speed - ActiveState ActiveGo 1.8

Package speed

import "github.com/performancecopilot/speed"

Overview ▾

Package speed implements a golang client for the Performance Co-Pilot instrumentation API.

It is based on the C/Perl/Python API implemented in PCP core as well as the Java API implemented by `parfait`, a separate project.

Some examples on using the API are implemented as executable go programs in the `examples` subdirectory.

Index ▾

func AddLogWriter(writer io.Writer)
func EnableLogging(enable bool)
func SetLogWriters(writers ...io.Writer)
type Client
type CountUnit
    func (c CountUnit) PMAPI() uint32
    func (i CountUnit) String() string
type Counter
type CounterVector
type Gauge
type GaugeVector
type Histogram
type HistogramBucket
type InstanceDomain
type InstanceMetric
type Instances
    func (i Instances) Keys() []string
type MMVFlag
    func (i MMVFlag) String() string
type Metric
type MetricSemantics
    func (i MetricSemantics) String() string
type MetricType
    func (m MetricType) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
    func (i MetricType) String() string
type MetricUnit
type PCPClient
    func NewPCPClient(name string) (*PCPClient, error)
    func NewPCPClientWithRegistry(name string, registry *PCPRegistry) (*PCPClient, error)
    func (c *PCPClient) Length() int
    func (c *PCPClient) MustRegister(m Metric)
    func (c *PCPClient) MustRegisterIndom(indom InstanceDomain)
    func (c *PCPClient) MustRegisterString(str string, val interface{}, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) Metric
    func (c *PCPClient) MustStart()
    func (c *PCPClient) MustStop()
    func (c *PCPClient) Register(m Metric) error
    func (c *PCPClient) RegisterIndom(indom InstanceDomain) error
    func (c *PCPClient) RegisterString(str string, val interface{}, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) (Metric, error)
    func (c *PCPClient) Registry() Registry
    func (c *PCPClient) SetFlag(flag MMVFlag) error
    func (c *PCPClient) Start() error
    func (c *PCPClient) Stop() error
type PCPCounter
    func NewPCPCounter(val int64, name string, desc ...string) (*PCPCounter, error)
    func (c *PCPCounter) Inc(val int64) error
    func (m PCPCounter) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain
    func (c *PCPCounter) MustInc(val int64)
    func (c *PCPCounter) Set(val int64) error
    func (c *PCPCounter) Up()
    func (c *PCPCounter) Val() int64
type PCPCounterVector
    func NewPCPCounterVector(values map[string]int64, name string, desc ...string) (*PCPCounterVector, error)
    func (c *PCPCounterVector) Inc(inc int64, instance string) error
    func (c *PCPCounterVector) IncAll(val int64)
    func (m PCPCounterVector) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain
    func (m PCPCounterVector) Instances() []string
    func (c *PCPCounterVector) MustInc(inc int64, instance string)
    func (c *PCPCounterVector) MustSet(val int64, instance string)
    func (c *PCPCounterVector) Set(val int64, instance string) error
    func (c *PCPCounterVector) SetAll(val int64)
    func (c *PCPCounterVector) Up(instance string)
    func (c *PCPCounterVector) UpAll()
    func (c *PCPCounterVector) Val(instance string) (int64, error)
type PCPGauge
    func NewPCPGauge(val float64, name string, desc ...string) (*PCPGauge, error)
    func (g *PCPGauge) Dec(val float64) error
    func (g *PCPGauge) Inc(val float64) error
    func (m PCPGauge) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain
    func (g *PCPGauge) MustDec(val float64)
    func (g *PCPGauge) MustInc(val float64)
    func (g *PCPGauge) MustSet(val float64)
    func (g *PCPGauge) Set(val float64) error
    func (g *PCPGauge) Val() float64
type PCPGaugeVector
    func NewPCPGaugeVector(values map[string]float64, name string, desc ...string) (*PCPGaugeVector, error)
    func (g *PCPGaugeVector) Dec(inc float64, instance string) error
    func (g *PCPGaugeVector) DecAll(val float64)
    func (g *PCPGaugeVector) Inc(inc float64, instance string) error
    func (g *PCPGaugeVector) IncAll(val float64)
    func (m PCPGaugeVector) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain
    func (m PCPGaugeVector) Instances() []string
    func (g *PCPGaugeVector) MustDec(inc float64, instance string)
    func (g *PCPGaugeVector) MustInc(inc float64, instance string)
    func (g *PCPGaugeVector) MustSet(val float64, instance string)
    func (g *PCPGaugeVector) Set(val float64, instance string) error
    func (g *PCPGaugeVector) SetAll(val float64)
    func (g *PCPGaugeVector) Val(instance string) (float64, error)
type PCPHistogram
    func NewPCPHistogram(name string, low, high int64, sigfigures int, unit MetricUnit, desc ...string) (*PCPHistogram, error)
    func (h *PCPHistogram) Buckets() []*HistogramBucket
    func (h *PCPHistogram) High() int64
    func (m PCPHistogram) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain
    func (m PCPHistogram) Instances() []string
    func (h *PCPHistogram) Low() int64
    func (h *PCPHistogram) Max() int64
    func (h *PCPHistogram) Mean() float64
    func (h *PCPHistogram) Min() int64
    func (h *PCPHistogram) MustRecord(val int64)
    func (h *PCPHistogram) MustRecordN(val, n int64)
    func (h *PCPHistogram) Percentile(p float64) int64
    func (h *PCPHistogram) Record(val int64) error
    func (h *PCPHistogram) RecordN(val, n int64) error
    func (h *PCPHistogram) StandardDeviation() float64
    func (h *PCPHistogram) Variance() float64
type PCPInstanceDomain
    func NewPCPInstanceDomain(name string, instances []string, desc ...string) (*PCPInstanceDomain, error)
    func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) Description() string
    func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) HasInstance(name string) bool
    func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) ID() uint32
    func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) InstanceCount() int
    func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) Instances() []string
    func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) MatchInstances(ins []string) bool
    func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) Name() string
    func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) String() string
type PCPInstanceMetric
    func NewPCPInstanceMetric(vals Instances, name string, indom *PCPInstanceDomain, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit, desc ...string) (*PCPInstanceMetric, error)
    func (m PCPInstanceMetric) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain
    func (m PCPInstanceMetric) Instances() []string
    func (m *PCPInstanceMetric) MustSetInstance(val interface{}, instance string)
    func (m *PCPInstanceMetric) SetInstance(val interface{}, instance string) error
    func (m *PCPInstanceMetric) ValInstance(instance string) (interface{}, error)
type PCPMetric
type PCPRegistry
    func NewPCPRegistry() *PCPRegistry
    func (r *PCPRegistry) AddInstanceDomain(indom InstanceDomain) error
    func (r *PCPRegistry) AddInstanceDomainByName(name string, instances []string) (InstanceDomain, error)
    func (r *PCPRegistry) AddMetric(m Metric) error
    func (r *PCPRegistry) AddMetricByString(str string, val interface{}, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) (Metric, error)
    func (r *PCPRegistry) HasInstanceDomain(name string) bool
    func (r *PCPRegistry) HasMetric(name string) bool
    func (r *PCPRegistry) InstanceCount() int
    func (r *PCPRegistry) InstanceDomainCount() int
    func (r *PCPRegistry) MetricCount() int
    func (r *PCPRegistry) StringCount() int
    func (r *PCPRegistry) ValuesCount() int
type PCPSingletonMetric
    func NewPCPSingletonMetric(val interface{}, name string, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit, desc ...string) (*PCPSingletonMetric, error)
    func (m PCPSingletonMetric) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain
    func (m *PCPSingletonMetric) MustSet(val interface{})
    func (m *PCPSingletonMetric) Set(val interface{}) error
    func (m *PCPSingletonMetric) String() string
    func (m *PCPSingletonMetric) Val() interface{}
type PCPTimer
    func NewPCPTimer(name string, unit TimeUnit, desc ...string) (*PCPTimer, error)
    func (m PCPTimer) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain
    func (t *PCPTimer) Start() error
    func (t *PCPTimer) Stop() (float64, error)
type Registry
type SingletonMetric
type SpaceUnit
    func (s SpaceUnit) PMAPI() uint32
    func (i SpaceUnit) String() string
type TimeUnit
    func (t TimeUnit) PMAPI() uint32
    func (i TimeUnit) String() string
type Timer

