health - ActiveState ActiveGo 1.8

Package health

import ""

Overview ▾

Package health provides the client and types for making API requests to AWS Health APIs and Notifications.

The AWS Health API provides programmatic access to the AWS Health information that is presented in the AWS Personal Health Dashboard ( You can get information about events that affect your AWS resources:

* DescribeEvents: Summary information about events.

* DescribeEventDetails: Detailed information about one or more events.

* DescribeAffectedEntities: Information about AWS resources that are affected
by one or more events.

In addition, these operations provide information about event types and summary counts of events or affected entities:

* DescribeEventTypes: Information about the kinds of events that AWS Health

* DescribeEventAggregates: A count of the number of events that meet specified

* DescribeEntityAggregates: A count of the number of affected entities
that meet specified criteria.

The Health API requires a Business or Enterprise support plan from AWS Support ( Calling the Health API from an account that does not have a Business or Enterprise support plan causes a SubscriptionRequiredException.

For authentication of requests, AWS Health uses the Signature Version 4 Signing Process (

See the AWS Health User Guide ( for information about how to use the API.

Service Endpoint

The HTTP endpoint for the AWS Health API is:


See for more information on this service.

See health package documentation for more information.

Using the Client

To use the client for AWS Health APIs and Notifications you will first need to create a new instance of it.

When creating a client for an AWS service you'll first need to have a Session already created. The Session provides configuration that can be shared between multiple service clients. Additional configuration can be applied to the Session and service's client when they are constructed. The aws package's Config type contains several fields such as Region for the AWS Region the client should make API requests too. The optional Config value can be provided as the variadic argument for Sessions and client creation.

Once the service's client is created you can use it to make API requests the AWS service. These clients are safe to use concurrently.

// Create a session to share configuration, and load external configuration.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())

// Create the service's client with the session.
svc := health.New(sess)

See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use service clients.

See aws package's Config type for more information on configuration options.

See the AWS Health APIs and Notifications client Health for more information on creating the service's client.

Once the client is created you can make an API request to the service. Each API method takes a input parameter, and returns the service response and an error.

The API method will document which error codes the service can be returned by the operation if the service models the API operation's errors. These errors will also be available as const strings prefixed with "ErrCode".

result, err := svc.DescribeAffectedEntities(params)
if err != nil {
    // Cast err to awserr.Error to handle specific error codes.
    aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
    if ok && aerr.Code() == <error code to check for> {
        // Specific error code handling
    return err

fmt.Println("DescribeAffectedEntities result:")

Using the Client with Context

The service's client also provides methods to make API requests with a Context value. This allows you to control the timeout, and cancellation of pending requests. These methods also take request Option as variadic parameter to apply additional configuration to the API request.

ctx := context.Background()

result, err := svc.DescribeAffectedEntitiesWithContext(ctx, params)

See the request package documentation for more information on using Context pattern with the SDK.

