syntax nodes in a "what" query.

type SyntaxNode struct {
    Description string `json:"desc"`  // description of syntax tree
    Start       int    `json:"start"` // start byte offset, 0-based
    End         int    `json:"end"`   // end byte offset

type What

A What is the result of the "what" query, which quickly identifies the selection, parsing only a single file. It is intended for use in low-latency GUIs.

type What struct {
    Enclosing  []SyntaxNode `json:"enclosing"`            // enclosing nodes of syntax tree
    Modes      []string     `json:"modes"`                // query modes enabled for this selection.
    SrcDir     string       `json:"srcdir,omitempty"`     // $GOROOT src directory containing queried package
    ImportPath string       `json:"importpath,omitempty"` // import path of queried package
    Object     string       `json:"object,omitempty"`     // name of identified object, if any
    SameIDs    []string     `json:"sameids,omitempty"`    // locations of references to same object

type WhichErrs

A WhichErrs is the result of a 'whicherrs' query. It contains the position of the queried error and the possible globals, constants, and types it may point to.

type WhichErrs struct {
    ErrPos    string          `json:"errpos,omitempty"`    // location of queried error
    Globals   []string        `json:"globals,omitempty"`   // locations of globals
    Constants []string        `json:"constants,omitempty"` // locations of constants
    Types     []WhichErrsType `json:"types,omitempty"`     // Types

type WhichErrsType

type WhichErrsType struct {
    Type     string `json:"type,omitempty"`
    Position string `json:"position,omitempty"`