Terms of Use and Service Agreement

For up-to-date information on ActiveState’s terms of service, support services documentation, and archived ActiveState agreements for our Legacy Products visit ActiveState Platform Terms of Service.

For information about your SLA agreement consult the


General Inquiries may be resolved through our documentation , community forum, or contact forms. Organizations with Service Level Agreements (SLAs) may make requests through the contact information provided in their Terms of Service. This is the quickest way to receive technical support as these requests are automatically queued.

See the following for help with specific topics.

Supported browsers

The ActiveState Platform supports the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. While ActiveState supports the Chrome browser, there are currently no plans to include ChromeOS as a supported operating system.

Browser errors

As you work in the ActiveState Platform you may encounter temporary issues due to network or Internet connectivity problems. The majority of the time these issues will resolve themselves promptly and you can continue by waiting for a short period of time and then refreshing the page, or by closing your browser or logging out and then signing in again.

If however you consistently encounter an error message, you can help us diagnose the problem by checking for errors in your browser before contacting the support team.

You can do this by opening your browser’s developer tools and taking a screenshot of any errors displayed in the console, or site log window. In most browsers, you can access the console by right clicking on the web page displaying the error and selecting Inspect.

In some browsers, opening the developers tools might not automatically display the console. If this happens, click the Console option in the developer window and take screenshots of any errors displayed there.

Please reach out to the support team at support@activestate.com with the error screenshots, along with:

  • The email address associated with your ActiveState Platform account
  • The specific browser and version combination you are using to access the Platform.
  • Your operating system and version.

For more detailed information about using the developer tools in your browser, see the browser documentation:

State Tool issues

If you encounter errors when using the State Tool, please reach out to our support team at support@activestate.com. The more information you can provide them with, the sooner your issue can be reproduced and resolved. Please provide the following information, where possible:

  • A short summary of the issue
  • Step steps to reproduce
  • Expected result
  • Actual result
  • Logs (if relevant)

The State Tool logs are stored in the following locations by default:

  • Windows: C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\activestate\cli-unstable\log.txt
  • Linux: ~/.config/activestate/cli-unstable/log.txt
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/activestate/cli-unstable\log.txt


The ActiveState product documentation is enabled for accessibility. The features included help users with limited abilities such as trouble distinguishing color, restricted mobility, and/or limited vision, to use our products successfully. Documentation is provided in HTML to be easily accessible through assistive technology. With the accessibility features, you can do the following

  • Operate specific or equivalent features by using only the keyboard.
  • Use screen-reader software to hear what is displayed on the screen.
  • Use screen magnifiers to magnify what is displayed on the screen.