Index — Python 3.7.4 documentation Navigation index modules | Python » en 3.7.4 Documentation » | Index – S S (in module re) S_ENFMT (in module stat) S_IEXEC (in module stat) S_IFBLK (in module stat) S_IFCHR (in module stat) S_IFDIR (in module stat) S_IFDOOR (in module stat) S_IFIFO (in module stat) S_IFLNK (in module stat) S_IFMT() (in module stat) S_IFPORT (in module stat) S_IFREG (in module stat) S_IFSOCK (in module stat) S_IFWHT (in module stat) S_IMODE() (in module stat) S_IREAD (in module stat) S_IRGRP (in module stat) S_IROTH (in module stat) S_IRUSR (in module stat) S_IRWXG (in module stat) S_IRWXO (in module stat) S_IRWXU (in module stat) S_ISBLK() (in module stat) S_ISCHR() (in module stat) S_ISDIR() (in module stat) S_ISDOOR() (in module stat) S_ISFIFO() (in module stat) S_ISGID (in module stat) S_ISLNK() (in module stat) S_ISPORT() (in module stat) S_ISREG() (in module stat) S_ISSOCK() (in module stat) S_ISUID (in module stat) S_ISVTX (in module stat) S_ISWHT() (in module stat) S_IWGRP (in module stat) S_IWOTH (in module stat) S_IWRITE (in module stat) S_IWUSR (in module stat) S_IXGRP (in module stat) S_IXOTH (in module stat) S_IXUSR (in module stat) safe (uuid.SafeUUID attribute) safe_substitute() (string.Template method) SafeChildWatcher (class in asyncio) saferepr() (in module pprint) SafeUUID (class in uuid) same_files (filecmp.dircmp attribute) same_quantum() (decimal.Context method) (decimal.Decimal method) samefile() (in module os.path) (pathlib.Path method) SameFileError sameopenfile() (in module os.path) samestat() (in module os.path) sample() (in module random) save() (http.cookiejar.FileCookieJar method) SAVEDCWD (in module SaveKey() (in module winreg) SaveSignals (class in savetty() (in module curses) SAX2DOM (class in xml.dom.pulldom) SAXException SAXNotRecognizedException SAXNotSupportedException SAXParseException scaleb() (decimal.Context method) (decimal.Decimal method) scandir() (in module os) scanf() sched (module) SCHED_BATCH (in module os) SCHED_FIFO (in module os) sched_get_priority_max() (in module os) sched_get_priority_min() (in module os) sched_getaffinity() (in module os) sched_getparam() (in module os) sched_getscheduler() (in module os) SCHED_IDLE (in module os) SCHED_OTHER (in module os) sched_param (class in os) sched_priority (os.sched_param attribute) SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK (in module os) SCHED_RR (in module os) sched_rr_get_interval() (in module os) sched_setaffinity() (in module os) sched_setparam() (in module os) sched_setscheduler() (in module os) SCHED_SPORADIC (in module os) sched_yield() (in module os) scheduler (class in sched) schema (in module msilib) scope, [1] Screen (class in turtle) screensize() (in module turtle) script_from_examples() (in module doctest) scroll() (curses.window method) ScrolledCanvas (class in turtle) scrollok() (curses.window method) scrypt() (in module hashlib) sdterr stdin stdout seal() (in module unittest.mock) search path, module, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] search() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) (in module re) (re.Pattern method) second (datetime.datetime attribute) (datetime.time attribute) seconds since the epoch secrets (module) SECTCRE (configparser.ConfigParser attribute) sections() (configparser.ConfigParser method) secure (http.cookiejar.Cookie attribute) secure hash algorithm, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 Secure Sockets Layer security CGI see() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method) seed() (in module random) seek() (chunk.Chunk method) (io.IOBase method) (io.TextIOBase method) (mmap.mmap method) SEEK_CUR (in module os) SEEK_END (in module os) SEEK_SET (in module os) seekable() (io.IOBase method) seen_greeting (smtpd.SMTPChannel attribute) Select (class in tkinter.tix) select (module) select() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) (in module select) (selectors.BaseSelector method) (tkinter.ttk.Notebook method) selected_alpn_protocol() (ssl.SSLSocket method) selected_npn_protocol() (ssl.SSLSocket method) selection() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method) selection_add() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method) selection_remove() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method) selection_set() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method) selection_toggle() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method) selector (urllib.request.Request attribute) SelectorEventLoop (class in asyncio) SelectorKey (class in selectors) selectors (module) SelectSelector (class in selectors) Semaphore (class in asyncio) (class in multiprocessing) (class in threading) Semaphore() (multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager method) semaphores, binary SEMI (in module token) send() (asyncore.dispatcher method) (coroutine method) (generator method) (http.client.HTTPConnection method) (imaplib.IMAP4 method) (logging.handlers.DatagramHandler method) (logging.handlers.SocketHandler