Index ▾

type AffectedEntity
    func (s AffectedEntity) GoString() string
    func (s *AffectedEntity) SetAwsAccountId(v string) *AffectedEntity
    func (s *AffectedEntity) SetEntityArn(v string) *AffectedEntity
    func (s *AffectedEntity) SetEntityValue(v string) *AffectedEntity
    func (s *AffectedEntity) SetEventArn(v string) *AffectedEntity
    func (s *AffectedEntity) SetLastUpdatedTime(v time.Time) *AffectedEntity
    func (s *AffectedEntity) SetStatusCode(v string) *AffectedEntity
    func (s *AffectedEntity) SetTags(v map[string]*string) *AffectedEntity
    func (s AffectedEntity) String() string
type DateTimeRange
    func (s DateTimeRange) GoString() string
    func (s *DateTimeRange) SetFrom(v time.Time) *DateTimeRange
    func (s *DateTimeRange) SetTo(v time.Time) *DateTimeRange
    func (s DateTimeRange) String() string
type DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput
    func (s DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetFilter(v *EntityFilter) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput
    func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetLocale(v string) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput
    func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput
    func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput
    func (s DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) String() string
    func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) Validate() error
type DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput
    func (s DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) SetEntities(v []*AffectedEntity) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput
    func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput
    func (s DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) String() string
type DescribeEntityAggregatesInput
    func (s DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) SetEventArns(v []*string) *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput
    func (s DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) String() string
    func (s *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) Validate() error
type DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput
    func (s DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput) SetEntityAggregates(v []*EntityAggregate) *DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput
    func (s DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput) String() string
type DescribeEventAggregatesInput
    func (s DescribeEventAggregatesInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetAggregateField(v string) *DescribeEventAggregatesInput
    func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetFilter(v *EventFilter) *DescribeEventAggregatesInput
    func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeEventAggregatesInput
    func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventAggregatesInput
    func (s DescribeEventAggregatesInput) String() string
    func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) Validate() error
type DescribeEventAggregatesOutput
    func (s DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) SetEventAggregates(v []*EventAggregate) *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput
    func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput
    func (s DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) String() string
type DescribeEventDetailsInput
    func (s DescribeEventDetailsInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeEventDetailsInput) SetEventArns(v []*string) *DescribeEventDetailsInput
    func (s *DescribeEventDetailsInput) SetLocale(v string) *DescribeEventDetailsInput
    func (s DescribeEventDetailsInput) String() string
    func (s *DescribeEventDetailsInput) Validate() error
type DescribeEventDetailsOutput
    func (s DescribeEventDetailsOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeEventDetailsOutput) SetFailedSet(v []*EventDetailsErrorItem) *DescribeEventDetailsOutput
    func (s *DescribeEventDetailsOutput) SetSuccessfulSet(v []*EventDetails) *DescribeEventDetailsOutput
    func (s DescribeEventDetailsOutput) String() string
type DescribeEventTypesInput
    func (s DescribeEventTypesInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeEventTypesInput) SetFilter(v *EventTypeFilter) *DescribeEventTypesInput
    func (s *DescribeEventTypesInput) SetLocale(v string) *DescribeEventTypesInput
    func (s *DescribeEventTypesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeEventTypesInput
    func (s *DescribeEventTypesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventTypesInput
    func (s DescribeEventTypesInput) String() string
    func (s *DescribeEventTypesInput) Validate() error
type DescribeEventTypesOutput
    func (s DescribeEventTypesOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeEventTypesOutput) SetEventTypes(v []*EventType) *DescribeEventTypesOutput
    func (s *DescribeEventTypesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventTypesOutput
    func (s DescribeEventTypesOutput) String() string
type DescribeEventsInput
    func (s DescribeEventsInput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetFilter(v *EventFilter) *DescribeEventsInput
    func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetLocale(v string) *DescribeEventsInput
    func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeEventsInput
    func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventsInput
    func (s DescribeEventsInput) String() string
    func (s *DescribeEventsInput) Validate() error
type DescribeEventsOutput
    func (s DescribeEventsOutput) GoString() string
    func (s *DescribeEventsOutput) SetEvents(v []*Event) *DescribeEventsOutput
    func (s *DescribeEventsOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventsOutput
    func (s DescribeEventsOutput) String() string
type EntityAggregate
    func (s EntityAggregate) GoString() string
    func (s *EntityAggregate) SetCount(v int64) *EntityAggregate
    func (s *EntityAggregate) SetEventArn(v string) *EntityAggregate
    func (s EntityAggregate) String() string
type EntityFilter
    func (s EntityFilter) GoString() string
    func (s *EntityFilter) SetEntityArns(v []*string) *EntityFilter
    func (s *EntityFilter) SetEntityValues(v []*string) *EntityFilter
    func (s *EntityFilter) SetEventArns(v []*string) *EntityFilter
    func (s *EntityFilter) SetLastUpdatedTimes(v []*DateTimeRange) *EntityFilter
    func (s *EntityFilter) SetStatusCodes(v []*string) *EntityFilter
    func (s *EntityFilter) SetTags(v []map[string]*string) *EntityFilter
    func (s EntityFilter) String() string
    func (s *EntityFilter) Validate() error
type Event
    func (s Event) GoString() string
    func (s *Event) SetArn(v string) *Event
    func (s *Event) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *Event
    func (s *Event) SetEndTime(v time.Time) *Event
    func (s *Event) SetEventTypeCategory(v string) *Event
    func (s *Event) SetEventTypeCode(v string) *Event
    func (s *Event) SetLastUpdatedTime(v time.Time) *Event
    func (s *Event) SetRegion(v string) *Event
    func (s *Event) SetService(v string) *Event
    func (s *Event) SetStartTime(v time.Time) *Event
    func (s *Event) SetStatusCode(v string) *Event
    func (s Event) String() string
type EventAggregate
    func (s EventAggregate) GoString() string
    func (s *EventAggregate) SetAggregateValue(v string) *EventAggregate
    func (s *EventAggregate) SetCount(v int64) *EventAggregate
    func (s EventAggregate) String() string
type EventDescription
    func (s EventDescription) GoString() string
    func (s *EventDescription) SetLatestDescription(v string) *EventDescription
    func (s EventDescription) String() string
type EventDetails
    func (s EventDetails) GoString() string
    func (s *EventDetails) SetEvent(v *Event) *EventDetails
    func (s *EventDetails) SetEventDescription(v *EventDescription) *EventDetails
    func (s *EventDetails) SetEventMetadata(v map[string]*string) *EventDetails
    func (s EventDetails) String() string
type EventDetailsErrorItem
    func (s EventDetailsErrorItem) GoString() string
    func (s *EventDetailsErrorItem) SetErrorMessage(v string) *EventDetailsErrorItem
    func (s *EventDetailsErrorItem) SetErrorName(v string) *EventDetailsErrorItem
    func (s *EventDetailsErrorItem) SetEventArn(v string) *EventDetailsErrorItem
    func (s EventDetailsErrorItem) String() string
type EventFilter
    func (s EventFilter) GoString() string
    func (s *EventFilter) SetAvailabilityZones(v []*string) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetEndTimes(v []*DateTimeRange) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetEntityArns(v []*string) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetEntityValues(v []*string) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetEventArns(v []*string) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetEventStatusCodes(v []*string) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetEventTypeCategories(v []*string) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetEventTypeCodes(v []*string) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetLastUpdatedTimes(v []*DateTimeRange) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetRegions(v []*string) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetServices(v []*string) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetStartTimes(v []*DateTimeRange) *EventFilter
    func (s *EventFilter) SetTags(v []map[string]*string) *EventFilter
    func (s EventFilter) String() string
    func (s *EventFilter) Validate() error
type EventType
    func (s EventType) GoString() string
    func (s *EventType) SetCategory(v string) *EventType
    func (s *EventType) SetCode(v string) *EventType
    func (s *EventType) SetService(v string) *EventType
    func (s EventType) String() string
type EventTypeFilter
    func (s EventTypeFilter) GoString() string
    func (s *EventTypeFilter) SetEventTypeCategories(v []*string) *EventTypeFilter
    func (s *EventTypeFilter) SetEventTypeCodes(v []*string) *EventTypeFilter
    func (s *EventTypeFilter) SetServices(v []*string) *EventTypeFilter
    func (s EventTypeFilter) String() string
    func (s *EventTypeFilter) Validate() error
type Health
    func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Health
    func (c *Health) DescribeAffectedEntities(input *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesPages(input *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput, fn func(*DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput, bool) bool) error
    func (c *Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput, fn func(*DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
    func (c *Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesRequest(input *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput)
    func (c *Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEntityAggregates(input *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) (*DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEntityAggregatesRequest(input *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEntityAggregatesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventAggregates(input *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) (*DescribeEventAggregatesOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventAggregatesPages(input *DescribeEventAggregatesInput, fn func(*DescribeEventAggregatesOutput, bool) bool) error
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventAggregatesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventAggregatesInput, fn func(*DescribeEventAggregatesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventAggregatesRequest(input *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventAggregatesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventAggregatesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventAggregatesOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventDetails(input *DescribeEventDetailsInput) (*DescribeEventDetailsOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventDetailsRequest(input *DescribeEventDetailsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventDetailsOutput)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventDetailsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventDetailsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventDetailsOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventTypes(input *DescribeEventTypesInput) (*DescribeEventTypesOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventTypesPages(input *DescribeEventTypesInput, fn func(*DescribeEventTypesOutput, bool) bool) error
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventTypesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventTypesInput, fn func(*DescribeEventTypesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventTypesRequest(input *DescribeEventTypesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventTypesOutput)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventTypesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventTypesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventTypesOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEvents(input *DescribeEventsInput) (*DescribeEventsOutput, error)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventsPages(input *DescribeEventsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventsOutput, bool) bool) error
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventsRequest(input *DescribeEventsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventsOutput)
    func (c *Health) DescribeEventsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventsOutput, error)

Package files

api.go doc.go errors.go service.go


const (
    // EntityStatusCodeImpaired is a entityStatusCode enum value
    EntityStatusCodeImpaired = "IMPAIRED"

    // EntityStatusCodeUnimpaired is a entityStatusCode enum value
    EntityStatusCodeUnimpaired = "UNIMPAIRED"

    // EntityStatusCodeUnknown is a entityStatusCode enum value
    EntityStatusCodeUnknown = "UNKNOWN"
const (
    // EventStatusCodeOpen is a eventStatusCode enum value
    EventStatusCodeOpen = "open"

    // EventStatusCodeClosed is a eventStatusCode enum value
    EventStatusCodeClosed = "closed"

