api - ActiveState ActiveGo 1.8

Package api

import "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api"

Overview ▾

The /v1/operator/area endpoints are available only in Consul Enterprise and interact with its network area subsystem. Network areas are used to link together Consul servers in different Consul datacenters. With network areas, Consul datacenters can be linked together in ways other than a fully-connected mesh, as is required for Consul's WAN.

Index ▾

func IsServerError(err error) bool
func NewHttpClient(transport *http.Transport, tlsConf TLSConfig) (*http.Client, error)
func SetupTLSConfig(tlsConfig *TLSConfig) (*tls.Config, error)
type ACL
    func (a *ACL) Clone(id string, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (a *ACL) Create(acl *ACLEntry, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (a *ACL) Destroy(id string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
    func (a *ACL) Info(id string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLEntry, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (a *ACL) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLEntry, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (a *ACL) Replication(q *QueryOptions) (*ACLReplicationStatus, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (a *ACL) Update(acl *ACLEntry, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
type ACLEntry
type ACLReplicationStatus
type Agent
    func (a *Agent) CheckDeregister(checkID string) error
    func (a *Agent) CheckRegister(check *AgentCheckRegistration) error
    func (a *Agent) Checks() (map[string]*AgentCheck, error)
    func (a *Agent) DisableNodeMaintenance() error
    func (a *Agent) DisableServiceMaintenance(serviceID string) error
    func (a *Agent) EnableNodeMaintenance(reason string) error
    func (a *Agent) EnableServiceMaintenance(serviceID, reason string) error
    func (a *Agent) FailTTL(checkID, note string) error
    func (a *Agent) ForceLeave(node string) error
    func (a *Agent) Join(addr string, wan bool) error
    func (a *Agent) Leave() error
    func (a *Agent) Members(wan bool) ([]*AgentMember, error)
    func (a *Agent) Monitor(loglevel string, stopCh chan struct{}, q *QueryOptions) (chan string, error)
    func (a *Agent) NodeName() (string, error)
    func (a *Agent) PassTTL(checkID, note string) error
    func (a *Agent) Reload() error
    func (a *Agent) Self() (map[string]map[string]interface{}, error)
    func (a *Agent) ServiceDeregister(serviceID string) error
    func (a *Agent) ServiceRegister(service *AgentServiceRegistration) error
    func (a *Agent) Services() (map[string]*AgentService, error)
    func (a *Agent) UpdateTTL(checkID, output, status string) error
    func (a *Agent) WarnTTL(checkID, note string) error
type AgentCheck
type AgentCheckRegistration
type AgentMember
type AgentService
type AgentServiceCheck
type AgentServiceChecks
type AgentServiceRegistration
type Area
type AreaJoinResponse
type AutopilotConfiguration
type Catalog
    func (c *Catalog) Datacenters() ([]string, error)
    func (c *Catalog) Deregister(dereg *CatalogDeregistration, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
    func (c *Catalog) Node(node string, q *QueryOptions) (*CatalogNode, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (c *Catalog) Nodes(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Node, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (c *Catalog) Register(reg *CatalogRegistration, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
    func (c *Catalog) Service(service, tag string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*CatalogService, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (c *Catalog) Services(q *QueryOptions) (map[string][]string, *QueryMeta, error)
type CatalogDeregistration
type CatalogNode
type CatalogRegistration
type CatalogService
type Client
    func NewClient(config *Config) (*Client, error)
    func (c *Client) ACL() *ACL
    func (c *Client) Agent() *Agent
    func (c *Client) Catalog() *Catalog
    func (c *Client) Coordinate() *Coordinate
    func (c *Client) Event() *Event
    func (c *Client) Health() *Health
    func (c *Client) KV() *KV
    func (c *Client) LockKey(key string) (*Lock, error)
    func (c *Client) LockOpts(opts *LockOptions) (*Lock, error)
    func (c *Client) Operator() *Operator
    func (c *Client) PreparedQuery() *PreparedQuery
    func (c *Client) Raw() *Raw
    func (c *Client) SemaphoreOpts(opts *SemaphoreOptions) (*Semaphore, error)
    func (c *Client) SemaphorePrefix(prefix string, limit int) (*Semaphore, error)
    func (c *Client) Session() *Session
    func (c *Client) Snapshot() *Snapshot
    func (c *Client) Status() *Status
type Config
    func DefaultConfig() *Config
    func DefaultNonPooledConfig() *Config
type Coordinate
    func (c *Coordinate) Datacenters() ([]*CoordinateDatacenterMap, error)
    func (c *Coordinate) Nodes(q *QueryOptions) ([]*CoordinateEntry, *QueryMeta, error)
type CoordinateDatacenterMap
type CoordinateEntry
type Event
    func (e *Event) Fire(params *UserEvent, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (e *Event) IDToIndex(uuid string) uint64
    func (e *Event) List(name string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*UserEvent, *QueryMeta, error)
type Health
    func (h *Health) Checks(service string, q *QueryOptions) (HealthChecks, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (h *Health) Node(node string, q *QueryOptions) (HealthChecks, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (h *Health) Service(service, tag string, passingOnly bool, q *QueryOptions) ([]*ServiceEntry, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (h *Health) State(state string, q *QueryOptions) (HealthChecks, *QueryMeta, error)
type HealthCheck
type HealthChecks
    func (c HealthChecks) AggregatedStatus() string
type HttpBasicAuth
type KV
    func (k *KV) Acquire(p *KVPair, q *WriteOptions) (bool, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (k *KV) CAS(p *KVPair, q *WriteOptions) (bool, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (k *KV) Delete(key string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
    func (k *KV) DeleteCAS(p *KVPair, q *WriteOptions) (bool, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (k *KV) DeleteTree(prefix string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
    func (k *KV) Get(key string, q *QueryOptions) (*KVPair, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (k *KV) Keys(prefix, separator string, q *QueryOptions) ([]string, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (k *KV) List(prefix string, q *QueryOptions) (KVPairs, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (k *KV) Put(p *KVPair, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
    func (k *KV) Release(p *KVPair, q *WriteOptions) (bool, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (k *KV) Txn(txn KVTxnOps, q *QueryOptions) (bool, *KVTxnResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
type KVOp
type KVPair
type KVPairs
type KVTxnOp
type KVTxnOps
type KVTxnResponse
type KeyringResponse
type Lock
    func (l *Lock) Destroy() error
    func (l *Lock) Lock(stopCh <-chan struct{}) (<-chan struct{}, error)
    func (l *Lock) Unlock() error
type LockOptions
type Node
type Operator
    func (op *Operator) AreaCreate(area *Area, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (op *Operator) AreaDelete(areaID string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
    func (op *Operator) AreaGet(areaID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Area, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (op *Operator) AreaJoin(areaID string, addresses []string, q *WriteOptions) ([]*AreaJoinResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (op *Operator) AreaList(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Area, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (op *Operator) AreaMembers(areaID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*SerfMember, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (op *Operator) AutopilotCASConfiguration(conf *AutopilotConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) (bool, error)
    func (op *Operator) AutopilotGetConfiguration(q *QueryOptions) (*AutopilotConfiguration, error)
    func (op *Operator) AutopilotServerHealth(q *QueryOptions) (*OperatorHealthReply, error)
    func (op *Operator) AutopilotSetConfiguration(conf *AutopilotConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) error
    func (op *Operator) KeyringInstall(key string, q *WriteOptions) error
    func (op *Operator) KeyringList(q *QueryOptions) ([]*KeyringResponse, error)
    func (op *Operator) KeyringRemove(key string, q *WriteOptions) error
    func (op *Operator) KeyringUse(key string, q *WriteOptions) error
    func (op *Operator) RaftGetConfiguration(q *QueryOptions) (*RaftConfiguration, error)
    func (op *Operator) RaftRemovePeerByAddress(address string, q *WriteOptions) error
    func (op *Operator) RaftRemovePeerByID(id string, q *WriteOptions) error
type OperatorHealthReply
type PreparedQuery
    func (c *PreparedQuery) Create(query *PreparedQueryDefinition, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (c *PreparedQuery) Delete(queryID string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
    func (c *PreparedQuery) Execute(queryIDOrName string, q *QueryOptions) (*PreparedQueryExecuteResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (c *PreparedQuery) Get(queryID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*PreparedQueryDefinition, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (c *PreparedQuery) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*PreparedQueryDefinition, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (c *PreparedQuery) Update(query *PreparedQueryDefinition, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
type PreparedQueryDefinition
type PreparedQueryExecuteResponse
type QueryDNSOptions
type QueryDatacenterOptions
type QueryMeta
type QueryOptions
type QueryTemplate
type RaftConfiguration
type RaftServer
type Raw
    func (raw *Raw) Query(endpoint string, out interface{}, q *QueryOptions) (*QueryMeta, error)
    func (raw *Raw) Write(endpoint string, in, out interface{}, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
type ReadableDuration
    func NewReadableDuration(dur time.Duration) *ReadableDuration
    func (d *ReadableDuration) Duration() time.Duration
    func (d *ReadableDuration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (d *ReadableDuration) String() string
    func (d *ReadableDuration) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
type Semaphore
    func (s *Semaphore) Acquire(stopCh <-chan struct{}) (<-chan struct{}, error)
    func (s *Semaphore) Destroy() error
    func (s *Semaphore) Release() error
type SemaphoreOptions
type SerfMember
type ServerHealth
type ServiceEntry
type ServiceQuery
type Session
    func (s *Session) Create(se *SessionEntry, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (s *Session) CreateNoChecks(se *SessionEntry, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (s *Session) Destroy(id string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
    func (s *Session) Info(id string, q *QueryOptions) (*SessionEntry, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (s *Session) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*SessionEntry, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (s *Session) Node(node string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*SessionEntry, *QueryMeta, error)
    func (s *Session) Renew(id string, q *WriteOptions) (*SessionEntry, *WriteMeta, error)
    func (s *Session) RenewPeriodic(initialTTL string, id string, q *WriteOptions, doneCh chan struct{}) error
type SessionEntry
type Snapshot
    func (s *Snapshot) Restore(q *WriteOptions, in io.Reader) error
    func (s *Snapshot) Save(q *QueryOptions) (io.ReadCloser, *QueryMeta, error)
type Status
    func (s *Status) Leader() (string, error)
    func (s *Status) Peers() ([]string, error)
type TLSConfig
type TxnError
type TxnErrors
type TxnOp
type TxnOps
type TxnResponse
type TxnResult
type TxnResults
type UserEvent
type WriteMeta
type WriteOptions

