Package atom
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func String ¶
func String(s []byte) string
String returns a string whose contents are equal to s. In that sense, it is equivalent to string(s) but may be more efficient.
type Atom ¶
Atom is an integer code for a string. The zero value maps to "".
type Atom uint32
const ( A Atom = 0x1 Abbr Atom = 0x4 Accept Atom = 0x2106 AcceptCharset Atom = 0x210e Accesskey Atom = 0x3309 Action Atom = 0x1f606 Address Atom = 0x4f307 Align Atom = 0x1105 Alt Atom = 0x4503 Annotation Atom = 0x1670a AnnotationXml Atom = 0x1670e Applet Atom = 0x2b306 Area Atom = 0x2fa04 Article Atom = 0x38807 Aside Atom = 0x8305 Async Atom = 0x7b05 Audio Atom = 0xa605 Autocomplete Atom = 0x1fc0c Autofocus Atom = 0xb309 Autoplay Atom = 0xce08 B Atom = 0x101 Base Atom = 0xd604 Basefont Atom = 0xd608 Bdi Atom = 0x1a03 Bdo Atom = 0xe703 Bgsound Atom = 0x11807 Big Atom = 0x12403 Blink Atom = 0x12705 Blockquote Atom = 0x12c0a Body Atom = 0x2f04 Br Atom = 0x202 Button Atom = 0x13606 Canvas Atom = 0x7f06 Caption Atom = 0x1bb07 Center Atom = 0x5b506 Challenge Atom = 0x21f09 Charset Atom = 0x2807 Checked Atom = 0x32807 Cite Atom = 0x3c804 Class Atom = 0x4de05 Code Atom = 0x14904 Col Atom = 0x15003 Colgroup Atom = 0x15008 Color Atom = 0x15d05 Cols Atom = 0x16204 Colspan Atom = 0x16207 Command Atom = 0x17507 Content Atom = 0x42307 Contenteditable Atom = 0x4230f Contextmenu Atom = 0x3310b Controls Atom = 0x18808 Coords Atom = 0x19406 Crossorigin Atom = 0x19f0b Data Atom = 0x44a04 Datalist Atom = 0x44a08 Datetime Atom = 0x23c08 Dd Atom = 0x26702 Default Atom = 0x8607 Defer Atom = 0x14b05 Del Atom = 0x3ef03 Desc Atom = 0x4db04 Details Atom = 0x4807 Dfn Atom = 0x6103 Dialog Atom = 0x1b06 Dir Atom = 0x6903 Dirname Atom = 0x6907 Disabled Atom = 0x10c08 Div Atom = 0x11303 Dl Atom = 0x11e02 Download Atom = 0x40008 Draggable Atom = 0x17b09 Dropzone Atom = 0x39108 Dt Atom = 0x50902 Em Atom = 0x6502 Embed Atom = 0x6505 Enctype Atom = 0x21107 Face Atom = 0x5b304 Fieldset Atom = 0x1b008 Figcaption Atom = 0x1b80a Figure Atom = 0x1cc06 Font Atom = 0xda04 Footer Atom = 0x8d06 For Atom = 0x1d803 ForeignObject Atom = 0x1d80d Foreignobject Atom = 0x1e50d Form Atom = 0x1f204 Formaction Atom = 0x1f20a Formenctype Atom = 0x20d0b Formmethod Atom = 0x2280a Formnovalidate Atom = 0x2320e Formtarget Atom = 0x2470a Frame Atom = 0x9a05 Frameset Atom = 0x9a08 H1 Atom = 0x26e02 H2 Atom = 0x29402 H3 Atom = 0x2a702 H4 Atom = 0x2e902 H5 Atom = 0x2f302 H6 Atom = 0x50b02 Head Atom = 0x2d504 Header Atom = 0x2d506 Headers Atom = 0x2d507 Height Atom = 0x25106 Hgroup Atom = 0x25906 Hidden Atom = 0x26506 High Atom = 0x26b04 Hr Atom = 0x27002 Href Atom = 0x27004 