Package files

client.go config.go countunit_string.go instance.go instance_domain.go metrics.go metricsemantics_string.go metrictype_string.go mmvflag_string.go registry.go spaceunit_string.go speed.go timeunit_string.go


byte lengths of different components in an mmv file

const (
    HeaderLength         = 40
    TocLength            = 16
    Metric1Length        = 104
    Metric2Length        = 48
    ValueLength          = 32
    Instance1Length      = 80
    Instance2Length      = 24
    InstanceDomainLength = 32
    StringLength         = 256

the maximum and minimum values that can be recorded by a histogram

const (
    HistogramMin = 0
    HistogramMax = 3600000000

MaxDataValueSize is the maximum byte length for a stored metric value, unless it is a string

const MaxDataValueSize = 16

MaxV1NameLength is the maximum length for a metric/instance name under MMV format 1

const MaxV1NameLength = 63

PCPClusterIDBitLength is the bit length of the cluster id for a set of PCP metrics

const PCPClusterIDBitLength = 12

PCPInstanceDomainBitLength is the maximum bit length of a PCP Instance Domain

see: https://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp/blob/master/src/include/pcp/impl.h#L102-L121

const PCPInstanceDomainBitLength = 22

PCPMetricItemBitLength is the maximum bit size of a PCP Metric id.