Package files

acl.go agent.go api.go catalog.go coordinate.go event.go health.go kv.go lock.go operator.go operator_area.go operator_autopilot.go operator_keyring.go operator_raft.go prepared_query.go raw.go semaphore.go session.go snapshot.go status.go


const (
    // ACLCLientType is the client type token
    ACLClientType = "client"

    // ACLManagementType is the management type token
    ACLManagementType = "management"
const (
    // HTTPAddrEnvName defines an environment variable name which sets
    // the HTTP address if there is no -http-addr specified.

    // HTTPTokenEnvName defines an environment variable name which sets
    // the HTTP token.

    // HTTPAuthEnvName defines an environment variable name which sets
    // the HTTP authentication header.

    // HTTPSSLEnvName defines an environment variable name which sets
    // whether or not to use HTTPS.

    // HTTPCAFile defines an environment variable name which sets the
    // CA file to use for talking to Consul over TLS.

    // HTTPCAPath defines an environment variable name which sets the
    // path to a directory of CA certs to use for talking to Consul over TLS.

    // HTTPClientCert defines an environment variable name which sets the
    // client cert file to use for talking to Consul over TLS.

    // HTTPClientKey defines an environment variable name which sets the
    // client key file to use for talking to Consul over TLS.

    // HTTPTLSServerName defines an environment variable name which sets the
    // server name to use as the SNI host when connecting via TLS

    // HTTPSSLVerifyEnvName defines an environment variable name which sets
    // whether or not to disable certificate checking.
const (
    // HealthAny is special, and is used as a wild card,
    // not as a specific state.
    HealthAny      = "any"
    HealthPassing  = "passing"
    HealthWarning  = "warning"
    HealthCritical = "critical"
    HealthMaint    = "maintenance"
const (
    // NodeMaint is the special key set by a node in maintenance mode.
    NodeMaint = "_node_maintenance"

    // ServiceMaintPrefix is the prefix for a service in maintenance mode.
    ServiceMaintPrefix = "_service_maintenance:"
const (
    // DefaultLockSessionName is the Session Name we assign if none is provided
    DefaultLockSessionName = "Consul API Lock"

    // DefaultLockSessionTTL is the default session TTL if no Session is provided
    // when creating a new Lock. This is used because we do not have another
    // other check to depend upon.
    DefaultLockSessionTTL = "15s"

    // DefaultLockWaitTime is how long we block for at a time to check if lock
    // acquisition is possible. This affects the minimum time it takes to cancel
    // a Lock acquisition.
    DefaultLockWaitTime = 15 * time.Second

    // DefaultLockRetryTime is how long we wait after a failed lock acquisition
    // before attempting to do the lock again. This is so that once a lock-delay
    // is in effect, we do not hot loop retrying the acquisition.
    DefaultLockRetryTime = 5 * time.Second

    // DefaultMonitorRetryTime is how long we wait after a failed monitor check
    // of a lock (500 response code). This allows the monitor to ride out brief
    // periods of unavailability, subject to the MonitorRetries setting in the
    // lock options which is by default set to 0, disabling this feature. This
    // affects locks and semaphores.
    DefaultMonitorRetryTime = 2 * time.Second

    // LockFlagValue is a magic flag we set to indicate a key
    // is being used for a lock. It is used to detect a potential
    // conflict with a semaphore.
    LockFlagValue = 0x2ddccbc058a50c18
const (
    // DefaultSemaphoreSessionName is the Session Name we assign if none is provided
    DefaultSemaphoreSessionName = "Consul API Semaphore"

    // DefaultSemaphoreSessionTTL is the default session TTL if no Session is provided
    // when creating a new Semaphore. This is used because we do not have another
    // other check to depend upon.
    DefaultSemaphoreSessionTTL = "15s"

    // DefaultSemaphoreWaitTime is how long we block for at a time to check if semaphore
    // acquisition is possible. This affects the minimum time it takes to cancel
    // a Semaphore acquisition.
    DefaultSemaphoreWaitTime = 15 * time.Second

    // DefaultSemaphoreKey is the key used within the prefix to
    // use for coordination between all the contenders.
    DefaultSemaphoreKey = ".lock"

    // SemaphoreFlagValue is a magic flag we set to indicate a key
    // is being used for a semaphore. It is used to detect a potential
    // conflict with a lock.
    SemaphoreFlagValue = 0xe0f69a2baa414de0
const (
    // SessionBehaviorRelease is the default behavior and causes
    // all associated locks to be released on session invalidation.
    SessionBehaviorRelease = "release"

    // SessionBehaviorDelete is new in Consul 0.5 and changes the
    // behavior to delete all associated locks on session invalidation.
    // It can be used in a way similar to Ephemeral Nodes in ZooKeeper.
    SessionBehaviorDelete = "delete"


var (
    // ErrLockHeld is returned if we attempt to double lock
    ErrLockHeld = fmt.Errorf("Lock already held")

    // ErrLockNotHeld is returned if we attempt to unlock a lock
    // that we do not hold.
    ErrLockNotHeld = fmt.Errorf("Lock not held")

    // ErrLockInUse is returned if we attempt to destroy a lock
    // that is in use.
    ErrLockInUse = fmt.Errorf("Lock in use")

    // ErrLockConflict is returned if the flags on a key
    // used for a lock do not match expectation
    ErrLockConflict = fmt.Errorf("Existing key does not match lock use")
var (
    // ErrSemaphoreHeld is returned if we attempt to double lock
    ErrSemaphoreHeld = fmt.Errorf("Semaphore already held")

    // ErrSemaphoreNotHeld is returned if we attempt to unlock a semaphore
    // that we do not hold.
    ErrSemaphoreNotHeld = fmt.Errorf("Semaphore not held")

    // ErrSemaphoreInUse is returned if we attempt to destroy a semaphore
    // that is in use.
    ErrSemaphoreInUse = fmt.Errorf("Semaphore in use")

    // ErrSemaphoreConflict is returned if the flags on a key
    // used for a semaphore do not match expectation
    ErrSemaphoreConflict = fmt.Errorf("Existing key does not match semaphore use")
var ErrSessionExpired = errors.New("session expired")

func IsServerError

func IsServerError(err error) bool

IsServerError returns true for 500 errors from the Consul servers, these are usually retryable at a later time.

