Working with multiple projects

After checking out two or more projects using the state checkout <orgname>/<projectname> command from different working directories, you can launch separate instances of your project by using the state shell and state use commands.

Launching separate shells simultaneously with no default runtime

Open two separate terminal windows and enter into the directories containing your checked out ActiveState projects (“project1” and “project2’’ in this example) from the same organization (“MyOrg”). This example has projects from the same organization, however, projects can be run simultaneously from different organizations.

In one terminal window enter

state shell myOrg/project1 

and in the other window enter

state shell MyOrg/project2

The State Tool will generate two separate virtual shells for your projects. Ensuring that each instance will not interfere with the other, or with existing system tools and settings. This is useful if you want to jump from project to project, without setting a global environment for your machine.

Note that once your working session has ended, by either typing exit into the command prompt or closing the application, you will need to repeat the state shell myOrg/project1 command to open a shell for your project for any future work.

Launching projects with an existing default runtime

Setting your default project with the state use command does not prevent you from working on two or more projects at the same time.

To find which project is currently set as the system default, enter

state use show

The project shown in the command output will be the default for your entire system (with the exception of those operating inside of a virtual shell).

To launch another project (“project2”) while still having your default project (“project1”) set, enter state shell <orgname>/project2

This will open a new shell to work on your project2 without disrupting your current default project runtime.