see: https://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp/blob/master/src/include/pcp/impl.h#L102-L121

const PCPMetricItemBitLength = 10

Version is the last tagged version of the package

const Version = "2.0.0"


EraseFileOnStop if set to true, will also delete the memory mapped file

var EraseFileOnStop = false

func AddLogWriter

func AddLogWriter(writer io.Writer)

AddLogWriter adds a new io.Writer as a target for writing logs.

func EnableLogging

func EnableLogging(enable bool)

EnableLogging logging enables logging for logrus if true is passed and disables it if false is passed.

func SetLogWriters

func SetLogWriters(writers ...io.Writer)

SetLogWriters will set the passed io.Writer instances as targets for writing logs.

type Client

Client defines the interface for a type that can talk to an instrumentation agent

type Client interface {
    // a client must contain a registry of metrics
    Registry() Registry

    // starts monitoring
    Start() error

    // Start that will panic on failure

    // stop monitoring
    Stop() error

    // Stop that will panic on failure

    // adds a metric to be monitored
    Register(Metric) error

    // tries to add a metric to be written and panics on error

    // adds metric from a string
    RegisterString(string, interface{}, MetricType, MetricSemantics, MetricUnit) (Metric, error)

    // tries to add a metric from a string and panics on an error
    MustRegisterString(string, interface{}, MetricType, MetricSemantics, MetricUnit) Metric

type CountUnit

CountUnit is a type representing a counted quantity.

type CountUnit uint32

OneUnit represents the only CountUnit. For count units bits 8-11 are 1 and bits 21-24 are scale.

const OneUnit CountUnit = 1<<20 | iota<<8

func (CountUnit) PMAPI

func (c CountUnit) PMAPI() uint32

PMAPI returns the PMAPI representation for a CountUnit.

func (CountUnit) String

func (i CountUnit) String() string

type Counter

Counter defines a metric that holds a single value that can only be incremented.

type Counter interface {

    Val() int64
    Set(int64) error

    Inc(int64) error

    Up() // same as MustInc(1)

type CounterVector

CounterVector defines a Counter on multiple instances.

type CounterVector interface {

    Val(string) (int64, error)

    Set(int64, string) error
    MustSet(int64, string)

    Inc(int64, string) error
    MustInc(int64, string)


type Gauge

Gauge defines a metric that holds a single double value that can be incremented or decremented.

type Gauge interface {

    Val() float64

    Set(float64) error

    Inc(float64) error
    Dec(float64) error


type GaugeVector

GaugeVector defines a Gauge on multiple instances

type GaugeVector interface {

    Val(string) (float64, error)

    Set(float64, string) error
    MustSet(float64, string)

    Inc(float64, string) error
    MustInc(float64, string)

    Dec(float64, string) error
    MustDec(float64, string)

type Histogram

Histogram defines a metric that records a distribution of data

type Histogram interface {
    Max() int64 // Maximum value recorded so far
    Min() int64 // Minimum value recorded so far

    High() int64 // Highest allowed value
    Low() int64  // Lowest allowed value

    Record(int64) error         // Records a new value
    RecordN(int64, int64) error // Records multiple instances of the same value

    MustRecordN(int64, int64)

    Mean() float64              // Mean of all recorded data
    Variance() float64          // Variance of all recorded data
    StandardDeviation() float64 // StandardDeviation of all recorded data
    Percentile(float64) int64   // Percentile returns the value at the passed percentile

type HistogramBucket

HistogramBucket is a single histogram bucket within a fixed range.

type HistogramBucket struct {
    From, To, Count int64

type InstanceDomain

InstanceDomain defines the interface for an instance domain

type InstanceDomain interface {
    ID() uint32                   // unique identifier for the instance domain
    Name() string                 // name of the instance domain
    Description() string          // description for the instance domain
    HasInstance(name string) bool // checks if an instance is in the indom
    InstanceCount() int           // returns the number of instances in the indom
    Instances() []string          // returns a slice of instances in the instance domain

type InstanceMetric

InstanceMetric defines the interface for a metric that stores multiple values in instances and instance domains.

type InstanceMetric interface {

    // gets the value of a particular instance
    ValInstance(string) (interface{}, error)

    // sets the value of a particular instance
    SetInstance(interface{}, string) error

    // tries to set the value of a particular instance and panics on error
    MustSetInstance(interface{}, string)

    // returns a slice containing all instances in the metric
    Instances() []string

type Instances

Instances defines a valid collection of instance name and values

type Instances map[string]interface{}

func (Instances) Keys

func (i Instances) Keys() []string

Keys collects and returns all the keys in all instance values

type MMVFlag

MMVFlag represents an enumerated type to represent mmv flag values

type MMVFlag int

values for MMVFlag

const (
    NoPrefixFlag MMVFlag = 1 << iota

func (MMVFlag) String

func (i MMVFlag) String() string

type Metric

Metric defines the general interface a type needs to implement to qualify as a valid PCP metric.