func NewHttpClient

func NewHttpClient(transport *http.Transport, tlsConf TLSConfig) (*http.Client, error)

NewHttpClient returns an http client configured with the given Transport and TLS config.

func SetupTLSConfig

func SetupTLSConfig(tlsConfig *TLSConfig) (*tls.Config, error)

TLSConfig is used to generate a TLSClientConfig that's useful for talking to Consul using TLS.

type ACL

ACL can be used to query the ACL endpoints

type ACL struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ACL) Clone

func (a *ACL) Clone(id string, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)

Clone is used to return a new token cloned from an existing one

func (*ACL) Create

func (a *ACL) Create(acl *ACLEntry, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)

Create is used to generate a new token with the given parameters

func (*ACL) Destroy

func (a *ACL) Destroy(id string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

Destroy is used to destroy a given ACL token ID

func (*ACL) Info

func (a *ACL) Info(id string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLEntry, *QueryMeta, error)

Info is used to query for information about an ACL token

func (*ACL) List

func (a *ACL) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLEntry, *QueryMeta, error)

List is used to get all the ACL tokens

func (*ACL) Replication

func (a *ACL) Replication(q *QueryOptions) (*ACLReplicationStatus, *QueryMeta, error)

Replication returns the status of the ACL replication process in the datacenter

func (*ACL) Update

func (a *ACL) Update(acl *ACLEntry, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

Update is used to update the rules of an existing token

type ACLEntry

ACLEntry is used to represent an ACL entry

type ACLEntry struct {
    CreateIndex uint64
    ModifyIndex uint64
    ID          string
    Name        string
    Type        string
    Rules       string

type ACLReplicationStatus

ACLReplicationStatus is used to represent the status of ACL replication.

type ACLReplicationStatus struct {
    Enabled          bool
    Running          bool
    SourceDatacenter string
    ReplicatedIndex  uint64
    LastSuccess      time.Time
    LastError        time.Time

type Agent

Agent can be used to query the Agent endpoints

type Agent struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Agent) CheckDeregister

func (a *Agent) CheckDeregister(checkID string) error

CheckDeregister is used to deregister a check with the local agent

func (*Agent) CheckRegister

func (a *Agent) CheckRegister(check *AgentCheckRegistration) error

CheckRegister is used to register a new check with the local agent

func (*Agent) Checks

func (a *Agent) Checks() (map[string]*AgentCheck, error)

Checks returns the locally registered checks

func (*Agent) DisableNodeMaintenance

func (a *Agent) DisableNodeMaintenance() error

DisableNodeMaintenance toggles node maintenance mode off for the agent we are connected to.

func (*Agent) DisableServiceMaintenance

func (a *Agent) DisableServiceMaintenance(serviceID string) error

DisableServiceMaintenance toggles service maintenance mode off for the given service ID.

func (*Agent) EnableNodeMaintenance

func (a *Agent) EnableNodeMaintenance(reason string) error

EnableNodeMaintenance toggles node maintenance mode on for the agent we are connected to.

func (*Agent) EnableServiceMaintenance

func (a *Agent) EnableServiceMaintenance(serviceID, reason string) error

EnableServiceMaintenance toggles service maintenance mode on for the given service ID.

func (*Agent) FailTTL

func (a *Agent) FailTTL(checkID, note string) error

FailTTL is used to set a TTL check to the failing state.

DEPRECATION NOTICE: This interface is deprecated in favor of UpdateTTL(). The client interface will be removed in 0.8 or changed to use UpdateTTL()'s endpoint and the server endpoints will be removed in 0.9.

func (*Agent) ForceLeave

func (a *Agent) ForceLeave(node string) error

ForceLeave is used to have the agent eject a failed node

func (*Agent) Join

func (a *Agent) Join(addr string, wan bool) error

Join is used to instruct the agent to attempt a join to another cluster member

func (*Agent) Leave

func (a *Agent) Leave() error

Leave is used to have the agent gracefully leave the cluster and shutdown

func (*Agent) Members

func (a *Agent) Members(wan bool) ([]*AgentMember, error)

Members returns the known gossip members. The WAN flag can be used to query a server for WAN members.

func (*Agent) Monitor

func (a *Agent) Monitor(loglevel string, stopCh chan struct{}, q *QueryOptions) (chan string, error)

Monitor returns a channel which will receive streaming logs from the agent Providing a non-nil stopCh can be used to close the connection and stop the log stream

func (*Agent) NodeName

func (a *Agent) NodeName() (string, error)

NodeName is used to get the node name of the agent

func (*Agent) PassTTL

func (a *Agent) PassTTL(checkID, note string) error

PassTTL is used to set a TTL check to the passing state.

DEPRECATION NOTICE: This interface is deprecated in favor of UpdateTTL(). The client interface will be removed in 0.8 or changed to use UpdateTTL()'s endpoint and the server endpoints will be removed in 0.9.

func (*Agent) Reload

func (a *Agent) Reload() error

Reload triggers a configuration reload for the agent we are connected to.

func (*Agent) Self

func (a *Agent) Self() (map[string]map[string]interface{}, error)

Self is used to query the agent we are speaking to for information about itself

func (*Agent) ServiceDeregister

func (a *Agent) ServiceDeregister(serviceID string) error

ServiceDeregister is used to deregister a service with the local agent

func (*Agent) ServiceRegister

func (a *Agent) ServiceRegister(service *AgentServiceRegistration) error

ServiceRegister is used to register a new service with the local agent

func (*Agent) Services

func (a *Agent) Services() (map[string]*AgentService, error)

Services returns the locally registered services

func (*Agent) UpdateTTL

func (a *Agent) UpdateTTL(checkID, output, status string) error

UpdateTTL is used to update the TTL of a check. This uses the newer API that was introduced in Consul 0.6.4 and later. We translate the old status strings for compatibility (though a newer version of Consul will still be required to use this API).

func (*Agent) WarnTTL

func (a *Agent) WarnTTL(checkID, note string) error

WarnTTL is used to set a TTL check to the warning state.

DEPRECATION NOTICE: This interface is deprecated in favor of UpdateTTL(). The client interface will be removed in 0.8 or changed to use UpdateTTL()'s endpoint and the server endpoints will be removed in 0.9.

type AgentCheck

AgentCheck represents a check known to the agent

type AgentCheck struct {
    Node        string
    CheckID     string
    Name        string
    Status      string
    Notes       string
    Output      string
    ServiceID   string
    ServiceName string

type AgentCheckRegistration

AgentCheckRegistration is used to register a new check

type AgentCheckRegistration struct {
    ID        string `json:",omitempty"`
    Name      string `json:",omitempty"`
    Notes     string `json:",omitempty"`
    ServiceID string `json:",omitempty"`

type AgentMember

AgentMember represents a cluster member known to the agent

type AgentMember struct {
    Name        string
    Addr        string
    Port        uint16
    Tags        map[string]string
    Status      int
    ProtocolMin uint8
    ProtocolMax uint8
    ProtocolCur uint8
    DelegateMin uint8
    DelegateMax uint8
    DelegateCur uint8

type AgentService

AgentService represents a service known to the agent

type AgentService struct {
    ID                string
    Service           string
    Tags              []string
    Port              int
    Address           string
    EnableTagOverride bool
    CreateIndex       uint64
    ModifyIndex       uint64

type AgentServiceCheck

AgentServiceCheck is used to define a node or service level check

type AgentServiceCheck struct {
    Script            string              `json:",omitempty"`
    DockerContainerID string              `json:",omitempty"`
    Shell             string              `json:",omitempty"` // Only supported for Docker.
    Interval          string              `json:",omitempty"`
    Timeout           string              `json:",omitempty"`
    TTL               string              `json:",omitempty"`
    HTTP              string              `json:",omitempty"`
    Header            map[string][]string `json:",omitempty"`
    Method            string              `json:",omitempty"`
    TCP               string              `json:",omitempty"`
    Status            string              `json:",omitempty"`
    Notes             string              `json:",omitempty"`
    TLSSkipVerify     bool                `json:",omitempty"`