    // EventStatusCodeUpcoming is a eventStatusCode enum value
    EventStatusCodeUpcoming = "upcoming"
const (
    // EventTypeCategoryIssue is a eventTypeCategory enum value
    EventTypeCategoryIssue = "issue"

    // EventTypeCategoryAccountNotification is a eventTypeCategory enum value
    EventTypeCategoryAccountNotification = "accountNotification"

    // EventTypeCategoryScheduledChange is a eventTypeCategory enum value
    EventTypeCategoryScheduledChange = "scheduledChange"
const (

    // ErrCodeInvalidPaginationToken for service response error code
    // "InvalidPaginationToken".
    // The specified pagination token (nextToken) is not valid.
    ErrCodeInvalidPaginationToken = "InvalidPaginationToken"

    // ErrCodeUnsupportedLocale for service response error code
    // "UnsupportedLocale".
    // The specified locale is not supported.
    ErrCodeUnsupportedLocale = "UnsupportedLocale"

Service information constants

const (
    ServiceName = "health"    // Service endpoint prefix API calls made to.
    EndpointsID = ServiceName // Service ID for Regions and Endpoints metadata.
const (
    // EventAggregateFieldEventTypeCategory is a eventAggregateField enum value
    EventAggregateFieldEventTypeCategory = "eventTypeCategory"

type AffectedEntity

Information about an entity that is affected by a Health event. Please also see

type AffectedEntity struct {

    // The 12-digit AWS account number that contains the affected entity.
    AwsAccountId *string `locationName:"awsAccountId" type:"string"`

    // The unique identifier for the entity. Format: arn:aws:health:entity-region:aws-account:entity/entity-id.
    // Example: arn:aws:health:us-east-1:111222333444:entity/AVh5GGT7ul1arKr1sE1K
    EntityArn *string `locationName:"entityArn" type:"string"`

    // The ID of the affected entity.
    EntityValue *string `locationName:"entityValue" type:"string"`

    // The unique identifier for the event. Format: arn:aws:health:event-region::event/EVENT_TYPE_PLUS_ID.
    // Example: arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/AWS_EC2_MAINTENANCE_5331
    EventArn *string `locationName:"eventArn" type:"string"`

    // The most recent time that the entity was updated.
    LastUpdatedTime *time.Time `locationName:"lastUpdatedTime" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"`

    // The most recent status of the entity affected by the event. The possible
    // values are IMPAIRED, UNIMPAIRED, and UNKNOWN.
    StatusCode *string `locationName:"statusCode" type:"string" enum:"entityStatusCode"`

    // A map of entity tags attached to the affected entity.
    Tags map[string]*string `locationName:"tags" type:"map"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AffectedEntity) GoString

func (s AffectedEntity) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*AffectedEntity) SetAwsAccountId

func (s *AffectedEntity) SetAwsAccountId(v string) *AffectedEntity

SetAwsAccountId sets the AwsAccountId field's value.

func (*AffectedEntity) SetEntityArn

func (s *AffectedEntity) SetEntityArn(v string) *AffectedEntity

SetEntityArn sets the EntityArn field's value.

func (*AffectedEntity) SetEntityValue

func (s *AffectedEntity) SetEntityValue(v string) *AffectedEntity

SetEntityValue sets the EntityValue field's value.

func (*AffectedEntity) SetEventArn

func (s *AffectedEntity) SetEventArn(v string) *AffectedEntity

SetEventArn sets the EventArn field's value.

func (*AffectedEntity) SetLastUpdatedTime

func (s *AffectedEntity) SetLastUpdatedTime(v time.Time) *AffectedEntity

SetLastUpdatedTime sets the LastUpdatedTime field's value.

func (*AffectedEntity) SetStatusCode

func (s *AffectedEntity) SetStatusCode(v string) *AffectedEntity

SetStatusCode sets the StatusCode field's value.

func (*AffectedEntity) SetTags

func (s *AffectedEntity) SetTags(v map[string]*string) *AffectedEntity

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (AffectedEntity) String

func (s AffectedEntity) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DateTimeRange

A range of dates and times that is used by the EventFilter and EntityFilter objects. If from is set and to is set: match items where the timestamp (startTime, endTime, or lastUpdatedTime) is between from and to inclusive. If from is set and to is not set: match items where the timestamp value is equal to or after from. If from is not set and to is set: match items where the timestamp value is equal to or before to. Please also see

type DateTimeRange struct {

    // The starting date and time of a time range.
    From *time.Time `locationName:"from" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"`

    // The ending date and time of a time range.
    To *time.Time `locationName:"to" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DateTimeRange) GoString

func (s DateTimeRange) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DateTimeRange) SetFrom

func (s *DateTimeRange) SetFrom(v time.Time) *DateTimeRange

SetFrom sets the From field's value.

func (*DateTimeRange) SetTo

func (s *DateTimeRange) SetTo(v time.Time) *DateTimeRange

SetTo sets the To field's value.

func (DateTimeRange) String

func (s DateTimeRange) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput

Please also see

type DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput struct {

    // Values to narrow the results returned. At least one event ARN is required.
    // Filter is a required field
    Filter *EntityFilter `locationName:"filter" type:"structure" required:"true"`

    // The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default
    // and the only supported value at this time.
    Locale *string `locationName:"locale" min:"2" type:"string"`

    // The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
    MaxResults *int64 `locationName:"maxResults" min:"10" type:"integer"`

    // If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are returned,
    // and a nextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve
    // the next batch of results, reissue the search request and include the returned
    // token. When all results have been returned, the response does not contain
    // a pagination token value.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) GoString

func (s DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetFilter

func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetFilter(v *EntityFilter) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput

SetFilter sets the Filter field's value.

func (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetLocale

func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetLocale(v string) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput

SetLocale sets the Locale field's value.

func (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetMaxResults

func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput

SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value.

func (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetNextToken

func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) String

func (s DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput

Please also see

type DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput struct {

    // The entities that match the filter criteria.
    Entities []*AffectedEntity `locationName:"entities" type:"list"`

    // If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are returned,
    // and a nextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve
    // the next batch of results, reissue the search request and include the returned
    // token. When all results have been returned, the response does not contain
    // a pagination token value.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) SetEntities

func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) SetEntities(v []*AffectedEntity) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput

SetEntities sets the Entities field's value.

func (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) SetNextToken

func (s *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) String

func (s DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DescribeEntityAggregatesInput

Please also see

type DescribeEntityAggregatesInput struct {

    // A list of event ARNs (unique identifiers). For example: "arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/AWS_EC2_MAINTENANCE_5331",
    // "arn:aws:health:us-west-1::event/AWS_EBS_LOST_VOLUME_xyz"
    EventArns []*string `locationName:"eventArns" min:"1" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) GoString

func (s DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) SetEventArns

func (s *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) SetEventArns(v []*string) *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput

SetEventArns sets the EventArns field's value.

func (DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) String

func (s DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput

Please also see

type DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput struct {

    // The number of entities that are affected by each of the specified events.
    EntityAggregates []*EntityAggregate `locationName:"entityAggregates" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput) SetEntityAggregates

func (s *DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput) SetEntityAggregates(v []*EntityAggregate) *DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput

SetEntityAggregates sets the EntityAggregates field's value.

func (DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput) String

func (s DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DescribeEventAggregatesInput

Please also see

type DescribeEventAggregatesInput struct {

    // The only currently supported value is eventTypeCategory.
    // AggregateField is a required field
    AggregateField *string `locationName:"aggregateField" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"eventAggregateField"`

    // Values to narrow the results returned.
    Filter *EventFilter `locationName:"filter" type:"structure"`

    // The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
    MaxResults *int64 `locationName:"maxResults" min:"10" type:"integer"`

    // If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are returned,
    // and a nextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve
    // the next batch of results, reissue the search request and include the returned
    // token. When all results have been returned, the response does not contain
    // a pagination token value.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventAggregatesInput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventAggregatesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetAggregateField

func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetAggregateField(v string) *DescribeEventAggregatesInput

SetAggregateField sets the AggregateField field's value.

func (*DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetFilter

func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetFilter(v *EventFilter) *DescribeEventAggregatesInput

SetFilter sets the Filter field's value.

func (*DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetMaxResults

func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeEventAggregatesInput

SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value.

func (*DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetNextToken

func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventAggregatesInput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeEventAggregatesInput) String

func (s DescribeEventAggregatesInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventAggregatesInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEventAggregatesOutput

Please also see

type DescribeEventAggregatesOutput struct {

    // The number of events in each category that meet the optional filter criteria.
    EventAggregates []*EventAggregate `locationName:"eventAggregates" type:"list"`

    // If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are returned,
    // and a nextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve
    // the next batch of results, reissue the search request and include the returned
    // token. When all results have been returned, the response does not contain
    // a pagination token value.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) SetEventAggregates

func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) SetEventAggregates(v []*EventAggregate) *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput

SetEventAggregates sets the EventAggregates field's value.

func (*DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) SetNextToken

func (s *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) String

func (s DescribeEventAggregatesOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DescribeEventDetailsInput

Please also see

type DescribeEventDetailsInput struct {

    // A list of event ARNs (unique identifiers). For example: "arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/AWS_EC2_MAINTENANCE_5331",
    // "arn:aws:health:us-west-1::event/AWS_EBS_LOST_VOLUME_xyz"
    // EventArns is a required field
    EventArns []*string `locationName:"eventArns" min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"`

    // The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default
    // and the only supported value at this time.
    Locale *string `locationName:"locale" min:"2" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventDetailsInput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventDetailsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventDetailsInput) SetEventArns

func (s *DescribeEventDetailsInput) SetEventArns(v []*string) *DescribeEventDetailsInput

SetEventArns sets the EventArns field's value.

func (*DescribeEventDetailsInput) SetLocale

func (s *DescribeEventDetailsInput) SetLocale(v string) *DescribeEventDetailsInput

SetLocale sets the Locale field's value.

func (DescribeEventDetailsInput) String

func (s DescribeEventDetailsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventDetailsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEventDetailsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEventDetailsOutput

Please also see

type DescribeEventDetailsOutput struct {

    // Error messages for any events that could not be retrieved.
    FailedSet []*EventDetailsErrorItem `locationName:"failedSet" type:"list"`

    // Information about the events that could be retrieved.
    SuccessfulSet []*EventDetails `locationName:"successfulSet" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventDetailsOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventDetailsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventDetailsOutput) SetFailedSet

func (s *DescribeEventDetailsOutput) SetFailedSet(v []*EventDetailsErrorItem) *DescribeEventDetailsOutput

SetFailedSet sets the FailedSet field's value.

func (*DescribeEventDetailsOutput) SetSuccessfulSet

func (s *DescribeEventDetailsOutput) SetSuccessfulSet(v []*EventDetails) *DescribeEventDetailsOutput

SetSuccessfulSet sets the SuccessfulSet field's value.

func (DescribeEventDetailsOutput) String

func (s DescribeEventDetailsOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DescribeEventTypesInput

Please also see

type DescribeEventTypesInput struct {

    // Values to narrow the results returned.
    Filter *EventTypeFilter `locationName:"filter" type:"structure"`

    // The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default
    // and the only supported value at this time.
    Locale *string `locationName:"locale" min:"2" type:"string"`

    // The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
    MaxResults *int64 `locationName:"maxResults" min:"10" type:"integer"`

    // If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are returned,
    // and a nextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve
    // the next batch of results, reissue the search request and include the returned
    // token. When all results have been returned, the response does not contain
    // a pagination token value.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventTypesInput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventTypesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventTypesInput) SetFilter

func (s *DescribeEventTypesInput) SetFilter(v *EventTypeFilter) *DescribeEventTypesInput

SetFilter sets the Filter field's value.

func (*DescribeEventTypesInput) SetLocale

func (s *DescribeEventTypesInput) SetLocale(v string) *DescribeEventTypesInput

SetLocale sets the Locale field's value.

func (*DescribeEventTypesInput) SetMaxResults

func (s *DescribeEventTypesInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeEventTypesInput

SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value.

func (*DescribeEventTypesInput) SetNextToken

func (s *DescribeEventTypesInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventTypesInput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeEventTypesInput) String

func (s DescribeEventTypesInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventTypesInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEventTypesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEventTypesOutput

Please also see

type DescribeEventTypesOutput struct {

    // A list of event types that match the filter criteria. Event types have a
    // category (issue, accountNotification, or scheduledChange), a service (for
    // example, EC2, RDS, DATAPIPELINE, BILLING), and a code (in the format AWS_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION;
    // for example, AWS_EC2_SYSTEM_MAINTENANCE_EVENT).
    EventTypes []*EventType `locationName:"eventTypes" type:"list"`

    // If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are returned,
    // and a nextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve
    // the next batch of results, reissue the search request and include the returned
    // token. When all results have been returned, the response does not contain
    // a pagination token value.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventTypesOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventTypesOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventTypesOutput) SetEventTypes

func (s *DescribeEventTypesOutput) SetEventTypes(v []*EventType) *DescribeEventTypesOutput

SetEventTypes sets the EventTypes field's value.

func (*DescribeEventTypesOutput) SetNextToken

func (s *DescribeEventTypesOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventTypesOutput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeEventTypesOutput) String

func (s DescribeEventTypesOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type DescribeEventsInput

Please also see

type DescribeEventsInput struct {

    // Values to narrow the results returned.
    Filter *EventFilter `locationName:"filter" type:"structure"`

