ActiveState SLA quick reference

This article is a reference resource for some commonly searched for items in our ActiveState Platform Terms of Service

Where any differences between the contents of this article and the Terms of Service exist, the Terms of Service takes precedence.


General Inquiries and Support Requests

General Inquiries may be resolved through our documentation , community forum, or contact forms. Organizations with Service Level Agreements (SLAs) may make requests through the contact information provided in their Terms of Service. This is the quickest way to receive technical support as these requests are automatically queued.

Designated Contacts

  • Support Requests which are not received through the Designated Contact are assigned to the Free Organization support tier by default and should be redirected to the Designated Contact where appropriate to ensure timely responses.
  • Designated Contacts are the primary contact from which ActiveState receives support requests.
  • If no Designated Contact has been provided to ActiveState, an Administrator within the ActiveState Platform Organization may designate themselves or another verified user as the primary support contact, so long as they are a named user within that Organization and not a third-party user.
  • The Designated Contact of an Organization will not be disclosed.
  • A member of the Organization requesting support can identify their Administrator by logging in to the Platform, and reviewing the member list under Organizations > Members.
  • Requests must be received via the Designated Contact of the Organization to receive tiered support.
  • Additional Contacts may be designated to an Organization for an applicable fee. In the event customers require more than two designated contacts, an amended commercial arrangement is required.

ActiveState Platform Support Services Tiers

TierFree OrganizationTeam OrganizationEnterprise Organization
Designated Contacts012
Support HoursN/A8am - 5pm PST excluding US federal holidays8am - 5pm PST excluding US federal holidays
Support CriteriaN/AGeneral Inquiries, Minor ImpairmentsGeneral Inquiries, Minor Impairments

A reproducible problem (errors with product) which impairs a function of your business.

Communication MethodForumEmail, ForumEmail, Phone, Forum,
Level 3 Response Time (Minor)N/A2 Business Days1 Business Days
Level 2 Response Time (Severe)N/AN/A4 Business Hours
Level 1 Response Time (Critical)N/AN/A2 Business Hours
Resolution TimeN/AN/ALimited per diagnosis of the reported issue.
Customization*N/AN/ACommercial Agreement Required

*Any requests for functionality, requirement fulfillment, or features outside of the current capabilities of the ActiveState Platform.

Enterprise Tier Terms of Service Restrictions

ActiveState reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to limit or cancel the Support Services, in whole or in part: (1) for any module, extension, script or other software program that has become obsolete or has been superseded by more recent modules, extensions, scripts or programs or (2) upon the discontinuance of support by the manufacturer of a platform, to limit or cancel support for such platform (the “Archived Platform”) upon notice to Customer. In such a case, ActiveState will provide Customer with the most recent stable version of the Products (as distributed regularly from the ActiveState Platform) for the Archived Platform, so long as Customer is current in payment of the Fees. Customer acknowledges that the Support Services, including that for an Archived Platform, may, at ActiveState’s sole discretion, be limited to ActiveState’s commercially reasonable efforts and that major fixes may no longer be possible.

ActiveState will provide the Support Services solely to Customer’s two (2) designated contacts and any additional contacts for which ActiveState has paid applicable Fees. ActiveState does not provide the Support Services for software that Customer has modified. ActiveState will only provide the Support Services with respect to Products made available to Customer via the ActiveState Platform, and products or other software downloaded from ActiveState’s public website at will not be covered by the Support Services and are not supported under this Agreement. For clarity, Customer acknowledges and agrees that ActiveState’s sole obligation under this Agreement with respect to any such maintenance and support issue is limited to response and diagnosis of the maintenance and support issue, and such efforts of ActiveState may not render a conclusive “fix” to the maintenance and support issue identified by Customer in all cases. ActiveState will not provide any support services to customer’s third-party customers.

Enterprise Tier Managed Distribution Requests

Request TypeImpactRequest toRedemption
New Managed DistributionAn ActiveState Managed Build* which is updated to include package requirements for a contract defined Operating System, Language and Version combination (or “client spec”). This may involve intrinsic Package Resolution and Additional Package Requests as well as set up processes.Account ManagerCommercial Agreement Required
Package ResolutionA package which fails to build within a Managed Distribution due to:
  • new versioning/dependency requirements
  • issue inherited from source
  • incompatibilities from changes to the core language
  • etc.
  • Customer SuccessSLA or Commercial Agreement
    Additional PackageA package that must be added to the ActiveState Catalog to be included within a Managed Distribution. Not present within the ActiveState Managed Build.Customer SuccessSLA or Commercial Agreement
    Version MigrationA migration of a Managed Distribution, with the same OS and Language to an additional version which requires Package Resolution and Additional Package Requests.Account Manager, unless migration does not require updates.Commercial Agreement, where required.
    CustomizationAny requests for functionality or features outside of the client spec and current capabilities of the platform. These may include but are not limited to:
    • Enable broken components or novel use cases.
    • Customize a component
    • Make a distribution function in a specific environment.
    • Add post-processing functionality to a build.
    • Add something to the build to enhance portability
    • Custom scripting
    Account ManagerCommercial Agreement Required

    *Managed Build refers to the core components which Managed Distributions are derived from.

    Packages that include malfunctions or risks derived from source may be excluded from these terms and are sold at the discretion of ActiveState.

    Python 2.7 Managed Distribution Extended Support Guidelines

    CVSSActiveState ClassificationTarget Time to Resolve from Public Date of Disclosure
    < 3.9LowNo target resolution time
    4.9 - 6.9MediumNo target resolution time
    7.0 - 8.9High3-6 months
    9.0 - 10.0Critical3 months (sooner if possible)

    Severity Classifications

    N/AGeneral inquiries and a problem of the services which disables or impairs the performances of a minor function of your business, fixes/corrections as made available.
    MinorA reproducible problem of the Products which disables or impairs the performance of a minor function of your business.
    SevereA reproducible problem of the Products which prevents or seriously impairs the performance of a major function of your business.
    CriticalA reproducible problem of the Products which has or will have, within 24 hours, a severe impact or impairs the performance of substantially all major functions of your business.

    The above security fix resolution times are general guidelines only. Decisions are made in the best interests of ActiveState customers. Target resolution times are subject to individual detailed judgements on a case-by-case basis.

    • In cases where a security fix is reasonably determined by ActiveState to not be resolvable within the Target Time specified herein, ActiveState will work with you to determine your actual exposure and, if required, find commercially reasonable alternative remediation. In the event that a commercially reasonable alternative remediation cannot be agreed upon, then ActiveState may elect at its discretion to cease SLA support on that security fix.

    Compliance and Disclosures

    Compliance Requests (such as GDPR) and disclosure of bugs or errors will be processed within the timeframes provided by the policies and agreements applicable to them.

    Deprecated Support

    The following components have reached end-of-life and are no longer supported by ActiveState or vendors of their source components. ActiveState no longer builds or maintains any of these tools and has ceased to provide support. License Only usage is subject to the Archived ActiveState License Agreements (EULAs)