    // In Consul 0.7 and later, checks that are associated with a service
    // may also contain this optional DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter field,
    // which is a timeout in the same Go time format as Interval and TTL. If
    // a check is in the critical state for more than this configured value,
    // then its associated service (and all of its associated checks) will
    // automatically be deregistered.
    DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter string `json:",omitempty"`

type AgentServiceChecks

type AgentServiceChecks []*AgentServiceCheck

type AgentServiceRegistration

AgentServiceRegistration is used to register a new service

type AgentServiceRegistration struct {
    ID                string   `json:",omitempty"`
    Name              string   `json:",omitempty"`
    Tags              []string `json:",omitempty"`
    Port              int      `json:",omitempty"`
    Address           string   `json:",omitempty"`
    EnableTagOverride bool     `json:",omitempty"`
    Check             *AgentServiceCheck
    Checks            AgentServiceChecks

type Area

Area defines a network area.

type Area struct {
    // ID is this identifier for an area (a UUID). This must be left empty
    // when creating a new area.
    ID string

    // PeerDatacenter is the peer Consul datacenter that will make up the
    // other side of this network area. Network areas always involve a pair
    // of datacenters: the datacenter where the area was created, and the
    // peer datacenter. This is required.
    PeerDatacenter string

    // RetryJoin specifies the address of Consul servers to join to, such as
    // an IPs or hostnames with an optional port number. This is optional.
    RetryJoin []string

type AreaJoinResponse

AreaJoinResponse is returned when a join occurs and gives the result for each address.

type AreaJoinResponse struct {
    // The address that was joined.
    Address string

    // Whether or not the join was a success.
    Joined bool

    // If we couldn't join, this is the message with information.
    Error string

type AutopilotConfiguration

AutopilotConfiguration is used for querying/setting the Autopilot configuration. Autopilot helps manage operator tasks related to Consul servers like removing failed servers from the Raft quorum.

type AutopilotConfiguration struct {
    // CleanupDeadServers controls whether to remove dead servers from the Raft
    // peer list when a new server joins
    CleanupDeadServers bool

    // LastContactThreshold is the limit on the amount of time a server can go
    // without leader contact before being considered unhealthy.
    LastContactThreshold *ReadableDuration

    // MaxTrailingLogs is the amount of entries in the Raft Log that a server can
    // be behind before being considered unhealthy.
    MaxTrailingLogs uint64

    // ServerStabilizationTime is the minimum amount of time a server must be
    // in a stable, healthy state before it can be added to the cluster. Only
    // applicable with Raft protocol version 3 or higher.
    ServerStabilizationTime *ReadableDuration

    // (Enterprise-only) RedundancyZoneTag is the node tag to use for separating
    // servers into zones for redundancy. If left blank, this feature will be disabled.
    RedundancyZoneTag string

    // (Enterprise-only) DisableUpgradeMigration will disable Autopilot's upgrade migration
    // strategy of waiting until enough newer-versioned servers have been added to the
    // cluster before promoting them to voters.
    DisableUpgradeMigration bool

    // CreateIndex holds the index corresponding the creation of this configuration.
    // This is a read-only field.
    CreateIndex uint64

    // ModifyIndex will be set to the index of the last update when retrieving the
    // Autopilot configuration. Resubmitting a configuration with
    // AutopilotCASConfiguration will perform a check-and-set operation which ensures
    // there hasn't been a subsequent update since the configuration was retrieved.
    ModifyIndex uint64

type Catalog

Catalog can be used to query the Catalog endpoints

type Catalog struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Catalog) Datacenters

func (c *Catalog) Datacenters() ([]string, error)

Datacenters is used to query for all the known datacenters

func (*Catalog) Deregister

func (c *Catalog) Deregister(dereg *CatalogDeregistration, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

func (*Catalog) Node

func (c *Catalog) Node(node string, q *QueryOptions) (*CatalogNode, *QueryMeta, error)

Node is used to query for service information about a single node

func (*Catalog) Nodes

func (c *Catalog) Nodes(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Node, *QueryMeta, error)

Nodes is used to query all the known nodes

func (*Catalog) Register

func (c *Catalog) Register(reg *CatalogRegistration, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

func (*Catalog) Service

func (c *Catalog) Service(service, tag string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*CatalogService, *QueryMeta, error)

Service is used to query catalog entries for a given service

func (*Catalog) Services

func (c *Catalog) Services(q *QueryOptions) (map[string][]string, *QueryMeta, error)

Services is used to query for all known services

type CatalogDeregistration

type CatalogDeregistration struct {
    Node       string
    Address    string // Obsolete.
    Datacenter string
    ServiceID  string
    CheckID    string

type CatalogNode

type CatalogNode struct {
    Node     *Node
    Services map[string]*AgentService

type CatalogRegistration

type CatalogRegistration struct {
    ID              string
    Node            string
    Address         string
    TaggedAddresses map[string]string
    NodeMeta        map[string]string
    Datacenter      string
    Service         *AgentService
    Check           *AgentCheck

type CatalogService

type CatalogService struct {
    ID                       string
    Node                     string
    Address                  string
    Datacenter               string
    TaggedAddresses          map[string]string
    NodeMeta                 map[string]string
    ServiceID                string
    ServiceName              string
    ServiceAddress           string
    ServiceTags              []string
    ServicePort              int
    ServiceEnableTagOverride bool
    CreateIndex              uint64
    ModifyIndex              uint64

type Client

Client provides a client to the Consul API

type Client struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewClient

func NewClient(config *Config) (*Client, error)

NewClient returns a new client

func (*Client) ACL

func (c *Client) ACL() *ACL

ACL returns a handle to the ACL endpoints

func (*Client) Agent

func (c *Client) Agent() *Agent

Agent returns a handle to the agent endpoints

func (*Client) Catalog

func (c *Client) Catalog() *Catalog

Catalog returns a handle to the catalog endpoints

func (*Client) Coordinate

func (c *Client) Coordinate() *Coordinate

Coordinate returns a handle to the coordinate endpoints

func (*Client) Event

func (c *Client) Event() *Event

Event returns a handle to the event endpoints

func (*Client) Health

func (c *Client) Health() *Health

Health returns a handle to the health endpoints

func (*Client) KV

func (c *Client) KV() *KV

KV is used to return a handle to the K/V apis

func (*Client) LockKey

func (c *Client) LockKey(key string) (*Lock, error)

LockKey returns a handle to a lock struct which can be used to acquire and release the mutex. The key used must have write permissions.

func (*Client) LockOpts

func (c *Client) LockOpts(opts *LockOptions) (*Lock, error)

LockOpts returns a handle to a lock struct which can be used to acquire and release the mutex. The key used must have write permissions.

func (*Client) Operator

func (c *Client) Operator() *Operator

Operator returns a handle to the operator endpoints.

func (*Client) PreparedQuery

func (c *Client) PreparedQuery() *PreparedQuery

PreparedQuery returns a handle to the prepared query endpoints.

func (*Client) Raw

func (c *Client) Raw() *Raw

Raw returns a handle to query endpoints

func (*Client) SemaphoreOpts

func (c *Client) SemaphoreOpts(opts *SemaphoreOptions) (*Semaphore, error)

SemaphoreOpts is used to create a Semaphore with the given options. The prefix must have write privileges, and the limit must be agreed upon by all contenders. If a Session is not provided, one will be created.

func (*Client) SemaphorePrefix

func (c *Client) SemaphorePrefix(prefix string, limit int) (*Semaphore, error)

SemaphorePrefix is used to created a Semaphore which will operate at the given KV prefix and uses the given limit for the semaphore. The prefix must have write privileges, and the limit must be agreed upon by all contenders.

func (*Client) Session

func (c *Client) Session() *Session

Session returns a handle to the session endpoints

func (*Client) Snapshot

func (c *Client) Snapshot() *Snapshot

Snapshot returns a handle that exposes the snapshot endpoints.

func (*Client) Status

func (c *Client) Status() *Status

Status returns a handle to the status endpoints

type Config

Config is used to configure the creation of a client

type Config struct {
    // Address is the address of the Consul server
    Address string

    // Scheme is the URI scheme for the Consul server
    Scheme string

    // Datacenter to use. If not provided, the default agent datacenter is used.
    Datacenter string

    // Transport is the Transport to use for the http client.
    Transport *http.Transport

    // HttpClient is the client to use. Default will be
    // used if not provided.
    HttpClient *http.Client

    // HttpAuth is the auth info to use for http access.
    HttpAuth *HttpBasicAuth

    // WaitTime limits how long a Watch will block. If not provided,
    // the agent default values will be used.
    WaitTime time.Duration

    // Token is used to provide a per-request ACL token
    // which overrides the agent's default token.
    Token string