    // The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default
    // and the only supported value at this time.
    Locale *string `locationName:"locale" min:"2" type:"string"`

    // The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
    MaxResults *int64 `locationName:"maxResults" min:"10" type:"integer"`

    // If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are returned,
    // and a nextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve
    // the next batch of results, reissue the search request and include the returned
    // token. When all results have been returned, the response does not contain
    // a pagination token value.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventsInput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetFilter

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetFilter(v *EventFilter) *DescribeEventsInput

SetFilter sets the Filter field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetLocale

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetLocale(v string) *DescribeEventsInput

SetLocale sets the Locale field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetMaxResults

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetMaxResults(v int64) *DescribeEventsInput

SetMaxResults sets the MaxResults field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetNextToken

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventsInput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeEventsInput) String

func (s DescribeEventsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEventsOutput

Please also see

type DescribeEventsOutput struct {

    // The events that match the specified filter criteria.
    Events []*Event `locationName:"events" type:"list"`

    // If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are returned,
    // and a nextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve
    // the next batch of results, reissue the search request and include the returned
    // token. When all results have been returned, the response does not contain
    // a pagination token value.
    NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventsOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*DescribeEventsOutput) SetEvents

func (s *DescribeEventsOutput) SetEvents(v []*Event) *DescribeEventsOutput

SetEvents sets the Events field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsOutput) SetNextToken

func (s *DescribeEventsOutput) SetNextToken(v string) *DescribeEventsOutput

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeEventsOutput) String

func (s DescribeEventsOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation

type EntityAggregate

The number of entities that are affected by one or more events. Returned by the DescribeEntityAggregates operation. Please also see

type EntityAggregate struct {

    // The number entities that match the criteria for the specified events.
    Count *int64 `locationName:"count" type:"integer"`

    // The unique identifier for the event. Format: arn:aws:health:event-region::event/EVENT_TYPE_PLUS_ID.
    // Example: arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/AWS_EC2_MAINTENANCE_5331
    EventArn *string `locationName:"eventArn" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EntityAggregate) GoString

func (s EntityAggregate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*EntityAggregate) SetCount

func (s *EntityAggregate) SetCount(v int64) *EntityAggregate

SetCount sets the Count field's value.

func (*EntityAggregate) SetEventArn

func (s *EntityAggregate) SetEventArn(v string) *EntityAggregate

SetEventArn sets the EventArn field's value.

func (EntityAggregate) String

func (s EntityAggregate) String() string

String returns the string representation

type EntityFilter

The values to use to filter results from the DescribeAffectedEntities operation. Please also see

type EntityFilter struct {

    // A list of entity ARNs (unique identifiers).
    EntityArns []*string `locationName:"entityArns" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of IDs for affected entities.
    EntityValues []*string `locationName:"entityValues" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of event ARNs (unique identifiers). For example: "arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/AWS_EC2_MAINTENANCE_5331",
    // "arn:aws:health:us-west-1::event/AWS_EBS_LOST_VOLUME_xyz"
    // EventArns is a required field
    EventArns []*string `locationName:"eventArns" min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"`

    // A list of the most recent dates and times that the entity was updated.
    LastUpdatedTimes []*DateTimeRange `locationName:"lastUpdatedTimes" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of entity status codes (IMPAIRED, UNIMPAIRED, or UNKNOWN).
    StatusCodes []*string `locationName:"statusCodes" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A map of entity tags attached to the affected entity.
    Tags []map[string]*string `locationName:"tags" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EntityFilter) GoString

func (s EntityFilter) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*EntityFilter) SetEntityArns

func (s *EntityFilter) SetEntityArns(v []*string) *EntityFilter

SetEntityArns sets the EntityArns field's value.

func (*EntityFilter) SetEntityValues

func (s *EntityFilter) SetEntityValues(v []*string) *EntityFilter

SetEntityValues sets the EntityValues field's value.

func (*EntityFilter) SetEventArns

func (s *EntityFilter) SetEventArns(v []*string) *EntityFilter

SetEventArns sets the EventArns field's value.

func (*EntityFilter) SetLastUpdatedTimes

func (s *EntityFilter) SetLastUpdatedTimes(v []*DateTimeRange) *EntityFilter

SetLastUpdatedTimes sets the LastUpdatedTimes field's value.

func (*EntityFilter) SetStatusCodes

func (s *EntityFilter) SetStatusCodes(v []*string) *EntityFilter

SetStatusCodes sets the StatusCodes field's value.

func (*EntityFilter) SetTags

func (s *EntityFilter) SetTags(v []map[string]*string) *EntityFilter

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (EntityFilter) String

func (s EntityFilter) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*EntityFilter) Validate

func (s *EntityFilter) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type Event

Summary information about an event, returned by the DescribeEvents operation. The DescribeEventDetails operation also returns this information, as well as the EventDescription and additional event metadata. Please also see

type Event struct {

    // The unique identifier for the event. Format: arn:aws:health:event-region::event/EVENT_TYPE_PLUS_ID.
    // Example: arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/AWS_EC2_MAINTENANCE_5331
    Arn *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"`

    // The AWS Availability Zone of the event. For example, us-east-1a.
    AvailabilityZone *string `locationName:"availabilityZone" type:"string"`

    // The date and time that the event ended.
    EndTime *time.Time `locationName:"endTime" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"`

    // The
    EventTypeCategory *string `locationName:"eventTypeCategory" min:"3" type:"string" enum:"eventTypeCategory"`

    // The unique identifier for the event type. The format is AWS_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION;
    EventTypeCode *string `locationName:"eventTypeCode" min:"3" type:"string"`

    // The most recent date and time that the event was updated.
    LastUpdatedTime *time.Time `locationName:"lastUpdatedTime" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"`

    // The AWS region name of the event.
    Region *string `locationName:"region" type:"string"`

    // The AWS service that is affected by the event. For example, EC2, RDS.
    Service *string `locationName:"service" min:"2" type:"string"`

    // The date and time that the event began.
    StartTime *time.Time `locationName:"startTime" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"`

    // The most recent status of the event. Possible values are open, closed, and
    // upcoming.
    StatusCode *string `locationName:"statusCode" type:"string" enum:"eventStatusCode"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Event) GoString

func (s Event) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*Event) SetArn

func (s *Event) SetArn(v string) *Event

SetArn sets the Arn field's value.

func (*Event) SetAvailabilityZone

func (s *Event) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *Event

SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*Event) SetEndTime

func (s *Event) SetEndTime(v time.Time) *Event

SetEndTime sets the EndTime field's value.

func (*Event) SetEventTypeCategory

func (s *Event) SetEventTypeCategory(v string) *Event

SetEventTypeCategory sets the EventTypeCategory field's value.