type Metric interface {
    // gets the unique id generated for this metric
    ID() uint32

    // gets the name for the metric
    Name() string

    // gets the type of a metric
    Type() MetricType

    // gets the unit of a metric
    Unit() MetricUnit

    // gets the semantics for a metric
    Semantics() MetricSemantics

    // gets the description of a metric
    Description() string

type MetricSemantics

MetricSemantics represents an enumerated type representing the possible values for the semantics of a metric.

type MetricSemantics int32

Possible values for MetricSemantics.

const (
    NoSemantics MetricSemantics = iota


func (MetricSemantics) String

func (i MetricSemantics) String() string

type MetricType

MetricType is an enumerated type representing all valid types for a metric.

type MetricType int32

Possible values for a MetricType.

const (
    Int32Type MetricType = iota

func (MetricType) IsCompatible

func (m MetricType) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool

IsCompatible checks if the passed value is compatible with the current MetricType.

func (MetricType) String

func (i MetricType) String() string

type MetricUnit

MetricUnit defines the interface for a unit type for speed.

type MetricUnit interface {

    // return 32 bit PMAPI representation for the unit
    // see: https://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp/blob/master/src/include/pcp/pmapi.h#L61-L101
    PMAPI() uint32

type PCPClient

PCPClient implements a client that can generate instrumentation for PCP

type PCPClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPClient

func NewPCPClient(name string) (*PCPClient, error)

NewPCPClient initializes a new PCPClient object

func NewPCPClientWithRegistry

func NewPCPClientWithRegistry(name string, registry *PCPRegistry) (*PCPClient, error)

NewPCPClientWithRegistry initializes a new PCPClient object with the given registry

func (*PCPClient) Length

func (c *PCPClient) Length() int

Length returns the byte length of data in the mmv file written by the current writer

func (*PCPClient) MustRegister

func (c *PCPClient) MustRegister(m Metric)

MustRegister is simply a Register that can panic

func (*PCPClient) MustRegisterIndom

func (c *PCPClient) MustRegisterIndom(indom InstanceDomain)

MustRegisterIndom is simply a RegisterIndom that can panic

func (*PCPClient) MustRegisterString

func (c *PCPClient) MustRegisterString(str string, val interface{}, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) Metric

MustRegisterString is simply a RegisterString that panics

func (*PCPClient) MustStart

func (c *PCPClient) MustStart()

MustStart is a start that panics

func (*PCPClient) MustStop

func (c *PCPClient) MustStop()

MustStop is a stop that panics

func (*PCPClient) Register

func (c *PCPClient) Register(m Metric) error

Register is simply a shorthand for Registry().AddMetric

func (*PCPClient) RegisterIndom

func (c *PCPClient) RegisterIndom(indom InstanceDomain) error

RegisterIndom is simply a shorthand for Registry().AddInstanceDomain

func (*PCPClient) RegisterString

func (c *PCPClient) RegisterString(str string, val interface{}, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) (Metric, error)

RegisterString is simply a shorthand for Registry().AddMetricByString

func (*PCPClient) Registry

func (c *PCPClient) Registry() Registry

Registry returns a writer's registry

func (*PCPClient) SetFlag

func (c *PCPClient) SetFlag(flag MMVFlag) error

SetFlag sets the MMVflag for the client

func (*PCPClient) Start

func (c *PCPClient) Start() error

Start dumps existing registry data

func (*PCPClient) Stop

func (c *PCPClient) Stop() error

Stop removes existing mapping and cleans up

type PCPCounter

PCPCounter implements a PCP compatible Counter Metric.

type PCPCounter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPCounter

func NewPCPCounter(val int64, name string, desc ...string) (*PCPCounter, error)

NewPCPCounter creates a new PCPCounter instance. It requires an initial int64 value and a metric name for construction. optionally it can also take a couple of description strings that are used as short and long descriptions respectively. Internally it creates a PCP SingletonMetric with Int64Type, CounterSemantics and CountUnit.

func (*PCPCounter) Inc

func (c *PCPCounter) Inc(val int64) error

Inc increases the stored counter's value by the passed increment.

func (PCPCounter) Indom

func (m PCPCounter) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain

func (*PCPCounter) MustInc

func (c *PCPCounter) MustInc(val int64)

MustInc is Inc that panics on failure.

func (*PCPCounter) Set

func (c *PCPCounter) Set(val int64) error

Set sets the value of the counter.

func (*PCPCounter) Up

func (c *PCPCounter) Up()

Up increases the counter by 1.

func (*PCPCounter) Val

func (c *PCPCounter) Val() int64

Val returns the current value of the counter.

type PCPCounterVector

PCPCounterVector implements a CounterVector

type PCPCounterVector struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPCounterVector

func NewPCPCounterVector(values map[string]int64, name string, desc ...string) (*PCPCounterVector, error)