    TLSConfig TLSConfig

func DefaultConfig

func DefaultConfig() *Config

DefaultConfig returns a default configuration for the client. By default this will pool and reuse idle connections to Consul. If you have a long-lived client object, this is the desired behavior and should make the most efficient use of the connections to Consul. If you don't reuse a client object , which is not recommended, then you may notice idle connections building up over time. To avoid this, use the DefaultNonPooledConfig() instead.

func DefaultNonPooledConfig

func DefaultNonPooledConfig() *Config

DefaultNonPooledConfig returns a default configuration for the client which does not pool connections. This isn't a recommended configuration because it will reconnect to Consul on every request, but this is useful to avoid the accumulation of idle connections if you make many client objects during the lifetime of your application.

type Coordinate

Coordinate can be used to query the coordinate endpoints

type Coordinate struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Coordinate) Datacenters

func (c *Coordinate) Datacenters() ([]*CoordinateDatacenterMap, error)

Datacenters is used to return the coordinates of all the servers in the WAN pool.

func (*Coordinate) Nodes

func (c *Coordinate) Nodes(q *QueryOptions) ([]*CoordinateEntry, *QueryMeta, error)

Nodes is used to return the coordinates of all the nodes in the LAN pool.

type CoordinateDatacenterMap

CoordinateDatacenterMap has the coordinates for servers in a given datacenter and area. Network coordinates are only compatible within the same area.

type CoordinateDatacenterMap struct {
    Datacenter  string
    AreaID      string
    Coordinates []CoordinateEntry

type CoordinateEntry

CoordinateEntry represents a node and its associated network coordinate.

type CoordinateEntry struct {
    Node  string
    Coord *coordinate.Coordinate

type Event

Event can be used to query the Event endpoints

type Event struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Event) Fire

func (e *Event) Fire(params *UserEvent, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)

Fire is used to fire a new user event. Only the Name, Payload and Filters are respected. This returns the ID or an associated error. Cross DC requests are supported.

func (*Event) IDToIndex

func (e *Event) IDToIndex(uuid string) uint64

IDToIndex is a bit of a hack. This simulates the index generation to convert an event ID into a WaitIndex.

func (*Event) List

func (e *Event) List(name string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*UserEvent, *QueryMeta, error)

List is used to get the most recent events an agent has received. This list can be optionally filtered by the name. This endpoint supports quasi-blocking queries. The index is not monotonic, nor does it provide provide LastContact or KnownLeader.

type Health

Health can be used to query the Health endpoints

type Health struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Health) Checks

func (h *Health) Checks(service string, q *QueryOptions) (HealthChecks, *QueryMeta, error)

Checks is used to return the checks associated with a service

func (*Health) Node

func (h *Health) Node(node string, q *QueryOptions) (HealthChecks, *QueryMeta, error)

Node is used to query for checks belonging to a given node

func (*Health) Service

func (h *Health) Service(service, tag string, passingOnly bool, q *QueryOptions) ([]*ServiceEntry, *QueryMeta, error)

Service is used to query health information along with service info for a given service. It can optionally do server-side filtering on a tag or nodes with passing health checks only.

func (*Health) State

func (h *Health) State(state string, q *QueryOptions) (HealthChecks, *QueryMeta, error)

State is used to retrieve all the checks in a given state. The wildcard "any" state can also be used for all checks.

type HealthCheck

HealthCheck is used to represent a single check

type HealthCheck struct {
    Node        string
    CheckID     string
    Name        string
    Status      string
    Notes       string
    Output      string
    ServiceID   string
    ServiceName string
    ServiceTags []string

type HealthChecks

HealthChecks is a collection of HealthCheck structs.

type HealthChecks []*HealthCheck

func (HealthChecks) AggregatedStatus

func (c HealthChecks) AggregatedStatus() string

AggregatedStatus returns the "best" status for the list of health checks. Because a given entry may have many service and node-level health checks attached, this function determines the best representative of the status as as single string using the following heuristic:

maintenance > critical > warning > passing

type HttpBasicAuth

HttpBasicAuth is used to authenticate http client with HTTP Basic Authentication

type HttpBasicAuth struct {
    // Username to use for HTTP Basic Authentication
    Username string

    // Password to use for HTTP Basic Authentication
    Password string

type KV

KV is used to manipulate the K/V API

type KV struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KV) Acquire

func (k *KV) Acquire(p *KVPair, q *WriteOptions) (bool, *WriteMeta, error)

Acquire is used for a lock acquisition operation. The Key, Flags, Value and Session are respected. Returns true on success or false on failures.

func (*KV) CAS

func (k *KV) CAS(p *KVPair, q *WriteOptions) (bool, *WriteMeta, error)

CAS is used for a Check-And-Set operation. The Key, ModifyIndex, Flags and Value are respected. Returns true on success or false on failures.

func (*KV) Delete

func (k *KV) Delete(key string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

Delete is used to delete a single key

func (*KV) DeleteCAS

func (k *KV) DeleteCAS(p *KVPair, q *WriteOptions) (bool, *WriteMeta, error)

DeleteCAS is used for a Delete Check-And-Set operation. The Key and ModifyIndex are respected. Returns true on success or false on failures.

func (*KV) DeleteTree

func (k *KV) DeleteTree(prefix string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

DeleteTree is used to delete all keys under a prefix

func (*KV) Get

func (k *KV) Get(key string, q *QueryOptions) (*KVPair, *QueryMeta, error)

Get is used to lookup a single key. The returned pointer to the KVPair will be nil if the key does not exist.

func (*KV) Keys

func (k *KV) Keys(prefix, separator string, q *QueryOptions) ([]string, *QueryMeta, error)

Keys is used to list all the keys under a prefix. Optionally, a separator can be used to limit the responses.

func (*KV) List

func (k *KV) List(prefix string, q *QueryOptions) (KVPairs, *QueryMeta, error)

List is used to lookup all keys under a prefix

func (*KV) Put

func (k *KV) Put(p *KVPair, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

Put is used to write a new value. Only the Key, Flags and Value is respected.

func (*KV) Release

func (k *KV) Release(p *KVPair, q *WriteOptions) (bool, *WriteMeta, error)

Release is used for a lock release operation. The Key, Flags, Value and Session are respected. Returns true on success or false on failures.

func (*KV) Txn

func (k *KV) Txn(txn KVTxnOps, q *QueryOptions) (bool, *KVTxnResponse, *QueryMeta, error)

Txn is used to apply multiple KV operations in a single, atomic transaction.

Note that Go will perform the required base64 encoding on the values automatically because the type is a byte slice. Transactions are defined as a list of operations to perform, using the KVOp constants and KVTxnOp structure to define operations. If any operation fails, none of the changes are applied to the state store. Note that this hides the internal raw transaction interface and munges the input and output types into KV-specific ones for ease of use. If there are more non-KV operations in the future we may break out a new transaction API client, but it will be easy to keep this KV-specific variant supported.

Even though this is generally a write operation, we take a QueryOptions input and return a QueryMeta output. If the transaction contains only read ops, then Consul will fast-path it to a different endpoint internally which supports consistency controls, but not blocking. If there are write operations then the request will always be routed through raft and any consistency settings will be ignored.

Here's an example:

ops := KVTxnOps{

    Verb:    KVLock,
    Key:     "test/lock",
    Session: "adf4238a-882b-9ddc-4a9d-5b6758e4159e",
    Value:   []byte("hello"),
    Verb:    KVGet,
    Key:     "another/key",

} ok, response, _, err := kv.Txn(&ops, nil)

If there is a problem making the transaction request then an error will be returned. Otherwise, the ok value will be true if the transaction succeeded or false if it was rolled back. The response is a structured return value which will have the outcome of the transaction. Its Results member will have entries for each operation. Deleted keys will have a nil entry in the, and to save space, the Value of each key in the Results will be nil unless the operation is a KVGet. If the transaction was rolled back, the Errors member will have entries referencing the index of the operation that failed along with an error message.

type KVOp

KVOp constants give possible operations available in a KVTxn.

type KVOp string
const (
    KVSet            KVOp = "set"
    KVDelete         KVOp = "delete"
    KVDeleteCAS      KVOp = "delete-cas"
    KVDeleteTree     KVOp = "delete-tree"
    KVCAS            KVOp = "cas"
    KVLock           KVOp = "lock"
    KVUnlock         KVOp = "unlock"
    KVGet            KVOp = "get"
    KVGetTree        KVOp = "get-tree"
    KVCheckSession   KVOp = "check-session"
    KVCheckIndex     KVOp = "check-index"
    KVCheckNotExists KVOp = "check-not-exists"

type KVPair

KVPair is used to represent a single K/V entry

type KVPair struct {
    // Key is the name of the key. It is also part of the URL path when accessed
    // via the API.
    Key string