func (*Event) SetEventTypeCode

func (s *Event) SetEventTypeCode(v string) *Event

SetEventTypeCode sets the EventTypeCode field's value.

func (*Event) SetLastUpdatedTime

func (s *Event) SetLastUpdatedTime(v time.Time) *Event

SetLastUpdatedTime sets the LastUpdatedTime field's value.

func (*Event) SetRegion

func (s *Event) SetRegion(v string) *Event

SetRegion sets the Region field's value.

func (*Event) SetService

func (s *Event) SetService(v string) *Event

SetService sets the Service field's value.

func (*Event) SetStartTime

func (s *Event) SetStartTime(v time.Time) *Event

SetStartTime sets the StartTime field's value.

func (*Event) SetStatusCode

func (s *Event) SetStatusCode(v string) *Event

SetStatusCode sets the StatusCode field's value.

func (Event) String

func (s Event) String() string

String returns the string representation

type EventAggregate

The number of events of each issue type. Returned by the DescribeEventAggregates operation. Please also see

type EventAggregate struct {

    // The issue type for the associated count.
    AggregateValue *string `locationName:"aggregateValue" type:"string"`

    // The number of events of the associated issue type.
    Count *int64 `locationName:"count" type:"integer"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EventAggregate) GoString

func (s EventAggregate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*EventAggregate) SetAggregateValue

func (s *EventAggregate) SetAggregateValue(v string) *EventAggregate

SetAggregateValue sets the AggregateValue field's value.

func (*EventAggregate) SetCount

func (s *EventAggregate) SetCount(v int64) *EventAggregate

SetCount sets the Count field's value.

func (EventAggregate) String

func (s EventAggregate) String() string

String returns the string representation

type EventDescription

The detailed description of the event. Included in the information returned by the DescribeEventDetails operation. Please also see

type EventDescription struct {

    // The most recent description of the event.
    LatestDescription *string `locationName:"latestDescription" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EventDescription) GoString

func (s EventDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*EventDescription) SetLatestDescription

func (s *EventDescription) SetLatestDescription(v string) *EventDescription

SetLatestDescription sets the LatestDescription field's value.

func (EventDescription) String

func (s EventDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation

type EventDetails

Detailed information about an event. A combination of an Event object, an EventDescription object, and additional metadata about the event. Returned by the DescribeEventDetails operation. Please also see

type EventDetails struct {

    // Summary information about the event.
    Event *Event `locationName:"event" type:"structure"`

    // The most recent description of the event.
    EventDescription *EventDescription `locationName:"eventDescription" type:"structure"`

    // Additional metadata about the event.
    EventMetadata map[string]*string `locationName:"eventMetadata" type:"map"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EventDetails) GoString

func (s EventDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*EventDetails) SetEvent

func (s *EventDetails) SetEvent(v *Event) *EventDetails

SetEvent sets the Event field's value.

func (*EventDetails) SetEventDescription

func (s *EventDetails) SetEventDescription(v *EventDescription) *EventDetails

SetEventDescription sets the EventDescription field's value.

func (*EventDetails) SetEventMetadata

func (s *EventDetails) SetEventMetadata(v map[string]*string) *EventDetails

SetEventMetadata sets the EventMetadata field's value.

func (EventDetails) String

func (s EventDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation

type EventDetailsErrorItem

Error information returned when a DescribeEventDetails operation cannot find a specified event. Please also see

type EventDetailsErrorItem struct {

    // A message that describes the error.
    ErrorMessage *string `locationName:"errorMessage" type:"string"`

    // The name of the error.
    ErrorName *string `locationName:"errorName" type:"string"`

    // The unique identifier for the event. Format: arn:aws:health:event-region::event/EVENT_TYPE_PLUS_ID.
    // Example: arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/AWS_EC2_MAINTENANCE_5331
    EventArn *string `locationName:"eventArn" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EventDetailsErrorItem) GoString

func (s EventDetailsErrorItem) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*EventDetailsErrorItem) SetErrorMessage

func (s *EventDetailsErrorItem) SetErrorMessage(v string) *EventDetailsErrorItem

SetErrorMessage sets the ErrorMessage field's value.

func (*EventDetailsErrorItem) SetErrorName

func (s *EventDetailsErrorItem) SetErrorName(v string) *EventDetailsErrorItem

SetErrorName sets the ErrorName field's value.

func (*EventDetailsErrorItem) SetEventArn

func (s *EventDetailsErrorItem) SetEventArn(v string) *EventDetailsErrorItem

SetEventArn sets the EventArn field's value.

func (EventDetailsErrorItem) String

func (s EventDetailsErrorItem) String() string

String returns the string representation

type EventFilter

The values to use to filter results from the DescribeEvents and DescribeEventAggregates operations. Please also see

type EventFilter struct {

    // A list of AWS availability zones.
    AvailabilityZones []*string `locationName:"availabilityZones" type:"list"`

    // A list of dates and times that the event ended.
    EndTimes []*DateTimeRange `locationName:"endTimes" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of entity ARNs (unique identifiers).
    EntityArns []*string `locationName:"entityArns" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of entity identifiers, such as EC2 instance IDs (i-34ab692e) or EBS
    // volumes (vol-426ab23e).
    EntityValues []*string `locationName:"entityValues" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of event ARNs (unique identifiers). For example: "arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/AWS_EC2_MAINTENANCE_5331",
    // "arn:aws:health:us-west-1::event/AWS_EBS_LOST_VOLUME_xyz"
    EventArns []*string `locationName:"eventArns" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of event status codes.
    EventStatusCodes []*string `locationName:"eventStatusCodes" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of event type category codes (issue, scheduledChange, or accountNotification).
    EventTypeCategories []*string `locationName:"eventTypeCategories" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of unique identifiers for event types. For example, "AWS_EC2_SYSTEM_MAINTENANCE_EVENT","AWS_RDS_MAINTENANCE_SCHEDULED"
    EventTypeCodes []*string `locationName:"eventTypeCodes" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of dates and times that the event was last updated.
    LastUpdatedTimes []*DateTimeRange `locationName:"lastUpdatedTimes" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of AWS regions.
    Regions []*string `locationName:"regions" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // The AWS services associated with the event. For example, EC2, RDS.
    Services []*string `locationName:"services" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of dates and times that the event began.
    StartTimes []*DateTimeRange `locationName:"startTimes" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A map of entity tags attached to the affected entity.
    Tags []map[string]*string `locationName:"tags" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EventFilter) GoString

func (s EventFilter) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*EventFilter) SetAvailabilityZones

func (s *EventFilter) SetAvailabilityZones(v []*string) *EventFilter

SetAvailabilityZones sets the AvailabilityZones field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetEndTimes

func (s *EventFilter) SetEndTimes(v []*DateTimeRange) *EventFilter

SetEndTimes sets the EndTimes field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetEntityArns

func (s *EventFilter) SetEntityArns(v []*string) *EventFilter

SetEntityArns sets the EntityArns field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetEntityValues

func (s *EventFilter) SetEntityValues(v []*string) *EventFilter

SetEntityValues sets the EntityValues field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetEventArns

func (s *EventFilter) SetEventArns(v []*string) *EventFilter

SetEventArns sets the EventArns field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetEventStatusCodes

func (s *EventFilter) SetEventStatusCodes(v []*string) *EventFilter

SetEventStatusCodes sets the EventStatusCodes field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetEventTypeCategories

func (s *EventFilter) SetEventTypeCategories(v []*string) *EventFilter

SetEventTypeCategories sets the EventTypeCategories field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetEventTypeCodes

func (s *EventFilter) SetEventTypeCodes(v []*string) *EventFilter

SetEventTypeCodes sets the EventTypeCodes field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetLastUpdatedTimes

func (s *EventFilter) SetLastUpdatedTimes(v []*DateTimeRange) *EventFilter

SetLastUpdatedTimes sets the LastUpdatedTimes field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetRegions

func (s *EventFilter) SetRegions(v []*string) *EventFilter

SetRegions sets the Regions field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetServices

func (s *EventFilter) SetServices(v []*string) *EventFilter

SetServices sets the Services field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetStartTimes

func (s *EventFilter) SetStartTimes(v []*DateTimeRange) *EventFilter

SetStartTimes sets the StartTimes field's value.

func (*EventFilter) SetTags

func (s *EventFilter) SetTags(v []map[string]*string) *EventFilter

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (EventFilter) String

func (s EventFilter) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*EventFilter) Validate

func (s *EventFilter) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type EventType

Metadata about a type of event that is reported by AWS Health. Data consists of the category (for example, issue), the service (for example, EC2), and the event type code (for example, AWS_EC2_SYSTEM_MAINTENANCE_EVENT). Please also see

type EventType struct {

    // A list of event type category codes (issue, scheduledChange, or accountNotification).
    Category *string `locationName:"category" min:"3" type:"string" enum:"eventTypeCategory"`

    // The unique identifier for the event type. The format is AWS_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION;
    Code *string `locationName:"code" min:"3" type:"string"`

    // The AWS service that is affected by the event. For example, EC2, RDS.
    Service *string `locationName:"service" min:"2" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EventType) GoString

func (s EventType) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*EventType) SetCategory

func (s *EventType) SetCategory(v string) *EventType

SetCategory sets the Category field's value.

func (*EventType) SetCode

func (s *EventType) SetCode(v string) *EventType

SetCode sets the Code field's value.

func (*EventType) SetService

func (s *EventType) SetService(v string) *EventType

SetService sets the Service field's value.

func (EventType) String

func (s EventType) String() string

String returns the string representation

type EventTypeFilter

The values to use to filter results from the DescribeEventTypes operation. Please also see

type EventTypeFilter struct {

    // A list of event type category codes (issue, scheduledChange, or accountNotification).
    EventTypeCategories []*string `locationName:"eventTypeCategories" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // A list of event type codes.
    EventTypeCodes []*string `locationName:"eventTypeCodes" min:"1" type:"list"`

    // The AWS services associated with the event. For example, EC2, RDS.
    Services []*string `locationName:"services" min:"1" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EventTypeFilter) GoString

func (s EventTypeFilter) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation

func (*EventTypeFilter) SetEventTypeCategories

func (s *EventTypeFilter) SetEventTypeCategories(v []*string) *EventTypeFilter

SetEventTypeCategories sets the EventTypeCategories field's value.

func (*EventTypeFilter) SetEventTypeCodes

func (s *EventTypeFilter) SetEventTypeCodes(v []*string) *EventTypeFilter

SetEventTypeCodes sets the EventTypeCodes field's value.

func (*EventTypeFilter) SetServices

func (s *EventTypeFilter) SetServices(v []*string) *EventTypeFilter

SetServices sets the Services field's value.

func (EventTypeFilter) String

func (s EventTypeFilter) String() string

String returns the string representation

func (*EventTypeFilter) Validate

func (s *EventTypeFilter) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type Health

Health provides the API operation methods for making requests to AWS Health APIs and Notifications. See this package's package overview docs for details on the service.

Health methods are safe to use concurrently. It is not safe to modify mutate any of the struct's properties though.

type Health struct {

func New

func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Health

New creates a new instance of the Health client with a session. If additional configuration is needed for the client instance use the optional aws.Config parameter to add your extra config.


// Create a Health client from just a session.
svc := health.New(mySession)

// Create a Health client with additional configuration
svc := health.New(mySession, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion("us-west-2"))

func (*Health) DescribeAffectedEntities

func (c *Health) DescribeAffectedEntities(input *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput, error)

DescribeAffectedEntities API operation for AWS Health APIs and Notifications.

Returns a list of entities that have been affected by the specified events, based on the specified filter criteria. Entities can refer to individual customer resources, groups of customer resources, or any other construct, depending on the AWS service. Events that have impact beyond that of the affected entities, or where the extent of impact is unknown, include at least one entity indicating this.

At least one event ARN is required. Results are sorted by the lastUpdatedTime of the entity, starting with the most recent.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Health APIs and Notifications's API operation DescribeAffectedEntities for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidPaginationToken "InvalidPaginationToken"
The specified pagination token (nextToken) is not valid.

* ErrCodeUnsupportedLocale "UnsupportedLocale"
The specified locale is not supported.

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesPages

func (c *Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesPages(input *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput, fn func(*DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeAffectedEntitiesPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeAffectedEntities operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeAffectedEntities method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeAffectedEntities operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeAffectedEntitiesPages(params,
    func(page *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesPagesWithContext

func (c *Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput, fn func(*DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeAffectedEntitiesPagesWithContext same as DescribeAffectedEntitiesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesRequest

func (c *Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesRequest(input *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput)

DescribeAffectedEntitiesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeAffectedEntities operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DescribeAffectedEntities for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DescribeAffectedEntities method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeAffectedEntitiesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeAffectedEntitiesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesWithContext

func (c *Health) DescribeAffectedEntitiesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeAffectedEntitiesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeAffectedEntitiesOutput, error)

DescribeAffectedEntitiesWithContext is the same as DescribeAffectedEntities with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeAffectedEntities for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*Health) DescribeEntityAggregates

func (c *Health) DescribeEntityAggregates(input *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) (*DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput, error)

DescribeEntityAggregates API operation for AWS Health APIs and Notifications.

