Offline Installers

Offline installers let you install a runtime environment in a system whose security or compliance parameters may prohibit the installation of regular ActiveState runtimes. Offline installers can be installed in air-gapped systems, as well as systems with no live network or internet connection. Installers are available for all Perl, Python, and Ruby projects and are available for the following operating systems as executable installers:


  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2019 and later


  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • Redhat
  • OpenSuse

Currently, offline installers are not available for macOS. Your offline installers will be available for download through the Download Builds tab of your project page. Click the Download Installer button to download an installer to your local machine. If you do not see a Download Installer button, send an email to and include the link to the project in your message (copied from your web browser). We will initiate the installer creation and notify you when it is complete.

If you plan on using your installer in an air-gapped or isolated environment, be sure to save these installation instructions to be viewable while offline.

Offline Installers for Windows

windows Download

  1. Running the downloaded file will open a command terminal to complete the installation.

  2. Choose the default installation location shown in the command prompt to install (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\<project name>), or click down on your keypad and select Other.. to enter a different installation directory to install your runtime. Windows install

  3. You will be prompted to agree to the runtime installer license agreement, enter y to agree and continue with your installation or n to end the runtime installation. This step cannot be automated and must be completed in the command prompt.

  4. Once the installation is successful, hit enter to close the command terminal. Your runtime has now been installed on your local system and you can now use your runtime from any new command terminal window.

Information on how to install your project “silently”, or without the need for user interaction, can be found here.

How to uninstall

To uninstall your project from your local system open a command terminal and locate the directory where the runtime was installed. The default location is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\<project name>

Enter the uninstall command to remove the installer. You will be asked to confirm your choice, y will continue with the uninstallation and n will end the process.

You will receive a confirmation once your runtime has been uninstalled. Note that uninstalling your offline installer will not remove the containing directory.

Offline installers for Linux

Linux download

You can also download your installer by copying and running the script shown below the Download button on your Download Builds page. This can be helpful when running commands on a server or inside a container. For more installation options enter the following command after downloading your installer ./<installer-name> --help

  1. Open a command terminal and go to the directory containing your offline installer.

  2. Depending on your distribution you may need to enter chmod +x <projectname> to allow executing your offline installer as a program.

  3. Run the installer program with the ./<projectname> command.

  4. Choose the default installation location shown in the command prompt to install (/home/<username>/.local/share/applications/<projectname>), or click down on your keypad to select Other.. to enter a different installation directory to install your runtime. Linux install

  5. You will be prompted to agree to the runtime installer license agreement, enter y to agree and continue with your installation or n to end the runtime installation. This step cannot be automated and must be completed in the command prompt.

  6. After the installation is complete you may need to edit your environment variables. Instructions will differ depending on the language of your project.

If you have installed your runtime in a directory that is not already on your PATH you will need to edit the variable. Using the BASH shell, add the following lines to your PATH environment variable.

export HDF5_DIR="<targetfolder>/usr"
export PATH="<targetfolder>/usr/bin:<targetfolder>/bin:$PATH"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="<targetfolder>/usr/lib/pkgconfig:<targetfolder>/usr/share/pkgconfig"
export SSL_CERT_FILE="<targetfolder>/etc/openssl/certs/cert.pem"

If you are running a Linux distribution other than CentOS, you need to set your system’s OPENSSLDIR environment variable to your system’s default OPENSSL certificate directory. For example, add export OPENSSLDIR=/usr/lib/ssl to your .bashrc (or equivalent) configuration file.

If you have installed your runtime in a directory that is not already on your PATH, you will need to update your .bashrc configuration file (or equivalent depending on the shell you are using) with the new path. For example:


Also, we suggest that you create symbolic links to the binaries:

mkdir /home/<username>/bin
ln -s /home/<username>/<projectname>/perl /home/<username>/bin/perl
ln -s /home/<username>/<projectname>/bin/ppm /home/<username>/bin/ppm

This will allow you to call your project with a command like:

perl -e 'print "Hello World!\n"'
  1. Once the installation is successful, hit enter to close the command terminal. Your runtime has now been installed on your local system and is available to use from any new command terminal window.

Information on how to install your project “silently”, or without the need for user interaction, can be found here.

How to uninstall

To uninstall your project from your local system open a command terminal and locate the directory where the runtime was installed. The default location is /home/<username>/.local/share/applications/<projectname>

Enter the ./uninstall command to remove the installer. You will be asked to confirm your choice, y will continue with the uninstallation and n will end the process.

You will receive a confirmation once your runtime has been uninstalled. Note that uninstalling your offline installer will not remove the containing directory.

Updating your runtime environment

After you have downloaded and installed your runtime, your installer will not be able to automatically update your runtime as you add packages, delete packages, or remediate vulnerabilities.

To update packages in your runtime

  1. Using the Platform go to your Projects tab
  2. Select the project associated with your offline installer
  3. In the Configuration tab of the project
  • To add a package, click the Add Packages button and search for the needed package
    • Click the Add button to add it to your project before clicking Next to save
    • Click Save Changes to save your selection
  • To delete an installed package click the trash bin icon next to the package name
  • To find a different version of the package use the drop-down menu next to the package name to select the appropriate version and wait for the dependencies to be resolved

You can also import packages by uploading them from a requirements file. Details on installing packages from requirements files can be found here. You can now repeat the process outlined above to download your installer and re-install your runtime to your local Windows or Linux environments.