Module: ko/stylesheet

Interface to work with stylesheets. Easily add new sharing tool to the Komodo command set and UI


require("ko/stylesheet").load(uri, window, type)

Load a stylesheet in the given window

Name Type Default Description
uri string

Stylesheet URI

window Window

DOM Window

type string user|agent|author

require("ko/stylesheet").loadGlobal(uri, type)

Load the given stylesheet in all windows

Name Type Default Description
uri string

Stylesheet URI

type string user|agent|author

require("ko/stylesheet").unload(uri, window, type)

Unload a stylesheet in the given window

Name Type Default Description
uri string

Stylesheet URI

window Window

DOM Window

type string user|agent|author

require("ko/stylesheet").unloadGlobal(uri, type)

Unload the given stylesheet in all windows

Name Type Default Description
uri string

Stylesheet URI

type string user|agent|author