Library Procedures - Tk_GetCapStyle manual page

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Tk_GetCapStyle, Tk_NameOfCapStyle - translate between strings and cap styles


#include <tk.h>
Tk_GetCapStyle(interp, string, capPtr)
const char *


Tcl_Interp *interp (in)
Interpreter to use for error reporting.
const char *string (in)
String containing name of cap style: one of “butt”, “projecting”, or “round”.
int *capPtr (out)
Pointer to location in which to store X cap style corresponding to string.
int cap (in)
Cap style: one of CapButt, CapProjecting, or CapRound.


Tk_GetCapStyle places in *capPtr the X cap style corresponding to string. This will be one of the values CapButt, CapProjecting, or CapRound. Cap styles are typically used in X graphics contexts to indicate how the end-points of lines should be capped. See the X documentation for information on what each style implies.

Under normal circumstances the return value is TCL_OK and interp is unused. If string does not contain a valid cap style or an abbreviation of one of these names, then an error message is stored in interp->result, TCL_ERROR is returned, and *capPtr is unmodified.

Tk_NameOfCapStyle is the logical inverse of Tk_GetCapStyle. Given a cap style such as CapButt it returns a statically-allocated string corresponding to cap. If cap is not a legal cap style, then “unknown cap style” is returned.


butt, cap style, projecting, round
Copyright © 1995-1997 Roger E. Critchlow Jr. Copyright © 1990 The Regents of the University of California. Copyright © 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.