In Files
- rexml/validation/relaxng.rb
Class/Module Index
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- Array
- Fixnum
- Float
- Object
- REXML::AttlistDecl
- REXML::Attribute
- REXML::Attributes
- REXML::CData
- REXML::Child
- REXML::Comment
- REXML::DTD::AttlistDecl
- REXML::DTD::ElementDecl
- REXML::DTD::EntityDecl
- REXML::DTD::NotationDecl
- REXML::DTD::Parser
- REXML::Declaration
- REXML::DocType
- REXML::Document
- REXML::Element
- REXML::ElementDecl
- REXML::Elements
- REXML::Encoding
- REXML::Entity
- REXML::EntityConst
- REXML::ExternalEntity
- REXML::Formatters
- REXML::Formatters::Default
- REXML::Formatters::Pretty
- REXML::Formatters::Transitive
- REXML::Functions
- REXML::IOSource
- REXML::Instruction
- REXML::Light
- REXML::Light::Node
- REXML::Namespace
- REXML::Node
- REXML::NotationDecl
- REXML::Output
- REXML::Parent
- REXML::ParseException
- REXML::Parsers
- REXML::Parsers::BaseParser
- REXML::Parsers::LightParser
- REXML::Parsers::PullEvent
- REXML::Parsers::PullParser
- REXML::Parsers::SAX2Parser
- REXML::Parsers::StreamParser
- REXML::Parsers::TreeParser
- REXML::Parsers::UltraLightParser
- REXML::Parsers::XPathParser
- REXML::QuickPath
- REXML::SAX2Listener
- REXML::Security
- REXML::Source
- REXML::SourceFactory
- REXML::StreamListener
- REXML::SyncEnumerator
- REXML::Text
- REXML::UndefinedNamespaceException
- REXML::Validation
- REXML::Validation::Choice
- REXML::Validation::Event
- REXML::Validation::Interleave
- REXML::Validation::OneOrMore
- REXML::Validation::Optional
- REXML::Validation::Ref
- REXML::Validation::RelaxNG
- REXML::Validation::Sequence
- REXML::Validation::State
- REXML::Validation::ValidationException
- REXML::Validation::Validator
- REXML::Validation::ZeroOrMore
- REXML::XMLTokens
- REXML::XPath
- REXML::XPathParser
- Symbol
Public Class Methods
Public Instance Methods
# File rexml/validation/relaxng.rb, line 511 def expected return [@events[@current]] if @events[@current] return @choices[@choice..-1].collect do |x| if x[0].kind_of? State x[0].expected else x[0] end end.flatten end
# File rexml/validation/relaxng.rb, line 522 def inspect "< #{to_s} #{@choices.collect{|e| e.collect{|f|f.to_s}.join(', ')}.join(' and ')} >" end
matches?( event )
# File rexml/validation/relaxng.rb, line 506 def matches?( event ) return @events[@current].matches?( event ) if @events[@current] !@choices[@choice..-1].find{|evt| evt[0].matches?(event)}.nil? end
next( event )
# File rexml/validation/relaxng.rb, line 477 def next( event ) # Find the next series next_current(event) unless @events[@current] return nil unless @events[@current] expand_ref_in( @events, @current ) if @events[@current].class == Ref if ( @events[@current].kind_of? State ) @current += 1 @events[@current-1].previous = self return @events[@current-1].next( event ) end return event ) if @events[@current].nil? if ( @events[@current].matches?(event) ) @current += 1 if @events[@current].nil? return self unless @choices[@choice].nil? return @previous.pop elsif @events[@current].kind_of? State @current += 1 @events[@current-1].previous = self return @events[@current-1] else return self end else return nil end end
next_current( event )
# File rexml/validation/relaxng.rb, line 449 def next_current( event ) # Expand references c = 0 ; max = @choices.size while c < max if @choices[c][0].class == Ref expand_ref_in( @choices[c], 0 ) @choices += @choices[c] @choices.delete( @choices[c] ) max -= 1 else c += 1 end end @events = @choices[@choice..-1].find { |evt| evt[0].matches? event } @current = 0 if @events # reorder the choices old = @choices[@choice] idx = @choices.index( @events ) @choices[@choice] = @events @choices[idx] = old @choice += 1 end @events = [] unless @events end