    // CreateIndex holds the index corresponding the creation of this KVPair. This
    // is a read-only field.
    CreateIndex uint64

    // ModifyIndex is used for the Check-And-Set operations and can also be fed
    // back into the WaitIndex of the QueryOptions in order to perform blocking
    // queries.
    ModifyIndex uint64

    // LockIndex holds the index corresponding to a lock on this key, if any. This
    // is a read-only field.
    LockIndex uint64

    // Flags are any user-defined flags on the key. It is up to the implementer
    // to check these values, since Consul does not treat them specially.
    Flags uint64

    // Value is the value for the key. This can be any value, but it will be
    // base64 encoded upon transport.
    Value []byte

    // Session is a string representing the ID of the session. Any other
    // interactions with this key over the same session must specify the same
    // session ID.
    Session string

type KVPairs

KVPairs is a list of KVPair objects

type KVPairs []*KVPair

type KVTxnOp

KVTxnOp defines a single operation inside a transaction.

type KVTxnOp struct {
    Verb    KVOp
    Key     string
    Value   []byte
    Flags   uint64
    Index   uint64
    Session string

type KVTxnOps

KVTxnOps defines a set of operations to be performed inside a single transaction.

type KVTxnOps []*KVTxnOp

type KVTxnResponse

KVTxnResponse has the outcome of a transaction.

type KVTxnResponse struct {
    Results []*KVPair
    Errors  TxnErrors

type KeyringResponse

KeyringResponse is returned when listing the gossip encryption keys

type KeyringResponse struct {
    // Whether this response is for a WAN ring
    WAN bool

    // The datacenter name this request corresponds to
    Datacenter string

    // A map of the encryption keys to the number of nodes they're installed on
    Keys map[string]int

    // The total number of nodes in this ring
    NumNodes int

type Lock

Lock is used to implement client-side leader election. It is follows the algorithm as described here: https://www.consul.io/docs/guides/leader-election.html.

type Lock struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Lock) Destroy

func (l *Lock) Destroy() error

Destroy is used to cleanup the lock entry. It is not necessary to invoke. It will fail if the lock is in use.

func (*Lock) Lock

func (l *Lock) Lock(stopCh <-chan struct{}) (<-chan struct{}, error)

Lock attempts to acquire the lock and blocks while doing so. Providing a non-nil stopCh can be used to abort the lock attempt. Returns a channel that is closed if our lock is lost or an error. This channel could be closed at any time due to session invalidation, communication errors, operator intervention, etc. It is NOT safe to assume that the lock is held until Unlock() unless the Session is specifically created without any associated health checks. By default Consul sessions prefer liveness over safety and an application must be able to handle the lock being lost.

func (*Lock) Unlock

func (l *Lock) Unlock() error

Unlock released the lock. It is an error to call this if the lock is not currently held.

type LockOptions

LockOptions is used to parameterize the Lock behavior.

type LockOptions struct {
    Key              string        // Must be set and have write permissions
    Value            []byte        // Optional, value to associate with the lock
    Session          string        // Optional, created if not specified
    SessionOpts      *SessionEntry // Optional, options to use when creating a session
    SessionName      string        // Optional, defaults to DefaultLockSessionName (ignored if SessionOpts is given)
    SessionTTL       string        // Optional, defaults to DefaultLockSessionTTL (ignored if SessionOpts is given)
    MonitorRetries   int           // Optional, defaults to 0 which means no retries
    MonitorRetryTime time.Duration // Optional, defaults to DefaultMonitorRetryTime
    LockWaitTime     time.Duration // Optional, defaults to DefaultLockWaitTime
    LockTryOnce      bool          // Optional, defaults to false which means try forever

type Node

type Node struct {
    ID              string
    Node            string
    Address         string
    Datacenter      string
    TaggedAddresses map[string]string
    Meta            map[string]string
    CreateIndex     uint64
    ModifyIndex     uint64

type Operator

Operator can be used to perform low-level operator tasks for Consul.

type Operator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Operator) AreaCreate

func (op *Operator) AreaCreate(area *Area, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)

AreaCreate will create a new network area. The ID in the given structure must be empty and a generated ID will be returned on success.

func (*Operator) AreaDelete

func (op *Operator) AreaDelete(areaID string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

AreaDelete deletes the given network area.

func (*Operator) AreaGet

func (op *Operator) AreaGet(areaID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Area, *QueryMeta, error)

AreaGet returns a single network area.

func (*Operator) AreaJoin

func (op *Operator) AreaJoin(areaID string, addresses []string, q *WriteOptions) ([]*AreaJoinResponse, *WriteMeta, error)

AreaJoin attempts to join the given set of join addresses to the given network area. See the Area structure for details about join addresses.

func (*Operator) AreaList

func (op *Operator) AreaList(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Area, *QueryMeta, error)

AreaList returns all the available network areas.

func (*Operator) AreaMembers

func (op *Operator) AreaMembers(areaID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*SerfMember, *QueryMeta, error)

AreaMembers lists the Serf information about the members in the given area.

func (*Operator) AutopilotCASConfiguration

func (op *Operator) AutopilotCASConfiguration(conf *AutopilotConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) (bool, error)

AutopilotCASConfiguration is used to perform a Check-And-Set update on the Autopilot configuration. The ModifyIndex value will be respected. Returns true on success or false on failures.

func (*Operator) AutopilotGetConfiguration

func (op *Operator) AutopilotGetConfiguration(q *QueryOptions) (*AutopilotConfiguration, error)

AutopilotGetConfiguration is used to query the current Autopilot configuration.

func (*Operator) AutopilotServerHealth

func (op *Operator) AutopilotServerHealth(q *QueryOptions) (*OperatorHealthReply, error)


func (*Operator) AutopilotSetConfiguration

func (op *Operator) AutopilotSetConfiguration(conf *AutopilotConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) error

AutopilotSetConfiguration is used to set the current Autopilot configuration.

func (*Operator) KeyringInstall

func (op *Operator) KeyringInstall(key string, q *WriteOptions) error

KeyringInstall is used to install a new gossip encryption key into the cluster

func (*Operator) KeyringList

func (op *Operator) KeyringList(q *QueryOptions) ([]*KeyringResponse, error)

KeyringList is used to list the gossip keys installed in the cluster

func (*Operator) KeyringRemove

func (op *Operator) KeyringRemove(key string, q *WriteOptions) error

KeyringRemove is used to remove a gossip encryption key from the cluster

func (*Operator) KeyringUse

func (op *Operator) KeyringUse(key string, q *WriteOptions) error

KeyringUse is used to change the active gossip encryption key

func (*Operator) RaftGetConfiguration

func (op *Operator) RaftGetConfiguration(q *QueryOptions) (*RaftConfiguration, error)

RaftGetConfiguration is used to query the current Raft peer set.

func (*Operator) RaftRemovePeerByAddress

func (op *Operator) RaftRemovePeerByAddress(address string, q *WriteOptions) error

RaftRemovePeerByAddress is used to kick a stale peer (one that it in the Raft quorum but no longer known to Serf or the catalog) by address in the form of "IP:port".

func (*Operator) RaftRemovePeerByID

func (op *Operator) RaftRemovePeerByID(id string, q *WriteOptions) error

RaftRemovePeerByID is used to kick a stale peer (one that it in the Raft quorum but no longer known to Serf or the catalog) by ID.

type OperatorHealthReply

OperatorHealthReply is a representation of the overall health of the cluster

type OperatorHealthReply struct {
    // Healthy is true if all the servers in the cluster are healthy.
    Healthy bool

    // FailureTolerance is the number of healthy servers that could be lost without
    // an outage occurring.
    FailureTolerance int

    // Servers holds the health of each server.
    Servers []ServerHealth

type PreparedQuery

PreparedQuery can be used to query the prepared query endpoints.

type PreparedQuery struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PreparedQuery) Create

func (c *PreparedQuery) Create(query *PreparedQueryDefinition, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)

Create makes a new prepared query. The ID of the new query is returned.

func (*PreparedQuery) Delete

func (c *PreparedQuery) Delete(queryID string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

Delete is used to delete a specific prepared query.

