Managing your runtime

Packages can be added to your project by

To confirm you have a runtime ready to use, enter one of the following commands

  1. state shell to open your project in a virtual environment, or
  2. state use to set the runtime as the user’s default

To add packages to your project directly from the command line

state install  <package-name[@version]>

For example state install requests@2.31.0. Note that the version information is optional, and entering only the package name will default to installing the most recent stable version.

To uninstall a package from your project (no version number is needed to uninstall a package to your project).

state uninstall  <package-name>

To push local changes to your project to the Platform

state push

To sync your local project by pulling in changes made via the Platform

state pull

To see the location of all locally checked out projects.

state projects

The output returned will show the name of each project, and show the location of the folders for that project on the local machine.


To remove one project at a time, manually remove the folder shown after Executables. Then clean up the Local Checkout by either

  • Removing the activestate.yaml file from the directory, or
  • In the case of a project folder that contains only your ActiveState project, deleting the project folder.