NewPCPCounterVector creates a new instance of a PCPCounterVector. it requires a metric name and a set of instance names and values as a map. it can optionally accept a couple of strings as short and long descriptions of the metric. Internally it uses a PCP InstanceMetric with Int64Type, CounterSemantics and CountUnit.

func (*PCPCounterVector) Inc

func (c *PCPCounterVector) Inc(inc int64, instance string) error

Inc increments the value of a particular instance of PCPCounterVector.

func (*PCPCounterVector) IncAll

func (c *PCPCounterVector) IncAll(val int64)

IncAll increments all instances by the same value and panics on an error.

func (PCPCounterVector) Indom

func (m PCPCounterVector) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain

Indom returns the instance domain for the metric.

func (PCPCounterVector) Instances

func (m PCPCounterVector) Instances() []string

Instances returns a slice containing all instances in the InstanceMetric. Basically a shorthand for metric.Indom().Instances().

func (*PCPCounterVector) MustInc

func (c *PCPCounterVector) MustInc(inc int64, instance string)

MustInc panics if Inc fails.

func (*PCPCounterVector) MustSet

func (c *PCPCounterVector) MustSet(val int64, instance string)

MustSet panics if Set fails.

func (*PCPCounterVector) Set

func (c *PCPCounterVector) Set(val int64, instance string) error

Set sets the value of a particular instance of PCPCounterVector.

func (*PCPCounterVector) SetAll

func (c *PCPCounterVector) SetAll(val int64)

SetAll sets all instances to the same value and panics on an error.

func (*PCPCounterVector) Up

func (c *PCPCounterVector) Up(instance string)

Up increments the value of a particular instance ny 1.

func (*PCPCounterVector) UpAll

func (c *PCPCounterVector) UpAll()

UpAll ups all instances and panics on an error.

func (*PCPCounterVector) Val

func (c *PCPCounterVector) Val(instance string) (int64, error)

Val returns the value of a particular instance of PCPCounterVector.

type PCPGauge

PCPGauge defines a PCP compatible Gauge metric

type PCPGauge struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPGauge

func NewPCPGauge(val float64, name string, desc ...string) (*PCPGauge, error)

NewPCPGauge creates a new PCPGauge instance. Tt requires an initial float64 value and a metric name for construction. Optionally it can also take a couple of description strings that are used as short and long descriptions respectively. Internally it creates a PCP SingletonMetric with DoubleType, InstantSemantics and CountUnit.

func (*PCPGauge) Dec

func (g *PCPGauge) Dec(val float64) error

Dec adds a value to the existing Gauge value.

func (*PCPGauge) Inc

func (g *PCPGauge) Inc(val float64) error

Inc adds a value to the existing Gauge value.

func (PCPGauge) Indom

func (m PCPGauge) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain

func (*PCPGauge) MustDec

func (g *PCPGauge) MustDec(val float64)

MustDec will panic if Dec fails.

func (*PCPGauge) MustInc

func (g *PCPGauge) MustInc(val float64)

MustInc will panic if Inc fails.

func (*PCPGauge) MustSet

func (g *PCPGauge) MustSet(val float64)

MustSet will panic if Set fails.

func (*PCPGauge) Set

func (g *PCPGauge) Set(val float64) error

Set sets the current value of the Gauge.

func (*PCPGauge) Val

func (g *PCPGauge) Val() float64

Val returns the current value of the Gauge.

type PCPGaugeVector

PCPGaugeVector implements a GaugeVector

type PCPGaugeVector struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPGaugeVector

func NewPCPGaugeVector(values map[string]float64, name string, desc ...string) (*PCPGaugeVector, error)

NewPCPGaugeVector creates a new instance of a PCPGaugeVector. It requires a name and map of instance names to their values. Optionally, it can also accept a couple of strings providing more details about the metric.

func (*PCPGaugeVector) Dec

func (g *PCPGaugeVector) Dec(inc float64, instance string) error

Dec decrements the value of a particular instance of PCPGaugeVector

func (*PCPGaugeVector) DecAll

func (g *PCPGaugeVector) DecAll(val float64)

DecAll decrements all instances by the same value and panics on an error

func (*PCPGaugeVector) Inc

func (g *PCPGaugeVector) Inc(inc float64, instance string) error

Inc increments the value of a particular instance of PCPGaugeVector

func (*PCPGaugeVector) IncAll

func (g *PCPGaugeVector) IncAll(val float64)

IncAll increments all instances by the same value and panics on an error

func (PCPGaugeVector) Indom

func (m PCPGaugeVector) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain

Indom returns the instance domain for the metric.

func (PCPGaugeVector) Instances

func (m PCPGaugeVector) Instances() []string

Instances returns a slice containing all instances in the InstanceMetric. Basically a shorthand for metric.Indom().Instances().

func (*PCPGaugeVector) MustDec

func (g *PCPGaugeVector) MustDec(inc float64, instance string)

