Package catalog defines collections of translated format strings.
This package mostly defines types for populating catalogs with messages. The
catmsg package contains further definitions for creating custom message and
dictionary types as well as packages that use Catalogs.
Package catalog defines various interfaces: Dictionary, Loader, and Message.
A Dictionary maintains a set of translations of format strings for a single
language. The Loader interface defines a source of dictionaries. A
translation of a format string is represented by a Message.
A Catalog defines a programmatic interface for setting message translations.
It maintains a set of per-language dictionaries with translations for a set
of keys. For message translation to function properly, a translation should
be defined for each key for each supported language. A dictionary may be
underspecified, though, if there is a parent language that already defines
the key. For example, a Dictionary for "en-GB" could leave out entries that
are identical to those in a dictionary for "en".
A Message is a format string which varies on the value of substitution
variables. For instance, to indicate the number of results one could want "no
results" if there are none, "1 result" if there is 1, and "%d results" for
any other number. Catalog is agnostic to the kind of format strings that are
used: for instance, messages can follow either the printf-style substitution
from package fmt or use templates.
A Message does not substitute arguments in the format string. This job is
reserved for packages that render strings, such as message, that use Catalogs
to selected string. This separation of concerns allows Catalog to be used to
store any kind of formatting strings.
Selecting messages based on linguistic features of substitution arguments
Messages may vary based on any linguistic features of the argument values.
The most common one is plural form, but others exist.
Selection messages are provided in packages that provide support for a
specific linguistic feature. The following snippet uses plural.Select:
catalog.Set(language.English, "You are %d minute(s) late.",
"one", "You are 1 minute late.",
"other", "You are %d minutes late."))
In this example, a message is stored in the Catalog where one of two messages
is selected based on the first argument, a number. The first message is
selected if the argument is singular (identified by the selector "one") and
the second message is selected in all other cases. The selectors are defined
by the plural rules defined in CLDR. The selector "other" is special and will
always match. Each language always defines one of the linguistic categories
to be "other." For English, singular is "one" and plural is "other".
Selects can be nested. This allows selecting sentences based on features of
multiple arguments or multiple linguistic properties of a single argument.
String interpolation
There is often a lot of commonality between the possible variants of a
message. For instance, in the example above the word "minute" varies based on
the plural catogory of the argument, but the rest of the sentence is
identical. Using interpolation the above message can be rewritten as:
catalog.Set(language.English, "You are %d minute(s) late.",
plural.Select(1, "one", "minute", "other", "minutes")),
catalog.String("You are %[1]d ${minutes} late."))
Var is defined to return the variable name if the message does not yield a
match. This allows us to further simplify this snippet to
catalog.Set(language.English, "You are %d minute(s) late.",
catalog.Var("minutes", plural.Select(1, "one", "minute")),
catalog.String("You are %d ${minutes} late."))
Overall this is still only a minor improvement, but things can get a lot more
unwieldy if more than one linguistic feature is used to determine a message
variant. Consider the following example:
// argument 1: list of hosts, argument 2: list of guests
catalog.Set(language.English, "%[1]v invite(s) %[2]v to their party.",
"one", gender.Select(1, "female", "her", "other", "his"))),
catalog.Var("invites", plural.Select(1, "one", "invite"))
catalog.String("%[1]v ${invites} %[2]v to ${their} party.")),
Without variable substitution, this would have to be written as
// argument 1: list of hosts, argument 2: list of guests
catalog.Set(language.English, "%[1]v invite(s) %[2]v to their party.",
"one", gender.Select(1,
"female", "%[1]v invites %[2]v to her party."
"other", "%[1]v invites %[2]v to his party."),
"other", "%[1]v invites %[2]v to their party.")
Not necessarily shorter, but using variables there is less duplication and
the messages are more maintenance friendly. Moreover, languages may have up
to six plural forms. This makes the use of variables more welcome.
Different messages using the same inflections can reuse variables by moving
them to macros. Using macros we can rewrite the message as:
// argument 1: list of hosts, argument 2: list of guests
catalog.SetString(language.English, "%[1]v invite(s) %[2]v to their party.",
"%[1]v ${invites(1)} %[2]v to ${their(1)} party.")
Where the following macros were defined separately.
catalog.SetMacro(language.English, "invites", plural.Select(1, "one", "invite"))
catalog.SetMacro(language.English, "their", plural.Select(1,
"one", gender.Select(1, "female", "her", "other", "his"))),
Placeholders use parentheses and the arguments to invoke a macro.
Looking up messages
Message lookup using Catalogs is typically only done by specialized packages
and is not something the user should be concerned with. For instance, to
express the tardiness of a user using the related message we defined earlier,
the user may use the package message like so:
p := message.NewPrinter(language.English)
p.Printf("You are %d minute(s) late.", 5)
Which would print:
You are 5 minutes late.
This package is UNDER CONSTRUCTION and its API may change.