method) (multiprocessing.connection.Connection method) (socket.socket method) send_bytes() (multiprocessing.connection.Connection method) send_error() (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler method) send_flowing_data() (formatter.writer method) send_header() (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler method) send_hor_rule() (formatter.writer method) send_label_data() (formatter.writer method) send_line_break() (formatter.writer method) send_literal_data() (formatter.writer method) send_message() (smtplib.SMTP method) send_paragraph() (formatter.writer method) send_response() (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler method) send_response_only() (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler method) send_signal() (asyncio.asyncio.subprocess.Process method) (asyncio.SubprocessTransport method) (subprocess.Popen method) sendall() (socket.socket method) sendcmd() (ftplib.FTP method) sendfile() (asyncio.loop method) (in module os) (socket.socket method) (wsgiref.handlers.BaseHandler method) SendfileNotAvailableError sendmail() (smtplib.SMTP method) sendmsg() (socket.socket method) sendmsg_afalg() (socket.socket method) sendto() (asyncio.DatagramTransport method) (socket.socket method) sentinel (in module unittest.mock) (multiprocessing.Process attribute) sep (in module os) sequence item iteration object, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] types, immutable types, mutable types, operations on, [1] Sequence (class in (class in typing) sequence (in module msilib) sequence2st() (in module parser) SequenceMatcher (class in difflib), [1] serializing objects serve_forever() (asyncio.Server method) (socketserver.BaseServer method) server WWW, [1] Server (class in asyncio) server (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler attribute) server_activate() (socketserver.BaseServer method) server_address (socketserver.BaseServer attribute) server_bind() (socketserver.BaseServer method) server_close() (socketserver.BaseServer method) server_hostname (ssl.SSLSocket attribute) server_side (ssl.SSLSocket attribute) server_software (wsgiref.handlers.BaseHandler attribute) server_version (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler attribute) (http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler attribute) ServerProxy (class in xmlrpc.client) service_actions() (socketserver.BaseServer method) session (ssl.SSLSocket attribute) session_reused (ssl.SSLSocket attribute) session_stats() (ssl.SSLContext method) set display object, [1], [2], [3] set (built-in class) Set (class in (class in typing) Set Breakpoint set type object set() (asyncio.Event method) (configparser.ConfigParser method) (configparser.RawConfigParser method) (contextvars.ContextVar method) (http.cookies.Morsel method) (ossaudiodev.oss_mixer_device method) ( method) (threading.Event method) (tkinter.ttk.Combobox method) (tkinter.ttk.Spinbox method) (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method) (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element method) SET_ADD (opcode) set_all() set_allowed_domains() (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy method) set_alpn_protocols() (ssl.SSLContext method) set_app() (wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer method) set_asyncgen_hooks() (in module sys) set_authorizer() (sqlite3.Connection method) set_auto_history() (in module readline) set_blocked_domains() (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy method) set_blocking() (in module os) set_boundary() (email.message.EmailMessage method) (email.message.Message method) set_break() (bdb.Bdb method) set_charset() (email.message.Message method) set_child_watcher() (asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy method) (in module asyncio) set_children() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method) set_ciphers() (ssl.SSLContext method) set_completer() (in module readline) set_completer_delims() (in module readline) set_completion_display_matches_hook() (in module readline) set_content() (email.contentmanager.ContentManager method) (email.message.EmailMessage method) (in module email.contentmanager) set_continue() (bdb.Bdb method) set_cookie() (http.cookiejar.CookieJar method) set_cookie_if_ok() (http.cookiejar.CookieJar method) set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth() (in module sys) set_coroutine_wrapper() (in module sys) set_current() (msilib.Feature method) set_data() ( method) (importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader method) set_date() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method) set_debug() (asyncio.loop method) (in module gc) set_debuglevel() (ftplib.FTP method) (http.client.HTTPConnection method) (nntplib.NNTP method) (poplib.POP3 method) (smtplib.SMTP method) (telnetlib.Telnet method) set_default_executor() (asyncio.loop method) set_default_type() (email.message.EmailMessage method) (email.message.Message method) set_default_verify_paths() (ssl.SSLContext method) set_defaults() (argparse.ArgumentParser method) (optparse.OptionParser