MustDec panics if Dec fails

func (*PCPGaugeVector) MustInc

func (g *PCPGaugeVector) MustInc(inc float64, instance string)

MustInc panics if Inc fails

func (*PCPGaugeVector) MustSet

func (g *PCPGaugeVector) MustSet(val float64, instance string)

MustSet panics if Set fails

func (*PCPGaugeVector) Set

func (g *PCPGaugeVector) Set(val float64, instance string) error

Set sets the value of a particular instance of PCPGaugeVector

func (*PCPGaugeVector) SetAll

func (g *PCPGaugeVector) SetAll(val float64)

SetAll sets all instances to the same value and panics on an error

func (*PCPGaugeVector) Val

func (g *PCPGaugeVector) Val(instance string) (float64, error)

Val returns the value of a particular instance of PCPGaugeVector

type PCPHistogram

PCPHistogram implements a histogram for PCP backed by the coda hale hdrhistogram https://github.com/codahale/hdrhistogram

type PCPHistogram struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPHistogram

func NewPCPHistogram(name string, low, high int64, sigfigures int, unit MetricUnit, desc ...string) (*PCPHistogram, error)

NewPCPHistogram returns a new instance of PCPHistogram. The lowest value for `low` is 0. The highest value for `high` is 3,600,000,000. `low` **must** be less than `high`. The value of `sigfigures` can be between 1 and 5. It also requires a unit to be explicitly passed for construction. Optionally, a couple of description strings may be passed as the short and long descriptions of the metric.

func (*PCPHistogram) Buckets

func (h *PCPHistogram) Buckets() []*HistogramBucket

Buckets returns a list of histogram buckets.

func (*PCPHistogram) High

func (h *PCPHistogram) High() int64

High returns the maximum recordable value.

func (PCPHistogram) Indom

func (m PCPHistogram) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain

Indom returns the instance domain for the metric.

func (PCPHistogram) Instances

func (m PCPHistogram) Instances() []string

Instances returns a slice containing all instances in the InstanceMetric. Basically a shorthand for metric.Indom().Instances().

func (*PCPHistogram) Low

func (h *PCPHistogram) Low() int64

Low returns the minimum recordable value.

func (*PCPHistogram) Max

func (h *PCPHistogram) Max() int64

Max returns the maximum recorded value so far.

func (*PCPHistogram) Mean

func (h *PCPHistogram) Mean() float64

Mean returns the mean of all values recorded so far.

func (*PCPHistogram) Min

func (h *PCPHistogram) Min() int64

Min returns the minimum recorded value so far.

func (*PCPHistogram) MustRecord

func (h *PCPHistogram) MustRecord(val int64)

MustRecord panics if Record fails.

func (*PCPHistogram) MustRecordN

func (h *PCPHistogram) MustRecordN(val, n int64)

MustRecordN panics if RecordN fails.

func (*PCPHistogram) Percentile

func (h *PCPHistogram) Percentile(p float64) int64

Percentile returns the value at the passed percentile.

func (*PCPHistogram) Record

func (h *PCPHistogram) Record(val int64) error

Record records a new value.

func (*PCPHistogram) RecordN

func (h *PCPHistogram) RecordN(val, n int64) error

RecordN records multiple instances of the same value.

func (*PCPHistogram) StandardDeviation

func (h *PCPHistogram) StandardDeviation() float64

StandardDeviation returns the standard deviation of all values recorded so far.

func (*PCPHistogram) Variance

func (h *PCPHistogram) Variance() float64

Variance returns the variance of all values recorded so far.

type PCPInstanceDomain

PCPInstanceDomain wraps a PCP compatible instance domain

type PCPInstanceDomain struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPInstanceDomain

func NewPCPInstanceDomain(name string, instances []string, desc ...string) (*PCPInstanceDomain, error)

NewPCPInstanceDomain creates a new instance domain or returns an already created one for the passed name NOTE: this is different from parfait's idea of generating ids for InstanceDomains We simply generate a unique 32 bit hash for an instance domain name, and if it has not already been created, we create it, otherwise we return the already created version

func (*PCPInstanceDomain) Description

func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) Description() string

Description returns the description for PCPInstanceDomain

func (*PCPInstanceDomain) HasInstance

func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) HasInstance(name string) bool

HasInstance returns true if an instance of the specified name is in the Indom

func (*PCPInstanceDomain) ID

func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) ID() uint32

ID returns the id for PCPInstanceDomain

func (*PCPInstanceDomain) InstanceCount

func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) InstanceCount() int

InstanceCount returns the number of instances in the current instance domain

func (*PCPInstanceDomain) Instances

func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) Instances() []string

Instances returns a slice of defined instances for the instance domain

func (*PCPInstanceDomain) MatchInstances

func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) MatchInstances(ins []string) bool

