
ActiveState Platform Documentation

The ActiveState Platform is a one-stop shop for building, managing, and distributing Open Source language runtimes.

More about the Platform Create your free Platform Account

Creating a Runtime

Create reproducible Python, Perl, Tcl & Ruby runtimes with the packages you need.


Edit runtimes together with others by creating Organizations and inviting members.

Using the CLI

The State Tool is the Platform’s CLI utility you can use to install & manage runtimes.

Additional Resources

Community Edition Languages

These builds come pre-packaged and have been used by millions of developers. We've built them using the ActiveState Platform but will not be creating new versions in the future.

We're no longer creating new Community Edition builds - find out why!

Komodo IDE Documentation Archive

Our Komodo IDE is now open source! The code base can be found on our OpenKomodoIDE GitHub repository.

Community Forum

Join our community forum to ask questions about the Platform and get help from us and other members.

Visit the Forum