method) set_ecdh_curve() (ssl.SSLContext method) set_errno() (in module ctypes) set_event_loop() (asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy method) (in module asyncio) set_event_loop_policy() (in module asyncio) set_exception() (asyncio.Future method) (concurrent.futures.Future method) set_exception_handler() (asyncio.loop method) set_executable() (in module multiprocessing) set_executables() (distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler method) set_flags() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method) (mailbox.MMDFMessage method) (mailbox.mboxMessage method) set_from() (mailbox.mboxMessage method) (mailbox.MMDFMessage method) set_handle_inheritable() (in module os) set_history_length() (in module readline) set_include_dirs() (distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler method) set_info() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method) set_inheritable() (in module os) (socket.socket method) set_labels() (mailbox.BabylMessage method) set_last_error() (in module ctypes) set_libraries() (distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler method) set_library_dirs() (distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler method) set_link_objects() (distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler method) set_literal (2to3 fixer) set_loader() (in module importlib.util) set_match_tests() (in module set_memlimit() (in module set_next() (bdb.Bdb method) set_nonstandard_attr() (http.cookiejar.Cookie method) set_npn_protocols() (ssl.SSLContext method) set_ok() (http.cookiejar.CookiePolicy method) set_option_negotiation_callback() (telnetlib.Telnet method) set_output_charset() (gettext.NullTranslations method) set_package() (in module importlib.util) set_param() (email.message.EmailMessage method) (email.message.Message method) set_pasv() (ftplib.FTP method) set_payload() (email.message.Message method) set_policy() (http.cookiejar.CookieJar method) set_position() (xdrlib.Unpacker method) set_pre_input_hook() (in module readline) set_progress_handler() (sqlite3.Connection method) set_protocol() (asyncio.BaseTransport method) set_proxy() (urllib.request.Request method) set_python_build() (in module distutils.sysconfig) set_quit() (bdb.Bdb method) set_recsrc() (ossaudiodev.oss_mixer_device method) set_result() (asyncio.Future method) (concurrent.futures.Future method) set_return() (bdb.Bdb method) set_running_or_notify_cancel() (concurrent.futures.Future method) set_runtime_library_dirs() (distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler method) set_seq1() (difflib.SequenceMatcher method) set_seq2() (difflib.SequenceMatcher method) set_seqs() (difflib.SequenceMatcher method) set_sequences() (mailbox.MH method) (mailbox.MHMessage method) set_server_documentation() (xmlrpc.server.DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler method) (xmlrpc.server.DocXMLRPCServer method) set_server_name() (xmlrpc.server.DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler method) (xmlrpc.server.DocXMLRPCServer method) set_server_title() (xmlrpc.server.DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler method) (xmlrpc.server.DocXMLRPCServer method) set_servername_callback (ssl.SSLContext attribute) set_spacing() (formatter.formatter method) set_start_method() (in module multiprocessing) set_startup_hook() (in module readline) set_step() (bdb.Bdb method) set_subdir() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method) set_task_factory() (asyncio.loop method) set_terminator() (asynchat.async_chat method) set_threshold() (in module gc) set_trace() (bdb.Bdb method) (in module bdb) (in module pdb) (pdb.Pdb method) set_trace_callback() (sqlite3.Connection method) set_tunnel() (http.client.HTTPConnection method) set_type() (email.message.Message method) set_unittest_reportflags() (in module doctest) set_unixfrom() (email.message.EmailMessage method) (email.message.Message method) set_until() (bdb.Bdb method) set_url() (urllib.robotparser.RobotFileParser method) set_usage() (optparse.OptionParser method) set_userptr() (curses.panel.Panel method) set_visible() (mailbox.BabylMessage method) set_wakeup_fd() (in module signal) set_write_buffer_limits() (asyncio.WriteTransport method) setacl() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) setannotation() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) setattr() (built-in function) setAttribute() (xml.dom.Element method) setAttributeNode() (xml.dom.Element method) setAttributeNodeNS() (xml.dom.Element method) setAttributeNS() (xml.dom.Element method) SetBase() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method) setblocking() (socket.socket method) setByteStream() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method) setcbreak() (in module tty) setCharacterStream() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method) setcheckinterval() (in module sys) setcomptype() (aifc.aifc method) (sunau.AU_write method) (wave.Wave_write method) setContentHandler() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method) setcontext() (in