MatchInstances returns true if the passed InstanceDomain has exactly the same instances as the passed array

func (*PCPInstanceDomain) Name

func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) Name() string

Name returns the name for PCPInstanceDomain

func (*PCPInstanceDomain) String

func (indom *PCPInstanceDomain) String() string

type PCPInstanceMetric

PCPInstanceMetric represents a PCPMetric that can have multiple values over multiple instances in an instance domain.

type PCPInstanceMetric struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPInstanceMetric

func NewPCPInstanceMetric(vals Instances, name string, indom *PCPInstanceDomain, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit, desc ...string) (*PCPInstanceMetric, error)

NewPCPInstanceMetric creates a new instance of PCPSingletonMetric. it takes 2 extra optional strings as short and long description parameters, which on not being present are set to empty strings.

func (PCPInstanceMetric) Indom

func (m PCPInstanceMetric) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain

Indom returns the instance domain for the metric.

func (PCPInstanceMetric) Instances

func (m PCPInstanceMetric) Instances() []string

Instances returns a slice containing all instances in the InstanceMetric. Basically a shorthand for metric.Indom().Instances().

func (*PCPInstanceMetric) MustSetInstance

func (m *PCPInstanceMetric) MustSetInstance(val interface{}, instance string)

MustSetInstance is a SetInstance that panics.

func (*PCPInstanceMetric) SetInstance

func (m *PCPInstanceMetric) SetInstance(val interface{}, instance string) error

SetInstance sets the value for a particular instance of the metric.

func (*PCPInstanceMetric) ValInstance

func (m *PCPInstanceMetric) ValInstance(instance string) (interface{}, error)

ValInstance returns the value for a particular instance of the metric.

type PCPMetric

PCPMetric defines the interface for a metric that is compatible with PCP.

type PCPMetric interface {

    // a PCPMetric will always have an instance domain, even if it is nil
    Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain

    ShortDescription() string

    LongDescription() string

type PCPRegistry

PCPRegistry implements a registry for PCP as the client

type PCPRegistry struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPRegistry

func NewPCPRegistry() *PCPRegistry

NewPCPRegistry creates a new PCPRegistry object

func (*PCPRegistry) AddInstanceDomain

func (r *PCPRegistry) AddInstanceDomain(indom InstanceDomain) error

AddInstanceDomain will add a new instance domain to the current registry

func (*PCPRegistry) AddInstanceDomainByName

func (r *PCPRegistry) AddInstanceDomainByName(name string, instances []string) (InstanceDomain, error)

AddInstanceDomainByName adds an instance domain using passed parameters

func (*PCPRegistry) AddMetric

func (r *PCPRegistry) AddMetric(m Metric) error

AddMetric will add a new metric to the current registry

func (*PCPRegistry) AddMetricByString

func (r *PCPRegistry) AddMetricByString(str string, val interface{}, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) (Metric, error)

AddMetricByString dynamically creates a PCPMetric

func (*PCPRegistry) HasInstanceDomain

func (r *PCPRegistry) HasInstanceDomain(name string) bool

HasInstanceDomain returns true if the registry already has an indom of the specified name

func (*PCPRegistry) HasMetric

func (r *PCPRegistry) HasMetric(name string) bool

HasMetric returns true if the registry already has a metric of the specified name

func (*PCPRegistry) InstanceCount

func (r *PCPRegistry) InstanceCount() int

InstanceCount returns the number of instances across all indoms in the registry

func (*PCPRegistry) InstanceDomainCount

func (r *PCPRegistry) InstanceDomainCount() int

InstanceDomainCount returns the number of instance domains in the registry

func (*PCPRegistry) MetricCount

func (r *PCPRegistry) MetricCount() int

MetricCount returns the number of metrics in the registry

func (*PCPRegistry) StringCount

func (r *PCPRegistry) StringCount() int

StringCount returns the number of strings in the registry

func (*PCPRegistry) ValuesCount

func (r *PCPRegistry) ValuesCount() int

ValuesCount returns the number of values in the registry

type PCPSingletonMetric

PCPSingletonMetric defines a singleton metric with no instance domain only a value and a valueoffset.

type PCPSingletonMetric struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPSingletonMetric

func NewPCPSingletonMetric(val interface{}, name string, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit, desc ...string) (*PCPSingletonMetric, error)

NewPCPSingletonMetric creates a new instance of PCPSingletonMetric it takes 2 extra optional strings as short and long description parameters, which on not being present are set to blank strings.

func (PCPSingletonMetric) Indom

func (m PCPSingletonMetric) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain

func (*PCPSingletonMetric) MustSet

func (m *PCPSingletonMetric) MustSet(val interface{})

MustSet is a Set that panics on failure.

func (*PCPSingletonMetric) Set

func (m *PCPSingletonMetric) Set(val interface{}) error

Set Sets the current value of PCPSingletonMetric.