func (*PreparedQuery) Execute

func (c *PreparedQuery) Execute(queryIDOrName string, q *QueryOptions) (*PreparedQueryExecuteResponse, *QueryMeta, error)

Execute is used to execute a specific prepared query. You can execute using a query ID or name.

func (*PreparedQuery) Get

func (c *PreparedQuery) Get(queryID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*PreparedQueryDefinition, *QueryMeta, error)

Get is used to fetch a specific prepared query.

func (*PreparedQuery) List

func (c *PreparedQuery) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*PreparedQueryDefinition, *QueryMeta, error)

List is used to fetch all the prepared queries (always requires a management token).

func (*PreparedQuery) Update

func (c *PreparedQuery) Update(query *PreparedQueryDefinition, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

Update makes updates to an existing prepared query.

type PreparedQueryDefinition

PrepatedQueryDefinition defines a complete prepared query.

type PreparedQueryDefinition struct {
    // ID is this UUID-based ID for the query, always generated by Consul.
    ID string

    // Name is an optional friendly name for the query supplied by the
    // user. NOTE - if this feature is used then it will reduce the security
    // of any read ACL associated with this query/service since this name
    // can be used to locate nodes with supplying any ACL.
    Name string

    // Session is an optional session to tie this query's lifetime to. If
    // this is omitted then the query will not expire.
    Session string

    // Token is the ACL token used when the query was created, and it is
    // used when a query is subsequently executed. This token, or a token
    // with management privileges, must be used to change the query later.
    Token string

    // Service defines a service query (leaving things open for other types
    // later).
    Service ServiceQuery

    // DNS has options that control how the results of this query are
    // served over DNS.
    DNS QueryDNSOptions

    // Template is used to pass through the arguments for creating a
    // prepared query with an attached template. If a template is given,
    // interpolations are possible in other struct fields.
    Template QueryTemplate

type PreparedQueryExecuteResponse

PreparedQueryExecuteResponse has the results of executing a query.

type PreparedQueryExecuteResponse struct {
    // Service is the service that was queried.
    Service string

    // Nodes has the nodes that were output by the query.
    Nodes []ServiceEntry

    // DNS has the options for serving these results over DNS.
    DNS QueryDNSOptions

    // Datacenter is the datacenter that these results came from.
    Datacenter string

    // Failovers is a count of how many times we had to query a remote
    // datacenter.
    Failovers int

type QueryDNSOptions

QueryDNSOptions controls settings when query results are served over DNS.

type QueryDNSOptions struct {
    // TTL is the time to live for the served DNS results.
    TTL string

type QueryDatacenterOptions

QueryDatacenterOptions sets options about how we fail over if there are no healthy nodes in the local datacenter.

type QueryDatacenterOptions struct {
    // NearestN is set to the number of remote datacenters to try, based on
    // network coordinates.
    NearestN int

    // Datacenters is a fixed list of datacenters to try after NearestN. We
    // never try a datacenter multiple times, so those are subtracted from
    // this list before proceeding.
    Datacenters []string

type QueryMeta

QueryMeta is used to return meta data about a query

type QueryMeta struct {
    // LastIndex. This can be used as a WaitIndex to perform
    // a blocking query
    LastIndex uint64

    // Time of last contact from the leader for the
    // server servicing the request
    LastContact time.Duration

    // Is there a known leader
    KnownLeader bool

    // How long did the request take
    RequestTime time.Duration

    // Is address translation enabled for HTTP responses on this agent
    AddressTranslationEnabled bool

type QueryOptions

QueryOptions are used to parameterize a query

type QueryOptions struct {
    // Providing a datacenter overwrites the DC provided
    // by the Config
    Datacenter string

    // AllowStale allows any Consul server (non-leader) to service
    // a read. This allows for lower latency and higher throughput
    AllowStale bool

    // RequireConsistent forces the read to be fully consistent.
    // This is more expensive but prevents ever performing a stale
    // read.
    RequireConsistent bool

    // WaitIndex is used to enable a blocking query. Waits
    // until the timeout or the next index is reached
    WaitIndex uint64

    // WaitTime is used to bound the duration of a wait.
    // Defaults to that of the Config, but can be overridden.
    WaitTime time.Duration

    // Token is used to provide a per-request ACL token
    // which overrides the agent's default token.
    Token string

    // Near is used to provide a node name that will sort the results
    // in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from
    // that node. Setting this to "_agent" will use the agent's node
    // for the sort.
    Near string

    // NodeMeta is used to filter results by nodes with the given
    // metadata key/value pairs. Currently, only one key/value pair can
    // be provided for filtering.
    NodeMeta map[string]string

    // RelayFactor is used in keyring operations to cause reponses to be
    // relayed back to the sender through N other random nodes. Must be
    // a value from 0 to 5 (inclusive).
    RelayFactor uint8

type QueryTemplate

QueryTemplate carries the arguments for creating a templated query.

type QueryTemplate struct {
    // Type specifies the type of the query template. Currently only
    // "name_prefix_match" is supported. This field is required.
    Type string

    // Regexp allows specifying a regex pattern to match against the name
    // of the query being executed.
    Regexp string

type RaftConfiguration

RaftConfigration is returned when querying for the current Raft configuration.

type RaftConfiguration struct {
    // Servers has the list of servers in the Raft configuration.
    Servers []*RaftServer

    // Index has the Raft index of this configuration.
    Index uint64

type RaftServer

RaftServer has information about a server in the Raft configuration.

type RaftServer struct {
    // ID is the unique ID for the server. These are currently the same
    // as the address, but they will be changed to a real GUID in a future
    // release of Consul.
    ID string

    // Node is the node name of the server, as known by Consul, or this
    // will be set to "(unknown)" otherwise.
    Node string

    // Address is the IP:port of the server, used for Raft communications.
    Address string

    // Leader is true if this server is the current cluster leader.
    Leader bool

    // Voter is true if this server has a vote in the cluster. This might
    // be false if the server is staging and still coming online, or if
    // it's a non-voting server, which will be added in a future release of
    // Consul.
    Voter bool

type Raw

Raw can be used to do raw queries against custom endpoints

type Raw struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Raw) Query

func (raw *Raw) Query(endpoint string, out interface{}, q *QueryOptions) (*QueryMeta, error)

Query is used to do a GET request against an endpoint and deserialize the response into an interface using standard Consul conventions.

func (*Raw) Write

func (raw *Raw) Write(endpoint string, in, out interface{}, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

Write is used to do a PUT request against an endpoint and serialize/deserialized using the standard Consul conventions.

type ReadableDuration

ReadableDuration is a duration type that is serialized to JSON in human readable format.

type ReadableDuration time.Duration

func NewReadableDuration

func NewReadableDuration(dur time.Duration) *ReadableDuration

func (*ReadableDuration) Duration

func (d *ReadableDuration) Duration() time.Duration

func (*ReadableDuration) MarshalJSON

func (d *ReadableDuration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*ReadableDuration) String

func (d *ReadableDuration) String() string

func (*ReadableDuration) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *ReadableDuration) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error

type Semaphore

Semaphore is used to implement a distributed semaphore using the Consul KV primitives.

type Semaphore struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Semaphore) Acquire

func (s *Semaphore) Acquire(stopCh <-chan struct{}) (<-chan struct{}, error)

Acquire attempts to reserve a slot in the semaphore, blocking until success, interrupted via the stopCh or an error is encountered. Providing a non-nil stopCh can be used to abort the attempt. On success, a channel is returned that represents our slot. This channel could be closed at any time due to session invalidation, communication errors, operator intervention, etc. It is NOT safe to assume that the slot is held until Release() unless the Session is specifically created without any associated health checks. By default Consul sessions prefer liveness over safety and an application must be able to handle the session being lost.

func (*Semaphore) Destroy

func (s *Semaphore) Destroy() error

Destroy is used to cleanup the semaphore entry. It is not necessary to invoke. It will fail if the semaphore is in use.

func (*Semaphore) Release

func (s *Semaphore) Release() error

Release is used to voluntarily give up our semaphore slot. It is an error to call this if the semaphore has not been acquired.