module decimal) setDaemon() (threading.Thread method) setdefault() (dict method) (http.cookies.Morsel method) setdefaulttimeout() (in module socket) setdlopenflags() (in module sys) setDocumentLocator() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method) setDTDHandler() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method) setegid() (in module os) setEncoding() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method) setEntityResolver() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method) setErrorHandler() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method) seteuid() (in module os) setFeature() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method) setfirstweekday() (in module calendar) setfmt() (ossaudiodev.oss_audio_device method) setFormatter() (logging.Handler method) setframerate() (aifc.aifc method) (sunau.AU_write method) (wave.Wave_write method) setgid() (in module os) setgroups() (in module os) seth() (in module turtle) setheading() (in module turtle) sethostname() (in module socket) SetInteger() (msilib.Record method) setitem() (in module operator) setitimer() (in module signal) setLevel() (logging.Handler method) (logging.Logger method) setlocale() (in module locale) setLocale() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method) setLoggerClass() (in module logging) setlogmask() (in module syslog) setLogRecordFactory() (in module logging) setmark() (aifc.aifc method) setMaxConns() (urllib.request.CacheFTPHandler method) setmode() (in module msvcrt) setName() (threading.Thread method) setnchannels() (aifc.aifc method) (sunau.AU_write method) (wave.Wave_write method) setnframes() (aifc.aifc method) (sunau.AU_write method) (wave.Wave_write method) SetParamEntityParsing() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method) setparameters() (ossaudiodev.oss_audio_device method) setparams() (aifc.aifc method) (sunau.AU_write method) (wave.Wave_write method) setpassword() (zipfile.ZipFile method) setpgid() (in module os) setpgrp() (in module os) setpos() (aifc.aifc method) (in module turtle) (sunau.AU_read method) (wave.Wave_read method) setposition() (in module turtle) setpriority() (in module os) setprofile() (in module sys) (in module threading) SetProperty() (msilib.SummaryInformation method) setProperty() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method) setPublicId() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method) setquota() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) setraw() (in module tty) setrecursionlimit() (in module sys) setregid() (in module os) setresgid() (in module os) setresuid() (in module os) setreuid() (in module os) setrlimit() (in module resource) setsampwidth() (aifc.aifc method) (sunau.AU_write method) (wave.Wave_write method) setscrreg() (curses.window method) setsid() (in module os) setsockopt() (socket.socket method), [1], [2] setstate() (codecs.IncrementalDecoder method) (codecs.IncrementalEncoder method) (in module random) setStream() (logging.StreamHandler method) SetStream() (msilib.Record method) SetString() (msilib.Record method) setswitchinterval() (in module sys), [1] (in module setSystemId() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method) setsyx() (in module curses) setTarget() (logging.handlers.MemoryHandler method) settiltangle() (in module turtle) settimeout() (socket.socket method) setTimeout() (urllib.request.CacheFTPHandler method) settrace() (in module sys) (in module threading) setuid() (in module os) setundobuffer() (in module turtle) setup() (in module distutils.core) (in module turtle) (socketserver.BaseRequestHandler method) setUp() (unittest.TestCase method) SETUP_ANNOTATIONS (opcode) SETUP_ASYNC_WITH (opcode) setup_environ() (wsgiref.handlers.BaseHandler method) SETUP_EXCEPT (opcode) SETUP_FINALLY (opcode) SETUP_LOOP (opcode) setup_python() (venv.EnvBuilder method) setup_scripts() (venv.EnvBuilder method) setup_testing_defaults() (in module wsgiref.util) SETUP_WITH (opcode) setUpClass() (unittest.TestCase method) setupterm() (in module curses) SetValue() (in module winreg) SetValueEx() (in module winreg) setworldcoordinates() (in module turtle) setx() (in module turtle) setxattr() (in module os) sety() (in module turtle) SF_APPEND (in module stat) SF_ARCHIVED (in module stat) SF_IMMUTABLE (in module stat) SF_MNOWAIT (in module os) SF_NODISKIO (in module os) SF_NOUNLINK (in module stat) SF_SNAPSHOT (in module stat) SF_SYNC (in module os) Shape (class in turtle) shape (memoryview attribute) shape() (in module turtle) shapesize() (in module turtle) shapetransform() (in module turtle) share() (socket.socket method) shared_ciphers() (ssl.SSLSocket method) shared_object_filename() (distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler method) shearfactor() (in module turtle) Shelf (class in shelve) shelve module shelve (module) shift() (decimal.Context method) (decimal.Decimal method) shift_path_info() (in module wsgiref.util) shifting operation operations shlex (class in shlex) (module) shortDescription() (unittest.TestCase method) shorten() (in