In Files
- irb/extend-command.rb
Class/Module Index
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- IRB::Abort
- IRB::Context
- IRB::ContextExtender
- IRB::ExtendCommandBundle
- IRB::FileInputMethod
- IRB::Frame
- IRB::InputMethod
- IRB::Inspector
- IRB::Irb
- IRB::IrbLoader
- IRB::JobManager
- IRB::LoadAbort
- IRB::MethodExtender
- IRB::Notifier
- IRB::Notifier::AbstractNotifier
- IRB::Notifier::CompositeNotifier
- IRB::Notifier::LeveledNotifier
- IRB::Notifier::NoMsgNotifier
- IRB::OutputMethod
- IRB::ReadlineInputMethod
- IRB::StdioInputMethod
- IRB::StdioOutputMethod
- IRB::WorkSpace
- Object
- XMP::StringInputMethod
A convenience module for extending Ruby methods.
Public Instance Methods
def_post_proc(base_method, extend_method)
Extends the given base_method
with a postfix call to the given
# File irb/extend-command.rb, line 275 def def_post_proc(base_method, extend_method) base_method = base_method.to_s extend_method = extend_method.to_s alias_name = new_alias_name(base_method) module_eval %Q[ alias_method alias_name, base_method def #{base_method}(*opts) send :#{alias_name}, *opts send :#{extend_method}, *opts end ] end
def_pre_proc(base_method, extend_method)
Extends the given base_method
with a prefix call to the given
# File irb/extend-command.rb, line 259 def def_pre_proc(base_method, extend_method) base_method = base_method.to_s extend_method = extend_method.to_s alias_name = new_alias_name(base_method) module_eval %Q[ alias_method alias_name, base_method def #{base_method}(*opts) send :#{extend_method}, *opts send :#{alias_name}, *opts end ] end
new_alias_name(name, prefix = "__alias_of__", postfix = "__")
Returns a unique method name to use as an alias for the given
Usually returns #{prefix}#{name}#{postfix}<num>
new_alias_name('foo') #=> __alias_of__foo__ def bar; end new_alias_name('bar') #=> __alias_of__bar__2
# File irb/extend-command.rb, line 296 def new_alias_name(name, prefix = "__alias_of__", postfix = "__") base_name = "#{prefix}#{name}#{postfix}" all_methods = instance_methods(true) + private_instance_methods(true) same_methods = all_methods.grep(/^#{Regexp.quote(base_name)}[0-9]*$/) return base_name if same_methods.empty? no = same_methods.size while !same_methods.include?(alias_name = base_name + no) no += 1 end alias_name end