Module: ko/share

Easily add new sharing tool to the Komodo command set and UI


require("ko/share").register(name, namespace, label)

Register a new sharing tool Registers the modules namespace and adds available menu items The UI elements that are augmented with the Share menu are:

  • Editor context menu
  • Dynamic toolbar
  • trackchanges button
  • diff dialogs
  • RX generator?
  • logs dialog

Modules share function should take (content, filename, fileType)

Name Type Description
name String

name of the module

namespace String

namespace/path used to require your module that implements your share library

label String

Label for menuitems

require("ko/share").share(name, content, meta)

Share content on specified module

meta =
       title: "myfile.js",
       language: "javascript"
   This is passed to the submodules `share` function to do with what it
Name Type Description
name String

module name to share on

content string

content to share

meta object

(optional) additional meta information