module textwrap) shouldFlush() (logging.handlers.BufferingHandler method) (logging.handlers.MemoryHandler method) shouldStop (unittest.TestResult attribute) show() (curses.panel.Panel method) show_code() (in module dis) show_compilers() (in module distutils.ccompiler) showsyntaxerror() (code.InteractiveInterpreter method) showtraceback() (code.InteractiveInterpreter method) showturtle() (in module turtle) showwarning() (in module warnings) shuffle() (in module random) shutdown() (concurrent.futures.Executor method) (imaplib.IMAP4 method) (in module logging) (multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager method) (socket.socket method) (socketserver.BaseServer method) shutdown_asyncgens() (asyncio.loop method) shutil (module) side_effect (unittest.mock.Mock attribute) SIG_BLOCK (in module signal) SIG_DFL (in module signal) SIG_IGN (in module signal) SIG_SETMASK (in module signal) SIG_UNBLOCK (in module signal) SIGINT, [1] siginterrupt() (in module signal) signal module, [1] signal (module) signal() (in module signal) Signature (class in inspect) signature (inspect.BoundArguments attribute) signature() (in module inspect) sigpending() (in module signal) sigtimedwait() (in module signal) sigwait() (in module signal) sigwaitinfo() (in module signal) simple statement Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SimpleCookie (class in http.cookies) simplefilter() (in module warnings) SimpleHandler (class in wsgiref.handlers) SimpleHTTPRequestHandler (class in http.server) SimpleNamespace (class in types) SimpleQueue (class in multiprocessing) (class in queue) SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler (class in xmlrpc.server) SimpleXMLRPCServer (class in xmlrpc.server) sin() (in module cmath) (in module math) single dispatch SingleAddressHeader (class in email.headerregistry) singledispatch() (in module functools) singleton tuple sinh() (in module cmath) (in module math) SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS (in module socket) SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH (in module socket) SIO_RCVALL (in module socket) site (module) site command line option --user-base --user-site site-packages directory sitecustomize module sixtofour (ipaddress.IPv6Address attribute) size (struct.Struct attribute) (tarfile.TarInfo attribute) (tracemalloc.Statistic attribute) (tracemalloc.StatisticDiff attribute) (tracemalloc.Trace attribute) size() (ftplib.FTP method) (mmap.mmap method) size_diff (tracemalloc.StatisticDiff attribute) SIZE_MAX Sized (class in (class in typing) sizeof() (in module ctypes) SKIP (in module doctest) skip() (chunk.Chunk method) (in module unittest) skip_unless_bind_unix_socket() (in module skip_unless_symlink() (in module skip_unless_xattr() (in module skipIf() (in module unittest) skipinitialspace (csv.Dialect attribute) skipped (unittest.TestResult attribute) skippedEntity() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method) SkipTest skipTest() (unittest.TestCase method) skipUnless() (in module unittest) SLASH (in module token) SLASHEQUAL (in module token) slave() (nntplib.NNTP method) sleep() (in module asyncio) (in module time) slice, [1] assignment built-in function, [1] object operation slice (built-in class) slicing, [1], [2] assignment SMTP protocol SMTP (class in smtplib) (in module email.policy) smtp_server (smtpd.SMTPChannel attribute) SMTP_SSL (class in smtplib) smtp_state (smtpd.SMTPChannel attribute) SMTPAuthenticationError SMTPChannel (class in smtpd) SMTPConnectError smtpd (module) SMTPDataError SMTPException SMTPHandler (class in logging.handlers) SMTPHeloError smtplib (module) SMTPNotSupportedError SMTPRecipientsRefused SMTPResponseException SMTPSenderRefused SMTPServer (class in smtpd) SMTPServerDisconnected SMTPUTF8 (in module email.policy) Snapshot (class in tracemalloc) SND_ALIAS (in module winsound) SND_ASYNC (in module winsound) SND_FILENAME (in module winsound) SND_LOOP (in module winsound) SND_MEMORY (in module winsound) SND_NODEFAULT (in module winsound) SND_NOSTOP (in module winsound) SND_NOWAIT (in module winsound) SND_PURGE (in module winsound) sndhdr (module) sni_callback (ssl.SSLContext attribute) sniff() (csv.Sniffer method) Sniffer (class in csv) sock_accept() (asyncio.loop method) SOCK_CLOEXEC (in module socket) sock_connect() (asyncio.loop method) SOCK_DGRAM (in module socket) SOCK_MAX_SIZE (in module SOCK_NONBLOCK (in module socket) SOCK_RAW (in module socket) SOCK_RDM (in module socket) sock_recv() (asyncio.loop method) sock_recv_into() (asyncio.loop method) sock_sendall() (asyncio.loop method) sock_sendfile() (asyncio.loop method) SOCK_SEQPACKET (in module socket) SOCK_STREAM (in module socket) socket module object socket (module) (socketserver.BaseServer attribute) socket() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) (in module socket), [1] socket_type (socketserver.BaseServer attribute) SocketHandler (class in logging.handlers) socketpair() (in module socket) sockets (asyncio.Server attribute) socketserver (module) SocketType (in module socket) SOL_ALG (in module