type SemaphoreOptions

SemaphoreOptions is used to parameterize the Semaphore

type SemaphoreOptions struct {
    Prefix            string        // Must be set and have write permissions
    Limit             int           // Must be set, and be positive
    Value             []byte        // Optional, value to associate with the contender entry
    Session           string        // Optional, created if not specified
    SessionName       string        // Optional, defaults to DefaultLockSessionName
    SessionTTL        string        // Optional, defaults to DefaultLockSessionTTL
    MonitorRetries    int           // Optional, defaults to 0 which means no retries
    MonitorRetryTime  time.Duration // Optional, defaults to DefaultMonitorRetryTime
    SemaphoreWaitTime time.Duration // Optional, defaults to DefaultSemaphoreWaitTime
    SemaphoreTryOnce  bool          // Optional, defaults to false which means try forever

type SerfMember

SerfMember is a generic structure for reporting information about members in a Serf cluster. This is only used by the area endpoints right now, but this could be expanded to other endpoints in the future.

type SerfMember struct {
    // ID is the node identifier (a UUID).
    ID string

    // Name is the node name.
    Name string

    // Addr has the IP address.
    Addr net.IP

    // Port is the RPC port.
    Port uint16

    // Datacenter is the DC name.
    Datacenter string

    // Role is "client", "server", or "unknown".
    Role string

    // Build has the version of the Consul agent.
    Build string

    // Protocol is the protocol of the Consul agent.
    Protocol int

    // Status is the Serf health status "none", "alive", "leaving", "left",
    // or "failed".
    Status string

    // RTT is the estimated round trip time from the server handling the
    // request to the this member. This will be negative if no RTT estimate
    // is available.
    RTT time.Duration

type ServerHealth

ServerHealth is the health (from the leader's point of view) of a server.

type ServerHealth struct {
    // ID is the raft ID of the server.
    ID string

    // Name is the node name of the server.
    Name string

    // Address is the address of the server.
    Address string

    // The status of the SerfHealth check for the server.
    SerfStatus string

    // Version is the Consul version of the server.
    Version string

    // Leader is whether this server is currently the leader.
    Leader bool

    // LastContact is the time since this node's last contact with the leader.
    LastContact *ReadableDuration

    // LastTerm is the highest leader term this server has a record of in its Raft log.
    LastTerm uint64

    // LastIndex is the last log index this server has a record of in its Raft log.
    LastIndex uint64

    // Healthy is whether or not the server is healthy according to the current
    // Autopilot config.
    Healthy bool

    // Voter is whether this is a voting server.
    Voter bool

    // StableSince is the last time this server's Healthy value changed.
    StableSince time.Time

type ServiceEntry

ServiceEntry is used for the health service endpoint

type ServiceEntry struct {
    Node    *Node
    Service *AgentService
    Checks  HealthChecks

type ServiceQuery

ServiceQuery is used to query for a set of healthy nodes offering a specific service.

type ServiceQuery struct {
    // Service is the service to query.
    Service string

    // Near allows baking in the name of a node to automatically distance-
    // sort from. The magic "_agent" value is supported, which sorts near
    // the agent which initiated the request by default.
    Near string

    // Failover controls what we do if there are no healthy nodes in the
    // local datacenter.
    Failover QueryDatacenterOptions

    // If OnlyPassing is true then we will only include nodes with passing
    // health checks (critical AND warning checks will cause a node to be
    // discarded)
    OnlyPassing bool

    // Tags are a set of required and/or disallowed tags. If a tag is in
    // this list it must be present. If the tag is preceded with "!" then
    // it is disallowed.
    Tags []string

    // NodeMeta is a map of required node metadata fields. If a key/value
    // pair is in this map it must be present on the node in order for the
    // service entry to be returned.
    NodeMeta map[string]string

type Session

Session can be used to query the Session endpoints

type Session struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Session) Create

func (s *Session) Create(se *SessionEntry, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)

Create makes a new session. Providing a session entry can customize the session. It can also be nil to use defaults.

func (*Session) CreateNoChecks

func (s *Session) CreateNoChecks(se *SessionEntry, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)

CreateNoChecks is like Create but is used specifically to create a session with no associated health checks.

func (*Session) Destroy

func (s *Session) Destroy(id string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)

Destroy invalidates a given session

func (*Session) Info

func (s *Session) Info(id string, q *QueryOptions) (*SessionEntry, *QueryMeta, error)

Info looks up a single session

func (*Session) List

func (s *Session) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*SessionEntry, *QueryMeta, error)

List gets all active sessions

func (*Session) Node

func (s *Session) Node(node string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*SessionEntry, *QueryMeta, error)

List gets sessions for a node

func (*Session) Renew

func (s *Session) Renew(id string, q *WriteOptions) (*SessionEntry, *WriteMeta, error)

Renew renews the TTL on a given session

func (*Session) RenewPeriodic

func (s *Session) RenewPeriodic(initialTTL string, id string, q *WriteOptions, doneCh chan struct{}) error

RenewPeriodic is used to periodically invoke Session.Renew on a session until a doneCh is closed. This is meant to be used in a long running goroutine to ensure a session stays valid.

type SessionEntry

SessionEntry represents a session in consul

type SessionEntry struct {
    CreateIndex uint64
    ID          string
    Name        string
    Node        string
    Checks      []string
    LockDelay   time.Duration
    Behavior    string
    TTL         string

type Snapshot

Snapshot can be used to query the /v1/snapshot endpoint to take snapshots of Consul's internal state and restore snapshots for disaster recovery.

type Snapshot struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Snapshot) Restore

func (s *Snapshot) Restore(q *WriteOptions, in io.Reader) error

Restore streams in an existing snapshot and attempts to restore it.

func (*Snapshot) Save

func (s *Snapshot) Save(q *QueryOptions) (io.ReadCloser, *QueryMeta, error)

Save requests a new snapshot and provides an io.ReadCloser with the snapshot data to save. If this doesn't return an error, then it's the responsibility of the caller to close it. Only a subset of the QueryOptions are supported: Datacenter, AllowStale, and Token.

type Status

Status can be used to query the Status endpoints

type Status struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Status) Leader

func (s *Status) Leader() (string, error)

Leader is used to query for a known leader

func (*Status) Peers

func (s *Status) Peers() ([]string, error)

Peers is used to query for a known raft peers

type TLSConfig

TLSConfig is used to generate a TLSClientConfig that's useful for talking to Consul using TLS.

type TLSConfig struct {
    // Address is the optional address of the Consul server. The port, if any
    // will be removed from here and this will be set to the ServerName of the
    // resulting config.
    Address string

    // CAFile is the optional path to the CA certificate used for Consul
    // communication, defaults to the system bundle if not specified.
    CAFile string

    // CAPath is the optional path to a directory of CA certificates to use for
    // Consul communication, defaults to the system bundle if not specified.
    CAPath string

    // CertFile is the optional path to the certificate for Consul
    // communication. If this is set then you need to also set KeyFile.
    CertFile string

    // KeyFile is the optional path to the private key for Consul communication.
    // If this is set then you need to also set CertFile.
    KeyFile string

    // InsecureSkipVerify if set to true will disable TLS host verification.
    InsecureSkipVerify bool

type TxnError

TxnError is used to return information about an operation in a transaction.

type TxnError struct {
    OpIndex int
    What    string

type TxnErrors

TxnErrors is a list of TxnError objects.

type TxnErrors []*TxnError

type TxnOp

TxnOp is the internal format we send to Consul. It's not specific to KV, though currently only KV operations are supported.

type TxnOp struct {
    KV *KVTxnOp

type TxnOps

TxnOps is a list of transaction operations.

type TxnOps []*TxnOp

type TxnResponse

TxnResponse is the internal format we receive from Consul.

type TxnResponse struct {
    Results TxnResults
    Errors  TxnErrors

type TxnResult

TxnResult is the internal format we receive from Consul.

type TxnResult struct {
    KV *KVPair

type TxnResults

TxnResults is a list of TxnResult objects.

type TxnResults []*TxnResult

type UserEvent

UserEvent represents an event that was fired by the user

type UserEvent struct {
    ID            string
    Name          string
    Payload       []byte
    NodeFilter    string
    ServiceFilter string
    TagFilter     string
    Version       int
    LTime         uint64

type WriteMeta

WriteMeta is used to return meta data about a write

type WriteMeta struct {
    // How long did the request take
    RequestTime time.Duration

type WriteOptions

WriteOptions are used to parameterize a write

type WriteOptions struct {
    // Providing a datacenter overwrites the DC provided
    // by the Config
    Datacenter string

    // Token is used to provide a per-request ACL token
    // which overrides the agent's default token.
    Token string

    // RelayFactor is used in keyring operations to cause reponses to be
    // relayed back to the sender through N other random nodes. Must be
    // a value from 0 to 5 (inclusive).
    RelayFactor uint8