Currently, JSON formatted SBOMs are available for all users while SPDX-formatted SBOMs are restricted to Enterprise-tier users. For more information on account tiers check here
A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a comprehensive list of the component parts required to build your project. This can include any open source libraries, plugins, extensions, and system packages. Immutable SBOMS are available in SPDX in both JSON and TAG formats and can be created for any project or any commit in a project. All SPDX SBOMs follow the SPDX2.2 specifications.
You can use the information in your SBOM as part of an effective strategy to mitigate software vulnerabilities, assure your runtime is secure and up to date, and in compliance with provided specifications and/or governmental standards. For more information about SBOMs and why they are important to your project see our datasheet on Open Source Security With A Bill of Materials.
An SBOM for your ActiveState project will record what is in your runtime, where it came from, and all the information you need to maintain a secure and safe development environment.
SBOMs are machine-readable and will contain the following information at a project level:
And the following information at the package or component level:
will be shown)To download an SBOM, do the following:
If you do not see a link to generate an SBOM your language version may be too old for us to generate an SBOM.
Before you can generate an SBOM on a private project you must authenticate using a JWT. Please follow the steps here to get started.
To generate an SBOM from the State Tool, do the following:
Clicking the triangular “play” button in the GraphQL UI will execute the command and return your SBOM in an SPDX format.
The example below will return an SBOM in both SPDX JSON and TAG formats. To only return the JSON, delete the spdx(version: “0.1”)
. To only return TAG, delete json(version:”0.1”)
query {
project(organization: "ActiveState-Projects", project: "ActiveState-Python-3.10.11") {
... on Project {
commit(vcsRef:"8ac973e3-64eb-4f01-9fb2-dc0aa3dc6253") {
... on Commit {
attestations {
... on CommitAttestations {
spdx(version: "0.1")
... on NotFound {
... on Error {
To finish, you have to curl:
curl -i -X GET "<paste attestation url>" -H "Authorization: Bearer <paste jwt>"
To view a public working example, please click here. To view the SBOM, click the “play” button and then open the link that is generated.