socket) SOL_RDS (in module socket) SOMAXCONN (in module socket) sort() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) (list method) sort_stats() (pstats.Stats method) sortdict() (in module sorted() (built-in function) sortTestMethodsUsing (unittest.TestLoader attribute) source (doctest.Example attribute) (pdb command) (shlex.shlex attribute) source character set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6] source_from_cache() (in module imp) (in module importlib.util) source_hash() (in module importlib.util) SOURCE_SUFFIXES (in module importlib.machinery) source_to_code() ( static method) SourceFileLoader (class in importlib.machinery) sourcehook() (shlex.shlex method) SourcelessFileLoader (class in importlib.machinery) SourceLoader (class in space in printf-style formatting, [1] in string formatting span() (re.Match method) spawn() (distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler method) (in module pty) spawn_python() (in module spawnl() (in module os) spawnle() (in module os) spawnlp() (in module os) spawnlpe() (in module os) spawnv() (in module os) spawnve() (in module os) spawnvp() (in module os) spawnvpe() (in module os) spec_from_file_location() (in module importlib.util) spec_from_loader() (in module importlib.util) special attribute attribute, generic method special method specified_attributes (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser attribute) speed() (in module turtle) (ossaudiodev.oss_audio_device method) Spinbox (class in tkinter.ttk) split() (bytearray method) (bytes method) (in module os.path) (in module re) (in module shlex) (re.Pattern method) (str method) split_quoted() (in module distutils.util) splitdrive() (in module os.path) splitext() (in module os.path) splitlines() (bytearray method) (bytes method) (str method) SplitResult (class in urllib.parse) SplitResultBytes (class in urllib.parse) SpooledTemporaryFile() (in module tempfile) sprintf-style formatting, [1] spwd (module) sqlite3 (module) sqlite_version (in module sqlite3) sqlite_version_info (in module sqlite3) sqrt() (decimal.Context method) (decimal.Decimal method) (in module cmath) (in module math) SSL ssl (module) SSL_CERT_FILE SSL_CERT_PATH ssl_version (ftplib.FTP_TLS attribute) SSLCertVerificationError SSLContext (class in ssl) SSLEOFError SSLError SSLErrorNumber (class in ssl) SSLObject (class in ssl) sslobject_class (ssl.SSLContext attribute) SSLSession (class in ssl) SSLSocket (class in ssl) sslsocket_class (ssl.SSLContext attribute) SSLSyscallError SSLv3 (ssl.TLSVersion attribute) SSLWantReadError SSLWantWriteError SSLZeroReturnError st() (in module turtle) st2list() (in module parser) st2tuple() (in module parser) ST_ATIME (in module stat) st_atime (os.stat_result attribute) st_atime_ns (os.stat_result attribute) st_birthtime (os.stat_result attribute) st_blksize (os.stat_result attribute) st_blocks (os.stat_result attribute) st_creator (os.stat_result attribute) ST_CTIME (in module stat) st_ctime (os.stat_result attribute) st_ctime_ns (os.stat_result attribute) ST_DEV (in module stat) st_dev (os.stat_result attribute) st_file_attributes (os.stat_result attribute) st_flags (os.stat_result attribute) st_fstype (os.stat_result attribute) st_gen (os.stat_result attribute) ST_GID (in module stat) st_gid (os.stat_result attribute) ST_INO (in module stat) st_ino (os.stat_result attribute) ST_MODE (in module stat) st_mode (os.stat_result attribute) ST_MTIME (in module stat) st_mtime (os.stat_result attribute) st_mtime_ns (os.stat_result attribute) ST_NLINK (in module stat) st_nlink (os.stat_result attribute) st_rdev (os.stat_result attribute) st_rsize (os.stat_result attribute) ST_SIZE (in module stat) st_size (os.stat_result attribute) st_type (os.stat_result attribute) ST_UID (in module stat) st_uid (os.stat_result attribute) stack execution trace stack (traceback.TracebackException attribute) stack viewer stack() (in module inspect) stack_effect() (in module dis) stack_size() (in module _thread) (in module threading) stackable streams StackSummary (class in traceback) stamp() (in module turtle) standard output Standard C standard input standard_b64decode() (in module base64) standard_b64encode() (in module base64) standarderror (2to3 fixer) standend() (curses.window method) standout() (curses.window method) STAR (in module token) STAREQUAL (in module token) starmap() (in module itertools) (multiprocessing.pool.Pool method) starmap_async() (multiprocessing.pool.Pool method) start (range attribute) (UnicodeError attribute) (slice object attribute), [1] start() (in module tracemalloc) (logging.handlers.QueueListener method) (multiprocessing.Process method) (multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager method) (re.Match method) (threading.Thread method) (tkinter.ttk.Progressbar method) (xml.etree.ElementTree.TreeBuilder method) start_color() (in module curses) start_component() (msilib.Directory method) start_new_thread() (in module _thread) start_server() (in module asyncio) start_serving() (asyncio.Server method) start_threads() (in module