Checking out your project runtime

After creating your project you will need to deploy the runtime on your machine by running a checkout command. You can check out more than one runtime to your machine, or the same runtime to different locations on your system.

While the following state checkout methods achieve the same goal (downloading your project from the Platform to deploy on your local machine), each has unique qualities to suit different user needs.

Different ways to use state checkout

Many of these methods deal with your activestate.yaml file. Click here for more information about this file and why it is important.

Simple check out

To check out your project and download a project folder containing your project’s activestate.yaml file to your current working directory, enter

state checkout <orgname>/<projectname>
  • For example state checkout exampleorg/Project1
  • Your activestate.yaml file is entirely owned by the user and acts as a shortcut to your project. The file includes project details such as its location online, language and package information, and security features.
  • Your project, in its entirety, exists elsewhere on your machine. Run state projects to see where the local checkout (containing your activestate.yaml file) and the cached executable checkout locations for each project checked out from the Platform.

Download your activestate.yaml file directly into your working directory

To download the activestate.yaml file directly, enter

state checkout <orgname>/<projectname> .
  • For example state checkout Exampleorg/Project1 C:/Perl .
  • This is helpful when using your activestate.yaml file for automation, as it saves having to go into the newly created project folder to access it.

Download a project folder containing the activestate.yaml file into a specific location

To checkout a project to another location on your system and not your current working directory, enter

state checkout <orgname>/<projectname> <location>
  • For example state checkout Exampleorg/Project1 C:/Perl
  • This method is functionally identical to checking out a project to your working directory. It will create a project folder containing your activestate.yaml file at the specified location.

Download the composing files and folders of your project

To download all files associated with your project (.dll, .bat, .exe, etc.) into a specific location on your system, enter

state checkout <orgname>/<projectname> --runtime-path <location of folder>
  • for example state checkout Exampleorg/Project1 --runtime-path C:/Perl
  • Using this command will bring the entire installation into the directory specified.
  • This method is useful if you prefer having your project installation in a known location on your machine (e.g. c:/Perl). Or if you need to know the location of specific files or folders related to your project.

Checking out a project branch

You can checkout a specific branch of a larger project using the following command

state checkout --branch <branchname> <org/project> <path>
  • For example state checkout --branch Childbranch1 Exampleorg/Project1 C:\Perl
  • This will download the activestate.yaml file directly, and will not create a project folder containging the file.

Finding checked out projects on your system

To find all projects checked out locally, enter the following command

state projects

This will produce a list of all currently checked out projects and their locations on your system.