Returns the number of entities that are affected by each of the specified events. If no events are specified, the counts of all affected entities are returned.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Health APIs and Notifications's API operation DescribeEntityAggregates for usage and error information. Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeEntityAggregatesRequest

func (c *Health) DescribeEntityAggregatesRequest(input *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput)

DescribeEntityAggregatesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEntityAggregates operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DescribeEntityAggregates for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DescribeEntityAggregates method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEntityAggregatesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEntityAggregatesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeEntityAggregatesWithContext

func (c *Health) DescribeEntityAggregatesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEntityAggregatesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEntityAggregatesOutput, error)

DescribeEntityAggregatesWithContext is the same as DescribeEntityAggregates with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEntityAggregates for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*Health) DescribeEventAggregates

func (c *Health) DescribeEventAggregates(input *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) (*DescribeEventAggregatesOutput, error)

DescribeEventAggregates API operation for AWS Health APIs and Notifications.

Returns the number of events of each event type (issue, scheduled change, and account notification). If no filter is specified, the counts of all events in each category are returned.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Health APIs and Notifications's API operation DescribeEventAggregates for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidPaginationToken "InvalidPaginationToken"
The specified pagination token (nextToken) is not valid.

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeEventAggregatesPages

func (c *Health) DescribeEventAggregatesPages(input *DescribeEventAggregatesInput, fn func(*DescribeEventAggregatesOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeEventAggregatesPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeEventAggregates operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeEventAggregates method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeEventAggregates operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeEventAggregatesPages(params,
    func(page *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*Health) DescribeEventAggregatesPagesWithContext

func (c *Health) DescribeEventAggregatesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventAggregatesInput, fn func(*DescribeEventAggregatesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeEventAggregatesPagesWithContext same as DescribeEventAggregatesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*Health) DescribeEventAggregatesRequest

func (c *Health) DescribeEventAggregatesRequest(input *DescribeEventAggregatesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventAggregatesOutput)

DescribeEventAggregatesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEventAggregates operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DescribeEventAggregates for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DescribeEventAggregates method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEventAggregatesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEventAggregatesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeEventAggregatesWithContext

func (c *Health) DescribeEventAggregatesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventAggregatesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventAggregatesOutput, error)

DescribeEventAggregatesWithContext is the same as DescribeEventAggregates with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEventAggregates for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*Health) DescribeEventDetails

func (c *Health) DescribeEventDetails(input *DescribeEventDetailsInput) (*DescribeEventDetailsOutput, error)

DescribeEventDetails API operation for AWS Health APIs and Notifications.

Returns detailed information about one or more specified events. Information includes standard event data (region, service, etc., as returned by DescribeEvents), a detailed event description, and possible additional metadata that depends upon the nature of the event. Affected entities are not included; to retrieve those, use the DescribeAffectedEntities operation.

If a specified event cannot be retrieved, an error message is returned for that event.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Health APIs and Notifications's API operation DescribeEventDetails for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeUnsupportedLocale "UnsupportedLocale"
The specified locale is not supported.

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeEventDetailsRequest

func (c *Health) DescribeEventDetailsRequest(input *DescribeEventDetailsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventDetailsOutput)

DescribeEventDetailsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEventDetails operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DescribeEventDetails for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DescribeEventDetails method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEventDetailsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEventDetailsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeEventDetailsWithContext

func (c *Health) DescribeEventDetailsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventDetailsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventDetailsOutput, error)

DescribeEventDetailsWithContext is the same as DescribeEventDetails with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEventDetails for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*Health) DescribeEventTypes

func (c *Health) DescribeEventTypes(input *DescribeEventTypesInput) (*DescribeEventTypesOutput, error)

DescribeEventTypes API operation for AWS Health APIs and Notifications.

Returns the event types that meet the specified filter criteria. If no filter criteria are specified, all event types are returned, in no particular order.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Health APIs and Notifications's API operation DescribeEventTypes for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidPaginationToken "InvalidPaginationToken"
The specified pagination token (nextToken) is not valid.

* ErrCodeUnsupportedLocale "UnsupportedLocale"
The specified locale is not supported.

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeEventTypesPages

func (c *Health) DescribeEventTypesPages(input *DescribeEventTypesInput, fn func(*DescribeEventTypesOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeEventTypesPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeEventTypes operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeEventTypes method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeEventTypes operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeEventTypesPages(params,
    func(page *DescribeEventTypesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*Health) DescribeEventTypesPagesWithContext

func (c *Health) DescribeEventTypesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventTypesInput, fn func(*DescribeEventTypesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeEventTypesPagesWithContext same as DescribeEventTypesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*Health) DescribeEventTypesRequest

func (c *Health) DescribeEventTypesRequest(input *DescribeEventTypesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventTypesOutput)

DescribeEventTypesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEventTypes operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DescribeEventTypes for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DescribeEventTypes method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEventTypesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEventTypesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeEventTypesWithContext

func (c *Health) DescribeEventTypesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventTypesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventTypesOutput, error)

DescribeEventTypesWithContext is the same as DescribeEventTypes with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEventTypes for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*Health) DescribeEvents

func (c *Health) DescribeEvents(input *DescribeEventsInput) (*DescribeEventsOutput, error)

DescribeEvents API operation for AWS Health APIs and Notifications.

Returns information about events that meet the specified filter criteria. Events are returned in a summary form and do not include the detailed description, any additional metadata that depends on the event type, or any affected resources. To retrieve that information, use the DescribeEventDetails and DescribeAffectedEntities operations.

If no filter criteria are specified, all events are returned. Results are sorted by lastModifiedTime, starting with the most recent.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Health APIs and Notifications's API operation DescribeEvents for usage and error information.

Returned Error Codes:

* ErrCodeInvalidPaginationToken "InvalidPaginationToken"
The specified pagination token (nextToken) is not valid.

* ErrCodeUnsupportedLocale "UnsupportedLocale"
The specified locale is not supported.

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeEventsPages

func (c *Health) DescribeEventsPages(input *DescribeEventsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeEventsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeEvents operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeEvents method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeEvents operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeEventsPages(params,
    func(page *DescribeEventsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*Health) DescribeEventsPagesWithContext

func (c *Health) DescribeEventsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeEventsPagesWithContext same as DescribeEventsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*Health) DescribeEventsRequest

func (c *Health) DescribeEventsRequest(input *DescribeEventsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventsOutput)

DescribeEventsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEvents operation. The "output" return value can be used to capture response data after the request's "Send" method is called.

See DescribeEvents for usage and error information.

Creating a request object using this method should be used when you want to inject custom logic into the request's lifecycle using a custom handler, or if you want to access properties on the request object before or after sending the request. If you just want the service response, call the DescribeEvents method directly instead.

Note: You must call the "Send" method on the returned request object in order to execute the request.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEventsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEventsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

Please also see

func (*Health) DescribeEventsWithContext

func (c *Health) DescribeEventsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventsOutput, error)

DescribeEventsWithContext is the same as DescribeEvents with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEvents for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.


Name Synopsis
healthiface Package healthiface provides an interface to enable mocking the AWS Health APIs and Notifications service client for testing your code.