start_tls() (asyncio.loop method) start_unix_server() (in module asyncio) StartCdataSectionHandler() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method) StartDoctypeDeclHandler() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method) startDocument() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method) startElement() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method) StartElementHandler() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method) startElementNS() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method) STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW (in module subprocess) STARTF_USESTDHANDLES (in module subprocess) startfile() (in module os) StartNamespaceDeclHandler() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method) startPrefixMapping() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method) startswith() (bytearray method) (bytes method) (str method) startTest() (unittest.TestResult method) startTestRun() (unittest.TestResult method) starttls() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) (nntplib.NNTP method) (smtplib.SMTP method) STARTUPINFO (class in subprocess) stat module stat (module) stat() (in module os) (nntplib.NNTP method) (os.DirEntry method) (pathlib.Path method) (poplib.POP3 method) stat_result (class in os) state() (tkinter.ttk.Widget method) statement assert, [1] assignment, [1] assignment, annotated assignment, augmented async def async for async with break, [1], [2], [3], [4] class compound continue, [1], [2], [3], [4] def del, [1], [2], [3] except expression for, [1], [2], [3] future global, [1] if, [1] import, [1], [2], [3], [4] loop, [1], [2], [3] nonlocal pass raise, [1] return, [1], [2] simple try, [1], [2] while, [1], [2], [3] with, [1] yield statement grouping staticmethod built-in function staticmethod() (built-in function) Statistic (class in tracemalloc) StatisticDiff (class in tracemalloc) statistics (module) statistics() (tracemalloc.Snapshot method) StatisticsError Stats (class in pstats) status (http.client.HTTPResponse attribute) status() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) statvfs() (in module os) STD_ERROR_HANDLE (in module subprocess) STD_INPUT_HANDLE (in module subprocess) STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE (in module subprocess) StdButtonBox (class in tkinter.tix) stderr (asyncio.asyncio.subprocess.Process attribute) (in module sys), [1], [2] (subprocess.CalledProcessError attribute) (subprocess.CompletedProcess attribute) (subprocess.Popen attribute) (subprocess.TimeoutExpired attribute) stdev() (in module statistics) stdin stdout sdterr stdin (asyncio.asyncio.subprocess.Process attribute) (in module sys), [1], [2] (subprocess.Popen attribute) stdio stdout sdterr, stdin stdout (asyncio.asyncio.subprocess.Process attribute) STDOUT (in module subprocess) stdout (in module sys), [1], [2] (subprocess.CalledProcessError attribute) (subprocess.CompletedProcess attribute) (subprocess.Popen attribute) (subprocess.TimeoutExpired attribute) step (pdb command) (range attribute) (slice object attribute), [1] step() (tkinter.ttk.Progressbar method) stereocontrols() (ossaudiodev.oss_mixer_device method) stls() (poplib.POP3 method) stop (range attribute) (slice object attribute), [1] stop() (asyncio.loop method) (in module tracemalloc) (logging.handlers.QueueListener method) (tkinter.ttk.Progressbar method) (unittest.TestResult method) stop_here() (bdb.Bdb method) StopAsyncIteration exception StopIteration exception, [1] stopListening() (in module logging.config) stopTest() (unittest.TestResult method) stopTestRun() (unittest.TestResult method) storbinary() (ftplib.FTP method) store() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) STORE_ACTIONS (optparse.Option attribute) STORE_ATTR (opcode) STORE_DEREF (opcode) STORE_FAST (opcode) STORE_GLOBAL (opcode) STORE_NAME (opcode) STORE_SUBSCR (opcode) storlines() (ftplib.FTP method) str (built-in class) (see also string) str() (in module locale) strcoll() (in module locale) StreamError StreamHandler (class in logging) StreamReader (class in asyncio) (class in codecs) streamreader (codecs.CodecInfo attribute) StreamReaderWriter (class in codecs) StreamRecoder (class in codecs) StreamRequestHandler (class in socketserver) streams stackable StreamWriter (class in asyncio) (class in codecs) streamwriter (codecs.CodecInfo attribute) strerror (OSError attribute) strerror() (in module os) strftime() ( method) (datetime.datetime method) (datetime.time method) (in module time) strict (csv.Dialect attribute) (in module email.policy) strict_domain (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute) strict_errors() (in module codecs) strict_ns_domain (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute) strict_ns_set_initial_dollar (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute) strict_ns_set_path (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute) strict_ns_unverifiable (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute) strict_rfc2965_unverifiable (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute) strides (memoryview attribute) string PyObject_Str (C function) __format__() (object method) __str__() (object method) conversion, [1] format() (built-in function) formatted literal formatting, printf immutable sequences interpolated literal interpolation, printf item methods module object, [1], [2] object representation str (built-in class) str() (built-in function) text sequence type STRING (in module token) string (module) (re.Match attribute) string literal string_at() (in module ctypes) StringIO (class in io) stringprep (module) strings, documentation, [1] strip() (bytearray method) (bytes method) (str method) strip_dirs() (pstats.Stats method) strip_python_strerr() (in module stripspaces (curses.textpad.Textbox attribute) strptime() (datetime.datetime class method) (in module time) strtobool() (in module distutils.util) struct module Struct (class in struct) struct (module) struct sequence struct_time (class in time) Structure (class in ctypes) structures C strxfrm() (in module locale) STType (in module parser) style coding Style (class in tkinter.ttk) sub() (in module operator) (in module re) (re.Pattern method) sub_commands (distutils.cmd.Command attribute) subclassing immutable types subdirs (filecmp.dircmp attribute) SubElement() (in module xml.etree.ElementTree) submit() (concurrent.futures.Executor method) submodule_search_locations (importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec attribute) subn() (in module re) (re.Pattern method) subnet_of() (ipaddress.IPv4Network method) (ipaddress.IPv6Network method) subnets() (ipaddress.IPv4Network method) (ipaddress.IPv6Network method) Subnormal (class in decimal) suboffsets (memoryview attribute) subpad() (curses.window method) subprocess (module) subprocess_exec() (asyncio.loop method) subprocess_shell() (asyncio.loop method) SubprocessError SubprocessProtocol (class in asyncio) SubprocessTransport (class in asyncio) subscribe() (imaplib.IMAP4 method) subscript assignment operation subscription, [1], [2], [3] assignment subsequent_indent (textwrap.TextWrapper attribute) subst_vars() (in module distutils.util) substitute() (string.Template method) subTest() (unittest.TestCase method) subtract() (collections.Counter method) (decimal.Context method) subtraction subtype (email.headerregistry.ContentTypeHeader attribute) subwin() (curses.window method) successful() (multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult method) suffix_map (in module mimetypes) (mimetypes.MimeTypes attribute) suite suite() (in module parser) suiteClass (unittest.TestLoader attribute) sum() (built-in function) sum_list() sum_sequence(), [1] summarize() (doctest.DocTestRunner method) summarize_address_range() (in module ipaddress) sunau (module) super (pyclbr.Class attribute) super() (built-in function) supernet() (ipaddress.IPv4Network method) (ipaddress.IPv6Network method) supernet_of() (ipaddress.IPv4Network method) (ipaddress.IPv6Network method) supports_bytes_environ (in module os) supports_dir_fd (in module os) supports_effective_ids (in module os) supports_fd (in module os) supports_follow_symlinks (in module os) supports_unicode_filenames (in module os.path) SupportsAbs (class in typing) SupportsBytes (class in typing) SupportsComplex (class in typing) SupportsFloat (class in typing) SupportsInt (class in typing) SupportsRound (class in typing) suppress() (in module contextlib) SuppressCrashReport (class in SW_HIDE (in module subprocess) swap_attr() (in module swap_item() (in module swapcase() (bytearray method) (bytes method) (str method) sym_name (in module symbol) Symbol (class in symtable) symbol (module) SymbolTable (class in symtable) symlink() (in module os) symlink_to() (pathlib.Path method) symmetric_difference() (frozenset method) symmetric_difference_update() (frozenset method) symtable (module) symtable() (in module symtable) sync() (dbm.dumb.dumbdbm method) (dbm.gnu.gdbm method) (in module os) (ossaudiodev.oss_audio_device method) (shelve.Shelf method) syncdown() (curses.window method) synchronized() (in module multiprocessing.sharedctypes) SyncManager (class in multiprocessing.managers) syncok() (curses.window method) syncup() (curses.window method) syntax SyntaxErr SyntaxError SyntaxWarning sys module, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6] sys (module) sys.exc_info sys.last_traceback sys.meta_path sys.modules sys.path sys.path_hooks sys.path_importer_cache sys.stderr sys.stdin sys.stdout sys_exc (2to3 fixer) sys_version (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler attribute) sysconf() (in module os) sysconf_names (in module os) sysconfig (module) syslog (module) syslog() (in module syslog) SysLogHandler (class in logging.handlers) system() (in module os) (in module platform) system_alias() (in module platform) system_must_validate_cert() (in module SystemError (built-in exception), [1] SystemExit (built-in exception) systemId (xml.dom.DocumentType attribute) SystemRandom (class in random) (class in secrets) SystemRoot Navigation index modules | Python » en 3.7.4 Documentation » |