Perl 5 version 22.4 documentation



ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities - Subroutines used with ExtUtils::ParseXS


  1. use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities qw(
  2. standard_typemap_locations
  3. trim_whitespace
  4. C_string
  5. valid_proto_string
  6. process_typemaps
  7. map_type
  8. standard_XS_defs
  9. assign_func_args
  10. analyze_preprocessor_statements
  11. set_cond
  12. Warn
  13. blurt
  14. death
  15. check_conditional_preprocessor_statements
  16. escape_file_for_line_directive
  17. report_typemap_failure
  18. );


The following functions are not considered to be part of the public interface. They are documented here for the benefit of future maintainers of this module.


  • Purpose

    Provide a list of filepaths where typemap files may be found. The filepaths -- relative paths to files (not just directory paths) -- appear in this list in lowest-to-highest priority.

    The highest priority is to look in the current directory.

    1. 'typemap'

    The second and third highest priorities are to look in the parent of the current directory and a directory called lib/ExtUtils underneath the parent directory.

    1. '../typemap',
    2. '../lib/ExtUtils/typemap',

    The fourth through ninth highest priorities are to look in the corresponding grandparent, great-grandparent and great-great-grandparent directories.

    1. '../../typemap',
    2. '../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap',
    3. '../../../typemap',
    4. '../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap',
    5. '../../../../typemap',
    6. '../../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap',

    The tenth and subsequent priorities are to look in directories named ExtUtils which are subdirectories of directories found in @INC -- provided a file named typemap actually exists in such a directory. Example:

    1. '/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/ExtUtils/typemap',

    However, these filepaths appear in the list returned by standard_typemap_locations() in reverse order, i.e., lowest-to-highest.

    1. '/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/ExtUtils/typemap',
    2. '../../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap',
    3. '../../../../typemap',
    4. '../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap',
    5. '../../../typemap',
    6. '../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap',
    7. '../../typemap',
    8. '../lib/ExtUtils/typemap',
    9. '../typemap',
    10. 'typemap'
  • Arguments
    1. my @stl = standard_typemap_locations( \@INC );

    Reference to @INC .

  • Return Value

    Array holding list of directories to be searched for typemap files.


  • Purpose

    Perform an in-place trimming of leading and trailing whitespace from the first argument provided to the function.

  • Argument
    1. trim_whitespace($arg);
  • Return Value

    None. Remember: this is an in-place modification of the argument.


  • Purpose

    Escape backslashes (\ ) in prototype strings.

  • Arguments
    1. $ProtoThisXSUB = C_string($_);

    String needing escaping.

  • Return Value

    Properly escaped string.


  • Purpose

    Validate prototype string.

  • Arguments

    String needing checking.

  • Return Value

    Upon success, returns the same string passed as argument.

    Upon failure, returns .


  • Purpose

    Process all typemap files.

  • Arguments
    1. my $typemaps_object = process_typemaps( $args{typemap}, $pwd );

    List of two elements: typemap element from %args ; current working directory.

  • Return Value

    Upon success, returns an ExtUtils::Typemaps object.


  • Purpose

    Performs a mapping at several places inside PARAGRAPH loop.

  • Arguments
    1. $type = map_type($self, $type, $varname);

    List of three arguments.

  • Return Value

    String holding augmented version of second argument.


  • Purpose

    Writes to the .c output file certain preprocessor directives and function headers needed in all such files.

  • Arguments


  • Return Value

    Returns true.


  • Purpose

    Perform assignment to the func_args attribute.

  • Arguments
    1. $string = assign_func_args($self, $argsref, $class);

    List of three elements. Second is an array reference; third is a string.

  • Return Value



  • Purpose

    Within each function inside each Xsub, print to the .c output file certain preprocessor statements.

  • Arguments
    1. ( $self, $XSS_work_idx, $BootCode_ref ) =
    2. analyze_preprocessor_statements(
    3. $self, $statement, $XSS_work_idx, $BootCode_ref
    4. );

    List of four elements.

  • Return Value

    Modifed values of three of the arguments passed to the function. In particular, the XSStack and InitFileCode attributes are modified.


  • Purpose
  • Arguments
  • Return Value


  • Purpose

    Figures out the current line number in the XS file.

  • Arguments


  • Return Value

    The current line number.


  • Purpose
  • Arguments
  • Return Value


  • Purpose
  • Arguments
  • Return Value


  • Purpose
  • Arguments
  • Return Value


  • Purpose
  • Arguments
  • Return Value


  • Purpose

    Escapes a given code source name (typically a file name but can also be a command that was read from) so that double-quotes and backslashes are escaped.

  • Arguments

    A string.

  • Return Value

    A string with escapes for double-quotes and backslashes.


  • Purpose

    Do error reporting for missing typemaps.

  • Arguments

    The ExtUtils::ParseXS object.

    An ExtUtils::Typemaps object.

    The string that represents the C type that was not found in the typemap.

    Optionally, the string death or blurt to choose whether the error is immediately fatal or not. Default: blurt

  • Return Value

    Returns nothing. Depending on the arguments, this may call death or blurt , the former of which is fatal.