Hreflang Atom = 0x27008 Html Atom = 0x25504 HttpEquiv Atom = 0x2780a I Atom = 0x601 Icon Atom = 0x42204 Id Atom = 0x8502 Iframe Atom = 0x29606 Image Atom = 0x29c05 Img Atom = 0x2a103 Input Atom = 0x3e805 Inputmode Atom = 0x3e809 Ins Atom = 0x1a803 Isindex Atom = 0x2a907 Ismap Atom = 0x2b005 Itemid Atom = 0x33c06 Itemprop Atom = 0x3c908 Itemref Atom = 0x5ad07 Itemscope Atom = 0x2b909 Itemtype Atom = 0x2c308 Kbd Atom = 0x1903 Keygen Atom = 0x3906 Keytype Atom = 0x53707 Kind Atom = 0x10904 Label Atom = 0xf005 Lang Atom = 0x27404 Legend Atom = 0x18206 Li Atom = 0x1202 Link Atom = 0x12804 List Atom = 0x44e04 Listing Atom = 0x44e07 Loop Atom = 0xf404 Low Atom = 0x11f03 Malignmark Atom = 0x100a Manifest Atom = 0x5f108 Map Atom = 0x2b203 Mark Atom = 0x1604 Marquee Atom = 0x2cb07 Math Atom = 0x2d204 Max Atom = 0x2e103 Maxlength Atom = 0x2e109 Media Atom = 0x6e05 Mediagroup Atom = 0x6e0a Menu Atom = 0x33804 Menuitem Atom = 0x33808 Meta Atom = 0x45d04 Meter Atom = 0x24205 Method Atom = 0x22c06 Mglyph Atom = 0x2a206 Mi Atom = 0x2eb02 Min Atom = 0x2eb03 Minlength Atom = 0x2eb09 Mn Atom = 0x23502 Mo Atom = 0x3ed02 Ms Atom = 0x2bc02 Mtext Atom = 0x2f505 Multiple Atom = 0x30308 Muted Atom = 0x30b05 Name Atom = 0x6c04 Nav Atom = 0x3e03 Nobr Atom = 0x5704 Noembed Atom = 0x6307 Noframes Atom = 0x9808 Noscript Atom = 0x3d208 Novalidate Atom = 0x2360a Object Atom = 0x1ec06 Ol Atom = 0xc902 Onabort Atom = 0x13a07 Onafterprint Atom = 0x1c00c Onautocomplete Atom = 0x1fa0e Onautocompleteerror Atom = 0x1fa13 Onbeforeprint Atom = 0x6040d Onbeforeunload Atom = 0x4e70e Onblur Atom = 0xaa06 Oncancel Atom = 0xe908 Oncanplay Atom = 0x28509 Oncanplaythrough Atom = 0x28510 Onchange Atom = 0x3a708 Onclick Atom = 0x31007 Onclose Atom = 0x31707 Oncontextmenu Atom = 0x32f0d Oncuechange Atom = 0x3420b Ondblclick Atom = 0x34d0a Ondrag Atom = 0x35706 Ondragend Atom = 0x35709 Ondragenter Atom = 0x3600b Ondragleave Atom = 0x36b0b Ondragover Atom = 0x3760a Ondragstart Atom = 0x3800b Ondrop Atom = 0x38f06 Ondurationchange Atom = 0x39f10 Onemptied Atom = 0x39609 Onended Atom = 0x3af07 Onerror Atom = 0x3b607 Onfocus Atom = 0x3bd07 Onhashchange Atom = 0x3da0c Oninput Atom = 0x3e607 Oninvalid Atom = 0x3f209 Onkeydown Atom = 0x3fb09 Onkeypress Atom = 0x4080a Onkeyup Atom = 0x41807 Onlanguagechange Atom = 0x43210 Onload Atom = 0x44206 Onloadeddata Atom = 0x4420c Onloadedmetadata Atom = 0x45510 Onloadstart Atom = 0x46b0b Onmessage Atom = 0x47609 Onmousedown Atom = 0x47f0b Onmousemove Atom = 0x48a0b Onmouseout Atom = 0x4950a Onmouseover Atom = 0x4a20b Onmouseup Atom = 0x4ad09 Onmousewheel Atom = 0x4b60c Onoffline Atom = 0x4c209 Ononline Atom = 0x4cb08 Onpagehide Atom = 0x4d30a Onpageshow Atom = 0x4fe0a Onpause Atom = 0x50d07 Onplay Atom = 0x51706 Onplaying Atom = 0x51709 Onpopstate Atom = 0x5200a Onprogress Atom = 0x52a0a Onratechange Atom = 0x53e0c Onreset Atom = 0x54a07 Onresize Atom = 0x55108 Onscroll Atom = 0x55f08 Onseeked Atom = 0x56708 Onseeking Atom = 0x56f09 Onselect Atom = 0x57808 Onshow Atom = 0x58206 Onsort Atom = 0x58b06 Onstalled Atom = 0x59509 Onstorage Atom = 0x59e09 Onsubmit Atom = 0x5a708 Onsuspend Atom = 0x5bb09 Ontimeupdate Atom = 0xdb0c Ontoggle Atom = 0x5c408 Onunload Atom = 0x5cc08 Onvolumechange Atom = 0x5d40e Onwaiting Atom = 0x5e209 Open Atom = 0x3cf04 Optgroup Atom = 0xf608 Optimum Atom = 0x5eb07 Option Atom = 0x60006 Output Atom = 0x49c06 P Atom = 0xc01 Param Atom = 0xc05 Pattern Atom = 0x5107 Ping Atom = 0x7704 Placeholder Atom = 0xc30b Plaintext Atom = 0xfd09 Poster Atom = 0x15706 Pre Atom = 0x25e03 Preload Atom = 0x25e07 Progress Atom = 0x52c08 Prompt Atom = 0x5fa06 Public Atom = 0x41e06 Q Atom = 0x13101 Radiogroup Atom = 0x30a Readonly Atom = 0x2fb08 Rel Atom = 0x25f03 Required Atom = 0x1d008 Reversed Atom = 0x5a08 Rows Atom = 0x9204 Rowspan Atom = 0x9207 Rp Atom = 0x1c602 Rt Atom = 0x13f02 Ruby Atom = 0xaf04 S Atom = 0x2c01 Samp Atom = 0x4e04 Sandbox Atom = 0xbb07 Scope Atom = 0x2bd05 Scoped Atom = 0x2bd06 Script Atom = 0x3d406 Seamless Atom = 0x31c08 Section Atom = 0x4e207 Select Atom = 0x57a06 Selected Atom = 0x57a08 Shape Atom = 0x4f905 Size Atom = 0x55504 Sizes Atom = 0x55505 Small Atom = 0x18f05 Sortable Atom = 0x58d08 Sorted Atom = 0x19906 Source Atom = 0x1aa06 Spacer Atom = 0x2db06 Span Atom = 0x9504 Spellcheck Atom = 0x3230a Src Atom = 0x3c303 Srcdoc Atom = 0x3c306 Srclang Atom = 0x41107 Start Atom = 0x38605 Step Atom = 0x5f704 Strike Atom = 0x53306 Strong Atom = 0x55906 Style Atom = 0x61105 Sub Atom = 0x5a903 Summary Atom = 0x61607 Sup Atom = 0x61d03 Svg Atom = 0x62003 System Atom = 0x62306 Tabindex Atom = 0x46308 Table Atom = 0x42d05 Target Atom = 0x24b06 Tbody Atom = 0x2e05 Td Atom = 0x4702 Template Atom = 0x62608 Textarea Atom = 0x2f608 Tfoot Atom = 0x8c05 Th Atom = 0x22e02 Thead Atom = 0x2d405 Time Atom = 0xdd04 Title Atom = 0xa105 Tr Atom = 0x10502 Track Atom = 0x10505 Translate Atom = 0x14009 Tt Atom = 0x5302 Type Atom = 0x21404 Typemustmatch Atom = 0x2140d U Atom = 0xb01 Ul Atom = 0x8a02 Usemap Atom = 0x51106 Value Atom = 0x4005 Var Atom = 0x11503 Video Atom = 0x28105 Wbr Atom = 0x12103 Width Atom = 0x50705 Wrap Atom = 0x58704 Xmp Atom = 0xc103 )
func Lookup ¶
func Lookup(s []byte) Atom
Lookup returns the atom whose name is s. It returns zero if there is no such atom. The lookup is case sensitive.
func (Atom) String ¶
func (a Atom) String() string
String returns the atom's name.