Tcl8.6.10/Tk8.6.10 Documentation > Tk Commands > panedwindow
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- panedwindow — Create and manipulate 'panedwindow' split container widgets
- -background or -bg, background, Background
- -borderwidth or -bd, borderWidth, BorderWidth
- -cursor, cursor, Cursor
- -orient, orient, Orient
- -relief, relief, Relief
- -borderwidth or -bd, borderWidth, BorderWidth
- -handlepad, handlePad, HandlePad
- -handlesize, handleSize, HandleSize
- -height, height, Height
- -opaqueresize, opaqueResize, OpaqueResize
- -proxybackground, proxyBackground, ProxyBackground
- -proxyborderwidth, proxyBorderWidth, ProxyBorderWidth
- -proxyrelief, proxyRelief, ProxyRelief
- -sashcursor, sashCursor, SashCursor
- -sashpad, sashPad, SashPad
- -sashrelief, sashRelief, SashRelief
- -sashwidth, sashWidth, SashWidth
- -showhandle, showHandle, ShowHandle
- -width, width, Width
- -handlesize, handleSize, HandleSize
panedwindow — Create and manipulate 'panedwindow' split container widgetsSYNOPSIS
panedwindow pathName ?options?STANDARD OPTIONS
- -background or -bg, background, Background
- -borderwidth or -bd, borderWidth, BorderWidth
- -cursor, cursor, Cursor
- -orient, orient, Orient
- -relief, relief, Relief
- -borderwidth or -bd, borderWidth, BorderWidth
- Command-Line Name: -handlepad
- Database Name: handlePad
- Database Class: HandlePad
- Database Name: handlePad
- When sash handles are drawn, specifies the distance from the top or left end of the sash (depending on the orientation of the widget) at which to draw the handle. May be any value accepted by Tk_GetPixels.
- Command-Line Name: -handlesize
- Database Name: handleSize
- Database Class: HandleSize
- Database Name: handleSize
- Specifies the side length of a sash handle. Handles are always drawn as squares. May be any value accepted by Tk_GetPixels.
- Command-Line Name: -height
- Database Name: height
- Database Class: Height
- Database Name: height
- Specifies a desired height for the overall panedwindow widget. May be any value accepted by Tk_GetPixels. If an empty string, the widget will be made high enough to allow all contained widgets to have their natural height.
- Command-Line Name: -opaqueresize
- Database Name: opaqueResize
- Database Class: OpaqueResize
- Database Name: opaqueResize
- Specifies whether panes should be resized as a sash is moved (true), or if resizing should be deferred until the sash is placed (false). In the latter case, a “ghost” version of the sash is displayed during the resizing to show where the panes will be resized to when releasing the mouse button. This “ghost” version of the sash is the proxy. It's rendering can be configured using the -proxybackground, -proxyborderwidth and -proxyrelief options.
- Command-Line Name: -proxybackground
- Database Name: proxyBackground
- Database Class: ProxyBackground
- Database Name: proxyBackground
- Background color to use when drawing the proxy. If an empty string, the value of the -background option will be used.
- Command-Line Name: -proxyborderwidth
- Database Name: proxyBorderWidth
- Database Class: ProxyBorderWidth
- Database Name: proxyBorderWidth
- Specifies the borderwidth of the proxy. May be any value accepted by Tk_GetPixels.
- Command-Line Name: -proxyrelief
- Database Name: proxyRelief
- Database Class: ProxyRelief
- Database Name: proxyRelief
- Relief to use when drawing the proxy. May be any of the standard Tk relief values. If an empty string, the value of the -sashrelief option will be used.
- Command-Line Name: -sashcursor
- Database Name: sashCursor
- Database Class: SashCursor
- Database Name: sashCursor
- Mouse cursor to use when over a sash. If null, sb_h_double_arrow will be used for horizontal panedwindows, and sb_v_double_arrow will be used for vertical panedwindows.
- Command-Line Name: -sashpad
- Database Name: sashPad
- Database Class: SashPad
- Database Name: sashPad
- Specifies the amount of padding to leave of each side of a sash. May be any value accepted by Tk_GetPixels.
- Command-Line Name: -sashrelief
- Database Name: sashRelief
- Database Class: SashRelief
- Database Name: sashRelief
- Relief to use when drawing a sash. May be any of the standard Tk relief values.
- Command-Line Name: -sashwidth
- Database Name: sashWidth
- Database Class: SashWidth
- Database Name: sashWidth
- Specifies the width of each sash. May be any value accepted by Tk_GetPixels.
- Command-Line Name: -showhandle
- Database Name: showHandle
- Database Class: ShowHandle
- Database Name: showHandle
- Specifies whether sash handles should be shown. May be any valid Tcl boolean value.
- Command-Line Name: -width
- Database Name: width
- Database Class: Width
- Database Name: width
- Specifies a desired width for the overall panedwindow widget. May be any value accepted by Tk_GetPixels. If an empty string, the widget will be made wide enough to allow all contained widgets to have their natural width.
The panedwindow command creates a new window (given by the pathName argument) and makes it into a panedwindow widget. Additional options, described above, may be specified on the command line or in the option database to configure aspects of the panedwindow such as its default background color and relief. The panedwindow command returns the path name of the new window.A panedwindow widget contains any number of panes, arranged horizontally or vertically, according to the value of the -orient option. Each pane contains one widget, and each pair of panes is separated by a moveable (via mouse movements) sash. Moving a sash causes the widgets on either side of the sash to be resized.
The panedwindow command creates a new Tcl command whose name is the same as the path name of the panedwindow's window. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the following general form:pathName option ?arg arg ...?PathName is the name of the command, which is the same as the panedwindow widget's path name. Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are possible for panedwindow widgets:
A pane is resized by grabbing the sash (or sash handle if present) and dragging with the mouse. This is accomplished via mouse motion bindings on the widget. When a sash is moved, the sizes of the panes on each side of the sash, and thus the widgets in those panes, are adjusted.When a pane is resized from outside (e.g. it is packed to expand and fill, and the containing toplevel is resized), space is added to the final (rightmost or bottommost) pane in the window.
Unlike slave windows managed by e.g. pack or grid, the panes managed by a panedwindow do not change width or height to accommodate changes in the requested widths or heights of the panes, once these have become mapped. Therefore it may be advisable, particularly when creating layouts interactively, to not add a pane to the panedwindow widget until after the geometry requests of that pane has been finalized (i.e., all components of the pane inserted, all options affecting geometry set to their proper values, etc.).
panedwindow, widget, geometry managementCopyright © 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.