func (*PCPSingletonMetric) String

func (m *PCPSingletonMetric) String() string

func (*PCPSingletonMetric) Val

func (m *PCPSingletonMetric) Val() interface{}

Val returns the current Set value of PCPSingletonMetric.

type PCPTimer

PCPTimer implements a PCP compatible Timer It also functionally implements a metric with elapsed type from PCP

type PCPTimer struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPCPTimer

func NewPCPTimer(name string, unit TimeUnit, desc ...string) (*PCPTimer, error)

NewPCPTimer creates a new PCPTimer instance of the specified unit. It requires a metric name and a TimeUnit for construction. It can optionally take a couple of description strings. Internally it uses a PCP SingletonMetric.

func (PCPTimer) Indom

func (m PCPTimer) Indom() *PCPInstanceDomain

func (*PCPTimer) Start

func (t *PCPTimer) Start() error

Start signals the timer to start monitoring.

func (*PCPTimer) Stop

func (t *PCPTimer) Stop() (float64, error)

Stop signals the timer to end monitoring and return elapsed time so far.

type Registry

Registry defines a valid set of instance domains and metrics

type Registry interface {
    // checks if an instance domain of the passed name is already present or not
    HasInstanceDomain(name string) bool

    // checks if an metric of the passed name is already present or not
    HasMetric(name string) bool

    // returns the number of Metrics in the current registry
    MetricCount() int

    // returns the number of Values in the current registry
    ValuesCount() int

    // returns the number of Instance Domains in the current registry
    InstanceDomainCount() int

    // returns the number of instances across all instance domains in the current registry
    InstanceCount() int

    // returns the number of non null strings initialized in the current registry
    StringCount() int

    // adds a InstanceDomain object to the writer
    AddInstanceDomain(InstanceDomain) error

    // adds a InstanceDomain object after constructing it using passed name and instances
    AddInstanceDomainByName(name string, instances []string) (InstanceDomain, error)

    // adds a Metric object to the writer
    AddMetric(Metric) error

    // adds a Metric object after parsing the passed string for Instances and InstanceDomains
    AddMetricByString(name string, val interface{}, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) (Metric, error)

type SingletonMetric

SingletonMetric defines the interface for a metric that stores only one value.

type SingletonMetric interface {

    // gets the value of the metric
    Val() interface{}

    // sets the value of the metric to a value, optionally returns an error on failure
    Set(interface{}) error

    // tries to set and panics on error

type SpaceUnit

SpaceUnit is an enumerated type representing all units for space.

type SpaceUnit uint32

Possible values for SpaceUnit.

const (
    ByteUnit SpaceUnit = 1<<28 | iota<<16

func (SpaceUnit) PMAPI

func (s SpaceUnit) PMAPI() uint32

PMAPI returns the PMAPI representation for a SpaceUnit for space units bits 0-3 are 1 and bits 13-16 are scale

func (SpaceUnit) String

func (i SpaceUnit) String() string

type TimeUnit

TimeUnit is an enumerated type representing all possible units for representing time.

type TimeUnit uint32

Possible Values for TimeUnit. for time units bits 4-7 are 1 and bits 17-20 are scale.

const (
    NanosecondUnit TimeUnit = 1<<24 | iota<<12

func (TimeUnit) PMAPI

func (t TimeUnit) PMAPI() uint32

PMAPI returns the PMAPI representation for a TimeUnit.

func (TimeUnit) String

func (i TimeUnit) String() string

type Timer

Timer defines a metric that accumulates time periods Start signals the beginning of monitoring. End signals the end of monitoring and adding the elapsed time to the accumulated time, and returning it.

type Timer interface {

    Start() error
    Stop() (float64, error)


Name Synopsis
bytewriter Package bytewriter implements writers that support concurrent writing within a fixed length block initially tried to use bytes.Buffer but the main restriction with that is that it does not allow the freedom to move around in the buffer.
acme A golang implementation of the acme factory examples from python and Java APIs The python implementation is in mmv.py in PCP core (https://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp/blob/master/src/python/pcp/mmv.py#L21-L70) The Java implementation is in examples in parfait core (https://github.com/performancecopilot/parfait/tree/master/examples/acme) To run the python version of the example that exits do go run examples/acme/main.go To run the java version of the example that runs forever, simply add a --forever flag go run examples/acme/main.go --forever
singleton_string this example showcases speeds metric inference from strings property
mmvdump Package mmvdump implements a go port of the C mmvdump utility included in PCP Core https://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp/blob/master/src/pmdas/mmv/mmvdump.c It has been written for maximum portability with the C equivalent, without having to use cgo or any other ninja stuff the main difference is that the reader is separate from the cli with the reading primarily implemented in mmvdump.go while the cli is implemented in cmd/mmvdump the cli application is completely go gettable and outputs the same things, in mostly the same way as the C cli app, to try it out, ``` go get github.com/performancecopilot/speed/mmvdump/cmd/mmvdump ```